Thriller Trainee

Chapter 43: Famine Mountain Village


After noon, the clouded weather became darker and darker.

It seemed that someone was holding a writing brush dipped in ink and drew a line across the sky. All the surging clouds at the time of the day were all slumped together, making people feel depressed.

This kind of weather makes other people uncomfortable, and it couldn't be more comfortable for Anthony.

He is a half vampire.

There are many things that vampires least like in the legend, such as garlic, holy water, cross, sunlight... etc.

In fact, the only thing that vampires don't like is sunlight. Unless the holy water is consecrated by the cathedral, it is difficult to harm them.

But this drawback is especially obvious in semi-vampires.

Semi-vampires are actually human beings that have not yet been completely transformed. The blood clan can only increase their abilities to the top level in the category of humans, and cannot cross the boundaries of humans, because this is also one of the iron laws drawn by the main system.

So half-vampires hate sunlight very much, worse than real vampires.

In their endless loop, the night clan’s base castle is covered with thick curtains to block the light from the outside, and at most candlesticks are lit for other visitors. Because the vampire's night vision ability is exceptionally good, so good that it can easily see things in a dark place.

"Where are we going now?"

Lin Guoxing asked.

He is a relatively honest and honest existence in the A-level, he can get along with everyone on weekdays, and he dares to speak in front of the grumpy barbarian Anthony. The other B-grade and C-grade old people also followed behind them obediently.

"What's the hurry, first look around for any missing information."

Anthony stopped and directed the other old people to explore nearby, but he was standing there.

He obviously didn't pay much attention to this copy.

Although there are two S-levels coming in with them, Anthony's strength is high-level A-level, and he has also entered the S-level dungeon with His Royal Highness during the infinite loop. Now facing this copy that is not as difficult as the S-level, he naturally neglects much.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, his biggest competitor-Vincent is dead.

No one thought that one of the right arms of His Royal Highness Fan Zhuo would not even be able to survive the first copy of the horror trainee. After learning the news, Anthony almost didn't laugh to death, opened a few bottles of whiskey overnight, and celebrated with his confidant for having solved his old opponent for many years without a fight.

So Anthony's current posture is very leisurely, and he even keeps his hands behind his head, slowly watching the surrounding scenery.

In this copy, there are only three people who really need his attention.

The first two are the two S-rank bosses of the only copy, Zhuge An and Hei Yi Azan.

Anthony is not worried about the words of Azan in black. Although this No.4 has cultivated the most evil ghost training, he himself is an upright and decent figure, seldom playing small tricks, and even often giving away for nothing. intelligence. For example, when I was in the mourning hall just now, I sent a message to everyone that the yin woman was a yin-traveler.

As for Zhuge An, this is the one Anthony dared not provoke.

Although he is called a barbarian, he does things straightforwardly, but he is not really without his mind, otherwise he would not be able to achieve the position of the top of the night clan. Anthony knew who should provoke and who should not provoke. Like no.3, it is the existence that he wants to go around.

At the beginning, in the cursing mask, Vandro and Anthony were one of the three forces. After being tricked by Zhuge, he left a very deep psychological shadow. Until now, he felt sore when he saw that face, adhering to the idea that even if this character couldn't befriend him, he would definitely not be evil.

But in fact, the first two are not so important, the most important is the third.

The white-haired one looks more beautiful than a woman. It is said that Zong Jiu, a C-level trainee with unlimited potential.

This is the number one candidate for Anthony to pay attention to.

As for why—

After the A-level gaming table conflict, Anthony was beaten by Van Zhuo.

"I hate people who disobey my orders."

Under the dark candlelight, the handsome face of the man was majestic and stern.

The double-headed eagle emblem on the black and gold military uniform was shining dimly under the candlelight, and the long saber was resting on the conference table.

He looked at the subordinate who was kneeling on the ground, his voice was cold, "Remember, there is no next time."

"Yes... Your Highness."

Under the pressure from the origin of the blood, Anthony felt that his heart seemed to be clenched, uncomfortable to the point that it would be hard to pass for a second.

Fan Zhuo looked at him coldly, without pressure, but turned around and walked to the window carved with silver edging.

The room of no.2 is luxurious enough and even comes with a small garden. Looking out from the crimson tapestry, you can just see the tulip fields in full bloom outside.

"Watch him."

Although he didn't say who it was, Anthony, who bowed his head on the ground, knew it well.

"When necessary... protect him."

Anthony ended the memory.

The expression on his face is terrible.

This was the only time that His Highness had given him a protective order, and the subject was still a very ordinary C-level.

What if you get a million chips in the limelight in Las Vegas? After all, he is just a fledgling rookie.

Let alone a newcomer, even a capable old man hasn't been treated so differently by His Royal Highness. How good is a newcomer

That being said, Anthony, who has already experienced violations once, does not intend to feel it again.

So even though he saw that the C-Class who stumbled on him in the casino and made him lose face, he still didn't choose to do anything after entering the deserted village dungeon.

"Senior Anthony!"

Just as Anthony was looking down, an old man in the team hurried over from a distance, "We felt yin in the houses of many villagers when we were investigating."

Yin Qi

Anthony frowned, "Is it Bodhisattva soil?"

As a senior old man, he certainly knows what the appearance of Yin Qi means.

In the morning, a low-level shaman in the team quietly shared information with them, saying that the "Bodhisattva soil" enchanted by the Bodhisattva among the villagers in this deserted village was actually extremely cold.

As expected, if it weren't for the extreme coldness, how could it be possible that any plant could not survive when transplanted in the past, as the villagers said. To a certain extent, the plants that can survive in this environment are probably only the so-called "fairy grass" that has the so-called attribute to the sun and is not afraid of the cold.

The old man handing out the message shook his head, "My perception is limited. I only think that the big house in the northernmost part of the village is extremely dark."

To the north of the village head

Lin Guoxing thought, "Isn't that the house of the village chief's family?"

Yesterday the other team was picking firewood at the old locust tree, and Anthony was not idle.

They were bold and talented, so they directly explored the locations and places of other villagers in the village. Naturally, they knew that the big earthen house in the north was the village chief’s site with the firewood house. In addition to the village chief, Wang Shou and his son also lived there.

In addition, they also obtained a lot of information.

For example, Wang Shou’s first wife gave him a son and died of dystocia. The wife who fled back to her natal family was a widow from the next village behind him. When the widow got married, she brought a daughter. In the preceding plot, they looked at the one that Wang Shou sold to the trafficker.

"As soon as we went to watch the firewood room, Wang Shou took his wife back and locked it in the firewood room. The newcomer of the other team clashed with them and was yelling there."

"Don't worry about them, a group of newcomers can't make it into a climate."

Anthony sneered, waved his hand, and motioned for them to follow.

Seeing that there is an A-level leader, other old people who want to complete the dangerous challenge together are naturally desperate, and hurriedly follow behind him.

Halfway through, Lin Guoxing suddenly asked, "By the way, has anyone seen Azan in black?"

"I see, he was checking house-to-house with us before."

Another old man shrugged, "But we are looking for Yin Qi, he seems to be looking for something. Then we didn't pay attention to him, and we didn't see anyone in a blink of an eye."

As they were talking, they walked to the earthen hut in the north.

This house is very quiet, presumably Wang Shou and the old village chief have not yet come back.

Anthony made a gesture, and several AB-level trainees leaped over the wall.

The windows of the earthen houses in the countryside usually have wooden slats on their windows.

The old survivors with skills like unlocking basically use survival points to light up, so after a moment, several people nodded. A man stood guard behind the tree at the door, watching the situation outside vigilantly. Another person went to the back of the house, alert for other changes that might occur at any time.

Anthony and Lin Guoxing stepped into the house.

The light in the room is very dark, and everything is in a dark state.

The place where the village chief lives is of course much better than that of ordinary villagers. Not only is the furniture complete, but there is also a thick quilt on the kang. Apart from these, there is nothing suspicious at first glance.

But... it's yin.

The two of them exchanged glances.

Lin Guoxing took out his own human skin drum, and Anthony's nails began to dye black from the end, both of them looked defensive.

'I will go to the bedroom to have a look. '

Lin Guoxing silently pointed to one of the dark rooms. Anthony took advantage of the trend and picked the doorway on the other side, hiding himself in the dark, and slowly moving around by sticking to the wall.

He came to the kitchen.

The kitchen doesn't even have a window, only a chimney above, and you can't see your fingers.

The huge black iron pot is placed in the center of the kitchen. Below is the scorched cave dwelling.

Anthony stepped forward with red eyes open, and touched the bottom of the pot with his hands, and suddenly felt a little greasy in his palms.

If there is oil, there must be meat. The village chief's family must have used meat to stir-fry vegetables recently, and it will leave such traces.

But the strange thing is that in the famine years, they didn't even have to eat. They saw no pigs in the village along the way. Where did the meat come from

The half vampire knelt down, closed his eyes and let go of his perception, looking for blood in the air.

If there is meat, the smell of blood will be essential. The vampire's sense of smell is very sensitive, as long as they have even the slightest smell of blood, they can easily distinguish it.

After a pause of about ten seconds, the smell of blood in the kitchen was finally caught by Anthony.

Following the smell, he moved to the corner and lifted the lid of the water tank.

It was dark inside, with a jar of dark water floating on it.

Anthony lowered his head. With the half-vampire's night vision ability, he could clearly see the blood floating on the tank and the things sinking under the water.

His pupils are slightly open.

Combining the previous fragments, any clues flashed through his mind.

At this moment, suddenly, a cold hand touched his shoulder gently.

Anthony reacted quickly. When he felt heavy on his shoulders, he grabbed the hand at a speed that ordinary human eyes couldn't catch. The sharp black nails cut through the opposite side like a knife, and kicked at the opponent with his knees bent.

However, just halfway through this set of actions, the half-vampire action stopped in place.

Anthony was surprised, "Why are you?"

The man smiled slightly, "It's me."

Lin Guoxing shrugged, "I didn't find anything in the bedroom, but there is a voice here. I think you are not coming out, so I came over."

This explanation is not too problematic, but I don't know why, there is always a string in Anthony's mind that is tight. Perhaps it is for this reason that he hasn't put down his guard posture for a long time, instead he took a half step back.

"I finished the investigation so soon, I didn't say a word when I came over, I thought there was something wrong."

Lin Guoxing's fighting ability is not good, and he is a logistician on weekdays, so he shouldn't be afraid.

Anthony thought so, and gradually relaxed his body guard.

and many more! wrong!

The hands on his shoulders were still there, but the temperature seemed to pour the coldness into the bones through the heavy clothes.

The half-vampire suddenly raised his head. He looked at the other person's face in the dark, subconsciously trying to strangle it.

How could Lin Guoxing's hands be cold

Could it be... he will be the inner ghost of this copy

It's a pity, it's too late.

The hand resting on the vampire's shoulder suddenly strained. Scarlet blood leaked from between the fingers, disappearing invisible.

In a daze, Anthony saw a contemptuous smile on the opposite person.

In the next moment, something sharp and cold fell slowly from the endless void, plunged into his cerebral cortex, and pierced into the deeper sea of consciousness.

The first puppet silk represents reading, and the second puppet silk represents the subconscious.

This indescribable pain lasted only a moment, and even the wound was undetectable, let alone being noticed by human eyes.

After a moment, let alone pain, even what happened just now, disappeared in a trance as the thread stabilized.

Anthony was in a daze for a moment.

After an instant, he grabbed his mind and broke away from the previously unconscious state.

Just in front of him, Lin Guoxing waved his hand in front of him with worry, "Anthony, Anthony?"


The half-vampire opened his mouth.

He felt as if he had forgotten something, but he had to say something that he had forgotten, and he couldn't say a reason, so he could only make a monotonous tone.

The person in front of him smiled.

It's just inexplicable, this smile is strange and pleasant, but it is a pity that Anthony does not find it weird, but subconsciously thinks it should be so, and did not delve into it.

"Why do you think I am the inner ghost? If I were the inner ghost, I shouldn't take advantage of your distraction just now to solve you earlier."

Lin Guoxing laughed while lowering his voice.

"But... I have a skeptical candidate."