Thriller Trainee

Chapter 36: Famine Mountain Village


While following the village leader, Zong Jiu recalled the "Tarot Guide" in his heart.

Twenty-two large Alcanaris, the most ominous one is undoubtedly the No. 16 "Tower".

Compared with the "high tower" destroying everything, the destructive power of both the forward and the reverse is terrible, but the god of death has a trace of vitality. This vitality can be maximized when the death card is reversed.

The serial number of the god of death is 13. As we all know, 13 is a rather ominous number in the West.

In the Last Supper, Judas, the twelfth disciple of Jesus, betrayed him for thirty silver coins. In the end, Jesus was crucified and suffered. Therefore, the number 13 in the West has always been equivalent to bad luck and fits the meaning of death.

The "Tarot Guide" explains in detail the difference between the Reaper's upright and inverse positions.

Reaper: Failure, end.

Rebellion: abandon the past, rebirth from the ashes, live to death, miracles.

Zong Jiu's thinking flicked for a few seconds on rebirth from the ashes, and took the card back casually.

At this moment, the team stopped just in time.


The leader of the old Qiang stood in front of a dirt house by the roadside, "Here is the one who has just paid for the food."

Then he pointed at a distance, "Those who have not paid, you live behind the tree."

At the end of the path he pointed to, there was an old locust tree with yellowed leaves hanging on the branches, swaying with the cold wind blowing from the side.

Behind the luxuriant branches and leaves of the locust tree, an old and gloomy earthen house stood still, and the doorway was dark, making it creepy from a distance.

The trainees were brought over in two teams, and those who had paid the rations looked at the people who had not paid the rations with pity, and felt extremely grateful.

Combining the previous conversations between Wang Shou and Lao Qiang, anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is definitely a problem with the broken house behind the old locust tree.

Barrage is also being discussed.

[Obviously they were all trainees who came in together, but because someone had a package in the initial setting of the ID card, and someone did not have a package, there was a huge difference in the start. This really depends on the face.]

[Really look at the face +1, to be honest, I think there must be something wrong with that broken house, here must be the law of horror movies]

[Come here to buy and get away, and see who the trainees who have not paid the food will sacrifice to the sky first]

[First exclude Zhuge's dark, secondly exclude magician, others can choose any combination]

The trainees on the other side are obviously very unbalanced, but they dare not say much in front of the villagers holding the hoe.

It may be really unlucky. The strength of the group that has not paid the food is uneven, sparse, and occupy a large area of newcomers. The old man is almost faulty, the highest is only No. 3 Zhuge An, and the next is C-level, which can be described as a rookie.

In this case, people would subconsciously want to find a backbone, so everyone couldn't stop looking at Zhuge in the same queue.

It is a pity that the latter does not move like a mountain, and is noncommittal about the current situation.

The big brother is like this, the other bunch of D-level and E-level newcomers dare not go up and disturb him.

At this time, one of the trainees finally cringed and said, "I, shall we go to the house and take a look first?"

Although I don't know the age of this copy, a large-scale famine can happen, and it is impossible to be a modern civilized society.

It's getting late now, and I'm afraid it will be dark if it continues. Since there are no electric lights, it will be even more terrible.

A trainee immediately agreed, "Yes, let's go and take a look, otherwise it won't be good if it gets dark."

That being said, everyone, look at me and I look at you, but no one can take a step.

At this moment, the white-haired young man put down his arm and walked towards the intersection first.

The others' eyes lit up and immediately followed.

Although the old folks didn't look very pleasing to the celebrity C-class, the newcomers were convinced by all of Zongjiu.

The old people have the right way and strength, and they are used to steady group actions. The horror trainee is another competitive arena. A newcomer will go up and another old man will fall off. The xenophobia is very serious.

The newcomers are all at the starting line, rolling and struggling in the cruel dungeon of horror, knowing how difficult it is for Zong Jiu to reach the third level with a shot like this, so he is more admired. Coupled with Zong Jiu's big show in Las Vegas, everyone knows that he won a million chips, and now even the elderly have to weigh in.

That's a whole million survival points! Even if it is given to a pig, the pig can be strengthened into a steel porcupine!

Zong Jiu ignored the little tail behind him, he walked up to the old locust tree and frowned.

Someone wondered, "Weird. When we just walked over, the bark of those trees was stripped clean, why is the bark of this tree still uneaten?"

"Because the locust tree is yin, it is also called a ghost tree, no one dares to eat it." Zong Jiu said.

In folklore, the locust tree is a very unlucky and fierce tree. It is heavy and easy to provoke unclean things. Few people will plant it in front of the house, let alone such a big one.

"Which of you has redeemed props, please prepare, let's go in and have a look."

The others trembled three times, looking at the dark room behind the tree, their legs were soft.

"Hurry up, just come in and have a look. What's so scary about so many people? It's going to get dark soon. It's better to sleep with a house than without a house."

Zong Jiu urged, and pretended to take out an ordinary dagger from the black cassette.

The black cassette is equivalent to a portable space, very easy to use, you can pull out ordinary items from it anytime, anywhere.

Everyone looked at his actions and thought that this dagger was an advanced prop from Las Vegas, and they also took out their own props one by one, like a big enemy.


The door was tattered and unlocked, so it opened as soon as it was pushed.

The trainee who pushed the door was too flustered, and accidentally pushed the other half of the door to the ground, and the cold wind began to flow backwards.

Zong Jiu held the dagger in his hand, lowered his eyebrows, and headed toward the house.

This is not because he is a master of art, but because he is still holding the dementing bell in his other hand, which is not afraid.

Through the window lattice and the hole rotted out by termites, the light from outside barely shone in, making this small earthen room full of pictures.

There are not many things on display in the house. What I have to say is an empty house that has been abandoned for a long time, and the ground is full of dirt. The beams of the house were covered with moss, and a corner of the water tank placed in the corner was broken. You can only vaguely see the sewage contained in it.

This kind of house can only squint against the wall, even if it is resting. The only advantage is to avoid the autumn wind outside.


The trainee following behind suddenly let out a short scream.

The barrage is a red exclamation mark.

[Fucking this scream really shocked me]

[Me too, called me spirit all at once...]

The person who was investigating immediately showed vigilance, turned his head with the props, and prepared for the supernatural scene.

At the corner, a fat gray shadow jumped out of the hole in the wall.

The trainee faltered, "Yes, it's a mouse."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

With such an interruption, everyone's tension has melted a lot.

For the elderly, how to get a high evaluation in the copy is the goal; for the newcomers, it is good to survive.

They know that they are divided into two camps, but anyway, trainees have an iron rule that they cannot kill each other. Random tasks are not as mandatory as the main task, and it doesn't matter if they don't do it, so few people care about it.

The screaming trainee scratched his head embarrassedly, "My name is Xu Su, sorry, everyone, I was really afraid of mice since I was a kid, I didn't intentionally scare everyone just now."

Others waved their hands, and someone took the opportunity to propose, "Since we are going to get along with this copy next, why don't we get to know it briefly?"

After speaking, everyone subconsciously turned their gaze to Zong Jiu.

Although Zong Jiu didn't do anything himself, this group of newcomers already vaguely looked at him as the leader.

The white-haired young man raised his eyebrows.

To be honest, if you put yourself in the position of leader and show a good appearance for everyone, it is really hard to arouse suspicion. No wonder the Messiah was so active in the first copy, relying on the trust of the elderly, the ignorance of the newcomers, and the weakness of blind obedience in the public's psychology, and finally he was able to retreat.

After getting to know each other briefly, the atmosphere in the house improved a lot.

Everyone randomly chose a place to sit in the room, looked at each other, and sighed.

"Obviously, we are all trainees. We are really unlucky. How come there is no package?"

Xu Su glanced outside, feeling lingering, "We are going to stay here for seven days."

"Yeah, this room is dark and cold, and I'm scared to look at it."

"Don't mention it, maybe you'll have to live like this tonight. Alas, but it's okay, look at how hungry the villagers outside are. Anyway, we don't have to eat."

Zong Jiu didn't participate in the discussion. He squatted against the wall in the middle, listening to their discussion while looking at the wall behind him.

As soon as he glanced over, he found something wrong with the wall.

This room is close to the mountain, with a leaky roof. It is uninhabited for many years. Even the wall is covered with black moss, densely covered with large patches. But if you look closely, you will find that there are some slight differences in the height of their growth, resulting in an uneven cross section.

The white-haired young man picked a branch from the ground at random and scraped off the wall moss bit by bit.

With his movements, the covered wall also exposed the soil behind.

On those rammed earth walls, shocking white marks suddenly appeared.

"Fuck, what is this?!"

Zong Jiu's actions did not avoid other people. When the people in the room found something was wrong, they joined the wall scratching project one by one.

They peeled off almost the entire wall of the moss, watching the scene in front of them, and gasping for a while.

[My mother, these traces seem to be...]

[It’s not what I guessed it, shivering. jpg]

[The one upstairs is what you guessed it (loudly)]

The trainee turned pale: "It looks like it was scratched out with nails?"

"Look, the height is just right..." He gestured, "Half a wall, the higher part is gone, and you can't reach it up."

The room was quiet and terrible.

The walls of the earthen houses in the country have always been compacted, let alone so densely packed, there are traces of one or two centimeters deep.

If it was caused by humans, I am afraid that the fingers would have to be worn off. If it wasn't caused by humans... it would be even more terrifying.

Fear and coolness rushed all the way from the soles of everyone's feet to the sky.

Although I had guessed that there was a problem in this room, everyone was lucky enough, and now this is the next exciting thing.

Xu Su wanted to cry without tears, "Yes, or let's go out to sleep in the open air."

The others did not speak.

To be honest, on the premise of being clearly told that this is a terrorist copy, the entire village will not be safe. Even sleeping outside is still dangerous, but it might be even more dangerous.

At this moment, there was a creaking sound from the wooden board.

Everyone looked back.

The man at the door retracted his hand and glanced at everyone in the house indifferently, "Come out."

For a moment, the newcomers standing in front of the wall looked at each other.

Seeing that they didn't react, Zhuge's tone became more impatient, "If you don't come out to collect firewood, do you want to sleep here for one night? Don't you fear being frozen to death?"

When he said so, the trainees reacted.

The days have come when the autumn and winter meet, this broken-soil roof is mostly wind-proof, not to mention the big temperature difference between day and night in the mountains, and the clothes on everyone are not thick. If you just sleep for one night, you may wake up with stiff body. .

So a dozen people followed in a swarm, no one dared to stay in the house.

They were divided into two teams in front of the house, one team followed Zhuge to collect firewood secretly, and the other team followed Zong Jiu to find villagers.

Fortunately, despite the severe famine in the village, there is enough firewood.

Wandering on the hillside not far away, you can pick up a lot under the tree, and in the end everyone has a large pile of dead branches in their arms.

After the firewood-picking team came back, the team that asked the villagers to borrow flint and steel also returned.

The white-haired young man shook his head, "No, they don't want to borrow."

Although I have known the faces of the villagers in this village for a long time, I don't even want to borrow the cheapest flint, which is really suffocating.

The newcomers were immediately angry, and said grimly: "Damn, these bastards, who wants to protect them!"

"That is, all people who engage in human trafficking are damned. They only sell women, a bunch of gangsters."

"Fuck me, I'm so angry."

A stream of light flashed in Zong Jiu's eyes.

He guessed right, the main task of the ordinary card is really to protect the villagers.

"But, what shall we do now?"

Zhuge frowned secretly, "I can light up, let's go."

What does it mean to be able to ignite

The others watched the boss clutching a bundle of firewood, and did not dare to ask more. More than a dozen people were holding the firewood, empty-handed and empty-handed, and returned to the wooden house at the end of the path.

After all this tossing down, the sky almost changed from gloomy to black blue.

The night is approaching.

When he reached the intersection, Xu Su suddenly said "Ah" again.

The trainee walking in front of him was taken aback by him again, his tone was grumpy, "Why did you scream again? There are mice again?"

"No... it's not."

Xu Su's voice trembled, and she stretched out her fingers, "Well, there, there seems to be someone on it."

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing.

In front of the gloomy earthen house, the lush canopy on the top of the locust tree was stained scarlet.

Accompanied by gravity, his long tongue stretched out to his chest, his arms hung over his knees, and the cloth on his body swayed like a torn sack in the cold wind.

A dead man was hanged there.