Thriller Trainee

Chapter 25: Las Vegas


The white-haired youth went straight to the central gambling pool.

[This white hair is a bit fierce, and he went straight to the gaming table with ten thousand chips]

[He has only 115,000 chips in his hand. If he loses at the 10,000 table, he will be GG.]

[Great, bold, I am optimistic about this spiritual guy! 】

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage, and the trainees who were standing near the central gambling pool also watched.

To start a bet at the A-level gaming table, you must have a minimum of 10,000 chips.

In other words, a life is only five thousand chips, and a B-level item is only five thousand. If you want to play a game here, you need at least two items or two lives, which is staggeringly expensive. As the barrage said, losing in this gambling game is really terrible.

Players who can bet in the central gambling pool are all A-level and above, without exception. The occasionally scattered other levels are also third-level players. They stood aside and watched from afar, and seldom walked forward.

There is no doubt that the white-haired youth who came against the flow of people has once again become the focus.

Because of the direction he is walking, because of the green C-class hanging on his chest, and because of his unforgettable appearance.

"It's kind of interesting, do you want to come to the A-level gaming table to start a bet?"

An A-level trainee watched this scene coldly, "Speaking of which, I just heard that this C-level had directly died at the front desk and was appreciated by the instructor, who gave him five thousand chips for nothing."

"It's fate? This newcomer is quite courageous."

Another Grade A smiled, "If you guessed correctly, he should be the most brilliant one among the newcomers in this year."

"Isn't it, where is the S-level evaluation of the main system so good? Even us..."

The Class A who was sitting by and listening to their conversation suddenly got up from the sofa, "I will meet him."

The white man with brown hair and blue eyes got up and walked to the gambling table. The trainees who stood in front of him all the way made way for him.

After he left, the other two A-classes on the sofa looked at each other.

"Why is Anthony so active today? Isn't he always by his side?"

The A-level shrugged, "His Royal Highness seemed to be interested in this C-level before, and before returning to the dormitory, he specially ordered people to check it. As the only loyal dog of the Highness now, it is strange that Anthony does not go up."

Indeed, when this highness lost another powerful arm, Vincent, it is not so incomprehensible that Anthony rushed up to show his loyalty.

The A-Class snorted and stopped answering. Instead, he took a lot of time to watch from the sidelines, intending to watch a good show.

There are countless people who have the same thoughts as him.

Zong Jiu stepped briskly into the central gambling pool.

The decoration of the center gambling pool is extremely luxurious. Because the chips required to start the hand are high, there are only a few gambling tables scattered. The fruit snack tower and champagne lounge are not as scattered as the E-level area.

In addition to these 10,000-chip gaming tables, there is another gaming table that is even more eye-catching.

It is surrounded by the gaming tables of the entire casino in the very center. The crystal chandelier hung on the top of the gaming table is almost as high as several floors, reflecting the soft colorful light.

Countless panoramic cameras are pointed at this gaming table. Whether it is an endless loop of barrage viewers or thriller trainees located in a Las Vegas casino, you can see this bet on the screen in the live room or inside the casino. The situation on the table.

It is the famous unlimited betting table.

At the most central table, the chips required to start a hand are all determined by the first banker, and the maximum bet is unlimited. It can be called getting rich in one round, or losing underpants in one round.

From any area in Las Vegas, you can see the battle at the central gaming table, so few trainees dare to go up and interrupt.

Zong Jiu's line of sight paused briefly at the very center.

The seven people around the center gaming table, without exception, are all S-levels on the top of the trainees.

They have now added up to the reserve price of 50,000 chips in this round, and the battle is fiercely staggering.

When Zong Jiu looked over, the black-haired man who pressed the card on the table looked up as if feeling it.

Facing the gaze of the white-haired young man, his long, narrow black eyes slowly narrowed and nodded at him impenetrably.

Zong Jiu: "..."

He always felt that Zhuge's secret laughter was quite metaphorical, and even made him a little flattered and horrified.

Thinking of the act of detaining someone in the psychiatric hospital dungeon, it was probably not a good phenomenon.

The white-haired young man also returned with a polite smile, his gaze flicked from the blond saint next to Zhuge An, and fell back to the A-level gaming table below.

What he didn't notice was that another man with dark gray hair just raised his eyes at this moment, and his dark red pupils swept over thoughtfully.

Having been turned away from the casino for so long, even if his hands are now in a better condition than during the peak period, Zong Jiu still inevitably has some hand skills. Fortunately, he just seemed to relax his body, but in fact he didn't stop his fingers for a moment, and it was a rare experience to find his hand.

His goal this time is very clear, whether it is to use his life to resist, or to be careful to test, and then go directly to the most central gambling pool... Behind the seemingly reckless and impulsive behavior is absolute confidence in his own strength.

After winning a hand at the 10,000-chip table, Zong Jiu intends to go directly to the no-limit table to play big ones. It is best to make a lot of money when everyone relaxes their vigilance. .

Standing by the gambling pool, the waiter wearing a black and white tuxedo confirmed with him: "A-level gaming table requires a minimum of 10,000 chips to enter."

Zong Jiu raised the Purple Gold Card in his hand and walked to the gaming table under the guidance of the waiter.

Unlike ordinary croupiers with white shirts and black vests at low-level gaming tables, croupiers at high-end gaming tables wear more formal uniforms, with dark red skirts and neatly folded silk scarves. Only a stiff smile is exactly the same.

The trainees in the central gambling pool did not show their faces, but they were all secretly watching the white-haired youth entering the arena.

When Zong Jiu sat down, there were already five other players on the gambling table.

They leaned on the backs of their chairs one by one, with obvious arrogance on their faces, squinting at him, the C-class seated among the many A-classes.

Among them, the white man who was abnormally white knocked on the table: "How do you let a C-level enter? Our table has just raised to 20,000 chips."

"If you guessed correctly—"

Anthony's dark red green eyes looked over, and he didn't mean any hostility on him.

"He only has 10,000 chips in his hand, so he doesn't even have the qualifications to be at our gaming table, right?"

The waiter behind the white-haired young man hurriedly whispered: "Sorry, guest, this table is playing De/Zhou/Pu/G. Just now the dealer has raised the chip to 20,000. Do you choose to go to another gaming table? Start the game, or continue to exchange chips temporarily with me?"

The central gambling pool is equivalent to the VIP area of the entire Las Vegas, where each player will be assigned an exclusive waiter when entering, to ensure that each player can redeem in time when there are not enough chips. This saves the time of queuing at the front desk for redemption and starts the game quickly.

Good guy, it looks like I want to give him a slap in the face.

Zong Jiu raised his eyebrows as he watched the betting gazes coming from all directions.

If he had to use a bargaining chip, he couldn't temporarily mortgage his S-level props. Anyway, as long as you get more chips than before before the casino closes, the props will not be taken away.

He turned his back and talked to the waiter in a low voice.

[It seems that these A-level bosses are determined to give the newcomers a bit of prestige]

[In fact, it's normal. Think about it. Yesterday, there were fewer than ten trainees who received a single S-level evaluation in the entire A-level. An E-level suddenly took the S-level of the main system. They wanted to kill him. Is it normal?]

【normal? They've really passed this way, and if they lose, they will just die.]

[It’s good to get used to, the old rules of infinite loops. It’s okay that it was difficult to meet in the dungeon before, but now they are all participating in the draft. Normal behavior]

[That is, the survivors are not doing charity. This is a competition full of competition and everyone is the enemy. Upstairs, I saw a newcomer who had just entered the infinite loop not long. Your life is in the hands of the main system. Do you expect others to be fair to you? Have you seen how the capitalists told you about fairness when they squeezed you? 】

Infinite loop has always been a place where the weak eat the strong, cruel to the weak, and enthusiastic about the strong. If you don't show enough strength, no one will look up to you.

The people at the gambling table watched indifferently.

Everyone is watching jokes here, and no one will go to a 10,000-chip gaming table. This C-level can either find a way to make up 20,000 chips, or he can only get out of it.

Maybe it was because I felt that this dismissal was not enough, and another B-class standing by and watching suddenly spoke.

"Not enough chips?"

His nasty eyes slowly swept across the beautiful face of the white-haired young man, "If you are willing to let the big guys play together, it's not impossible for everyone to help you with this bargaining chip."

There was a roar of laughter from the crowd watching at the gaming table.

"How about? Not bad, ten thousand chips can be equivalent to two lives."

"Don't say it is good, the most expensive top brand can't enjoy this price."

Although the sallow-faced B-Class opened his mouth at Anthony's sign, his eyes on the youth became more and more arrogant.

At this moment, the waiter turned around and respectfully opened the stool in front of the gaming table for Zong Jiu.

The white-haired young man threw the purple gold card in front of the croupier. The card traversed a beautiful arc in the air, and landed in front of the croupier unbiasedly. The electronic frame that emerged showed that there were 30,000 credits left in the card.

Thirty thousand!

The onlookers were all taken aback, showing a look of disbelief.

Obviously just now, this white-haired bargaining chip is only in his early ten thousand. How could it be 30,000 in just a few minutes? !

The B-class who just said bad words couldn't believe it. He watched the white-haired young man whisper with the waiter behind him.

I don't know what Zong Jiu and the waiter said, anyway, after the conversation, the young man bent his mouth and moved his elbow slightly.

In the next moment, a piece of object that is difficult to be caught by the naked eye is pierced through the space by cutting through the cold air like an arrow with lightning speed.


With a scream of B-class, he just fell to his knees, covering the aortic part of his neck.

The blood dripping from his fingers was frantically turbulent, and he couldn't even cover it, and it was about to spray into a stream.

Behind him, blood stained with the murder weapon was lying quietly on the carpet.

The clown on the ghost card grinned, the bright red at the corner of his lips and the blood on the edge of the card melted together, adding a bit more fascinating. It also makes the mouth of the man who manipulates the doll silk in the endless dark space expand.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

As we all know, although the main system did not say, there are definitely serious penalties for blatantly hurting people in Las Vegas.

The waiter standing behind Zong Jiu also spoke at this moment: "According to the rules, no intentional injury is allowed in Las Vegas. Trainees have been deducted 10,000 chips as a punishment."

The 30,000 on the card surface was reduced by 10,000, and the balance was 20,000, which happened to be frozen under the croupier as the entrance fee for this game.

"I hope that every owner can tie up his barking dog."

The youth's indifferent voice slowly sounded: "It is really expensive to buy a dog's life with ten thousand chips."

"I'm not willing to dirty my hands every time."