Thriller Trainee

Chapter 119: Trainee dormitory


I'm afraid No.1 didn't expect that he just put down his words in the first middle school not long ago and said "You let me manipulate these ants?", but turned his head to find out more information about his rivals, and monitor the opponent's movements. He has a double standard. Naturally, a puppet thread was installed on the head of the British short blue and white cat.

The key is to settle down. I didn’t expect to be caught upright on the spot.

The most important thing is that the magician didn't touch his puppet line, nor did he fortune telling. What went wrong turned out to be his most proud acting.

It has to be said that this is simply a shame in shame for the devil who is keen to act and provoke fire.

But of course, Zong Jiu didn't care at all.

Originally, Zong Jiu was only a little skeptical about the abnormality of cats today, so he stood by the bathroom door and waited for the rabbits. As expected, things were just as he thought.

Haha, the no.8 black wizard mistake made in the copy of the first middle school, Zong Jiu will never make it again!

The white-haired young man was only wearing a pair of pants, one hand was holding the cat, and the other hand cut the puppet line without hesitation. After confirming that it was correct, he put the cat down from mid-air and hooked it with his fingertips soothingly. Hook it on the back of the neck.

The blue and white pupils returned to the normal ice blue in the past, and he gave him a very noble and cold look, as if saying, "You human being, dare to carry the master in the air, brave!"

Zong Jiu: "..."

Although I miss the cat that only clings to people just now, this is the normal temperament that a real cat should have.

The young man rubbed his blue and white chubby head, lost in thought, "Speaking of it, it seems that I haven't named you yet."

Zong Jiu was born with a great affection for cats.

When she was a child in the orphanage, the old nun also raised an orange cat.

It's a pity that the nun is old, and the orange cat is also old. Later, when the old nun died, the orange cat was entrusted to Zongjiu.

While attending the funeral, Zong Jiu watched the coffin being buried deep underground, and the black iron cross above it was shining brightly on the tombstone. The pastor chanted monotonously in the distance, chanting loudly: "She has calmed down all the toil, and the soul has returned to the Lord's embrace, Amen!"

After the orange cat died, Zong Jiu found an iron box, took the cat to the cemetery at midnight, and dug the soil with a shovel to bury it in.

The fashionable and young man only thought that he would go to heaven if buried here, so he hoped that the orange cat would be picked up by the Lord and rested in the Lord's arms as the pastor said.

Later, he was accepted as an apprentice by a magician and showed amazing magic talent. When touring around the world, it was difficult to settle down in any country or city because he went touring all over the world every day, so the matter of raising cats Has been shelved, and finally nothing.

Later, when his hand was injured, he no longer had the mood to raise a cat. Unexpectedly, going around and around, it turned out to have achieved a long-cherished wish after wearing the book.


Looking at the blue and white icy blue eyes, Zong Jiu bends the corners of his mouth, "Just call you the Great Devil."

The big devil was obviously dissatisfied with his new name, and after a glance at him, he walked away on an elegant catwalk, and went to sleep. The magician who stayed alone shrugged his shoulders on the spot, and continued to go back to his bathing career.

After taking a hot bath, it seemed to wash away all the exhaustion.

From the copy of the first middle school to the trainee dormitory, it is inappropriate to say that it is like passing from the 20th century to the modern civilized society.

Zong Jiu fastened his bathrobe, walked to the side of the dryer to dry his hair, returned to the bed, and turned off the light beside the bed.

With a sound of "ding." The whole suite was darkened. Only the flame in the fireplace was still jumping, emitting a bright light.

It was so quiet for a while, and suddenly, there seemed to be thick shadows cruising in the darkness, and the unknown phantoms gathered and expanded, but at a certain moment, they suddenly dissipated like tides.

On the soft big bed, the young man's long silver-white eyelashes moved slightly, opening his eyes vigilantly.

However, after more than ten minutes had passed since he opened his eyes, there were no other changes in the suite.

To no avail, Zong Jiu slowly closed his eyes again.

Outside the window, the heavy snow was flying like fluttering cotton wool, wrapping the tall tree canopy in silver.

The big devil nestled by the fireplace, his tail rising and falling one after another.

Everything fell into silence.


It was already the next day after Zong Jiu woke up.

This sleep made him feel refreshed and full of vitality.

He lay in bed and ordered a breakfast with the light screen. After getting up and brushing his teeth, the butler in the tuxedo also pushed the silver dining car and knocked on his door.

The exclusive A-level butler poured a cup of hot soy milk for him, poured Dutch juice on the eggs Benedict wrapped in white bread and uncovered a cage of steaming Cantonese-style morning refreshments. The baked dough sticks are spread on the frosting paper, and a napkin is laid out for him. Before leaving, there was still a professional smile on his face, and he bent over to put a bowl of boiled chicken at the right temperature for the big devil, and then retreated respectfully.

Before enjoying this hearty breakfast, Zong Jiu first used the tarot card to fortune telling, and only after making sure that the caring butler had not been manipulated by the increasingly boring No.1, he moved his head.

Unexpectedly, just as Zong Jiu was eating breakfast, an unexpected guest suddenly appeared outside the door.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk."

When the knock on the door sounded, the magician was cutting the bacon while figuring out which part of the body should be strengthened with the 8,000 survival points obtained from this level-up.

Zong Jiu had this idea when fighting with the devil before and falling into the wind.

When he adjusts the strength of his body, it is not a no.1 punch.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, Zong Jiu lazily put down his knife and fork, and turned on the camera on the light screen.

After seeing who was standing outside, the white-haired young man raised his eyebrows.

Hey, he didn't expect him to come to the door, but this person came to the door by himself.

That's right, it's not someone else who came out of the door, it's Zhugean, a koo-headed sergeant.

Zong Jiu pressed the open button on the light screen, and the dark wooden carved door opened silently from both sides, revealing the dimly lit entrance.

The black-haired man wore a black robes with the bones of an immortal wind, and walked in with windy footsteps, without squinting his eyes, his face was still as calm and cold as usual, without any waves.


The white-haired young man was still sitting on the bed, lazily propped his head, raised the soy milk on the side and signaled from afar, "Have you had breakfast, do you want to eat together?"

The butler was so caring, he set up a long table directly on the bed and arranged breakfast on top.

Woke up in the morning and ate breakfast in bed. The taste was absolutely amazing. At least before finishing this breakfast, Zong Jiu would never get out of bed.

It's a pity that Zhuge secretly seems to be incomprehensible.

Standing at the junction of the hallway and the living room, he was as tall as a tall pine and cypress, and his face was cold. The only pair of black eyes stared at the magician who was cutting eggs on the bed without blinking.

He didn't talk, and Zong Jiu was so happy that he didn't talk, but chewed slowly, depending on who was calm.

Seeing Zong Jiu's appearance, Zhuge was not in a hurry.

He walked a few steps in the huge room, found a fabric sofa critically, picked up the hem of the Taoist robe, and the old god sat down on the ground.

Zong Jiu immediately understood.

This old Zhuge Piff indeed deliberately let him enter the B-level collective copy. Although the C-level collective copy is indeed dangerous, it still lacks something compared to the B-level.

It is estimated that this is what Zhuge secretly wants him to know.

However, no one likes to be calculated, even if it is well-intentioned, that will not work.

The bright table knife in the hand of the white-haired young man turned a circle between his fingers, drawing a bright silver light, and when it fell on the edge of the dinner plate, it immediately made a sharp, ear-piercing noise.

"Just say what you want, this time I have nothing to ask you, but you ask me, it's boring to cover up."

Hearing his words so unceremoniously, Zhuge was unmoved secretly.

His meaningful gaze turned on Zong Jiu's body, and then he said unhurriedly: "Very well, you should know my intentions."

Zong Jiu slapped the knife on the table and snorted coldly, "That really disappointed Mr. Zhuge. I have teamed up with the devil, and the ways are different. Please go back."

Zhuge secretly laughed like he heard some funny joke, "You won't."

"Then tell me, why am I not?"

Zong Jiu also raised his eyebrows, "I believe you have seen it a long time ago. We are essentially the same kind of people, otherwise why have you been covering up and guarding me?"

This is indeed true.

no.1 Other nonsense words do not even believe a word of Pian Zongjiu, but he said that the two of them are the same kind of people, and there is no problem with the words themselves. Even Zong Jiu believes in his heart that there is nothing to refute. place.

He didn't think that this could be hidden from Zhuge An, because Zong Jiu never tried to hide his nature in front of the other party. So after the No.1 Middle School figured out Zhuge's intentions, he knew in his heart that this conversation was inevitable, but it was a question of who came first.

Zhuge's dark and deep eyes stared at him from a distance, "Devils are unfettered beasts, morality, laws, don't care about these, but you are different."

"You have a chain on you."

no.3 means something, “What’s even more rare is that you know the existence of the chain, but you don’t want to break free of it. Because you have seen it, the appearance after breaking free of it is not bound, maybe just pure I don’t want myself to be like that, nothing more."

"So, I guess, you voluntarily put this chain on yourself."

The smile on Zong Jiu's face slowly faded, and the hostile atmosphere that he had carried before disappeared.

He did not speak, but Zhuge secretly turned on the tuberculosis attribute again, stood up from Sofa Hill, and walked slowly around the room.

"I know about the collective copy of the B-level trainees. It really is the same as the Tai Chi gossip plate. Since you have already figured out my intentions, I won't say much. But... I have one more thing. I don’t understand, you need to help me out."

Having said that, Zong Jiu shrugged instead, "I would like to hear the details."

Yes, he is like a demon, but not like it.

It can even be said that they are similar back to back, but they are facing in opposite directions.

no.1 When expressing the meaning of cooperation to him, whether or not the devil agreed with Zong Jiu's idea of stabbing the knife, Zong Jiu could not agree to it. This was his principle. Since Zhuge could see through this, he didn't bother to hide it.

The black-haired man walked up to him, his eyes full of inquiries, "You can obviously ignore Class 9 and you can't avenge those two people, why do you do it?"

That's right, Zong Jiu can indeed ignore it.

He is not sorrowful and joyous by anyone's sorrows and joys, obviously he can manage himself just like the first two copies, so why bother to be nosy.

"Because I made a promise to Class Nine, I am not an unbelieving person. Since I have said it, I will definitely do it."

After a while, Zong Jiu said, "As for the 99th and 15th..."

At this moment, he finally said his true inner thoughts.

One recklessly plays with the world, the other is indifferent and indifferent, the shadows of the two people gradually overlap, but it is a pity that one is floating and bright, and the other is sinking into the abyss.

Under the light, the white-haired youth's face was inhumanly cold.

"—The suffering of these people attracts me because they are unnecessary."

"Since it is not necessary, when I am in a good mood, I will help with lofty compassion. Isn't that the same as the devil who is in a good mood and picking things up everywhere? What's the difference?"