Thriller Trainee

Chapter 22: Trainee dormitory


Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

There are countless topics that have emerged in the second grade evaluation.

Earlier, E-level trainees were shocked to get an S-level evaluation. After a long time, no.1, which has not appeared for a long time, finally appeared. No matter which one you pick up, it can easily become the focus of discussion among trainees tonight.

Before the gathering in the studio hall was over, the main system announced that they would hold luxurious dinners in the panoramic restaurant on the second floor of the dormitory for three consecutive days. Trainees can enter the venue regardless of level.

Although everyone has eliminated their physical needs after becoming a horror trainee, who is not greedy? What's more, they are still in such a desperate environment where they don't know when they can live. It is precisely because of this that everyone is more willing to indulge themselves in alcohol and relieve stress.

After the rally, almost all the trainees crowded to the restaurant downstairs.

The white-haired young man raised his eyes and glanced at the bustling crowd going downstairs, and silently chose the way upstairs.

He can also be regarded as getting the admission ticket for the upper three levels. Although not soaring to the sky and ascending to the throne as others had previously speculated, Zong Jiu is also one of the very few newcomer trainees who have reached the upper three levels in one fell swoop, and is the hottest among all newcomers.

The dormitory for C-level trainees is located on the fourth floor of the dormitory.

Looking around, rows of clean and tidy rooms are separated at both ends of the wall. The ground is covered with thick red-brown blankets. The corridors are lined with dense green plants every few steps, and the light yellow lights above are coated with a layer of warmth. Exciting tones.

If you ignore what kind of place it is, and at a glance, you might think that you have entered the guest room floor of some high-end hotel.

The treatment of the upper three levels is completely different from the lower three. The E-level sleeps in an eight-person room, and the D-level sleeps in a four-person room. When you reach the C-level, you can directly enjoy the single room, which is still the treatment of a standard star hotel single room.

Zong Jiu followed the serial number on his badge and walked to the door of the corresponding room. When I was about to open the door, I heard a sudden rush of footsteps behind me.

He flashed to the side without saltiness, and the man rushing from behind didn't stop the car and slammed into the wall hard.

"Oh shit-"

The C-rank old man missed a hit and was about to turn his head, but suddenly he was staggered a few steps with an elbow and fell to the ground.

"you... ... "

The white-haired young man stood there, looking at him condescendingly.

The pale pink pupils are extremely sharp under the shadow of the bangs, like shallow crushed ice floating.

With just one glance, the trainees on the ground froze.

"If you don't want to die, don't mess with me."

With a warning in his sight, he scanned the C-Class standing at both ends of the corridor, and walked into his room without looking back.


A loud closing door sounded in the empty corridor.

After a few seconds, the old man came back to his senses.

"Damn, this newcomer is so fucking arrogant."

"Don't you just take an S grade? Really when I flew on a branch and turned into a phoenix, I'm a fart."

"Yes, I really should give him some color."

That being said, none of the C-levels was the first to be the first bird.

The old man who was pushed to the ground by Zong Jiuyi's elbow was angry that he was making a fool of himself in full view, his complexion was red and white.

But I don't know why, when he thinks of the white-haired young man's eyes just now, his legs are soft. In the end, he just stood up, kicked the door twice, and walked away cursingly.

... ...

After closing the door, Zong Jiu threw himself onto the bed with his backhand.

Similar to the corridor outside, the inside of the room is not too big, just like a standard room in a normal hotel.

Fortunately, this is a single room, which can well protect the privacy of the trainees and also have a little room for solitude.

He didn't pay attention to the provocation of those C-level trainees outside.

As long as the old people who come from the infinite loop have a C level or above, there are more than C when they are slightly more capable. It can be said that the newcomers of this level are very powerful, but they are the bottom of the old people.

Not only is Bao Tuan serious, but the strength is not so high. There are also various internal calculations. Originally, most of them just wanted to get off the ground, as long as they were tougher than them, and let these people know that they weren't a good soft persimmon, these people would not dare to come out and be the first bird. Zong Jiu didn't have time to engage with them.

More importantly now—

The white-haired young man raised his hand and took out the deck of cards from the system space.

The card is dark gold as a whole, and the pattern on the back is black gold outlines the pattern of God’s eye. It is surrounded by various obscure occult symbols. The inside is mixed with shiny fine gold powder, which can emit light even in dim places. The light is quite eye-catching.

Zong Jiu spread it out on the bed in a straight line.

A total of 22 photos.

Although this is also a deck of cards, it is not the poker that Zong Jiu is best at as a card magic master.

There are fifty-four poker cards and eighty-one hand cards, and none of the numerous niche card games in the world meets this number.

The name of the prop on the system clearly revealed the true face of the 22 cards under Zong Jiu's Lushan.

[S-level props: Vettetaro·Grand Arcana deck]

Zong Jiu: "..."

Fortunately, he was happy for a while when he touched the back of the card in the iron box, but he didn't expect that this was not a deck of cards, but a set of tarot cards.

But he is a magician, not a diviner! ! !

"How do you use this thing... the main system, is there any special use for it?"

[Use of props: divination]

Do you still want to say this

Zong Jiu was speechless, "Other S-level props have special abilities. My S-level props can only be used for divination?"

Obviously, this sentence was not within the authority of the main system to answer Zong Jiu, and the room fell into silence again.

After a while, the cold voice of the main system rang in midair.

[This S-level item comes with a "Tarot Guide", which has been distributed to the trainee system backpack, please check]

Oh, that's right.

Zong Jiu took out the pure black tarot guide, sat on the bed, and opened the first page honestly.

The main system has taken care of him, a tarot novice very intimately. The accompanying pamphlet is quite easy to understand, and it is a color-graphic and text-combined version, which can be called a conscience.

After Zong Jiu read the Tarot Guide from start to finish, and touched every card again, he had to admit—

These twenty-two large Arcanas do not have any combat ability, and the only purpose is for divination.

But as an S-level prop, if it only possesses the divination ability that all tarot cards have, it would be too tasteless. In this regard, the explanation given by the main system is that fortune-telling with this deck of cards has the ability to spy on the future.

"Spy into the future?!"

This time Zong Jiu can be energetic.

A glimpse of the future means one more clue without clues. In a sense, although the Grand Arcana has no combat ability, it is definitely worthy of the title of S-level props.

"Can you decide the scope of this divination at will?"

The main system did not answer, but instead pulled out a cooling bar for him.

The above shows that Zong Jiu can now divination three times, and after the three times, he must wait for the cooldown to recover before he can draw cards again.

Zong Jiu: "It seems that there is nothing I want to know for the time being. Forget it, let's test it out for now."

"By the way, the main system, if I want to heal my hands, how many survival points do I need to spend?"

【Two thousand five hundred points】

"Then if you want to strengthen your hands and regain extreme flexibility, how many survival points do you need?"

[Five thousand survival points are needed to strengthen once]

The system even gives a friendly reminder [current trainee’s account balance: two thousand points]

"Don't let the restriction be so dead, what if I don't need to heal it directly, but only need to restore my hand to the peak level in a short time?"

[Yes, but the required survival points are extremely expensive, it is not recommended for trainees to choose this method]

"It doesn't matter."

Zong Jiu shrugged, moving his inflexible fingers, "It only takes three days."

[2000 points can be redeemed for normal recovery within seven days or enhanced recovery within three days]

The white-haired young man thought for a moment, "Then three days."

In fact, Zong Jiu could also choose to take a gamble first, earn 500 points, and then recover his hands first.

Three days is exactly the time limit for the opening of the Las Vegas Casino.

If you directly choose to treat your hands with two thousand five hundred points, you can only restore it to the level of a normal person.

And all magicians have no tricks in their hands, they all come from practice from childhood to adulthood, day and night. For example, Zong Jiu, when he first practiced magic, he exercised his eyes without blinking every day, and went to sleep with cards in order to exercise his flexible muscle memory.

What can such exercise bring

For example, during Zong Jiu's performance, he threw a stack of cards directly into the air, and when fifty-four cards were scattered, he could directly draw any card face the audience said.

It can make the audience confused whether it is his hand speed or the degree of magic.

In these three days, as long as Zong Jiu's hands can be restored to the level of his original magician, he can let everyone understand the consequences of putting a magician playing card magic in the casino.

Even if the card master sits in front of you, with ten cameras facing him, slowing down several times, most of them will not be able to catch the traces of him.

You know, in the world of Zong Jiu, Las Vegas, the casino, almost had a "Magician Zong Jiu and Dogs Forbidden to Enter" at the entrance.

It is rare that Zong Jiu's reputation has not fallen to that point after he wears the book. If you can gamble as much as you can, you will run away. Gambling dogs will never admit defeat.

He doesn't want to be safe, he wants to play a big ticket.

Zong Jiu watched as the points in his system balance were cleared.

In the next moment, a hot current suddenly surged from his fingertips, miraculously flowing through the veins that had been necrotic for many years, and followed the blue blood vessels into the capillaries, so comfortable that he couldn't help but sigh.

The enthusiasm lasted for more than half a minute before it gradually returned to calm.

[2000 points have been paid, countdown for three days, start time]

The young man's hands were shaking unconsciously.

He picked up the stack of tarot cards on the bed.

The dark golden cards fluttered and jumped at his fingertips, standing lightly on the fingertips one by one, and then flew into the air the next moment, spinning down, and was easily held in the palm of Zong Jiu.

Any card, as long as Zong Jiu thinks about it, but with his fingers gently caged over it, it can be drawn directly from the top with his eyes closed.

His hands were shaking. His hands are getting faster and faster. The curvature of the corners of the mouth is getting higher and higher.

Even with it, it seemed that the card face was trembling, trembling to welcome the emperor's short return.

This is indescribable, incomparable superb shuffling skills.

When the cards were drawn from the palm of his hand, Zong Jiu's mind naturally projected the deck of cards into his own mind in 3D. In the next time, no matter how the cards are shuffled, as long as he passes his hand, he can accurately tell the position of any card.

Zong Jiu threw the card into the air, suddenly closed his eyes, and randomly grabbed one from it.

While smiling, the young man slowly turned the card over.

A man in a robe is standing in front of the altar. Countless sacrificial supplies are placed on the altar.

A symbol of infinity, which symbolizes boundless mana, hovered above the man's head, and he held a magic wand in his hand to point to the sky.

He has unlimited mana, he is omnipotent.

Major Arcana Number One, Magician.

He is back.