Thriller Trainee

Chapter 4: Mental hospital


The atmosphere in the restaurant is quite weird.

The old people hug each other in pairs, but the newcomers are basically scared, just looking forward to whether they can hug their thighs.

It was only halfway through the meal, and there were many people who made small calculations to get together in front of the old man and take the initiative to flatter them.

Glasses are also one of them.

Before entering the infinite loop, the glasses were just an ordinary office worker who followed the rules and worked diligently to complete the arrangements and work of the boss, and never thought of committing crimes.

But now, he has entered this terrifying and dangerous trainee competition with an uncertain future. Not only can he not go back, but he is also in danger of losing his life.

Because I sit in the office all the year round, my glasses are puffy and weak, and I don’t have any skills other than work. His rating is the same as his work at the bottom of the real world, only F grade. If this game fails to get a score of E grade or higher in the reassessment, it is a dead word.

No one wants to die, the same goes for glasses. So after entering the first game, he made his own calculations.

After the nurse opened the door, he immediately crawled to the upstairs dining room, silently observing everyone who came in through the entrance.

In the end, it is still useful to wait and see. The glasses have a more comprehensive understanding of the trainees in this session.

There are two people with S-level signs on their bodies, three A-levels, a dozen of B-levels, and more C-levels and D-levels, but the most are still E-levels and F-levels like him.

Among them, the long-haired S-class looked indifferent, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

Another big blonde who is also an S-rank smiles like a spring breeze, even wearing a hospital gown can’t hide his holy breath.

Before the glasses had the courage to come forward, he saw a few E-level F-levels who had the same idea as him and walked towards the two S-levels with the dinner plate.

Zhuge didn't raise his dark eyelids, and when he put the chopsticks down without saying anything, the couple's legs trembled with fright.

Unexpectedly, the other big blonde didn't respond with the same grimness because of the thoughts written on the faces of these newcomers, but smiled understandingly.

"You are all newcomers. I am the Messiah. Just call me that."

Perhaps it is the goodness of this big guy that made the newcomers feel more at ease, so these newcomers immediately started to introduce themselves. The glasses watched for a while, and then joined in cheeky.

One by one, they expressed the fear in their hearts, and they were at a loss as to know nothing about the current situation.

The Messiah did not interrupt, but listened quietly, and waited until the last person had finished speaking before nodding his approval: "Indeed, high-rated trainees are basically survivors who have lived in an infinite loop for a period of time. I’m still a newcomer. It’s really too cruel to be selected as trainees without giving you a chance to grow."

"Don't worry." The blonde youth looked mild, "This is only the first scene. If there is something I can take care of, I will help everyone as much as possible."

In places where many trainees can't see, the barrage of onlookers also brushed out a hum.

[Oh, Master Shengzi is still so gentle and crying]

[It’s really the same as an adult’s name, like the Son who saves all beings from fire and water 55555]

[I was in tears when I saw this scene. The last time I went to the copy, I ran into the Lord Saint Son. He saved me as a rookie like this, and gently comforted me that I was fine, ooh, he is a good person in the contemporary era. Really hammered]

"...Shengzi is still the same."

He Jianlan took a bite of ham, "Those newcomers are obviously holding their thighs and deliberately exaggerating the facts."

When he said this, a rich newcomer was yelling over there saying that as long as the Messiah protects him, he will promise him a large sum of money to seven figures when he returns. The Messiah couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, and repeatedly said no, just a little effort.

Qin glanced with no interest, "He didn't always do this."

Among the top ten trainees, apart from that, Messiah is undoubtedly the most popular.

Because he is a recognized great good person in an infinite loop.

Many old survivors were also newcomers, and many old survivors have also received the favor of the Messiah during the newcomer period.

In a world full of treacherous infinite loops, such a character is very rare, and it is easy to become a spiritual leader. The title of Saint Son is given by the survivors respecting him.

Messiah's own strength is unfathomable, his personality is good, and there have never been many people around him. Even if there are people who are not pleasing to the eye, they secretly feel that he is hypocritical, but they are silent under the strength of him and his followers.

For example, now, the newcomers almost built a shrine on the spot to consecrate the Messiah. Looking at him, it was like seeing the Virgin Mary descending to the earth. They wished to stay by his side for three days and three nights. .

He Jianlan sighed in his heart and his eyesight was short-sighted, and then he withdrew his gaze.

It's good to be by the Messiah, and maybe you can save your life. But the ratings of these newcomers in the personal show may not be much higher. The Messiah can protect them and cannot protect them for a while, and they will die when they are damned.

All newcomers who enter the infinite loop must walk between life and death in order to have the consciousness of fighting on their own. If they shrink their heads or rely on others, there is only one word of death in the end.

When he retracted his gaze, He Jianlan's peripheral light accidentally swept across the corner of the restaurant and paused for a moment unconsciously.

The white-haired young man with a shocking appearance was sitting quietly in the corner, mechanically lifting and placing the spoon.

With his head half-down, he can only see a beautifully shaped jaw line from this angle.

This newcomer is kind of interesting.

He Jianlan squinted his eyes.

Almost all newcomers in the hall, let alone newcomers, even a few C-classes have a tendency to seek refuge around Messiah. Everyone has the idea of not taking advantage of the bastard.

In this environment, this white hair can still sit steadily, neither humble nor overbearing, and he didn't even look back at it, which is obviously extremely unusual.

"Old Qin, what do you think of that random task?"

Qin was impatient, "What do you want to say, don't make a bend of Laozi, just let go of your farts."

He least likes people who are struggling to talk, but unfortunately his partner is such a guy who likes to talk.

He Jianlan is a B-level, but because of the possession of a special item, many A-levels are a little jealous of him. Especially after he and Qin Ye formed a partner, they became even more powerful and their fighting power almost doubled. This time they were lucky enough to be assigned to the same venue. Many old people in the restaurant were tickling their teeth with envy.

"I said you shouldn't be a little suspicious, just look at Zhuge secretly. People noticed, you don't know when to count you in." He Jianlan said helplessly, "Do you think Zhuge secretly worked in the'curse mask'" What? Don't step into the chessboard without knowing it."

These words are really useful. Qin also immediately retracted his gaze with a stinking face.

He Jianlan was speechless. By the way, he silently raised the white-haired newcomer several levels in his doubt list.

At this moment, Zong Jiu's meal was also finished.

As if he hadn't noticed the gaze projected from all directions, he placed his chopsticks quietly, bowing his head and wondering what he was thinking.

Logically speaking, beauties are always eye-catching. But the aura and sense of alienation in the white-haired youth were so strong that no one dared to talk to him for a while.

The boy who had been watching for a long time finally plucked up the courage and sat across from him with the dinner plate.

Zong Jiu closed his live broadcast room and raised his eyes lightly.

With just one meal, the number of people in his live broadcast room jumped from zero eggs to thousands. Perhaps this is the privilege of looking good.

Sitting down was a very shy young man, not only his face but also his expression was full of youthfulness, he looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, and his eyes were grateful and worried.

"I, I, I am Sheng Yu."

Seeing the white-haired young man looking over, Sheng Yu even started to stammer, "Hey, thank you before."

As if afraid that Zong Jiu would not remember, the high school student hurriedly added in a low voice, "I was in the dormitory earlier, thanks to your reminder."

When Sheng Yu said so, Zong Jiu found some memories.

The other party is also a member of the E-class eight-bed dormitory.

The young man looked at him quietly, until he saw Sheng Yu's whole body hairy, he nodded indifferently, "It was your own choice that saved you."

This is not wrong. Doesn't Xia Chuan believe him

If Sheng Yu doesn't believe it, it will only end up with the same fate as Xia Chuan.

Sheng Yu wanted to say again, the noisy restaurant suddenly became quiet as if a rest was pressed.

"Da da da."

There was a crisp sound of high heels flapping on the tiles.

A nurse in a nurse's uniform walked in. They looked indifferent, with a shaking oil lamp in their head hand, and it was the female nurse who had opened the door to Zong Jiu earlier.

The faces of these nurses were very pale, not normal white or anemic pale, but a strange paleness.

The experienced old people looked behind them subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, under the cover of incandescent lamps in the restaurant, black shadows are quietly floating on the clean tiles, which also proves their identity as humans.

"You are all newly admitted patients this morning. The schedule and activity schedule of this hospital are all posted on the wall over there. Other than that, I just remind you of a few points."

"One: night travel is prohibited. Two: patients are forbidden to fight each other. Three: Absolutely obey the orders of medical staff."

The head nurse said indifferently: "If you try to violate it, you will be locked up in a confinement room or forced to be treated. It all depends on the severity of your condition. Trust me, you won't want to try one by one."

No one in the dining room made a sound, as quiet as if they were in a grave.

"Very well, you are much more obedient than the last batch of patients admitted to the hospital."

Obviously, this attitude satisfied the head nurse, and a smile was rarely seen on her mean face.

"Cooperating with our treatment will only benefit your own condition. I am very pleased that you can figure this out."

The few newcomers who followed the Messiah had already shaken into a sieve, and they didn't dare to ask where the last batch of patients had gone.

"Okay, the rules are over, now let's start lining up to take the medicine."

The head nurse waved his hand, and the nurses behind him walked out of the shadows one by one holding the medicine bottles, and handed out the pills and water to the trainees in the dining room one by one.

The trainees exchanged glances in private.

Sheng Yu quietly asked him what to do.

Zong Jiu did not speak.

The white-haired young man put the pill in front of his face and smelled it, and frowned slightly.

To eat or not to eat

There was no logo on the medicine bottle, and they didn't even know what medicine it was. But combined with the dizziness and weakness that I felt when I just woke up, this is mostly a tranquilizer or antipsychotic drug commonly used in mental hospitals.

The drugs from unknown sources in the strange hospital full of mysteries can't be eaten even if you think about it with your toes. Not to mention that they are not mentally ill at all.

As if guessing what the trainees were thinking, several nurses were standing there, distributing pills, and staring at everyone with their sharp eyes. They had to watch them swallow them before giving them another tablet.

If you don’t eat it, it’s a violation of Article 3. No one wants to be the first mouse to experience the confinement room described by the head nurse.

A nurse said impatiently, "Hurry up, don't waste time."

Everyone hesitated for a while, and they all showed their magical powers.

The glasses quietly raised his head to look at the Messiah who raised his head and drank water and swallowed the medicine.

But unfortunately, due to the angle, he couldn't tell whether the other party had swallowed the pill in his hand.

The nurse who was staring at the Messiah looked away with satisfaction and landed on the glasses.

The sight of the group of eyes made the back of the glasses cool, and he shivered quickly and stuffed the white pill into his mouth.

"What else can I do, eat it."

On the other side, Zong Jiu moved his fingers impenetrably and threw the pill directly into his mouth.

After everyone had swallowed, the head nurse suddenly ordered: "Roll up their sleeves, open their mouths, and lift their tongues."

It's over.

There was a thump in the glasses, and at this moment, he couldn't care about the lack of water, so he swallowed dry with saliva. Many people in the restaurant had the same reaction as him. The worst was an overly nervous trainee. He was taken aback and coughed again and again. He accidentally coughed up the unswallowed pills and rolled to the ground with his saliva.

The trainee's face is now as pale as the nurses.

The head nurse sneered and waved. A group of nurses of five big and three thick didn't know where they came out, grabbing the trainee's feet, dragging him away without knowing it, and disappearing into the dark corridor.

[Fogweed, this kind of compulsion looks terrifying...]

[To be honest, in this kind of horror copy, the first one is usually killed and cursed. It's miserable, I guess it won't come back]

[This dungeon is not easy, I will use big tricks when I come up. I am now curious about what kind of medicine the head nurse gave them]

[Back upstairs, it should be an antipsychotic such as lumina, chloroprothixol or chlorpromazine]

After a while, the screams of trainees in the corridor stopped abruptly, and the next moment the iron gates were locked and locked.

This is confinement.

It was quiet in the restaurant, and no one spoke.

Seeing that the goal of killing the chickens and the monkeys was achieved, the head nurse nodded in satisfaction, put on a sentence of free activity, and turned to leave.

Not all the trainees who entered this venue gathered in the restaurant, and a few chose to explore directly. Presumably these nurses are going to deliver medicine to those people.

Zong Jiu stared at the corners of the white clothes that the nurses had disappeared into the darkness, suddenly curled up the corners of his mouth, and opened his palm.

Like a trick, on the palm of his hand, an intact white pill was lying quietly there.