Thriller Trainee

Chapter 45: Famine Mountain Village


The earthen house was originally small, with more than 30 people crowded in it, and everyone had only a place to stay.

After Anthony and his party came in, the other trainees in the soil hut were slightly embarrassed.

The main reason is that they dared not go to the earthen house behind the old locust tree. The dove occupied the magpie's nest to take up the place where they paid their food.

Seeing Anthony's vaguely hostile look on the opposite side, Zong Jiu was rather casual.

He put his hand down calmly, his expression was lazy and dripping.

"Seeing that you didn't come back, we stayed temporarily. Now that we are back, we happen to be going out too, so don't live here."

The white-haired young man waved his hand with a smile, and everyone in the earthen house followed him to the outside.

[The quality of the newcomers on the magician's side is really good. They have just faced a wave of terrorist attacks, and the outside is dark, so I dare to go out]

[The most important thing is that no one has objected yet, alas, everyone trusts the magician. I’m looking forward to their expression after discovering that the magician is an inner ghost 23333]

[I have turned off all the live broadcasts next door now, and I will stare at this live broadcast room to see what the inner ghost group can do]

"and many more."

Just when the other team was about to step out of the dirt house, Anthony suddenly said in a deep voice, "Where did Yi Ruisi go?"


Zong Jiu turned his head slightly, and there was an unpredictable floating light in his light pink eyes.

"He is a member of your team, what matters to us."

Others also realized that the atmosphere seemed a little bit wrong, showing a vigilant look.

Xu Su whispered, "Isn't it? They came to ask us when they disappeared, they are crazy."

Anthony stared at the white-haired young man with a gloomy look, "Yi Ruisi has been following you all the time."

"Oh." Zong Jiu yawned lazily, "Is he following honestly? Why didn't I see it? Is it possible that someone is following me, and I have to be responsible for his life safety? I look like such a kind person ?"

The two teams faced each other across the door frame of the Tsuchiya, and the atmosphere was tense.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared again in the rainy night.

Both teams looked there at the same time.

Azan in black is walking in the rain.

The icy rain crackled down from the sky, flowing on the ribs of the Garuda above his head. The black robe was soaked and hung heavily behind him. Every step he took, he would drip down with the rain.

He was clutching his shoulders, his fingers oozing blood, his face could be said to be ugly.

Watching the crowd sounded one after another, puffing out air-conditioning.

Even Zhuge, who had been out of the way, was a little interested.

He is no.3, and Azan in black is no.4. From a certain perspective, in the definition of strength divided by the main system, the strength of the two of them is very close.

No.4 was injured, enough to prove the seriousness of this matter.

Let alone trainees, the barrage is also refreshing.

[Fuck, why is the big black Azan injured? Did he act alone just now?]

[Yes, acting alone in the second dungeon will not give the camera, so curious]

[Can you hurt the big black Azan? ? Damn, how horrible this copy is, I'm scared, I'm scared]

Under everyone's intently gaze, Azan in black twisted his eyebrows and released his hand, revealing the hideous black wound below.

The weird thing is that even if he covered it for so long, blood still gushed from the wound, mixed with the cold rain, and quickly diluted.

The knowledgeable old people all exclaimed.

Such a wound that is difficult to heal, at first glance, is hurt by the existence of extremely cold.

Azan in black brought back two pieces of information.

"The woman in the wood house is dead."

Zong Jiu and the others can think of that woman as the breakthrough point for this task, how can the experienced old man think of it

So after investigating the necessary information and verifying the guess in his heart, Azan in black went straight to the front of the firewood house in the north of Tongbai Village.

When he arrived in front of the wood house, the sky was already dark.

Several villagers were guarded in front of the wood shed before, but at night, all these villagers were gone.

Ajahnton in black felt suspicious, so he summoned a kid and asked it to go to the village chief’s earthen house to listen for news.

Then, he heard a conversation.

"Father, what about that stinky lady? The traffickers will come tomorrow!"

Wang Shou walked around in the earthen house anxiously, sounding very restless.

"I told you to start without knowing what to do."

The old village chief hit the kang noodles with a cigarette butt, "Twenty yuan!"

Twenty yuan is a huge sum in this famine era.

The little girl Wang Shou had sold before only took six yuan, and six yuan is the family's expenses for half a year, let alone twenty yuan.

Wang Shou also regretted, "I just want to play with my brother, how can I know that woman is so temperamental."

"Forget it, that's the end of the matter, we still have important business tonight. Tomorrow you will take care of it, and then take the meat to the west exit of the bazaar to sell. At any rate, you can sell it for one or two yuan."

The village head hates that iron cannot be made of steel, "We also keep half of it and store it in the back tank, so that we will not worry about the winter."

... ...

The information contained in this passage is shocking enough to add to the answers he has previously determined.

Azan in black told the little devil to take good care of the two people in the earthen house, and then turned to go to the front of the wood house.

If he guessed right, the woman should be dead.

If a person has just died soon, the soul will not immediately go to the yin dungeon. As long as the body is still intact, Azan in black can try to draw out the soul with the homing flag, and get clues from the dead.

There was a strong smell of blood in the wood house.

The woman fell on the ground with her hands tied, her body stiff, her body covered with blood spots, blue and purple, and nothing was intact.

There was a huge blood hole in her forehead, and her eyes turned white.

On the side of the firewood was a blood-stained chopper.

Perhaps it was because his daughter was sold, and he was caught here again and suffered all the humiliation, which gave birth to the will to die.

Azan in black chanted a few rebirth curses, and after confirming that there were no abnormalities in his surroundings, he squatted down with the holy spirit flag, ready to start the holy spirit.

At this moment, something happened suddenly!

The eyes of the corpse suddenly turned, changing from hollow white to clear black.

Her bloody nails grew violently and cut through the black Azan who could not dodge, leaving a wound corroded by Yin Qi.

"I was careless."

This matter is said to be big or small.

In fact, Azan in black can be avoided completely. Because before he was preparing to call the souls, he deliberately sensed whether this woman had any grievances, so as not to degenerate into a ghost.

but. He did not perceive any ghostly breath.

When it comes to dealing with ghosts, Azan in Black can say that he is the one who does his part among the trainees. After all, even the Onmyoji is only raising Shishen, and can't raise ghosts.

Even he didn't feel the resentment of Huagui, that can only explain one problem.

The ghosts in this village are not grieving ghosts formed through ordinary means.

"Oh, I know this."

Zong Jiu interrupted, "Human hearts turn ghosts, said by the yin lady in the temple."

Azan in black frowned, "Humanized ghosts are not so friendly, unless there are extreme conditions that are favorable to the people, the time and the place... Forget it."

"There is another piece of information."

He looked solemn, "The people in this village have a habit of cannibalism."


Zong Jiu was not surprised.

Let alone the hint that his strange mission of "a perfect corpse" gave him, anyone who has a little knowledge of the dark side of history knows that throughout the famine years of ancient and modern times, cannibalism is not uncommon.

Not mentioned in ancient times, there was "Dingwu Qihuang" in the Qing Dynasty from 1877 to 1878, and the "Eighteen Years of the Republic of China" in the Republic of China. Even in modern times from 1959 to 1961, it was caused by the Great Leap Forward and the People/Commons/Communities. Serious three-year big/famine.

Whenever famine, the scene is similar.

How tragic is the famine

Dig bark and roots, eat wild vegetables, eat Guanyin soil... As long as everything you can eat, everything is used to satisfy your hunger and fullness.

In this extremely bad situation, cannibalism has become a matter of course.

For human beings, food is the basis of survival. If even the most basic survival necessity cannot be guaranteed, then morality and law will be reduced to a dead letter.

At the end of all famines, the corpse will be a good meal.

The horror of Ding Wuqihuang has been recorded or painted in both "A Brief Introduction to Jinyu Disaster" and "Tears of Jinyu Disaster". As long as someone starves to death, countless people will flock to them, even digging out the uncorrupted corpses from the ground and putting them in a pot for cooking. Some parents cannot bear to eat their own children, so they will exchange their children to eat with others. Eventually it even developed to kill people and eat meat.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the poet Qu Dajun wrote a poem "Sorrows for the Cairen", which was about people who were not full of food during the Great/Famine. In order to keep her husband alive, a woman voluntarily went to the market to be a "vegetarian."

Cairen, as the name suggests, goes to the vegetable market and sells himself as a vegetable, so he is naturally called Cairen. The open sale of human flesh in the bazaar is enough to imagine what a purgatory scene was at that time.

"Wait, it's not quite right."

When everyone was shocked by the news that Azan brought back in black, Zhuge suddenly frowned.

"The market opens early in the morning. If Wang Shou wants to sell human flesh, let the butcher wash and cut it overnight. Then why do they wait to sell it the next day instead of tomorrow?"

Azan in black was taken aback, "I didn't pay attention to this either. They seemed to say they were going to the temple tonight."

Now many people's expressions changed.

Azan in Black didn't act with Zong Jiu's team, and there was a lot of information that he didn't know.

For example, when they were leaving the temple, Yin Po had specifically instructed them not to open the door at night, and to find her in the day.

Reminiscent of the cold noodles that the old village chief came out of the temple at the time, it is clear what the people in the village had in mind when they went there at night.

Zong Jiu's expression froze, "Go, something may have happened."

As a result, as soon as his voice fell and everyone rushed into the heavy rain, the cold voice of the main system sounded.

[Main task of the inner ghost identity card: find a perfect corpse. mission failed】

Not only Zong Jiu, but everyone else also received the message.

[Ordinary ID card main task: protect villagers. mission failed】

All of a sudden everyone was dumbfounded.

[The main missions of the two camps have failed and cannot be determined. The dungeon of "Famine Mountain Village" is being restarted...]

In an instant, the downpour stopped abruptly.

The surrounding scenery changed and returned to stillness.

Not far away, the trafficker was pulling the cart, slowly driving towards the entrance of Tongbai Village.

Nearby, Wang Shou and the villagers were working together to reinforce the hemp rope on the tied little girl.

The trainees are standing in a clearing, unable to move, and can only watch the pre-plot repeat itself.

Everyone's faces are the same astonishment.

No one knows why the missions of the two camps would fail at the same time, and no one knew why a seven-day mission was marked with a time limit, and then they went to the third day, and they were directly destroyed by the group.

They don't know, and the barrage is even more unclear. Everyone talked about it and paid close attention to the latest developments in the live broadcast room.

[Dungeon "Famine Mountain Village" restarted successfully]

[This is the last restart of the dungeon. If the task cannot be completed this time, the team will be eliminated immediately]

【Extracting a copy to restart the penalty mode...】

[Punishment pattern drawing completed]

All the trainees suddenly realized the long-lost hunger sensation in their stomachs, and the fire burned.

[Forced to open the "hunger" value]

[The upper limit of the hunger value is 60. If the value drops to zero, you will die directly. Please be sure to maintain a sense of fullness.]

[Cancel inner ghost protection, inner ghost items cannot be put into the system backpack, please note]