Thriller Trainee

Chapter 2: Trainee dormitory


The "studio" in the mechanical sound mouth is a sufficiently bright and luxurious hall.

The gorgeous and grotesque red gold chandelier hangs from the high dome, and the walls are painted with exquisite relief paintings, which are lifelike. White gold candlesticks are placed in the corners, and the flames are bright and extinguished, and the shadows are beautiful.

The lobby is distributed in a staircase pattern as a whole, divided into nine steps in total. The stairs become more spacious as they go down. The most spacious level is even large enough to accommodate a large football field. Each step is covered with carpets of different colors and decorated with different decorations.

Of course, the most striking thing is the ten thrones located on the top step.

The pedestal of the throne is made of crystal and is extremely luxurious. There is a blanket on it, and drinks and fruits are placed next to it, which clearly shows the strict level difference.

The stairs have only one thing in common, that is, they face a piece of stereoscopic projection floating in the air in unison.

The five characters "Thriller Trainee" are suspended on the projection.

These words are three-dimensional projections when they look up, projecting on the lens of everyone's eyeballs. No matter how big the hall is, it can be seen clearly without any effort. Just like the sound that appeared out of thin air and does not require any medium to transmit, it is obviously not the height that can be achieved by the current scientific level.

People gathered up and down from the various stairs entered in file and gathered in the center of the studio.

The expressions on people's faces were all kinds of things, and most of them were restless and noisy.

The size of this hall can't be observed with the naked eye, I just feel that the end can't be seen at a glance, and there are countless people's heads under the pressure.

Old God Zong Jiu was standing on the spot, moving his fingers while frankly accepting the baptism of the eyes of all parties.

Needless to say, the beauty of the original owner of the cannon fodder does not need to be said, and because of the lack of pigment, it shows the appearance characteristics of a mildly albino patient, such as this natural white hair. Walking along the way, as long as it is a place with people, he can harvest a large gaze effortlessly.

Zong Jiu felt a little pity.

If this ordinary entertainment industry draft essay, just rely on this face, it is not worried about not having the audience to pay.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and screams came and went one after another.

They found something out of thin air on their chests.

"How is this going?!"

In the noise, Zong Jiu lowered his head silently, not surprisingly seeing the blue letters appearing out of thin air on his chest.

Thriller trainee. Class E.

The original owner is a beautiful vase, with no meat on his body, just a white chicken with a fighting power of five. It is reasonable to give an E, and the operation is full marks.

If there is room for explanation for all the previous ones, then this breastplate that appeared out of nowhere is not a coincidence.

The crowd started a commotion. But not everyone is like this.

At least that's not the case with the people on the wall.

There was exactly the same calm and indifference on their faces.

The letter cards of these people are all above the C level, and the highest in the line of sight is the A level, which is in sharp contrast with the large panic of the E level and F level next to Zong Jiu.

In addition, they seem to be divided into several different organizations, keeping each other well and maintaining the necessary social distance.

Although he doesn't know the plot, Zong Jiu, who knows the background of the original text, knows the scene clearly.

Not all trainees, like Xia Chuan and others, were directly transferred from reality to this bloody and terrifying trainee plan.

Over the years, there have been "sons of the heavenly chosen" chosen unluckily from all over the world, and they have entered this terrifying infinite circle. The number is not a small number. After all, the number of people who disappear inexplicably around the world reaches more than two million every year, and there are general estimates. Millions of people are struggling here.

There is no way to return to the real world in an infinite loop, let alone escape, it is hard to save your life. Most of the survivors died in the endless, rounds of forced participation copies. Only a handful of people survived, struggling to survive.

Compared with these experienced and veteran survivors, who don't know how many life-saving methods are available, Zong Jiu, a newcomer who seems to be able to fill his numbers, obviously has no face to win.

"It's been a long time since I saw so many people at once."

While Zong Jiu was observing the group of people secretly, the survivors over there were also whispering.

In the past, they were all fixed teams of the group, and the teams could not meet each other, they could only meet in the dungeon. Now that I see so many old faces and countless noisy newcomers below, I can't help but feel a little emotional.

Although the rewards of the Thriller Trainee Program are very attractive, the mortality rate given by the main system also discourages many survivors. So even with so many survivors, only 10% of them dare to register and pass the screening.

There are not many elderly people participating in the competition. Of course, some new people have to be brought in in order to build momentum.

"What's the use of more people."

Qin also hugged his arms and sneered: "All the high-level people I see now are old faces. It is estimated that the newcomers are used by the main system to deliver food, so that we can feel more involved."

The other person didn't say a word, and agreed with his statement in his heart, and only glanced at that side with a pitying look, "It's a pity, if the newcomer struggles with a few more copies, the chances of surviving will be greater. It comes up in hell mode, miserable. "

The newcomers over there are still noisy, like talking about buying vegetables in a vegetable market.

The old people watched indifferently, and did not intend to step forward to explain or maintain order.

This is the only large-scale planned mission released in the infinite loop for so long, not to mention the huge rewards, the difficulty can be imagined.

The old people may not be able to guarantee that they will not be eliminated and will survive to the end of this draft, let alone the rookies who are helpless

No one is a Virgin, and the mud bodhisattva cannot protect himself when crossing the river. It is good to take care of himself.

[The time has come, the entrance to the studio has been blocked]

As if echoing, at the moment the sound fell, the doors around the hall fell like a jack, blocking all those who had not had time to enter the studio outside.

[End of the first round of preliminary selection]

The mechanical sound resounded throughout the hall without any emotion.

The candles began to go out one by one, and the extinguished sparks floated into the air, forming a burning virtual figure.

"Welcome, thriller trainees who have successfully entered the stadium, I am the personification of the main system."

"Next, I will explain to you about the basic rules and schedule of the thriller trainee program, so stay tuned."


Holding a mobile phone in one hand, Xia Chuan sat bored on the steps, looking down from time to time.

After so long of tossing, his mobile phone was almost out of power, the battery bar returned to a dazzling red, and it would automatically shut down at some point.

Disappointingly, the signal bar at the top is still empty.

After some agitation, many people gathered in the stairwell, and many others took out their mobile phones and took photos with Xia Chuan on the stairs. Although Xia Chuan was impatient, he had no choice but to acquiesce in the absence of assistants and bodyguards.

"No, why is it so quiet?"

After everyone lined up to take photos with the big stars, someone finally noticed something was wrong: "Huh? Where are the people who went upstairs before? Why didn't they even make a sound."

After the mechanical sound was broadcast for the last five minutes, there was no more sound in the corridor. Even the sound of footsteps and noise before it disappeared completely. Only their voices reverberated in the stairwell, which sounded inexplicably crippling.

"Wait, I rely on, there won't be an exit upstairs, they have already gone out!"

The man had just finished taking a photo with Xia Chuan, suddenly his inspiration flashed, and he slapped his thigh, "Everyone else has gone out, we are still sitting here stupidly, what are we doing, let’s go!"

"Fuck! That's right! How else can you explain it so quiet!"

"It's so silly, standing still."

Everyone suddenly realized that they rushed towards the stairs and made a violent sound on the stairs.

"Damn, I've been trapped here for so long, I've already stayed enough, just walk around!"

They rushed into it.

After running through a few corners, the people who were standing at the corner of the corridor in front suddenly stopped in place.

"What's the matter, don't stand in the way, let's go!"

The people behind were noisy and didn't understand why the team suddenly stopped.

For some reason, a strong sense of anxiety suddenly swept through Xia Chuan's senses.

He just wanted to look up, but only felt that something hot and slimy fell on his head from the air.

Suddenly blindfolded, Xia Chuan subconsciously pulled away the things in front of him, "What is this?"

When he grasped this thing, he realized that something was wrong.

The thing was sticky and awful, with sticky tissue and blood ticking on one end, and foul-smelling black and yellow mucus leaking out of the broken place on the other end.

The broken body fell heavily into the crowd, blood and broken internal organs flying around.

The expressions on their faces were forever frozen in joy, perhaps mixed with a little bit of astonishment.

Xia Chuan was trembling, he screamed, higher than the high pitch of any of his concerts, and then quickly threw away what was in his hand.

What he held just now was a bloody intestine.


The main system explained the rules of this unlimited draft to all the trainees in the studio with a flat and straightforward voice.

Although Zong Jiu had known these rules for a long time, he listened carefully from beginning to end.

The rules are very similar to real-world drafts.

The hall is filled with thriller trainees who have successfully shortlisted for the preliminary selection. There are tens of thousands of people, at least, and they will all have to participate in the competition in the future.

They will experience countless horror copies, repeating the elimination, until they choose the last 100 people and the only C position.

The preliminary selection is based on the personal strength assessed by the main system and roughly divides the trainees into seven SABCDEF positions.

"After each sub-session, the system and instructors will re-evaluate the level based on the individual trainees’ performance in the sub-session."

"The higher the level, the more privileges you have in the student dormitory, and the higher your personal authority. High-level trainees can have separate rooms, service privileges, and even know the tips or content of the next sub-section in advance."

Everyone in the hall has stood on different steps according to the grades on their badges. Even the other nine thrones belong to each other, but the throne that represents No.1 is still empty.

The white-haired youth silently raised his head and looked at the tallest row behind him.

It's a pity that Zong Jiu's position is too low, and the people above can easily see him, but he can't see the people high up.

Zong Jiu remembered the description of the original text.

The dormitory for S-level trainees is on the top floor of the student dormitory. It is an ultra-luxury open-air viewing room. It has an ultra-luxury suite with a 360-degree sky garden. The light surfing bath is the size of a flat floor.

And they live in the simple eight-person room of the previous E-class, which has no human rights.

"Because it is a variety show, the whole program will be broadcast live to survivors, and the barrage function will be turned on. To ensure the effectiveness of the program and leaks, the barrage and live room functions are temporarily not open to trainees, and trainees cannot see the barrage. Content. During the program, except for the trainees, the communication system for survivors is also closed."

"After the explanation is complete, the next is the time for free questions. As long as it is a question within the rules, I will answer it for you."

Obviously, some people have the same doubts as Zong Jiu, "Why is there no one in the first seat in the top row?"

"This is a very good question." The main system said coldly: "If you are No. 1, you can also have the privilege of not participating in the assembly."

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd. But the old people squinted their eyes and whispered to each other, their expressions were full of fear, and they didn't seem surprised that the vacant NO.1 belongs.

Originally, people were just scared, and then they listened to the explanation obediently. Now after the main system finished speaking, there was an unconvincing voice immediately: "Why do we want to listen to you?"

"That is, there are so many of us, everyone can walk with one effort, and one spit can drown you. If we work together, what can't be done?"

For these noisy questions, the main system never answered.

On the contrary, it was the old man standing on the side. When the newcomers couldn't figure out the situation, or were in doubt, they had already memorized the rules that the main system had just said, and started a quick analysis.

At this time, a faint voice suddenly sounded, easily covering the argument in the hall.

"You didn't mention the elimination rules."

The source of the sound is very high, coming from the top ten thrones.

The old people exchanged glances with each other.

"If death in the dungeon is equivalent to elimination, is the classification related to this? If it is, can it be regarded as backward in level, and elimination is obliterated?"

That nice and slow voice hit the nail on the head, directly pointing out the problems that the main system did not explain.

I don't know if the authority of the questioner is too high, or the question is sharp enough, and the main system quickly answered it.

"The classification of levels is indeed related to elimination. After each round of reassessment, one of the current lowest levels will be eliminated." The phantom golden red phantom replied, "The trainees eliminated because of the level will be punished. Dungeon. If you can clear the penalty Dungeon, you will have a chance to resurrect."

"If you die in the dungeon, you don't have the opportunity to challenge and punish the dungeon."

"Then, the last question." The voice said coldly, "-Tutor, who is it?"

All the old people's eyes flashed and their backs tightened.

Just now the main system has been mentioned, the level evaluation will be completed by the system and the instructor together. This means that the mysterious teacher holds the power of life and death for everyone.

In the entire infinite loop, as long as there are strong names and surnames, all have signed up for the ranks of thriller trainees, without exception. And for so long, apart from the main system, they have never come into contact with other existences that can have absolute say, or even interfere with life and death.

The main system calmly replied: "The question is out of scope and will not be answered."

"and many more."

Hearing this conversation, the newcomers who had just been noisy were taken aback, "What are you kidding, how could you die?"

He said and laughed, "No, so many of us... Even if you have the ability to get us here, is it possible that you still want our lives?"

"Since the matter is up to now, I still refuse to face the reality." The main system said: "Then use your eyes to verify everything."

On the high platform in the center, the extinguished figure of the main system suddenly split, and re-spattered into thousands of bright sparks, flying above the previously extinguished candle.

The door of the blocked studio was slowly pulled up from the ground.

It is not right to say that it is the gate, but the dome of the whole hall is rising. Just like a gift box waiting to be opened, the exquisite packaging on the outside is removed to reveal the cake inside.

The surrounding barriers were all removed, and bright sunlight was projected from the outside, and a gold-red silhouette was plated on the thick carpet, flowing finely.

As eye-catching as the sunlight is the bright red blood all over the corridor outside.

The unconcerned corpse lay aside, with a pale face, his chest was torn apart, and the contents that were taken out were put on the side like garbage.

The corpse mountain and the sea of blood are like purgatory.

At the end of the tragic bright red, there was only one that was still a little out of breath.

The man's back was dripping with blood, half of his spine was pulled out, and pieces of meat were dropping ticking.

There was silence in the studio.

The old man has experienced countless winds and waves, and he accepted this scene well. Only the low-level newcomers, one by one, were so scared that they vomited with their heads down with a "wow".

In the sound of vomiting, someone suddenly asked in fear, "Wait, wait... Then... Isn't that Xia Chuan? The lead singer of that group is Xia Chuan!"

Almost at the same time, the man crawling on the ground heard the sound of the jack rising, and crawled over here in ecstasy.

His hands were planing on the thick carpet, enduring the severe pain, his face was painful and crazy, his eyeballs burst, and his fingertips dragged a long blood stain on the ground.

"Ho, ho..."

Xia Chuan made a broken sound from his throat, faintly calling for help.

Just a few dozen meters, it seems to have crawled for a century.

Finally, just as Xia Chuan was about to reach the door, his head suddenly fell from his neck and rolled aside like a leather ball, sprinkling white flowers on the brain.

A star who would only appear in front of media cameras and surrounded by microphones on weekdays, now has nothing to fight back, like a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered, without the slightest warning, no weapons, no unknown existence, even how to die Don't know.

But he died just like that, and he died under the eyes of everyone.

The newcomers all watched this scene tremblingly.

They were so frightened that they did not dare to step forward.

"This is the fate of not acting in accordance with the rules, and it is also the explanation and evidence you want."

"Congratulations, the first step is to choose the right path."

As if echoing, the wide dome fell from the high sky again.

In an instant, everyone in the hall was dragged into the air by an invisible force.

The voice of the main system resounded in the hall, "Received the notice from the instructor that the first game originally scheduled to start tomorrow morning has been advanced to today. Please get ready."

People were shocked, and in the next second, the carpet they were stepping on suddenly changed, dragging everyone into a bottomless darkness.