Thriller Trainee

Chapter 16: Mental hospital


In the dining room, the blond son is summoning all the teams that are searching in the mental hospital to sort out all the information now obtained.

After the cold system prompt appeared, everyone's actions were all stopped.

[S-level trainee Zhuge dark. Cleared]

No one can describe the mood of the rest of the trainees in the mental hospital after hearing this system prompt.

Probably everyone is dumbfounded.

Let alone trainees, even the live broadcast room from the perspective of God was equally shocking to the audience.

[Fuck, no, how did Mr. Zhuge know the answer? What happened in those tens of minutes? 】

[They just disappeared out of thin air, and then the boss of Zhuge announced that they had cleared the customs, I was full of black question marks]

[Wait, wait, me? ? ? ? ? I slowly knelt down, I really knelt, it was not halfway through the next day, the difficulty was close to the level of S! ! 】

[You are not alone upstairs, I am also kneeling and watching the live broadcast... absolutely]

[Did you change a group of people in the infinite loop? Think about what the boss Zhuge did in the'Curse Mask', you will feel that this fast clearance is nothing, otherwise you think the boss No.3 was picked up for nothing? 】

[But isn't the main mission to stay long enough? Is it a special situation? 】

"Zuge secretly cleared the level?!"

After a moment of silence, everyone whispered in disbelief, and there was a violent discussion.

At this time, Qin also happened to bring up all the search teams on the negative first floor.

"The two newcomers got new information in the bathroom not long ago."

He pointed to the two newcomers standing behind him, "Speak to Master Shengzi."

"Holy, Lord Son."

Facing No.7, the newcomer with a loud voice was obviously very nervous and hesitated when he spoke.

"Don't be afraid," Messiah said gently. "Just tell the information you have."

"Just now, Xu Wenji and I searched the toilet on the first floor."

The newcomer tried to straighten his tongue, "Then we found that the door of a toilet cubicle could not be opened... Just when we wanted to go over and push the door, the door suddenly opened. The black-haired S-class and that one The beautiful E-Class came out together."

Two big men are hiding secretly in the toilet, or in the cramped toilet cubicle, what else can they do

Many people showed meaningful expressions.

Messiah frowned, "Okay, thank you very much."

Originally, this sounds like nothing more than a small thing, but combined with the system prompts just now, the deep meaning behind it is not the same.

"When I was just in the stairwell, didn't Zhuge An and the white-haired Class E walk together?"

He Jianlan stared at his vague reflection in the spoon: "The white hair must have told Zhuge an the clue of the S-level prop on his hand, otherwise he would not be able to clear the dungeon so quickly."

If Zhuge An had the ability to escape from the dungeon alone, he would have cleared the level earlier, and it would not be possible to delay it until now.

"In my opinion, the top priority now is to get the E-Class back."

Jiang Yuan said viciously from the side, "The clues in him must be very important, and are directly related to the main line of this copy."

Meng Tianlu also agreed, "Yes, we now lack the necessary information. Now that the passer has appeared, it means that the clue to the S-level item must be very important."

Many old people are still thinking about the black tin box they saw in the operating room.

Now that the first passer has appeared, no one can be sure whether Zhuge An has got the mysterious S-level item, if he doesn't get it...

"That's true. Lord Son, we can't risk dragging it to the third day."

"Yeah, no one can say what will happen on the third day. Besides, there are so many newcomers here who are unable to protect themselves. All of them need the care of the elderly, and you may be overwhelmed if you can. Your Son, you again Think about it! This clue is really important to us!"

In normal times, how can an E-level rookie holding an S-level clue end in a better place

If you want to hold the treasure, you must have the ability to hold the treasure. To be honest, if it weren't for a Messiah, the old people would have used force to intimidate the white-haired Class E. How could he be arrogant

Everyone whispered, and unanimously turned their eyes to the Messiah.

In this lack of clues and no clue, Shengzi was pushed to the cusp of the storm.

They all need a clear road, a clear road in front of them.

In the face of life and death, people will become despicable. Zong Jiu is only an E-Class, no one can be sure that these old people will defy Shengzi's orders privately and use other means to force him to tell the clue about the S-Class props

Under everyone's eyes, Messiah closed his eyes wearily.

He finally spoke.

"He will join us."


Zong Jiu pushed open the door of the ward.

The high school student was standing outside, his eyes kept looking behind him: "Brother Nine!"

"Brother Jiu, did you hear the system prompt just now! Zhuge secretly cleared the level!"

Sheng Yu's face was full of shock, and he even couldn't help raising his hand to make gestures to fully express his current mood.

The white-haired young man gave him a vague look, "Yes, I'm also surprised."

In fact, Zong Jiu was still accepting it well, anyway, Zhuge Antong didn't clear the customs and it had nothing to do with him, he only knew that he had obtained all the information he wanted from Zhuge An.

What really surprised Zong Jiu was that Sheng Yu's acting skills could be called Tian/Yi/No/Seam.

In fact, from the very beginning, both Sheng Yu and Zhuge An were Zongjiu's number one candidate to rule out the suspicion of the inner ghost.

The reason for excluding Sheng Yu is simple. Because the original text does not have him at all.

From Zong Jiu's point of view, this is actually quite easy to understand.

Because he replaced the original owner, he said something like that at the door of the trainee dormitory. Just like Lorentz's butterfly effect, South American butterflies flap their wings, and a storm will be set off in Texas, the United States in two weeks. Under such influence, it is not incomprehensible that there are reasonable deviations in the plot.

When Sheng Yu came to him with a dinner plate in the restaurant before, Zong Jiu was surprised, but he didn't suspect it. What's more, there is also a random task of finding the inner ghost in the original plot, so Zong Jiu was preconceived, thinking that since the original camp had inner ghosts, Sheng Yu, who joined later, would of course not have any problems, so he was directly eliminated.

So why was Zong Jiu so sure that Sheng Yu was the inner ghost

It is because of the death method of the original owner mentioned in the original plot.

In the original text, the original owner of the cannon fodder vase asked another newcomer to go to the bathroom with him. Unfortunately, he encountered the first horror incident of the psychiatric hospital copy in the toilet.

Zong Jiu didn't know what the specific terrorist incident was. Because when the author of a horror article writes about the first death, he usually doesn’t write about how he died, but only constantly exaggerates the horror atmosphere, and emphasizes the horror of the corpse after death in order to maintain the atmosphere of mystery and panic.

But this is the case, Zong Jiu still got a very precious piece of information from the original text.

The original owner went into the cubicle to go to the toilet, and the newcomer with him stayed outside the toilet. Because he was too scared, the original owner didn't specifically close the toilet door, and received his lunch when he hushed halfway through.

The original owner's head fell directly from his neck, and of course there was a bang bang bang from the toilet. The newcomer who was guarding the door didn't even dare to go in, so scared that he turned his head and ran away, but he was naturally turned around and killed at the door of the toilet.

In the end, the newcomer’s body disappeared, and the original owner’s head was made into a human head mop, which was randomly discarded in the dirty sink of the toilet.

According to such a plot, it should be that the two people who went to the toilet died.

But Sheng Yu was not dead. Not only was he still alive, he also accurately described how the glasses went to the toilet.

At that time, Zong Jiu clenched the ballpoint pen tightly in his sleeve, his muscles tense.

Two singles who sent them together, would the ghosts still try to kill them? With plenty of time, it is impossible to kill only one of the glasses, not to mention the double-kill achievement achieved in the original text, which is even more abrupt in comparison.

He became suspicious of Sheng Yu.

In order to verify this conjecture, Zong Jiu sneaked into the toilet in a different space.

By the way, Zong Jiu vaguely knew that there was another space in this copy. Because in the scene where Vincent was described in the original text, there was a scene about the negative second floor that was written vaguely.

It's just that at the beginning, Zong Jiu thought that the second floor was the only way to the different space. He didn't expect that placing an order alone would have the chance to be dragged into the different space.

Zong Jiu saw the corpse of glasses in the toilet in a different space.

Sure enough, the incision in the neck is very flat, more like a human hand than the so-called "ghost in a different space."

Although He Jianlan seems to be not very clever, and the inferences are full of loopholes, he was really right.

The glasses were murdered, and the time was not the whole hour.

Now, who is the inner ghost, the answer is ready to come out.

But this does not mean the end. Because there is still an inner ghost in this copy.

Zong Jiu didn't know that Zhuge knew it clearly, but Zheng Zong Jiu knew it very well.

Because Zong Jiu was kicking open the three compartment doors of the toilet, and after checking that there was no one inside, he took the time to glance at the sink in the toilet.

The sink is empty. There is a big spider web under the faucet, and black spiders spin silk on it. If someone wants to put a mop inside, they must break the spider web.

Not to mention that when Zong Jiu kicked the door, the head of the glasses was not made into a human head mop and put into the sink like the original owner in the original text. However, after the Messiah led the old people to search, the mop was put in unconsciously, saying that it would be impossible without an accomplice.

Furthermore, the original text did not show Sheng Yu, but the main system still released random inner ghost missions. It is easy to conclude by counter-inference that apart from Sheng Yu, there is already another inner ghost in the original trainee.

who can that be

Zong Jiu thought secretly while listening to Sheng Yu's words.

Sheng Yuzheng vividly described the scene in the stairwell with Zong Jiu vividly.

After speaking, he mysteriously lowered his voice, "Ninth Brother, do you see those two people."

Not far from the corridor, two newcomers were approaching here intentionally or unintentionally, and they almost wrote the words "we are watching you" on their faces.

Sheng Yu: "I think they seem to be watching us, what should I do?"

Zong Jiu shrugged indifferently, "What should we do, we are now abandoned by both thighs, so why don't we go to the restaurant and have a look first."

Judging from various clues and speculations, the inner ghost card that Sheng Yu got should have extremely high authority. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why an F-class can easily kill people and move the corpse to a different space before Zong Jiu as he wants.

He had 100% of the key that Zhuge secretly said that he could open the different space at will, and it was also the original text of the Virginia Code before it was encrypted by the key. As long as you get the key, you can clear the main task of the ordinary card. Zhuge An is the best example.

Zong Jiu was very curious about Sheng Yu's purpose, and what was the main mission of the inner ghost card he got.

If you just want to kill people for pleasure, or kill all the trainees, Sheng Yu can completely tear his face with his E-class in the toilet, or poke him before Zong Jiu has discovered his flaws through the plot. One knife.

But Sheng Yu didn't.

Not only didn't, but he didn't even have any thoughts or intentions to add to the flames and provoke discord.

He almost perfectly played the image of a high school student who didn't know anything about the world, followed behind him one by one, pretending to be innocent.

Zong Jiu didn't believe that he had no plot.

But... This reminded him of the prophecy that Zhuge said before leaving.

"Where are you going? Huh?"

A low voice suddenly came from a high place.

The man in a white coat slowly walked out of the shadows.

The dim light reflected his ordinary outline very deeply, like an extremely demon ghost escaping from the abyss.

The doctor glanced at the four people in front of him with interest, his eyes staying on the white-haired young man for an extra long time.

Zong Jiu felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and a trembling electric current rolled in his back unconsciously.

"The nurse has been looking for you for a long time, you should go upstairs to take your medicine."

Sheng Yu asked suspiciously, "Take the medicine? What to take the medicine? Isn't the time to take the medicine at night?"

Doctor Chu didn't speak, he pointed behind them, and the strange smile on his face gradually deepened.

Above the oil lamp hanging on the wall, the clock was slowly pointing to ten.

Ten o'clock!

Sheng Yu and the other two newcomers showed incredulous looks.

How can it be? They clearly remember that they didn't even eat lunch!

[Fuck, how come it's ten o'clock all of a sudden, I'm so embarrassed again]

[Isn’t it twelve o’clock just now... I'm dizzy, what the hell is this?]

[Is this a copy related to time decryption? But it’s not right. I saw Zhuge in the live broadcast room of Zhuge, who reasoned that this is a space-based puzzle-solving copy. What is going on? 】

Zong Jiu stood aside, his eyes darkening.

The moment when the glasses died, the moment when Zong Jiu was pulled into a different space was exactly ten o'clock.

At this moment, it is likely to be a symbol of the opening of a different space!

The white-haired youth suddenly looked up.

But now, the doctor with gold glasses is still standing there, and the surrounding scenery has not changed at all.

"Go upstairs and take your medicine, everyone is waiting for you."

The doctor bent his eyebrows, seemingly kindly reminded: "It's not a wise decision to dangle a group of people."

"Oh, right."

He lowered his head and glanced casually at the gold watch on his wrist. "It will be the time for the rounds soon. The head nurse should have told you that night travel is prohibited in this hospital."

"If you violate the hospital regulations and the night tour is caught."

The man passed by with Zong Jiu, and the pupils hidden behind the glasses slowly became dull and malicious.

"Disobedient patients...will be punished."

After the corner of the white coat disappeared in the gap of the second floor, Sheng Yu said tremblingly, "Nine brothers, why is it ten o'clock in the evening all of a sudden, what should I do?"

Pretend, you continue to pretend, I will quietly watch you perform.

Zong Jiu kicked the ball back with one foot: "Ah, there seems to be no way. Let's go upstairs and find Shengzi first."

Several people walked to the entrance of the restaurant, and walked through the medication process again under the eyes of a circle of nurses.

Zong Jiu sweeps the pockets of the large hospital gown without a trace with his hand holding the pills, and when he looks up, he just hears the conversation between the head nurse and other nurses.

"Tomorrow is the third day when these patients come, and it seems we have another vacation time."

Strange to say, this seems to be the first conversation they have heard.

The sound without ups and downs gradually drifted away in the empty corridor, and the newcomers were horrified one by one, and their legs trembled.

In fact, the atmosphere of the restaurant is not as good as there.

Everyone's faces were almost full of the same anxiety and fear, and they didn't even notice Zong Jiu and his party who walked into the restaurant.

Messiah looked solemn, "Time has been speeded up."

The old people were silent, and their expressions were not much better.

Just now, they were still discussing the list of going to the second floor this afternoon in the restaurant. The next second, the nurse carrying the medicine basket came out of thin air and coldly informed them that it was time to take the medicine.

Time hastened ten hours out of thin air!

What's more frightening is that they don't know why the time is accelerated.

Is it because Zhuge secretly left the dungeon in advance, causing the difficulty of the dungeon to increase sharply in the later stage, or because the original dungeon has variables, no one knows.

"We can't delay any longer, everyone has to go to the negative second floor with me tonight."

The newcomers were shocked: "Are we going too?"

"You didn't hear what the nurse said just now?" He Jianlan said coldly, "If tonight is delayed, no one can guarantee what will happen on the third day. After midnight, it will be the third day."

"Yes, but..."

In the eyes of these newcomers who have no experience, through this short period of time, the three words minus second floor have become synonymous with scourges.

"But what is it!"

An old man said impatiently, "If it were not for the kindness of the Lord Son, we would not care about the life and death of you newcomers. The selection of thriller trainees is not a copy of the usual survivors. The daily copy has rewards for helping newcomers. It will help you not only Without rewards, you are still disobedient and eye-catching. In other words, whether you live or die has nothing to do with us."

The blond son gave the old man a stopping look, then turned his head to soothed and said: "If you stay in the dormitory, for the current situation, it's probably a dead end."

"Follow me and I will try my best to ensure your safety."

When he said these last words, Messiah glanced at him and looked at the entrance of the restaurant with his azure blue eyes.

Everyone glanced over.

The white-haired young man stood there, calmly accepting the baptism of everyone's sight and scrutiny.

There are worries, greed, and unabashed salivation in these eyes.

Zong Jiu stretched his limbs as if he hadn't felt it, even stretched out and yawned.

Some old people wanted to speak angrily, but they were all stopped by Messiah.

The blond son looked at him with sincere eyes, "Now Zhuge An has cleared the level, rejoin us, okay?"

Zong Jiu had no reason to agree.

Leaving the organization of the Messiah and looking for Zhugean and Hu for skin, it was the result of careful consideration for him.



Zong Jiu readily agreed.

[Uhhhhhhhhhhhh? Why did he agree again? 】

The barrage is full of question marks. [No, I thought he would struggle a bit anyway]

[Damn, it’s not the same to look good. After holding the thigh of the son, hug the thigh of the big brother Zhuge, the son is still willing to take the plate after he comes back, I lemon sisters]

[This is also OK? ? We, Ah Jiu, said that we would rather die than surrender! Ye Qingjie! 】

In the end, Zong Jiu not only agreed, he even announced some information on his own initiative.

"Actually, my clue is useless to tell you."

other people:? Then you mean it!

"Everyone think, not all of our main missions survive for three days."

Everyone nodded.

"But now it's only two days before Zhuge ran away. Why do you think he can run?"

Zong Jiu circulated and frustrated, and persuasively, "Of course it is because-he is the inner ghost!"

Everyone is dubious, but after careful consideration, it seems that this is true.

Yes, why the main mission was to survive for three days, but Zhuge An ran away ahead of schedule.

This of course means that the identity cards and main missions that Zhuge secretly got are different from them!

"Oh, you really misunderstood me before."

The white-haired young man was filled with righteous indignation, "Zhuge An, the old man, is so despicable and shameless. He not only pretended to cooperate with me, but also took clues from my mouth! It's really declining in the world, and people's hearts are not old!"

"Hey, after his inner ghost cleared the level, it is estimated that the S-level item was also taken away by him."

Zong Jiu pretended to raise his arm, "This clue in my hand is no longer useful, telling you that it doesn't matter. But I didn't expect that even then you would still be willing to take me to play, you guys are so kind."

Although Zong Jiu doesn't act very often, but if he really wants to act, who is not a cross-border actor

After hearing the news that the S-class props were taken away, everyone's expressions looked like swallowing flies. The old people looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

To be reasonable, Zhuge Anren is not here now, so Zong Jiu will turn black and white.

If Zhuge An's usual style is as decent as the Shengzi, then it is estimated that none of the people present would believe him.

It is a pity that Zhuge An is really not a Baidao character. This guy is also righteous and evil, has a perverse personality, is so witty and close to monsters, he doesn't play cards according to common sense, and many people feel very complicated to him. There are so many victims who are counted as chess pieces in the dungeon, and hate him and hate the existence of itchy teeth.

The chess I played was too big, so what's the deal with grabbing an S-level prop? If you pretend to cooperate and talk about this kind of thing, it really resembles Zhuge An's consistent style.

Besides, Zhuge An was originally the number one candidate for the inner ghost that they strongly suspected.

So when Zong Jiu performed hard and didn't want to give Zhuge a secret scam, the others actually believed in most of them.

Not to mention the trainees in the restaurant, the barrage suddenly realized.

[Fuck, it's no wonder that we have to drag people to the small corner of the ward and use S-level props. It turns out that during the period when we didn't see the live broadcast, people went to bully and lure the newcomers]

[Sounds so miserable... I've heard of Zhuge's deeds in the "Cursed Mask" that he pitted everyone against the water. This E-level is so miserable. I guess he will be right in the future. Big Zhuge has a psychological shadow, right (dot wax.jpg)]

[Hahahahahaha! Was it only me who thought Zhuge An was the inner ghost from the beginning! ! Sure enough, the facts proved that my guess was correct]

Don't ask, ask is the victim of a wind critic. Asking deserves it.


On the contrary, Messiah looked like he was relieved, "We didn't invite you to join us again for that clue."

The blond son smiled lightly, "Anyway, welcome back."

Now that the Son of God has expressed his opinions, the others have to accept it reluctantly and secretly guard against it.

Mainly, Zong Jiu’s explanation is reasonable, otherwise it is impossible to explain why Zhuge An could leave the market early.

He Jianlan, who had been clamoring that Zong Jiu was the inner ghost, didn't say anything. It seemed that he tried to find the loopholes in his words, but unfortunately he found nothing.

Zong Jiu bends the corner of his mouth.

In his heart, he insincerely thanked Zhuge An for the perfect scapegoat.

Although Zong Jiu can now start looking for the key to prepare to clear the level, there is no need to go to the negative second floor with Messiah for a Rao Shizi expedition.

In addition to clearing customs, Ke Zongjiu also needs a lot of survival points.

The white-haired young man's gaze swept across the high school student standing behind him.

He has always been a very greedy person.

With such good conditions, why didn't Zong Jiu finish the random tasks together

This copy can only be obtained by outsmarting at present.

After this copy, he must heal his hand and let the card fly and jump on his ten fingers again.

Then...recover the stage where I used to be a magician.