Thriller Trainee

Chapter 13: Mental hospital


The entire morning of the carpet search was sufficiently detailed, but there were still no superfluous discoveries, even the clues of what happened decades ago.

There is a B-level old man in the team who has studied cryptography for a certain period of time. He arranged the books in the entire library, as well as the clues obtained by different groups in different places, including the "pnpso" obtained in that ward. When he came to the front, he tried to rack his brains, but he couldn't explain anything.

"It stands to reason that this kind of former military base cannot fail to leave a secret report."

The man took a ballpoint pen and drew circles on the white paper, "But I used several different solutions, but I couldn't get any clues. I don't rule out the possibility that this base has a password."

Generally, when such characters appear, the first thing that comes to mind is password-related, especially under the premise that there is a military base.

[It’s strange, why can’t it be solved all the time? Could it be that there is a different metaphor for this string of letters? 】

[I am also curious about this. However, I still think it’s too likely that this is a string of passwords. I don’t know if you have noticed it. There is a whole shelf on the bookshelf over there that contains books related to this aspect. Maybe Shengzi and the others have also discovered this. That’s why I tried to use a password to solve it]

"Isn't there any cipher that requires a key like the Virginia cipher in classical cryptography?"

Messiah thoughtfully said, "Stop first. Either we are in the wrong direction, or we are missing a key clue."

He Jianlan, who stood by, frowned deeply.

It was almost noon, and their carpet search still yielded little. Everything was the same as last night. I was stuck at a certain moment and couldn't move forward.

If this goes on, it will be a dazzling delay. However, what they lack most is time, and what they can't waste is time. If there are no more clues, after dinner tonight at the latest, you will have to take the initiative to attack regardless of loss.

Just as He Jianlan was thinking, suddenly a series of rapid footsteps came from far and near from outside the door.

He got up from his seat and made his way to the door.

"Holy, Lord Son."

A C-level trainee who ran up from downstairs stood at the entrance of the library, bent over and panted, "Something happened!"


When Messiah brought the people who stayed in the library to the scene of the incident, some people were already surrounded.

The old people and the newcomers talked in low voices, with undisguised expressions of horror on their faces.

Seeing the blond son coming over, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as if they were given a reassurance.

"Holy Son."

"Great, Master Shengzi has finally come."

... ...

The Messiah nodded towards the crowd and walked into the path formed by the crowd spontaneously dispersed.

This is the stairwell on the first floor. People blocked the stairs leading to the second floor, and looked down one by one with their heads. They had just reached out a little bit and withdrew back quickly as if they were afraid of being assimilated by the deep darkness.

The stairs leading to the negative second floor were very old, not only shabby, but they seemed too dark to prevent them from prying eyes, and they didn't even have a light.

Messiah tilted his head to look deeper into the second floor.

Not only is there no light in the stairwell, but the entire corridor on the second floor is also dark.

No one knows what terrible existence is hidden in such darkness.

"what happened?"

As he walked, he looked at Qin Ye who was in charge of this area.

Qin Ye: "I took them one by one in the ward on the first floor to check if there was any missing information, and then suddenly a newcomer came to report here, saying that he heard a strange noise in the stairwell, and I brought someone over. "

The blond son raised his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet. Everyone was silent.

At first everyone didn't hear anything, but gradually, after about a minute of silence, everyone heard the weird rustling noise.

This sound is strange, there is no rhythm to follow, and it is like the sore teeth of something sharp on the iron plate, which makes the goose bumps and the hair stand upright.

Barrage twitter discusses.

[This copy is really too peaceful, and it was noon the next day that I hadn't even explored the entire mental hospital. Obviously the conditions are so good, the medical staff are nowhere to be seen during the day]

[The main reason is that Shengzi's organization is too strong. Change to other dungeons, the old people are all thorns, and no one is convinced, so the probability of being single is high, and there are many accidents]

[Indeed, looking at this dungeon, one of you died alone in the toilet. At other times, everyone would act in groups, and there was no sense of expectation at all. You only need to execute the orders of the son without thinking.]

[Don’t worry, if they don’t have more clues, then I’m afraid they have to go down to the second floor if they don’t want to]

He Jianlan's eyes were full of shock that could not be concealed, "Is there a living thing under this?"

"No, it's not necessarily a living thing." Qin also said, "it could also be something else."

They unanimously looked at Meng Tianlu, who was standing aside, closing their eyes and concentrating.

Last time on the second floor, Meng Tianlu tried to let go of perception, but he passed out in a coma.

Being in a coma means that all the spiritual power of the psychic is drawn out. The feeling that the brain seems to be extremely dry is uncomfortable, as if someone is holding a handful of sawtooths and grinding on the top of the head, and the next few days will not be relieved.

Fortunately, Meng Tianlu did not encounter such an emergency in a single person. Because the overdraft of the spiritual power of the psychic is a very terrible thing, a terrible tragedy happened in an S-level copy of the "Evil Spirit Ancient Well".

Shortly after entering the copy, a high-level psychic inadvertently linked to the most terrifying existence in that copy. At that moment on the link, the spiritual power of the high-level psychic was taken out, and the evil spirit also took advantage of the situation and invaded the body of the psychic.

Finally, none of the three teams that entered the S-level dungeon was spared, and they were defeated. It was still unknown how many years later, when this dungeon was restarted, latecomers found the diary of the last survivor who opened the dungeon in the dungeon, and then they learned about such a terrifying past.

"I don't perceive anything right now, and it may be because of the wear and tear of last night... I haven't recovered for the time being."

Seeing the darkness on the second floor, Meng Tianlu had no idea.

"I will try, and if I find it is not right, I will stun me immediately."

There is really no way, the entire copy is only his psychic, although it is only an intermediate psychic, but now he can only catch the duck on the shelf.

Meng Tianlu opened his eyes wide, trying hard to ignore the Waterloo he encountered here last night, and was about to explore his mental power again.

"and many more."

The Messiah suddenly interrupted his perception, "Just put the rope, we need information now."

The rope mentioned by Messiah is a special prop of He Jianlan.

It is wrong to say that it is a rope. The full name of the item is called a knotted lasso, which is a B-level item obtained by He Jianlan in a B-level copy.

Its use is very simple and extensive, it can attack, defend, and even detect. It is also the support of He Jianlan's high B-level evaluation. Relying on this powerful prop, other old people have to give him a bit of face.

He Jianlan hesitated: "Will it be..."

"No," said Messiah, "I am here."

The blond son had already held the high priest's staff in his hand. A few fresh green leaves hung from the dead wood-like branches, and a light golden halo appeared in the dim corridor, which looked quite reassuring.

Now that Messiah has taken out the S-level props, He Jianlan will naturally not twitch.

He very simply took out his noose, and with the cooperation of Meng Tianlu, he slowly let it down from the gap between the stairs.

A circle of people surrounded this place, and everyone was staring nervously at the place where the rope was hanging down.

He Jianlan's noose has an ability setting that must be tied to something. This is the decision. As long as the rope is taken out and put down, it will automatically be tied to something and then dragged up by them.'s not known whether a person is a ghost or not. In general, it is still very risky.

If it were in the usual way, He Jianlan would never take such a risk. But the Messiah has already taken out the high priest's rod, and there is no significance in risk assessment, just go straight to it.

Zong Jiu, who came out of the bathroom, saw this scene and glanced sideways.

Sheng Yu, who happened to be looking for him and couldn't find it, hurriedly walked downstairs, seeing the person behind the crowd suddenly brightened his eyes, "Brother Nine!"

It is estimated that the high school students have been looking for him for a long time, and they didn't control their voice. All the people around the stairs heard such a shout.

Brother Nine

They turned their heads one after another, just in time to see the white-haired youth standing there with a smile.

It's okay to stand there, what's the one standing behind him.

The black-haired man's eyes looked like cold pools, and his whole body, as always, carried the indifference that the whole world owed him millions.

Let alone other people, even the audience in the Messiah live broadcast room was shocked.

[Damn, how long has it been, why did this white-haired beauty hug the thigh of Zhuge? 】

[Let’s just say, who would be so stupid to refuse the invitation of the Son, and resign from the team directly, oh, it turns out that I was prepared for a seamless connection]

[Actually, it is reasonable. They guessed here before and said that this white hair and that F-class are inner ghosts. In fact, I think this white hair and Zhuge An are more like two people]

[Awesome, good-looking people are not the same, even looking for two are S-level bosses, I'm sour into a lemon]

The barrage can be seen, there is no reason other trainees can't see it.

In the past two days, Zhuge hasn't seen the head and tail of the dragon. Except when he was eating, he didn't know where the people were. The gods were mysterious.

This time it was outside the restaurant, and they saw this No.3 for the first time. What is even more frightening is that the boss still seems to know Zong Jiu, at least if he doesn't know each other at all, it can be easily seen from his demeanor and demeanor that the atmosphere between them is rather harmonious.

Zong Jiu was completely unaffected by this atmosphere.

He casually nodded towards Sheng Yu, "What's the matter?"

From a distance, Sheng Yu cried and said, "Brother Nine, I came downstairs to chase you, but I didn't find you several times back and forth."

Zong Jiu glanced at the suddenly tight rope in the stairwell, "Really? Thank you for being willing to believe me."

"Senior He, the rope moved!"

He Jianlan was about to speak, but when he looked back, he found the pulling of the rope in his hand. So he turned around again, and hurriedly pulled with the others.

Sheng Yu struggling through the crowd, during which he also got some contempt and repulsive glances from the newcomers.

Also, he and Zong Jiu are now the inner ghosts that they have stamped and certified, they are equivalent to the rat shit in the stinking ditch, no matter whether they are wronged or not, they will not dare to approach them.

"Brother Nine, this is...?"

Just as Sheng Yu saw Zhuge An and wanted to ask Zong Jiu quietly, the white-haired young man suddenly patted him on the shoulder, speaking earnestly and earnestly.

"Xiao Sheng, I have a task to give you."

This was the first time Zong Jiu called Sheng Yu so seriously. The high school student suddenly felt like he was beaten up, "Brother Nine, you say!"

Zong Jiu pointed behind his back, "Go over and see what they are doing."

"But..." Sheng Yu was a little frustrated, "They see me now avoiding like a snake and scorpion."

"Don't be afraid, they are messing with you now, you just have to squeeze inside, take a quiet look, and figure out what happened."

The white-haired young man curled his eyebrows, "Didn't you say you want to mix with me? I have found a new thigh for you now."

Hearing this, Xin Thigh glanced at them who were whispering indifferently.

"I'm going to negotiate terms with him now, you go to find out the news, and we will meet again when we have lunch."

Perhaps these words reminded Sheng Yu of their current situation. So the high school student plucked up the courage, stood up and saluted, "Okay."

"The things that Brother Nine confessed to me, I will definitely take care of them!"

"Energetic, so good."

Zong Jiu exaggerated insincerely, and finally looked at the person over there who had already begun to pull the rope together, and Zhugean turned into the nearby ward one after the other, together with Zhuge An.


The door of the ward was gently closed.

In the silent air, the black-haired man suddenly sneered, "Negotiation?"

The barrage in the two live broadcast rooms was swiped out one by one.

[Collision of E-Class and S-Class! Why am I so excited! 】

[No, what mood did this white-haired beauty say this?]

[Wow, when you enter the door, you have an equal aura. It feels like a sword is drawn, and I feel that this conversation may not go smoothly]

Indeed, an E-level, so vowed to negotiate terms with NO.3, is too confident.

Zong Jiu's expression was calm, "What? Does Lord Zhuge still have extra clues now?"

"If there are extra clues, your Excellency wouldn't sneak after me behind my back, right?"

Zhuge didn't speak secretly.

Although the other party's surface is dripping water, Zong Jiu didn't care, but continued on his own mind, "Unfortunately, I happen to have a clue that you want to know. —The clue about the S-level props in the operating room, not ?"

That's right, Zong Jiu would rather choose to leave the team early than reveal the S-level clues to others, because he wants to use this news as his biggest trump card.

After all, this clue is not only related to the S-level props, but also closely related to the main line of this dungeon. If this clue is lost, the future development of the copy is still unknown.

With this trump card, Zong Jiu is equivalent to owning a life-saving talisman.

Before he revealed the news, or before other people got the same clue from Dr. Chu, he could hold this trump card to negotiate terms with anyone else, with full confidence and no fear.

For example, now, Zong Jiu has approached Zhuge An.

Zhuge squinted his eyes secretly, "You are confident."

"Aren't you afraid that I would use other means to force you to tell the clues?"

"No, you won't."

The white-haired young man shook his head affirmatively.

This is the information Zong Jiu derived from the original plot.

At the beginning of the original copy, a chapter of the perspective of the characters was given to Zhuge An. It was through this chapter that Zong Jiu was able to know that the identity card the other party had obtained was a normal card.

Of course, besides... he also learned some of the personality traits of this big Zhuge by taking advantage of the plot.

For example, arrogant and arrogant, perverse and upright.

These personality traits were written by Zong Jiu from the memories of the plot a little bit, and turned into today's determination.

Zhuge glanced at Zong Jiu deeply.

Yes, he really wouldn't do such intimidating and enticing things as he had just assumed.

It's not impossible.

After all, an S-class wanted to deal with an E-class. To put it in exaggeration, Zhuge still kept his hands secretly when he was in the bathroom. Because the physical quality of ordinary people and S grades is not on the same physical level, the former is ordinary people, and the latter may be special soldiers who have experienced physical strengthening.

Therefore, it is not impossible, but disdain.

He was disdainful of using such nasty methods.

Seeing that Zhuge hadn't spoken secretly, Zong Jiu knew that he was probably betting right.

The smile on the gray-haired young man's face widened, and he stretched out his hand to fully express his friendly attitude.

Of course, his friendliness is limited to profitability.

"How about a happy cooperation?"

"It's a pleasure to test me?"

The black-haired man squinted at him, his lips raised sarcastically, "You are a little bit more interesting than the ignorant creatures with average single-cell brains outside."

As he said, he stretched out his half finger symbolically, shook it briefly, and then touched it with disgust, as if contact with mortals like Zong Jiu was already his greatest blessing.

Zong Jiu: "...?"

He really wanted to ask the big guy, are you still in the second phase? You are beautiful and beautiful when you don't talk. Why do you beg so when you speak.

Although the partnership was concluded, the atmosphere in the ward fell silent again because of Zhuge An's words.

In order to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere, Zong Jiu decided to say something to him.

"What the big guy said is, after all, your name is very smart when you hear it, Zhuge Liang."