Thriller Trainee

Chapter 23: Las Vegas


Most of the time, the time in the dormitory of trainees is meaningless.

Except that the main system will broadcast and gather at seven o'clock on the morning of each opening of the dungeon, the trainees are free to arrange their own time at other times.

Apart from other things, apart from being unable to grasp this point of his own life, the whole horror trainees are treated well.

Except for the dormitory for trainees, which is fixed for everyone, the other facilities in this building are complete.

The studio on the third floor is not allowed to enter without incident on weekdays. The restaurant on the second floor is all-encompassing, as long as you can think of it, there is no food that is not in the restaurant.

The main hall on the first floor is even more like a small city. The high dome is replaced with a sky curtain, and day and night cycle alternately. Not only there are landscape areas that are almost the same as the real world, but also the infrastructure, churches, bathing centers, KTVs, playgrounds, super shops...etc. Need to spend other points of trainees, bustling figures can be seen everywhere.

There is no limit on the opening time of the dinner. The waiter in the tuxedo walks through the crowd with the wine glass. The trainees are drunk, dreaming, and drunk. It is a scene of extravagance and decadence.

At midnight, the "Las Vegas Casino" in the main system opened on time.

The space in the north area of the trainee dormitory began to twist.

The door at the very end that was so high that you couldn't see the end was slowly pushed open inward, and a heavy roar sounded throughout the entire dormitory.

[Limited time scene: Las Vegas, already opened]

[The panoramic camera has been turned on. During the opening period of Las Vegas, all gaming tables will be broadcast live on a fixed-point basis]

[The scene will be closed automatically at 7 o'clock in the morning three days later, please redeem your chips before closing the scene]

The world behind the door is gorgeous, and the dome of the hall is studded with shining fine diamonds.

The fountain at the entrance is made of pure gold, and crimson wine is continuously emerging from the flask held by Dionysus, and the air is drunk and golden, and it is unspeakable.

The croupiers stood in front of the gambling tables covered with dark green tablecloths.

On the ring table further away, the staff of the casino is standing in front of a mountain of stacked chips, smiling like a sculpture.

Countless trainees swarmed in and rushed to the gaming table excitedly.

"Sorry, gentlemen."

There was a sweet smile on the croupier’s face: “Each person needs at least one hundred chips to start the game at the E-level table.”

"Walk around, go and exchange it quickly."

The croupier's smile dazzled their eyes, and the newcomers left the gaming table one by one, rushed to the front of the central casino staff and patted the table.

"How to change this chip? Is it proportional to the survival points? Give me a thousand first!"

The staff was expressionless: "Sorry, Las Vegas chips cannot be circulated with survival points. The chips can be exchanged for survival points, and survival points cannot be exchanged for chips."


The newcomer was puzzled: "Can't the survival points be exchanged for chips? But we didn't have any money with us when we came in."

"Sir, you may have misunderstood what I meant."

The staff picked up the table on the table and said, "The chips can be exchanged with what you have. For example, special items, or certain abilities. If you leave the casino with no more or equal chips than when you enter the casino, then the items and The ability will be taken away by the casino for gambling and will not be returned."

"Fuck Nima, what does that mean."

The staff's words directly exploded in the rookie pile.

"The props and abilities you mentioned are all things that old trainees will have. How can we newcomers have it."

"Yes! Is this casino a place for the elderly? We newcomers are not worthy of playing?"

"What hypocritically said to give newcomers development opportunities..."

"You misunderstood, sir."

The newcomers became more and more commotion, arguing around the circular table for dozens of minutes, and then gradually quieted down.

The staff slowly said: "It is not only special props and abilities that can be classified as what you have."

"In fact, human beings have far beyond your imagination. For example, hands, necks, fingers, legs, ears..."

In the open pupils of the newcomers, the Las Vegas staff showed a stiff smile.

"Aren't these all the best starting chips?"

The live broadcast room after reopening happened to capture this scene.

[... Sure enough, I knew that the main system was not so kind]

[To be reasonable, isn't this the basic operation of the main system? We old people are not surprised, I guess these newcomers are scared enough]

[Harm, you look at the old man over there without any counseling at all, he just started betting, in fact, to be honest, the main system will give Las Vegas such a conscience to redeem special items. It was originally a kind heart for hundreds of years. 】

Just like what was said in the barrage, the newcomers were stunned by these words, all of them panicked and at a loss.

If you want to start a bet, the lowest E-level gaming table requires 100 chips, let alone the top S-level unlimited betting table. If you don't even have the initial gambling capital, you don't even have the qualifications to start a gambling.

The old people glanced at these trembling newcomers with disdain, walked straight forward, and put the props in their hands on the table.

"Special props, pledge five thousand chips, thanks to your patronage."

The old man doesn't care about the number of chips.

For them, how to increase the number of chips in their hands is the most important thing. Because whether it is directly exchanged for survival points or for special items, Las Vegas only recognizes chips and does not recognize survival points.

They have been rolling and crawling in an infinite loop for so many years, naturally knowing what a golden opportunity the Las Vegas scene is. Apart from other things, just now the old people got together to check the list of items that can be exchanged in the casino. There are nearly a hundred kinds of items, and they are all unheard of and can only be exchanged in the casino. Among them, the highest item level is straight to A-level, and the price is also affordable.

The most advantageous point is that these props can be chosen freely. There are many high-level elderly people who have no special items in their hands. Now that I finally hoped for the opportunity, I naturally had to hurry up.

Watching the old people exchange places like a raging fire. A newcomer boldly came up and asked, "Then... how many chips can that kidney change?"

As we all know, humans have two kidneys. If you really want to lose an organ, it will naturally come to mind first.

"A kidney can be exchanged for a hundred chips."

"Only one hundred?!" the rookie shouted.

The staff smiled: "The main system does only give this price, and as long as you win a hand at an E-level gaming table, you can double your chips. This exchange is only relative to the initial wager."

"Furthermore, if there is no risk at all, it is called charity, not gambling/gambling."

One hundred chips is just enough to make a bet at an E-level gaming table.

Everyone thought.

According to the staff, the lowest level gaming tables shouldn't be too difficult. If you can't take this risk, it is estimated that there is nothing to expect for a new copy in three days.

The new people gritted their teeth, "Change!"

"Then I will use the appendix to change it."

"I used tonsils to replace them."

... ...

They stepped forward one by one, and the staff asked them to sign and draw on the blank paper, and then turned around and handed over the card with the stored chips, which means that the mortgage transaction is completed.

The human body has so few organs that will not have much impact even if they are lost. As long as these organs are exchanged, they can easily get the initial bargaining chip.

As for whether or not to lose, and how to get the bargaining chip after losing, these are not in the eyes of the newcomer to think.

Everyone thinks they will be the lucky one.

Just as the trainees were lining up, a lazy voice suddenly came from behind.

"An organ can only be exchanged for a hundred chips. Human beings are too cheap in your eyes."

The white-haired youth walked slowly from the door.

Regardless of appearance or appearance, he is good enough, so good that he can be recognized in the crowd at a glance.

The trainees standing in the center of the casino easily recognized that he was the E-level who received the system's S-level evaluation yesterday.

Zong Jiu sneered at the conversation between the staff and the newcomer just now.

Human desires are endless, especially in casinos. As long as they taste the sweetness, they will get bigger and bigger, and the fall will be worse as long as you stand at the end.

The surface of any casino is glamorous, but in fact it is a place of cannibalism.

The former Sejong Jiuhui caused such a big sensation in Las Vegas. After all, he can’t understand the dirty routines of casino dealers dealing with gamblers. This fooled the world and became the number one rejection of the casino. not welcome.

Zong Jiu put one hand on the circular table. Long white hair slid down his shoulders and fell on the tabletop like moonlight.

"It would be too boring to just use one organ to replace it. It's better to play a big one."

The young man raised his eyes, and the light pink color was amazingly bright under the halo projected by the chandelier at a high place.

"I don't know how much chips can my life be worth?"

The crowd was in an uproar.

Let alone a newcomer, even the old man was very surprised, looking at him like a lunatic.

[Fuck, you just played so big when you came up? 】

[Does this newcomer take an S from the main system, so it floats?]

[Did he not understand the rules? If you don't get more chips when you close the casino three days later than when you mortgage, you will die. Although it is not a big deal to die in our infinite loop, death in the horror copy anyway is beyond our control. But in the casino, you don’t have to bet anyway, no one rushes up to die, absolutely]

Unlike the trainees who talked about it, the staff showed their appreciation. All the staff on the ring table applauded him in unison, and the applause lasted for nearly thirty seconds before it gradually subsided.

"You have the courage to bet directly with your life."

Zong Jiu smiled and said nothing.

He believed that in the three days that the casino was open, countless trainees would come to this end.

"Generally speaking, trainees use their lives to bet, and they can get five thousand chips."

The staff said: "But because of the urgent news from the instructor. So Las Vegas will give you an extra 5,000 chips."

"The original words of the instructor are: Your beauty and courage are always worthy of praise."

It's a mentor again.

Zong Jiu's heart was surging downwards, but he pressed his handprints on his face calmly. Under the gaze of everyone, he picked up the purple gold card handed over to him by the staff and walked straight towards the gambling pool.

Many people followed him secretly.

There are people who are grateful for misfortune and want to see him unlucky, and there are also awed and curious, who want to figure out why he is so emboldened.

They all wanted to see what the trainee who was so popular in the second grade rating was doing now.

There are six gambling pools in Las Vegas.

The open betting chips are 100, 500, 1000, 3000, 10000 and the highest unlimited betting pool.

Everyone saw Zong Jiu's passion for gambling with his life, and thought he was going to a gambling pool of 10,000 or unlimited bets.

What I didn't expect was that this guy took everyone around in the casino. Suddenly he turned his feet, turned halfway, and walked straight to the 100-chip gambling pool. The old god sat down and said to the croupier—

"Let's deal."

Surrounding the audience: "???"

That's it

We all take off our pants, so you can show us this? ?

"Damn, is this kid kidding us!"

The old man was indignant, "Go away, let me meet him!"

For a while, the front of this E-class gambling table was surrounded by water, and everyone wanted to go up and play with this arrogant white hair.


After the tables were full, the dealer suddenly announced apologetically: "Sorry everyone, according to the rules of the first player to join the table, this round is limited to three players. Except for the first one. In addition to this C-level trainee, just add two more players."

Can only participate in three players

"If it's blackjack, there can be up to six players. The same goes for Explosive/Gold Flower. Even Shuttle/Ha can play with four players, let alone a bullfight."

People whispered: "It seems that the international casino hasn't heard of a game that can only be played by three players."

After the croupier turned around and revised the gambling table sign, everyone was silent.

Because only three words are written on it.

Fight the landlord.