Thriller Trainee

Chapter 48: Famine Mountain Village


The night sky was the same as they had entered the dungeon on the first day, dark clouds, gloomy, and moonlight invisible.

Fortunately, it will rain tomorrow night. There will be no major events on the first night, so I can buffer for a while.

This night was quite panic.

What happened before dark was exactly the same as the previous reincarnation.

This time, under everyone's eyes, Lao Qiang's corpse did not hang on the old locust tree, but rather intelligently replaced it on the roof. Of course, the tragic death showed no signs of change.

Xu Su was dumbfounded, "This corpse is still so smart, do you know if anyone is staring at him?"

In this regard, Zong Jiu basically affirmed an idea in his heart through this matter.

The team in the earth hut was okay. Everyone ate and drank enough, which also eased the previous tension.

In many cases, people's confidence and courage must be obtained from the outside. Among other things, the magician's omnipotent, as if not putting all things in his eyes, gave them great confidence.

After Laoqiang's incident, there are no events that require special attention tonight.

Zong Jiu asked everyone to sleep well. Tomorrow, he must save enough energy. Not only must he rescue the woman, but also fight the villagers. This is not a simple matter.

Xu Sen raised his hand, "Then what will we do tomorrow?"

Zong Jiu touched his chin, "Let's stay outside the house first, and take her away when we see the woman."

"Once you succeed, immediately retreat to the woods, don't delay."

Everyone has no objection to this operational arrangement.

They have known only two breakthrough points, one is the woman, the other is the yin woman in the temple.

No one knows what happened on the night when the mission failed. All that can be done now is to gather the clues and avoid the tragedy of the previous reincarnation.

Everyone got up early the next morning before dawn.

Here I have to say that Zhuge An's Tai Chi gossip plate is really a good thing. It can attack and defend at the upper level, and the time can be estimated at the lower level.

At seven quarters of Yin Shi, the trainees were all ready and filed out of the earthen house.

The old people who were guarding outside the earthen hut and learning how they lit up a pile of fire watched them come out one by one, all showing vigilant eyes.

After experiencing the incident where Zongjiu, the head of the village, was unwilling to help, the atmosphere between the two teams can be described as arrogant. The old people felt that the new people had no attitude, and they were reluctant to even help.

"Hidden, you go and guard around Wang Shou's house."

Zong Jiu turned his head and asked Zhuge to secretly lead the newcomers to go first, then turned his head and walked towards the other team.

Anthony and others took the lead in showing unkind looks.

"What are you nervous? I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for senior no.4."

Zong Jiu deliberately bit the words "no.4" very hard, and nodded to Azan in black, "Senior borrowed a step to speak?"

Azan in black accepted his offer in silence, turned and walked aside.

The organization of the Old People's Alliance was very loose. Although Black Azan was standing with them, he did his own way. The other party is not the kind of person who is careful to bear grudges, and if Zong Jiu's affairs at the entrance of the village is not in his heart, the others can't control it even more.

[Ah, they are going to talk alone! Damn, why is the live camera of this copy public?]

[That is, we also want to know what the two big guys talked about in private ooh]

[I feel that the S-level seniors are actually quite talkative. I used to think that it was terrifying for Azan in black to raise a ghost to shave his head. Who can think of it, he turned out to be a good person! 】

After walking aside, Azan in black took the lead and said, "What can I do for you?"

Zong Jiu, "It's not a big deal, it's just that I have a guess."

"I heard from seniors before that the bodhisattva soil in front of the village entrance temple is extremely cold?"


Azan in black nodded, "The villager once said that any plants that were transplanted in the past cannot survive because the soil is too cold. But this cold is not caused by the existence of a ghost. , But something born with coldness."

Things that are born with coldness are just as rare as things born with pure Yang. If he hadn't seen the Bodhisattva soil in Tongbai Village with his own eyes, Ajahn Hei could not imagine that there would be such a pure world without any trace of other cold soil.

"If I have to say..."

He concealed something, "It's really like the Xianjia method. Because the world can't naturally produce such soil, even the yellow spring soil will inevitably have defects or impurities."

Of course, this conclusion is more due to the feeling of the Buddha's light enveloped by Ajahn Black in the temple in Tongbai Village. Otherwise he would not dare to jump to conclusions.

Zong Jiu pondered, "Then what should we do if we want to grow plants on this kind of soil?"

Azan in black replied, "Unless it is a pure sun plant, it can grow without being affected by the cold."

This probability is as rare as I said before. It is negligible.

Zong Jiu decided to skip this topic for now.

"I still have a question. If normal people eat this kind of soil for years and months, will it have any effect?"

Ajan in black twisted his eyebrows deeply, "Human is yang, just like soil is yin. If you eat for years and months, it will inevitably cause serious damage to the yang body. If it is supplemented by external forces... it is very likely. It will achieve a semi-yin physique, and it is not impossible to force the yin and yang eyes to be opened."

"I see."

Zong Jiu let out a long sigh, "Thank you senior for your answer. After listening to these causes, what is your understanding of the human spirit that I proposed last time?"

Long ago, Zong Jiu had this guess.

First of all, he saw that the pupils of the people in the village would turn black from time to time, and each time it was as short as an instant and then quickly recovered.

Secondly, when he and Yi Ruisi encountered a ghost in the tunnel, that ghost obviously still had room for thinking, instead of directly degenerating into an irrational ghost.

Finally, it is not a solitary case that human hearts transform ghosts. Similar classics have also been recorded in Qi Tan Zhi Yi in ancient and modern China and foreign countries. But perhaps as Black Azan said, the required conditions are too harsh.

Now, the most demanding condition has been unintentionally achieved.

"If you take Bodhisattva soil for a long time, and supplement it with people's disgusting thoughts, it is indeed very possible."

Black Azan thought with a deep eyebrow, "But that requires extremely terrible evil thoughts, not only terrible, but also huge."

Halfway through, he didn't go on.

He has completely seen how evil the people in this village are. The preference for cannibalism alone is enough to make people fearful.

As for why Azan in Black kept saying that people in Tongbai Village have a habit of eating human flesh, instead of being forced to eat human flesh until desperate. It was because he almost found fresh, blood-soaked human flesh in the water tanks of every household. Even if some villagers have surplus food, they still have water tanks for putting human flesh. After he went over the wall and went to the butcher’s house, he found that the butcher’s wood room was full of frozen corpses. There were a lot of corpses on the butcher’s house, even the flesh on the bones were cleaned up, and he didn’t want to waste it at all. .

The only good news is that there is no grievance on these corpses. It may be ordinary people who starved to death on the side of the road. It hasn't progressed to the point of madness and murder.

If it were murdering and cutting meat, Azan in Black would be able to detect it when he first entered this village, and there is really no need to wait until now.

This shows that the people in the village are completely addicted to cannibalism. Because in the woods behind the village, there are still many trees with bark hanging on them, plus the edible bodhisattva soil, they obviously have a choice.

Even if the people in this village have this wickedness and bodhisattva soil acts as a catalyst, in all fairness, Ajahn in Black believes that the conditions for transforming ghosts into human hearts are still not met.

Zong Jiu didn't argue with him about this topic, instead he said: "It is true that more evidence or facts are needed for argumentation, but since this is possible, we should be prepared for the worst. What do the predecessors think?"

Azan in black stretched his eyebrows, "This is natural."

If it is really like the worst guess, then the situation in this village will undoubtedly be much trickier.

Azan in black understands how tricky it is to transform a ghost into a human heart. What’s more frightening is that the ghosts of human hearts are not made overnight. The ghosts will always hide in the human heart. After a certain amount is accumulated, they will break out of the body, be swallowed by endless evil thoughts, and become evil ghosts in human skin. .

After getting the information he wanted, Zong Jiu rushed to the village chief's earthen house on the north side of the village without stopping.

In the last reincarnation, Wang Shou rushed out with injuries just after dawn. Since they knew the necessary information this time, of course they had to hurry up.

When Zong Jiu arrived in front of the Tuwu, Xu Sen, who was guarding the door, quickly reported to him in a low voice, "We haven't noticed any movement yet."

Speaking of this, everyone finds it strange.

According to the information, it should be that the woman sneaked into the house before dawn. She probably wanted to see if her daughter was still there, but she met Wang Shou and stabbed him with a hairpin in desperation. A handful, this hastily escaped.

So everyone stays on the ground and waits. The best solution is to stop the woman before the woman enters the earthen hut. In this way, we can avoid confrontation with the villagers and leave a buffer room for things.

"Continue to stare, it should be around this hour."

Zong Jiu raised his head and glanced at the sky, then squatted in the corner.

More than a dozen people densely surrounded the house of the village chief's house. As long as someone rushed out or entered, they couldn't escape their eyes.

About ten minutes later, there was a sound of footsteps in the small woods behind the soil house.

All the trainees looked at each other one after another and walked over there.

By the time they passed, several trainees had already subdued them.

In order to prevent the villagers from hearing the sound, they had no choice but to block the woman's mouth with cloth strips and take it away from the earthen hut.

Going to the other side, the scarlet roof of the temple is looming under the cover of the woods.

After walking to the forest, they untied the cloth strips and formed a circle.

Not only the Zong Jiu team, but the other team obviously had the same purpose as them, and they followed after seeing them subduing the woman.

With fear on her face, the woman opened her mouth and shouted, "Come here! Come! You disciples!"

"This lady, we have no intentions."

Xu Sen hurried up to appease. But obviously, the other party was very emotional, not only excited, but also trying to break through.

After this chaos continued for almost a stick of incense, the woman calmed down a bit.

"You really didn't lie to me? It was really not sent by Wang Shou that bastard?"

Seeing her attitude finally loosened, everyone was relieved, "We really are not."

It seems that the woman believed it, and looked at the trainee suspiciously, "Then you get out of the way first, I have to go to my daughter."

When it comes to this topic, everyone is silent.

"Your daughter was already..."

After a while, someone was talking, but Zong Jiu interrupted him directly.

"Madam, let's ask you something. If you are willing to tell us, we will naturally send you back intact."

The woman sneered, "I know you are not at ease."

White-haired Youth Quan did not hear this accusation against her.

He stared at the woman's eyes closely, "Three years ago, how did the old woman who lived behind the old locust tree in the east of the village died?"

The woman's face changed slightly, "You, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

"Don't understand?" Zong Jiu chuckled lightly. "My daughter is six or seven years old, and it has been three or four years since I got married. How come I don't understand?"

He went on and said: "In the past few days, there have been villagers who died inexplicably. You came from your natal family alone, so you don't have to hear about it. Others can be said that the mother-in-law came back to ask for your life."

At this point, the mood swings on the woman's face are even more obvious.

This time, other road trainees also saw something wrong.

Because her expression is not something else, but dodges, and at the same time is mixed with obvious fear.

Obviously, the woman was really afraid of the ghost in Zongjiu's mouth to kill her.

Everyone knew there was something at a glance, and this was obviously a reaction to doing something wrong.

She opened her mouth, "If that woman really finds it back, what's the point of telling you?"

This time it was Azan in black who spoke.

"If you haven't done anything wrong, you are naturally not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If you have done something wrong... the sea of suffering is boundless, if you have a pious and penitent heart, maybe the ghost will let you go."

These words seemed to give the woman a reassurance, so after hesitating for a while, she finally let go.

"...Three years ago, I just married my daughter in this village not long ago."

The woman was originally a widow from the neighboring village, and she was beautiful, but her husband's family unexpectedly went early and kept the widow at a young age.

My husband’s family didn’t have much money, a widow in the village couldn’t ask for anything, and it’s even more difficult for my mother’s family to take care of a married daughter, so life became more and more difficult.

It happened that the son of the head of Tongbai Village was also a widower, and his ex-wife died after giving birth to a son. It happened that there was a matchmaker in the two villages who took the money to act as a matchmaker and led a line. After Wang Shou met with him, he coveted the beauty of the widow.

It's just that after she got married, the woman's stomach was unsatisfactory, and she had never been able to give birth. Her status in her husband's house was getting lower and lower. She was begging the old village chief to live her life every day, and Wang Shou often yelled at her.

In Tongbai Village, the head of the village had the final say. It coincided with the beginning of the famine that year, and the people didn't have a living, and she couldn't get much food at home.

"That old woman is also a childless woman. Her husband went early. But when she is older, she lives in that old earthen house alone."

The old woman believes in Buddhism.

The woman said that before the Bodhisattva appeared in Tongbai Village three years ago, only the old woman believed in the Buddha in the village.

Before that, no one cared about the bodhisattva soil in front of the temple, and the temple was too small and ragged, and it couldn't be seen as it was. After all, Bodhisattva soil cannot grow plants, and it is already famine. Who would care for a land that can't even grow anything

"Only the mother-in-law believes in the Buddha, takes care of the bodhisattva soil day after day, sprinkles water day and night, and often cleans the temple with a broom."

Speaking of this, the woman hesitated, "Not only that, she also has a habit of eating Bodhisattva soil, and even only eats that soil a day."

"But she was kind-hearted. She ate the soil during the famine, and the rest of the grain would be given to the villagers. But she was later discovered by the villagers who ate the soil, so the villagers took the soil and went back to eat like her. ."

"The Bodhisattva soil originally had only a shallow layer. Not much. She was not enough to eat all the people in the village. Because of this, she quarreled with everyone and complained that others said that they would have to eat the food she gave. Fight with her for soil."

"Later, the Bodhisattva didn't have enough soil, and she starved to death in that old soil house."

Her gaze flickered, "It took more than ten days for the villagers to find out that the body was stinky at that time."

"Although the people in the village are not doing it authentically, but when there is a famine, whoever can control the three, seven and twenty-one, they just want to live. The bad treatment is bad treatment to the old woman, no one is going to deliver the food, perhaps. Because of this, she felt resentful, so much so that now... alas."

The woman looked a little angry, "But then the village also raised funds to repair her spiritual position. If this is the case, it would be too much to kill her."

Many trainees showed a suddenly realized look.

Only Zong Jiu and Azan in black still frowned.

"Okay, you want me to say it, and I told you all, you can always let me go now."

Zong Jiu said flatly, "Okay, let's go."

After speaking, he motioned to Xu Su and the others to loosen the shackles and follow him.

Although the latter were confused, they had become accustomed to obeying Zong Jiu's instructions in the past few days, so they didn't ask a single question, and followed the white-haired youth directly from the woods.

On the other hand, Anthony and his team of old people obviously wanted more information from this woman, and did not come up to interfere, but watched the newcomers leave with cold eyes.

It is worth mentioning that Azan in black whispered a few words and left alone from the group of old people.

Zong Jiu didn't mean to delay, and directly led the newcomers to the temple at the back of the village.

Xu Sen asked in a low voice, "Brother Nine, is there something wrong with what the woman said just now?"

They did not hear the conversation between the old village chief and the Yin Po in the temple like Zong Jiu, and could not distinguish the contradictions in the two people's accounts. In fact, if no other clues had been collected before, what the woman said could roughly meet all the questions.

"If the old woman turns a ghost back to avenge the village, it's not impossible."

Xu Su meditated, "Whether it is the timeline she said or why the villagers scramble to eat Bodhisattva soil, it can be resolved, but..."

He thought of the scratches on half of the wall of the old earthen house, but felt that something was not right. Xu Su couldn't tell what was wrong.

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem."

Zong Jiu shrugged, "She's lying, it's too obvious."

"As for why it is difficult for you to detect, it is because the lies she told are extremely clever, not false from beginning to end, but a mixed truth."

[Fuck, I knew she was lying]

[Yes, the woman kept saying that she cares about her daughter, why didn't she take her with her when she ran away? 】

[Oh, it’s too difficult, it’s hard to find a clue, but the result is fake. This copy has no clear clues yet, it really drives people crazy]

When the woman was talking, Zong Jiu had been carefully observing her micro expression.

When a person lies, the micro expression will change to a certain extent, not to mention that she has obviously concealed some extremely important things.

"So my guess is that not only did she lie, she might be one of the accomplices."

"Well, this clue has been grasped by us. Since the living people can no longer provide more information, then...the dead people have to get information."

Hearing what he said, other people remembered that the yin lady in the temple once said that she would try to get yin in the next few days.

Xiayin means to walk over the yin, and is also called overyin or Xiashen, which probably means to walk from the yang to the underworld.

There are two ways to walk the Yin, one is to go to the Yin world alone, to find the designated ghost, and then ask the ghost to go on her body, for the stranger who missed the dead to talk and communicate.

There is also a way similar to the way of observing the fallen shadow, taking the human to go down to the underworld with others. But this method is very difficult and risky, unless it is a Taoist priest with high mana, otherwise it will not be tried.

Zong Jiu is quite sure that the current situation in Tongbai Village is definitely not the old lady Huacheng Ligui that the villagers said that they have come back to settle accounts with them.

Since the old woman didn't transform the ghost, she could try to find her soul through the yin method.

The people in the village are full of lies, and they have done something wrong. It is more convenient to ask the person directly.

Even the black-clothed Azan who followed them silently nodded, thinking that this method was very feasible, which coincided with him.

Perhaps it was because they made too much noise before dawn, and the village finally showed some signs of awakening.

In the distance, people in the village gathered in front of the earthen house of Wang Shou's house, carrying hoes one by one, and moved towards the woods.

Xu Sen was worried, "They seem to have been discovered, what should I do?"

"The sky has just dawned, will the temple open so early?"

"Who knows, I only know that if you don't get the props, we might be cold here."

Unconsciously, the vast forest suddenly became quiet.

The trainees also realized that it was wrong, and all took out their life-saving items in a thunderous manner, and looked around vigilantly.

In the gap between the blade and the blade, there are layers of ghosts flashing away.

Not far away, the trainees of another team were running fast. Behind them, a large group of cursing villagers gathered.

Zong Jiu gave an order, "Run!"