Thriller Trainee

Chapter 35: Famine Mountain Village


There was silence in the square, and everyone looked down at their ID cards.

Identity cards are divided into two camps, and each person's identity role in the horror copy is also different.

It is a very serious matter to make mistakes in the role setting in the play mode. If the npc is allowed to detect the problem, it will affect the trainee's task process at a small amount, and it will be judged to be obliterated when the dungeon is settled. Because of this, no one dare to be careless.

Unexpectedly, this dungeon does not have a large proportion of role-playing requirements. On the contrary, it was the same as the copy of the mental hospital that Zong Jiu experienced.

Zong Jiu also continued to look at the inner ghost card he had obtained in his mind.

The owner who showed this identity on the ID card was originally not an aboriginal in this village, but a refugee who followed other refugees in the village.

The above is the surface identity.

In fact, his true identity is not a refugee, but a corpse shoveler waiting for an opportunity to come to this village to collect fresh corpses.

Surprised, not surprised, not surprised.jpg

Zong Jiu: "..."

This identity is a bit fashionable.

According to the custom of cadavers, they all need to train a well-trained "corpse leader" to act as the leader of the corpse. If you don't have a good leader, you can't get rid of the corpse.

Coincidentally, the identity card also showed that he was a half-bucket of water who had just stepped onto the road. He took a few phrases and yellow symbols that he was not very proficient in chanting and set off on the road. The so-called fledglings are not afraid of tigers. After leaving the teacher, they directly calculated what geomantic and shady places were around, and rushed all the way, mixing with these refugees who tried to hide in the mountains, looking for an opportunity to find a perfect corpse that could serve as the leader of the corpse.

No wonder.

Zong Jiu was still thinking before, there must be some inevitable conflict between the inner ghost and the ordinary card. Now after seeing the identity of the inner ghost, it is not surprising at all.

Ordinary cards will definitely stand on the opposite side of the corpse chaser. It is speculated that the main task of the ordinary card is to protect the villagers with a high probability.

According to the iron law, trainees cannot kill each other, so this corpse must be in the npc in this deserted village.

Since the main task is to "find a perfect corpse", the meaning of this task issued by the main system is self-evident.

Ordinary people want to protect the villagers, and the inner ghost card only needs the corpse.

Zong Jiu doesn't know who is the "perfect corpse", but there is no doubt that in the next mission time, the more people who die, the better it is for him. Although trainees cannot kill NPCs by themselves, they can still contribute to the flames. of.

It is not easy to come to this village. With so many advanced trainees present, the difficulty of the instance will only be higher but not lower.

But who cares.

Before he recovered his hands, he dared to do things. Now when he recovers his hands and even strengthens his eyes to the top, Zong Jiu will only grow more waves.

Who doesn't love behind the scenes!

After thinking about it, Zong Jiu pulled his consciousness away from his identity card.

Because the identity card is a corpse slayer, he is also equipped with corresponding identity props.

Among other things, although the number of people in the faction is more than 30 to one, it is enough to be called an enemy of the whole world, but the treatment of this inner ghost card is really good.

He directly prostituted a wave of identity props for the corpsesmith.

A C-class dementor bell, and a pack of F-class yellow talisman paper for unknown purposes.

The special props in the horror dungeon are quite rare, otherwise the new trainees will not lose their arms and legs. If Zong Jiu passes the customs smoothly, these props will be able to be included in his pocket smoothly, which is simply beautiful.

The inner ghost in the dungeon of the mental hospital has the immunity to not die on the hands of the unsolvable supernatural beings. Is it possible that the inner ghost in this dungeon also has the immunity, and that Zong Jiu is upset.

Even with a lot of thoughts in his mind, the white-haired young man still remained calm on the surface, maintaining an expression and standing in place.

In order to fit the background of the copy, the clothes of the trainees were changed to quilts and commoners, with straw sandals on their feet and a cloth bag on their shoulders, which did not seem to be a sense of contradiction.

At this moment, the voice of the main system also sounded in due course.

[Famine Mountain Village has officially opened]

[The duration of this copy is seven days. The copy will be closed at midnight on the seventh day and the settlement will be opened. Please pay attention to the reasonable allocation and arrangement of the time.]

After the mechanical sound disappeared, the surrounding scenery also came back to life as if being swept by the water.

The trainees were all watching other people secretly, and no one took the lead.

"Hey, who are you? Where are you from!"

At the square of Tongbai Village near the entrance of the village, more than 30 strange faces suddenly appeared, which naturally attracted the attention of the aboriginal NPCs.

Wang Shou, a villager who appeared in the preceding plot, stood not far away, walking toward this side with an unkind expression.

Behind him, dozens of villagers were still carrying hoes and sickles in their hands, showing vigilance.

In this copy, there is not a Messiah who has enough prestige and warm heart. The two S-ranks that were put on this dungeon were still very few words, like the character of a lone wolf, and had no interest in helping justice to preside over the overall situation.

For a while, everyone looked at each other, like a disc of sand, not knowing how to answer.

The two sides confronted each other for dozens of seconds, and seeing the smell of fire/medicine in the air getting heavier and heavier, finally an A-level who looked honest and honest opened his mouth.

"Dear brothers, don't get me wrong. We escaped from the outside without malicious intent. We just want to find a place to rest in the village."

Wang Shou looked at them suspiciously, "Escaped here?"

Everyone in the whole village has yellow faces and thin muscles. The open neckline can see distinct ribs, and the skinny skin and bones are covered with frostbite and dirt.

Anyone with eyes could see that these people claiming to be fleeing were not only wearing clean clothes, but also plump, with red lips and white teeth.

He was talking about fleeing, and he seemed to be a little more dignified than the young masters in the city.

"No, outsiders are not welcome in our village."

He made a nasty voice and made a gesture to chase them out with the villagers behind him.

The trainees were all anxious at this time.

Lin Guoxing took a step forward quickly, "Wait!"

He is the A-level honest man who took the lead to speak just now.

As a senior old man, Lin Guoxing certainly knows what the situation is now.

I really want to be driven out by the people in the village. It's still light to sleep and eat, and the most important thing is to complete the main task!

Thinking of the main task of "protecting the villagers" on the identity card, Lin Guoxing smiled bitterly in his heart.

The higher-level trainees have more privileges. The privilege of A-level trainees is not only to have an exclusive presidential suite, but they can also know the clues about the next copy in advance.

At the end of the last dungeon, Lin Guoxing knew the background of the second round of the dungeon.

The background of the deserted village is quite common in the horror dungeon, and it can be regarded as one of the classic horror constructions. Lin Guoxing guessed at the time that this copy might be unfolded using the old-fashioned role-playing model. But what he didn't expect was that after the dungeon was opened, the main system actually told him that it was a faction mode. Forget the faction mode, the main task is still the most troublesome protection task.

Generally speaking, the main tasks of the horror dungeon are divided into many types, such as finding out the truth, finding items, completing commissions, escaping from desperate situations, and surviving within a time limit... But ask the survivors which type is the least willing to encounter , The protection task definitely comes out on top.

As we all know, the brain circuits of npc in the horror copy are different from ordinary people, and it is difficult to understand and communicate with ordinary people's thinking. To protect them, or to persuade them not to go to death, is simply harder than going to heaven.

There were bloody cases in the infinite loop. In an A-level dungeon, the survivors need to protect the whole family and escape from being chased and killed by ghosts.

According to the routine of the protective mission, as long as one person can protect the family, it can be counted as the main task to complete the customs clearance. But the whole family in this dungeon seemed to have their heads lowered. They insisted on running back to death. Gourd Baby rescued Grandpa and sent them to Li Gui one by one. In the end, the whole survival team was completely destroyed. .

Just like the deserted village in front of me.

If the trainees can't even stay in the village, what about protection

Obviously, other people also realized this and stepped forward.

"Yes, yes, we are only here to escape temporarily, and will not affect the people in your village."

"Big brothers hold your hands high, we will rest here for seven or eight days and leave, absolutely not to disturb you."

After seeing the anxiety on these people's faces, Wang Shou's eyes rolled.

He waved his hand to signal the villagers behind him to stay calm and put on an impatient posture.

"Okay, you can live if you want. But the village can't let you eat plain rice, you have to give it something to benefit."


The people looked at each other.

[It’s too real to give some benefits]

[Speaking of which, trainees should not have the money of this era, right? 】

A trainee asked: "The advantage you said is...?"

Wang Shou picked up the hoe on the ground and pointed to the trainee's backpack.

The other villagers exchanged glances one by one.

Tongbai Village is not a person who has never been to fleeing, but it is the first time that the fleeing still carries so many bulging things.

"But—" the trainee hesitated.

Although they are all refugees, their identities are also different, and the things they carry in their bags are different.

The villagers became impatient, "Stop talking nonsense, take off your bags if you want to live in the village!"

The scene fell into a stalemate.

No one thought that Azan in black, who had been standing on the edge of the crowd, moved his head instead.

He walked over and threw the suitcase in his hand to the villagers.

Several pairs of dirty hands pulled the knot apart, and all eyes were green when they saw the contents.

There was nothing in the black Azan's package, except for a few copper plates, there was also a handful of grey dried meat.

The eyes of the people around the parcel were green, and they reached out and took it, and Wang Shou smashed it with a hoe.

"What's the hurry? You haven't taken it yet, you are quite fat."

He is the son of the village chief, a well-known bully, and the good things in the village are his first share. Even if a blood hole was smashed out of his hand, the villagers did not dare to return their mouths, and only laughed in a low voice.

Wang Shou turned his head back with a cold snort, picked up a piece of dried meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

The eyes of the villagers behind him were glued to his hands, with straight salivation and longing, and the sounds of swallowing one after another.

In recent years, famine has swept across the entire land. It is the gods who are not beautiful and the locusts are crossing the border. A county doesn't know how many people have starved to death. Sometimes in the next river, dozens of floating corpses can be seen every day.

In this case, if people can't eat enough, how can they manage livestock? The only pigs and cows in the village had disappeared the year before last, and even the bark of the trees in the mountains was completely peeled off by the hungry people. A meal was all made of leaves, not to mention meat.

Obviously he was full, but a strange thirst rushed in Wang Shou's stomach.

"It's okay, the taste is far worse than the white meat at the back of our village."

He smashed his mouth, kicked the rest of the dried meat and the copper plate into his arms, "Okay, let's you."

Other trainees whispered behind them, all seeming to be relieved.

"It's that simple? You just need to hand over your bags to pass the level?"

"I just looked at it, and there is some dry food in my bag."

There are also trainees who want to cry without tears, "Ah! What to do, there is no package in my identity setting."

"Neither do I, can't we get in?"

After entering the infinite loop, the physiological functions of the survivor are stopped. Although the desire to speak the tongue can be fulfilled, there is no need for humans to eat, let alone these copies of NPCs, they will starve to death if they don't eat. Besides, even if they are greedy, they will not be able to appreciate these inferior foods after eating the delicacies in the trainee dormitory kitchen.

With an S-level head, many trainees obediently walked under the supervision of the villagers and waited in line to search.

Those unpackaged trainees can only stand aside in embarrassment.

[Did you just announce the faction about the faction? Everyone looks very wary now]

[Yes, they all seem to be staring at the package, but why do some people have packages and some people don’t? 】

[This... Maybe refugees are also divided into high and low, some wax. jpg]

[I think this idea is correct. If it's an inner ghost, even if it's the same dress, there will definitely be a little difference in personal supplies, right? When I was in the square just now, everyone was staring, and it’s a bit difficult to move sneakily]

[Alas, it’s a pity that this game only uses collective cameras, not individual live broadcast rooms, otherwise at least we viewers can easily guess who the ghost is.]

The old god Zong Nine was there, he was originally empty-handed, and both the yellow talisman and the soul-defying bell were tied to his waist.

Since it is a prop, it can be put into the system space. It's really not good, just plug the exclusive props of the corpsesmith into the system backpack and it will be done. Don't worry about this small matter that will cause your identity to be exposed.

After everyone had checked, let alone trainees, even the barrage didn't even notice the reason.

The other side also came to an end.

A large amount of food was found, and the villagers were happy, and their attitude was a lot looser.

"Alright, since the benefits have been paid, our village will take you in for a while."

But with more than 30 people in front of him, Wang Shou remembered that there were not so many vacancies in the village.

He thought for a while, "Well, if you have paid the food, you will take them to the vacant room, and those who have not paid the food will be taken behind the old locust tree."

The villager named Lao Qiang suddenly raised his head, with a hesitant expression: "Is there anything wrong with... over there?"

"What could be wrong."

Wang Shou said impatiently, "It's been so long, it's up to you to talk about it."

Old Qiang didn't dare to refute, so he responded repeatedly.

Before leaving, Wang Shou motioned for him to come over.

"Watch this group of people, there must be a big fish on them."

Not far away, Zong Jiu mingled in the team that hadn't paid, and silently drew a card for the "behind the old locust tree" in their mouth.

The white-haired young man lowered his head, calmly looked at the inversion card in his hand, and fell into thought.

He drew the thirteenth card of the Grand Arcana, Grim Reaper.