Thriller Trainee

Chapter 32: Las Vegas


At this moment, without exception, everyone looked anxiously at the central gaming table under the golden dome.

[Let’s take a look at the current situation. In this wave, one cheat was caught, one folds, and there were eight left on the table. Except for the C-level white hair, all the others are Allin. Isn’t that right? 】

[That’s right, the cards are about to be opened soon, and the prize pool is over one million chips. Whoever has a special card type, doesn’t it have to get all of them]

【what? Didn’t you read the rules given by the main system? The rules of Las Vegas are different from reality. The prize pool is finally divided according to the proportion. If there is a special card type, it will definitely be divided into the big end. It will not take away all the more than one million chips unless it is released. I won a royal flush... Wait for me to see, oh, if there is a royal flush, it should be exactly one million]

[Don't laugh, how can it be possible to draw a royal flush? Is the barrage never played? 】

[I laughed to death, I haven't played upstairs, right? Three community cards of spades have been drawn on the table. Why is it impossible to draw a royal flush? 】

The barrage was noisy, and the gambling table was at the most critical moment.

The exorcist whistled: "Since everyone is Allin, it's better to open the cards directly."

At this moment, Zong Jiu spoke again, "Hold on."

The white-haired young man smiled and said, "It would be a bit unfair to open the cards directly."

These words fell in the eyes of those who were looking forward to this scene, it was inexplicable to the extreme.

"There is nothing fair or unfair, have you never played cards?"

"That is, everyone opened the cards together with Allin, where is it unfair?"

In the face of these doubts, Zong Jiu's face remained unchanged and his heart beat.

"Although everyone is Allin, some people have more chips and some people have less chips."

Having said that, he also gave an example, "For example, I am the one with the least chips."

"Think about it carefully, so if Allin is like this, people with a lot of chips will also enjoy the same opening treatment as me. Isn't that unfair?"

The others froze for a moment.

"It seems to be the same."

"It seems that the logic is okay."

The person in the first seat put down the wine glass, put his chin on the crossed hands, and the interest in his eyes became more and more intense.

If you don't get up early, if there is no attempt, who would talk about it here

No one understands this truth better than the devil.

It is precisely because of this that he is more curious about the other party's next move.

The white-haired young man who was in the focus of everyone's sight showed a standard mysterious smile, which belonged to the great magician, and put his index finger gently to his lips.

When Zong Jiu didn't notice it himself, he had subconsciously regarded the entire Las Vegas as his first stage after his comeback, and couldn't wait to stage a showtime.

The white-haired youth turned his attention to the top of the dark green gaming table: "The solution is simple. It is better to start with the player with the lowest stack. The player with the highest stack should have the finale capital."

When he said this, Zong Jiu deliberately turned his gaze to look directly at the person in the first place.

Those pale pink eyes were amazingly bright in the dim light, and there seemed to be a palpitating bright light inside.

The beauty that burst out at this moment cannot be described in any words.


There is no doubt that he is provoking, but also rampant enough.

It's really a pair of beautiful eyes.

The devil licked his lips and drank the cold red wine that was finally awake in the glass.

It's been a long, long time since no one dared to make such an invitation face-to-face.

It is undeniable that he is excited.

The purple dealer frowned, "There has never been such a precedent in Las Vegas..."

However, she was only halfway through when she was interrupted lazily.


Everyone looked at no.1 in astonishment.

Zong Jiu smiled and applauded, "Since I get the adult's approval, I will show my ugliness."

His goal has been achieved.

At the same time, Zong Jiu quickly contacted the main system.

He made a very dangerous and terrible decision.

Previously, Zong Jiu only used the [Relationship between Sheng Yu and No.1] [Relationship between NPC Doctor and No.1] to exchange chips with the main system, and he also left a hole card in his hand.

[The mentor is No.1] This clue is the trump card, and it is also Zong Jiu's biggest bet.

He is betting whether the gambler system is, as he guessed, a high-dimensional program with no emotions but rules.

From beginning to end, he didn't notice any subjective commands or instructions from the main system.

The graves of all survivor trainees without exception are horror copies. As for the main system, unless it violates the unshakable iron law in the infinite loop, the main system will never take the initiative to endanger the life of the survivor. Just like when the infinite loop had just entered, the trainees who entered the studio could escape a catastrophe, and those who did not enter could only die.

All the decisions of the main system carry such a cold and mechanical meaning.

If Zong Jiu was right, even if he stabbed the main system with the news that the tutor was no.1, the main system would not go beyond the authority to obliterate him. Instead, he could use this handle to threaten the demon from the main system and get what he wanted.

As for the wrong gambling... Maybe it was an obliteration on the spot, maybe it was a loss of soul, maybe it was another more terrifying end.

Who cares

Gamblers will only enjoy their unparalleled conceit. As for the possibility of losing the game

That will definitely not be something they care about.

When those two hole cards were turned over, everyone was shocked.

The next moment, the exclamation almost overturned the dome with the mural of the Olympian gods.

Without him, just because of the dazzling 10 of spades and the Q of spades on the table.

[Fuck, fuck, who said the royal flush just now, big prophet! ! ! 】

[This, this, this, I’m stupid]

[Royal flush, absolute, who can think of it, no wonder this white-haired guy is so courageous, good fellow, I call good fellow, so I was waiting here]

[Who just said that a royal flush can take a million chips, but that's a million... My mom, send it out]

[Wait, doesn't he count all the people at the gaming table? He didn't even think about who he was facing...】

As soon as this sentence came out, the barrage was quiet.

Compared with the discussion in the live broadcast room, the casino has long been silent.

Everyone understood the meaning of Zong Jiu's series of actions just now.

First, he called on everyone, Allin, and then tried to turn over his hole cards first. Everyone was wondering why he didn't change his color and heartbeat in front of the big guys.

After playing this game, it's no wonder people are calm and confident, because they have already had the confidence.

If Zongjiu honestly waited until the third round to open the cards, then no one would say that he was not.

Although it was normal for Allin to have fun, but he did so many tricks. Because his C-rank boss didn't put him in his eyes, he dug a hole and led everyone to jump down one by one.

This is a shining calculation, it is a shameful plan.

But no one knows whether this bold move will arouse the displeasure of this adult.

Together with the other S-level and A-levels on a gaming table, all eyebrows are frowned.

However, Zong Jiu, who was in the vortex of the entire storm, was calm, even in the mood to order a cup of tequila to the waiter.

It's not ashamed to play a thousand, and whoever flops will be ashamed.

Anyway, he also gambled, and the cards were turned over. All the preparatory work he could do was considered exhaustive.

What the final result will be, whether one pits the devil off the horse and splits the bonus evenly, or gets pitted, can only be handed over to Tianding.

Zong Jiu guessed that the main system at this time had already regarded the news that he knew the identity of the mentor as a surprise to inform the devil.

Although Zong Jiu didn't know who the mentor was, the tarot card told him that the devil was either the mentor himself, or the demon used some unknown method to control the original mentor.

The most important thing is that this news is judged by the main system that it cannot be disclosed arbitrarily, or that the time has not yet reached the point where it can be disclosed. Otherwise, why didn't the demon simply sit on the mentor's seat, and have to work hard to get off the court and be the black hand behind the scenes.

Everyone was silent, waiting for a result.

Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, the person in the first seat still did not move.

The man still sat on the scarlet chair in an elegant and dangerous posture, his half-length black pigtail slipped from his shoulders. He lowered his gaze a little, and casually landed on the two hole cards in front of him.

The pattern dimmed in the light.

Basically no one knows, these two cards are exactly the same as the two revealed just now.

The devil crossed his hands in white gloves and slowly rubbed it, as if he was falling into some kind of unconscious contemplation.

Light and shadow spread from the top of his head, white wings fell on the bright side, and unknown black shadows on the dark side.

Just when everyone thought something was wrong, the devil suddenly laughed lowly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-"

The laughter grew louder and louder, turning from low to high, and finally to sharp, which was terrifying.

All of you have a chill in their backs.

He stood up from the high position, his black leather shoes stepped on the reflection of the crystal chandelier with his teeth and claws, and he closed his eyes and laughed like no one beside him. It is like the Gotham Joker who is full of Whysoserious in the legendary association with sin and darkness; and like the red-haired, mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, immersed in his own world.

Anyone with a discerning eye can hear that this is not a sneer or sarcasm, but a real smile.

That is joy from the heart.

Obviously, no one here knows why he laughed so happily. But there is no doubt that while this scene makes people's spine chill, it is also full of indescribable weird and charming power.

The dealer in Ziyi softly reminded: "My lord, you can't leave your seat for a long time during the gambling game."

After the hole cards are dealt three rounds of betting until the result of the game is reached, it is absolutely forbidden to leave the table in the middle. If the player insists on leaving for more than three minutes, the main system will fold the card.

Obviously, three minutes have passed now, and unfortunately, because the community cards are all drawn, there is no way to fold them now.

Soon, the cold broadcast sound of the main system sounded [no.1 waiver of gambling qualification].

No one thought that in the absence of a fold option, no.1 would have chosen to abandon the gambling game directly.

This means that he will not be able to get all the chips spent in this game.

However, the devil seemed ignorant of this.

His dark golden eyes stared at the white-haired young man who was standing there, and suddenly took a step forward.

The leather shoes stepped on the soft golden-red carpet, with elongated shadows, and each step made the darkness even closer.

This process seems to be very long, very long. It grows to almost half a century. It is very oppressive, dangerous, and the illusion of walking on the edge of death.

He crossed the boundary that symbolized danger for strangers, and narrowed their distance to just one arm away.

However, Zong Jiu stood in place like an unrelated person, did not take a step back, and even raised a polite smile.

Oh shit.

Zong Jiu still cursed secretly.

Do all the people in the infinite loop use survival points for their height gains? How come all of them are so much taller than him

He thought that he was a good one-meter-eight, but he didn't expect to be overlooked by two people after coming in, which was really uncomfortable.

After the two looked at each other for a while, the demon made a move that no one had expected.

He suddenly pulled out the budding red rose from his chest.

There was a sound of air-conditioning coming and going one after another.

This is the legendary adult!

The distance between the two people is very close, so close that Zong Jiu can see the crystal dew stained on the scarlet petals, and see the sticky malice wrapped in the pupils of the opposite eyes, as if to pull him into it. The quagmire, trapped in a dark golden prison imprisoned by immortality.

No one knows the meaning of the act of pulling out the rose, but everyone knows that the red rose is almost one of the iconic objects of the devil.

Is it possible that this white-haired C-level is talented and expresses his appreciation

Ha ha.

If there was no such chilling sharp killing intent from the opponent, Zong Jiu would almost believe it.

In fact, he is now shrouded in the shadow of the opponent's tall body, his muscles are tight.

Seeing the white-haired young man's wary eyes like a blasted cat, the devil smiled again.

He lowered his voice and sent the red rose over. His voice was hoarse and sultry, like a lover's whisper.

"I like you very much."