Thriller Trainee

Chapter 15: Mental hospital


Zong Jiu felt that this world was truly magical and realistic.

He just chatted about Zhuge Liang's affairs with the other party casually, and talked a few words against the sky, and the other party got too much information.

Zong Jiu thinks that he is still conservative and cautious step by step, but the other party's problems are more tricky. In order to show the sincerity of cooperation, he also asked for others, so he couldn't just keep talking. For a time, the ward was caught in a dilemma.

Zhuge glanced at Zong Jiu blankly, without revealing anything, but dropped a deep-water fish/mine directly and concisely.

"I'm very curious, you didn't enter the infinite loop through the normal way, did you hide this from the main system?"

The white-haired youth's eyelids twitched, and there was an unclear premonition in his heart.

The man's eyes were sharp, scanning Zong Jiu like X-rays, "What is it, a dungeon? Are you a smart npc of an S-class dungeon? Smuggling by stealing houses like the evil spirit Gujing?"

? ? Can you see this too

Zong Jiu felt that if he said it, it wouldn't make much difference, I'm afraid the two yin and yang fishes surrounding them would have to greet him.

"No, it's impossible."

Before Zong Jiu could speak, Zhuge secretly overturned his guess, "If you are yin, it is impossible for Gan Dui Li Zhen Si Gua to not react at all."

"The main system will not allow the existence of the soul to be replaced. This is unreasonable. And since you exist... You must have come directly from the real world to an infinite loop, without being filtered, more like an instant. Transfer."

"More importantly—you seem to know me well."

Zong Jiu: "..."

He talked to the other party for five thousand years of China, and in addition to the biggest secret of wearing a book, the other party almost stripped off his underwear.

Danger, Zong Jiuwei.

He also wanted to struggle hard, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you still remember and can tell something about the real world."

Zhuge gave him a deep glance: "Survivors who come to the infinite loop will be shielded from the memory of the real world."

"Shielding means that you remember all the relevant memories you used to be in the real world, but it will exist in the deepest part of your mind. No matter what you are thinking or doing, you will never actively think of it. You cannot express it in words. The passage of time is gradually forgotten."

"It is not all that is blocked. The knowledge learned in the real world will not be forgotten. Only the cognition that [I have lived in the real world] is obscured. Other memories can only be remembered when allowed. Like Zhuge Liang and China you just mentioned, if this copy has clues to these two nouns, my memory should have no obstacles. The main system will only open part of the memory when there are preconditions and exposure to conditions."

This is probably Zhuge secretly said the longest sentence.

His voice was slow and cold, and the moral behind it was creepy.

If the memory of the survivors about the real world is blocked, over time, these survivors who enter the infinite loop from reality will not actively remember where they came from.

It's like they were born to be survivors.

Zong Jiu squinted his eyes.

He finally knew what he felt when he recalled the original plot.

As mentioned in the original text, there is no way to return to the real world in an infinite loop. For example, the reward for this thriller trainee's C-position debut is a universal wishing ticket, but in the perspective description that Zong Jiu saw in the article in the previous period, none of the trainees wanted to use this ticket to redeem the opportunity to return to reality.

It turns out that... it's not that the real world after wearing the book has also changed, but that these survivors, under a certain higher will, are forced to change their perceptions.

The main system puts a lock on everyone's head, and everyone is trapped inside and cannot escape.

Zong Jiu smiled, "Then why do you remember?"

Zhuge didn't speak secretly, and instead looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

The black-haired man crossed his fingers and stared at the white-haired youth unblinkingly.

I don't know if it was Zong Jiu's illusion. He felt that after such a conversation, Zhuge Dark, who was still indifferent just now, suddenly his eyes lightened slightly.

"You need to show your value."

He did not continue the topic just now, but said lightly: "If your speech makes me feel that IQ is insulted, it will be possible to terminate the alliance at any time."

Zong Jiu took back his illusion: "Although you shook hands with me just now, you didn't express your position. As expected, you didn't intend to really cooperate, but you wanted to use the guise of cooperation to talk from me."

"The soldiers are not tired of deceit."

Good guy, this man still holds grudges.

"Besides, you don't have the same idea."

Upon hearing this, Zong Jiu smirked.

"Have you learned emotion control?"

Seeing the white-haired youth's expression, Zhuge raised his eyebrows secretly, "There is no need to be so precautionary. If I really want to do something, you won't stand here, relax."

Anyhow, now it's honest and frank, Zong Jiu had to pinch his nose to admit it, "Okay, do it, I'm unlucky when I get on the thief ship, and I accept my fate."

Zong Jiu vowed that after he finished saying this, he saw a faint smile on Zhuge's dark face.

"I can't solve the S-level clue you got from Dr. Chu right now."

Obviously it was the beginning of the speculation, but the tone of the black-haired man was very certain, as if he had not considered that he might make a mistake, "Because you lack key information."

Anyway, I was on the thief ship, Zong Jiu didn't care anymore. After weighing the pros and cons, Zhuge An will indeed be his only breakthrough.

He could see it, even if it wasn't the clue that the doctor had told him, Zhuge An might not be able to infer the result by himself through other clues. Even if he tells the other party, he just advances the process. The ability of no.3 has gone up, and he doesn't need a little E-class to worry about.

"Between three and four, is there an integer?"

Zhuge repeated these words secretly, frowning.

"Pnpso is a string of passwords, undoubtedly the most representative Virginia password. Don't ask why, I am too lazy to explain this process to you, you only need to know the result... It needs Key, but now it lacks the necessary key."

Many classical ciphers require keys to be unlocked. Such a password is divided into three parts, "ciphertext", "key" and "original text". They now know that pnpso is ciphertext, and as long as they know the key, they can know the original text.

As soon as the reasoning started, no.3, which was originally filled with the breath of rejection thousands of miles away, began to talk to himself, without the slightest noble and cold breath before, walking around in the ward, like a silly talk.

"There are a total of more than 3,000 books in the library. If you search carefully, you can get an inference of the current age based on the page number table. Only one book has traces of torn, which happens to be the thirty-fourth. Page. More coincidentally, that book should not have appeared in this era, because it was a book on superstring theory. The ice cone frontal lobe resection was abolished on a large scale in 1970, and string theory was put forward. In 1968, superstring theory will only be later. Yes, that's right, that's it."

I have to say, I really have to applaud the boss.

Thinking that he was able to get the information obtained from an S-level single operation for more than a day based on a clue that didn't have much clue, Zong Jiu felt that he was making a profit without losing money.

Halfway through, the chattering Zhuge secretly turned back, "I have already got the answer to this dungeon. If I want to, I can exit the dungeon and pass the level now."

Zong Jiu: "..."

"You have thrown your hole cards, but I have more clues than you."

Zhuge said secretly, "You showed your value, so—the last question."

"If you gave me a satisfactory answer, as a thank you, I can tell you the remaining clues."

The young man in white folded his arms: "You ask."

"Who do you think is the inner ghost who has taken a different ID card?"

Zong Jiu raised his eyebrows, "He will come and knock on the door soon."

The appreciation in the eyes of the black-haired man grew stronger, and he readily fulfilled his promise.

"Since you also premeditatedly left the Messiah's team and entered a different space, then you should know that there are two different spaces that do not interfere with each other in this S-level copy."

"The three and four of the S-level clues are not simply three and four, but refer to three-dimensional and four-dimensional spaces."

The hurricane rolled up from the floor of the ward.

"You are exactly the same as the prophecy, Zong Jiu."

He withdrew his hand, and the Tai Chi Bagua Chart suspended in the air immediately began to dissipate.

Zhuge cast his eyes down, "The last piece of advice. Be careful alone."

"I'm not sure if he is in this copy, but he must be your fateful enemy."

Zong Jiu: "Who?"

"No.1." Zhuge said secretly.

"No one knows his name, we usually call him-the devil."

"Is this also the prophecy in your mouth?"

The white-haired young man smiled, "Magicians never believe in prophecies."

In the last second before the gossip map disappeared, Zhuge also seemed to smile secretly.

"You will come to me again. The future after the spindle of destiny is fulfilled."

At the same time, all the trainees who were in the psychiatric hospital dungeon received a cold system prompt.

[S-level trainee Zhuge dark. Cleared]

The next second, there was a knock on the door of the room.

The face of the high school student appeared outside the thick glass window, knocking on the door and shouting at Brother Nine, looking anxious.

It's not a loss for one clue to exchange so many things.

Zong Jiu stood there, pressed his emotions, turned and walked over.