Thriller Trainee

Chapter 39: Famine Mountain Village


Zong Jiu felt that his mouthful last night might have had a shocking effect.

Everyone chatted around the fire all night last night, and many people couldn't hold back and fell asleep right before dawn.

It was about to dawn, and there were still so many people around anyway, Zong Jiu was not afraid, and followed for a short nap.

When he woke up, Dongfang Tianji had already turned white.

It's just that the weather is still not good today, gloomy, and there is no trace of anger.

Perhaps it was the sequelae of jet lag that had been performing global transitions at the beginning. Zong Jiu's sleep has never been deep or long. He only needs to absorb the amount of sleep that the human body normally needs.

Although he was awakened at this moment, he was still in good spirits. On the other hand, there was obvious fatigue on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Zong Jiu took the lead to get up from the ground and patted the ashes on his body.

They were all awakened.

"Ah... My head hurts, why are so many people arguing early in the morning."

Xu Su rubbed his sleepy eyes, and when he realized that he was still in the dreadful copy, he immediately opened up, trying to dispel his stubborn sleepiness.

In the house not far away, Anthony led someone behind Azan in black and pushed out the door.

All of them looked vigilant, and when they saw the newcomers slept in front of the fire, their expressions were uniform and contemptuous.

In the dungeon of horror, you can still sleep like this. This group of newcomers will most likely not see the sun in the next few days, so it is not to be afraid.

After the pedestrian lifted his chin and left first, the newcomers were almost awake.

After waking up, everyone did not move, and looked at the white-haired youth standing aside.

Zong Jiu, who was stared at by everyone, said: "...When we wake up, let's go over and take a look?"

Then the group followed Zong Jiu's back, and marched vigorously.

Obviously, after the late night of last night's heart-to-heart talk, the newcomers have given trust in him, the best newcomer, and he is the only one who looks ahead.

Zong Jiu himself had no idea that he was a dignified inner ghost, and he didn't want to buy people's hearts like Messiah. He just screamed and achieved such an effect, and he had to be flattered.

The first kouhi was picked up by Zhuge secretly, and the second kouhi caused a great misunderstanding. It can be seen that you have to quit!

Rarely, Zong Jiu had a feeling of pity in his heart.

When your main mission is completed, you can help these hapless children. You don't know if you are a spearman for the inner ghost, and even the inner ghost can't stand it anymore, pitiful.

When they rushed to the scene, things happened to be at the height of heat.

Almost all the young men in Tongbai Village came out in the early morning, each holding hemp rope and hoes in their hands.

Wang Shou stood in the middle of them, covering his injured arm with one hand, bleeding from his fingers and cursing in his mouth.

"Damn, this lady dared to injure Lao Tzu when she came back secretly, I must arrest her and sell her today!"

"Find! Find them for me! She must still be hiding in the village!"

The other villagers listened to them and checked from house to house one after another.

All the unimportant people were rushed to the open space in the center, and no one was allowed to stay in the earthen hut. After a while, there was a lot of sparse standing on the square, most of which were trainees.

"They don't have a woman in this village." Xu Su whispered.

It's not just that there are no women, there are not even old people. All the people holding the hoes were thin men.

"Didn't the pre-story tell me? Women are all taken by these gangsters to sell to human traffickers."

Xu Sen chuckled, "As for the old man... Alas, I have entered a C-level dungeon called Dead Cave before. The background of that dungeon is very similar to this dungeon, and it is also a mountain village."

The dead hole refers to an old cave deep in the mountains. The cave is full of human bones. The bones turned into grieving spirits and enveloped the mountain, resulting in a series of haunted events that formed the basis of the C-level instance.

As the survivors explore the secrets, they will finally learn that the Dead Hole is actually a place specially prepared for the elderly in the remote mountain villages on that mountain. In those days when there was not enough food, the old people in the village would sneak up to the mountain by themselves in order not to drag their children, starving themselves to death.

Therefore, the location of the dead cave was chosen in a deep mountain cave. The cave was full of sharp stalactites hanging from a height. When they were too hungry, the old people slammed on it and ended their lives.

After hearing this story, others fell silent.

It happened that the villagers over there also came back to report, and Wang Shou jumped on the ground with anger after listening, "How could it be impossible to find it, that lady must still be in the village!"

He was still in trouble, and the village chief who came over knocked him on the head with a cane.

"When is it all, noisy and yelling early in the morning?! Haven't a long memory of the old strong thing yesterday?"

Obviously, even though Wang Shou is a tyrant in the village, he still lacks confidence in the face of his old father, "Father, that's how a lady hairpin stabbed me like this!"

"Before she escaped back to her parents' house, she should have been tied up with the girl and sold it, bah."

The old village chief glanced at his still bleeding arm, "Okay, let's find a herb to apply, and quickly take someone to the temple."

"Widow, a widow, will your natal family be willing to take care of her? I still have to come back, and it won't be too late to let you deal with it."

Wang Shou also seemed to be persuaded. He viciously took the side cloth strip and pointed at a few people, "Go to the village to guard."

Tongbai Village is located deep in the mountains, and there is only one way out of the village, unless you continue to go deeper into the mountains. But in the mountains, there are not only no villages, but also many beasts, snakes and insects. It is impossible to come. As long as the exit from the village is blocked, a woman will always be able to catch it back.

The villagers listened, and obediently went to the village to guard. The others followed Wang Shou obediently and walked towards the back of the village.

Before leaving, the old village chief who was stationed on crutches gave a special order, so a few villagers came over with their hoes and shouted at the trainees in a vicious voice: "You fleeing people, come here too! Hurry up!"

What is this going to do

Everyone looked at each other and followed.

Once the team turned left and right, they turned to the back of the village.

A piece of land at the back of the village was enclosed by a rammed earth wall. Zong Jiu Dynasty glanced inside and found that this piece of land was the one that everyone discussed in front of the fire last night.

The soil in the soil wall is crimson, not only that, the soil surface is also much lower than the road outside, and it seems that people often come to fetch it.

"What to look at, what to look at?"

The villagers guarding their group of refugees came over with hoes, "Walk around, and you will know that you refugees are not honest."

The white-haired young man tilted his head, juggling a large silver dollar out of the air, and quietly stuffing it into the villager's hand.

"This big brother, you really misunderstood. We are all refugees who have fled from hundreds of miles away. How could we know this? A small gift is not respectable. Why don't you explain it to us?"

The weird black cassette is good. Although many people classify this A-level item as useless, it is too much for Zong Jiu.

The others watched his movements dumbfounded.

[Fuck, is that the money of this era? Where did he get it from? 】

[I would also like to ask, everyone is poor all this way, so why is he rich? 】

[Hahaha, you don’t know anything about the power of a magician.jpg]

The villagers squeezed the silver dollar in their hands, and their attitude suddenly turned around one hundred and eighty degrees.

Zong Jiu's gaze turned, and he just saw Anthony and Yi Ruisi who were looking at him not far away.

Previously, he had feuded with these two people in Las Vegas. Although Zong Jiu was not caring, he did not have the noble sentiment of sending intelligence to people who were upset by him.

"Wait, come over and talk to us."

"Okay." For the sake of money, the villagers don't want to talk too much.

Everyone has bad roots, and there are two or three people who are responsible for seeing them as refugees, and only one of them takes the money. If it is seen by the other two villagers, it must be a part of the audience. The villagers would definitely want to swallow them under two-phase thinking, so they cooperated to lower their voices a lot.

"You outsiders certainly don't know that our village is a village enchanted by the Bodhisattva."

The villagers said mysteriously, "In ancient times, there was a Bodhisattva who was here to save all living beings. After his merits were completed, he became a Buddha. In order to express his gratitude, the Bodhisattva dipped the willow branches with the nectar of the jade net and painted a piece of land here. It is said that as long as you eat the fairy grass bred in this field, you can live forever and never get hungry."

Fairy grass

Zong Jiu and Zhuge glanced at each other secretly, then looked back at the red earth behind the earth wall.

The ground was bare, barren, and there was nothing, even the red soil was only a shallow layer, barren.

However, there are records of eating soil during the famine years, and the edible soil is called "Guanyin soil."

It's just that Guanyin soil is a kind of gray and white clay soil, and people who are too hungry will eat it. If you eat too much, your stomach will be bulging, and your intestines will be full of rocks and soil, and you will not be far from death at that time.

"Since it is a fairy grass, how can it be so good."

Seeing the doubts on their faces, the villagers explained, "As long as it is a living seed or a tree, it will not survive being transplanted into this soil, but this soil is very precious."

After that, he also pointed to the temple at the back, "Look, that temple was built by our village for the Bodhisattva."

Sure enough, behind the enclosed Bodhisattva soil, a brick-red temple was quietly located there, out of step with the gray and dilapidated earth houses around it.

Such a good temple can still be built during the famine years, and Bodhisattva soil is eaten at every meal. It seems that the people in this village believe in their legends very much.

Zong Jiu pondered for a moment, glanced at the villager's black pupils who looked much larger than normal, and continued to follow the team.

The destination of the team is the beautifully built temple.

At this moment, Zhuge An suddenly walked to his side without a trace.

Under all eyes, he suddenly asked.

"Anyone who is suspicious?"

The others subconsciously looked towards them.

Under the gaze of countless light, the black-haired man's face was still indifferent, and he didn't even lower his volume.

Zong Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

"As long as there are more than five people agree that one is an inner ghost."

Zhuge said in a calm tone, "If the main system determines that the identification is correct, you will immediately have the right to kill the inner ghost."

"If the inner ghost can be executed successfully, the level factor will be tripled directly."

Zhuge secretly glanced at Anthony and the others, staring at the pale pink eyes of the white-haired young man, pointing out, "Flying directly to S-level, don't you be impressed?"