Thriller Trainee

Chapter 52: Famine Mountain Village


The moment he saw Lin Guoxing, Zong Jiu frowned.

He stepped forward and squatted on the ground, pretending to be an inspection.

The other party looked really miserable.

Not only was the face covered with blood, but the flesh on the neck also flew into slices, and bones were clearly visible. At this moment, he was closing his eyes tightly, and his expression was painful. If it weren't for the faint breathing between his nose, maybe he really thought he had returned to the West.

Watching this scene, the white-haired young man calmly moved away the foot that was stepping on Lin Guoxing's hand.

Obviously, the devil's control over Lin Guoxing is much deeper than that of Anthony, a barbarian. Otherwise, Zong Jiu wouldn't have touched so many silk threads with a wave of his hand.

In the final analysis, even if five puppet threads were inserted, Lin Guoxing was nothing but a demon's puppet. When he is alive, he can continue to be a cow and a horse for the devil; when he is dead, the devil can also find a puppet. But to return to the subject, Lin Guoxing was dead or alive, and he did not lose the slightest bit to the devil.

But the appearance of the other party fell in Zong Jiu's eyes, and it was by no means an accident. On the contrary, it was more likely to be the manifestation of a conspiracy.

Someone worriedly asked, "Senior Lin is okay?"

Zong Jiu waved his hand and touched the top of his head inadvertently, with a gentle smile, "It just hurts a little bit and doesn't get in the way."

other people:"... ... "

They looked at Lin Guoxing who was lying in a pool of blood, and they stopped talking.

Is this not getting in the way? ?

However, in the eyes of some A-levels, these are indeed nothing wrong.

Trainees only need to breathe, go back to the infinite loop, spend five hundred survival points, and recover from the main system.

As a result, Zong Jiu was only half laughing, and his fingers stopped on the spot.

Because there was nothing on Lin Guoxing's head.

There is no puppet wire, no cold wire.

There is nothing but hard ground.

Zong Jiu realized something, he maintained the expression on his face, stood up calmly, and gave up his position to the other old people who came up to rescue.

In the darkness not far away, someone cursed their lips provocatively.

His face looked blurry under the radiance of the candlelight, and the flashing of Garouluo's tattoo was creepy.

Even though they were far apart, even the smile disappeared.

But Zong Jiu knew well, that was him.

The worst premonition has come true, and it is really just what you are afraid of.

This trick is really high.

When Zhuge looked at him secretly, the white-haired young man didn't say anything, just secretly compared a number.

Sure enough, the black-haired man also twisted his eyebrows and fell into deep thought.

If the devil controlled Lin Guoxing, then things would be easy to handle.

But if the devil controls no.4 Black Azan... things will become much trickier.

Zong Jiu stepped back to the dark corner of the wall, and his mind started to spin frantically.

It is impossible for the devil to participate in the dungeon as a trainee, otherwise they would not have seen the figure so far.

Thinking about it this way, he should have participated in the plot as an npc, unconsciously controlled the trainee, and then joined the dungeon.

It is impossible for Zong Jiu to touch the top of every NPC or every trainee's head, which is obviously unrealistic.

So... who the hell is it

He reached into his pocket, actually put it in the system backpack, and took out the tarot card.

Just a day ago, Zong Jiu drew two cards, successfully verified the true identity of Anthony and the devil, and successfully used the two cooldowns he had stored.

If you want to wait until the next cooldown period is restored, you have to wait until it gets dark today.

Zong Jiu sighed in his heart.

The temple is still noisy.

The healers are busy with the wounds, and the others continue to help the Yinma take care of the preparations for vaginal discharge.

Outside the gates on both sides, sawdust fell one after another. Many trainees tried to find other things in the temple that could strengthen the door panels, so as not to be chopped down by the villagers outside.

With the barrier of the coffin, Zong Jiu coldly watched the trainees who went up to bandage the black Azan and helped Lin Guoxing to take care of him, and his eyes fluctuated.

That familiar feeling seemed to follow his blood from the soles of his feet to the sky, and enveloped him in a piece of hot water.

Many times he stayed out of the business, like a real magician, on a huge stage, with a smile on his face that can most mobilize the atmosphere of the scene, which controls the mood of the audience.

Just like Zong Jiu said from the beginning, his feelings fluctuate very little, as if he was born with a lack of emotions, so he has a deep understanding of a little bit of emotion.

This time, it was a pack of wolves waiting for him, the enemy was in the dark, and he was in the dark. A little carelessness may lead to a dead end.

It is rare for Zong Jiu to feel full of interest. In his original world for so many years, even the extreme large-scale magic challenge, the pleasure/feeling of pushing himself to the end of life and death and then breaking through in one fell swoop is far from enough. It's on par today.

He can even guess that no.1's mood should be the same as him.

Under the warm lights of Las Vegas, Zong Jiu saw the dark fire in the dark golden eyes of the other party, as if to drag him into the bottomless abyss prison.

Although I don't want to admit it. But they do have a high degree of agreement to some extent.

Zong Jiu had a hunch.

At the end of this dungeon, the demon's ubiquitous minions and magicians must have survived only one.

You die or die, he is ready.


Time goes very slowly in the anxiety.

But no matter how slow it goes, the night still arrives as promised.

When the sky was going dark outside, Yin Po finally got up in front of the mud bodhisattva.

She sat in front of the Bodhisattva for a whole day.

Whether it was the noise of the villagers outside knocking on the door with agricultural tools, the old people staggering back with injuries, or the noise of other people in the temple, none of them could affect the old-fashioned and monotonous chanting of the scriptures of Yin Po.

Zong Jiu thinks this era is amazing.

Obviously believe in the Bodhisattva, and read the scriptures, but go to the traditional Daoist Yin Cao dungeon instead of the eighteenth hell.

But also, in the eyes of the people in the famine years, faith is the only hope. As long as it is useful to believe in gods, regardless of Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity, the people are willing to believe.

It is said that during Ding Wuqihuang, a Christian from the West visited various disasters. He suddenly realized that the people were not living and life was overwhelmed. He felt that it was a good time for God to send him to save the common people. He posted a portrait of Jesus Christ at the door of his house, and preached a lot, attracting women with dozens of feet in his surroundings to come and beg for rain step by step.

But in the end, they frayed their feet and couldn't get a life-saving rain.

The time and the place are in harmony with the people. Even if the heavens do not allow people to live, suffering is also the suffering of the people.

After Yin Po got up, the voice in the hall suddenly pressed a pause.

The child who had been playing in the temple for almost a day was also tired, and found a corner everywhere, sleeping soundly. The trainee posted a closed voice decision to him in the past, and it is estimated that he can sleep until dawn.

Strangely speaking, the villagers outside had been arguing all day, but when it was about night they fell silent.

The whole temple is quiet, with the hanging veil and the white candles lit for a week. The huge shadow cast by the tall coffin in the center can not help but make people feel chilly and extremely secluded.

The sharp voice trapped under the black robe sounded in due course.

"There are three steps to walking the yin. Since you are looking for the person in the spiritual position, the old man will light a kerosene lamp and put it on the coffin later, and you must not take the initiative to destroy it."

Only when Yin Qi is heavy, the success rate of Yin Qi is high. If you can't wait for the night of the full moon, you have to use foreign objects to increase Yin Qi, such as the deep coffin placed in the center of the hall.

"No one can stand in the entire temple. Everyone must sit down. They can't say anything except chanting the mantra. As long as the oil lamp goes out before the end of the day, it means the old man is coming."

After hearing the words, everyone sat on the ground one by one, and sat around the coffin in the center as the Yin Po said.

"The old man started to recite the curse when he was in defense. You have to listen every word and everybody close your eyes and recite it ten times. If you make a mistake, you will be dizzy or dizzy.

Everyone becomes energetic when they hear of harm to themselves, and even Lian Dao will read and recite well.

Seeing that their children are teachable, Yin Po nodded with satisfaction, and read the spell to them three times.

The trainees silently turned on the main system to record, extract them into words, and then just read them into their minds.

"If you are predestined, you may experience the phenomenon of your soul leaving your body after you finish chanting the mantra. If this happens, don't worry, don't leave the hall. When the lantern goes out, you will naturally return to your body. ."

Everyone nodded like smashing garlic, indicating that they understood.

"In that case, let's start."

While the Yin Po was sitting on the ground, Zong Jiu also received a prompt from the main system that the time for the next tarot card calculation was ready.

Happily at this time.

Zong Jiuno was happy, and chanted the spell with everyone.

The singing of more than 30 people gathered in this small temple, bypassing the sorghum, and spreading outside.

[To be reasonable, I think this scene is a bit scary]

[It’s a bit scary +1, like some evil/religious people are gathering to cast spells, coupled with this gray temple background, everyone is wearing broken clothes...]

[Stop, stop. It’s rare that you don’t have to enter the horror dungeon for missions, so don’t be so horrible.]

While chatting, the barrage suddenly found something wrong.

[Foggrass, have you seen how the veils hanging around suddenly moved]

In fact, the trainees in the temple felt a cool breeze on the ground when they were sitting for the first time.

Since the wind is blowing, the veils hanging in the air are naturally the first among them, undulating like rootless duckweed, swaying with the wind, which looks very visually impactful.

It's a pity that the trainees listened very much to Yin Po's words, and the other party told them not to open their eyes. No one wants to experience the feeling of being out of their body, all eyes are closed tightly, and they can't see this scene at all.

[Not only the veil, but those candles are also going out! Hey! 】

[The candle is out, the night broadcast mode must be turned on in the live broadcast room, dazed. jpg]

[Where did it go out? Isn't the kerosene lamp on the coffin okay? Just a little light, don’t ask too much]

Just as the barrage was talking about it, a violent yin wind was generated, which happened to move counterclockwise along the entire hall. Wherever he went, all the lighted candles extinguished one after another, turning into a plume of white smoke floating in the air.

After ten rounds of chanting, the sharp voice stopped abruptly in the air.

After the other trainees finished reading, they opened their eyes tremblingly.

The whole hall was gloomy, except for the spiritual cards and kerosene lamps on the coffin lid that exuded a faint light, and everything was quiet and weird. On the first seat, the figure wearing a black hood sat straight, and no one could see her face hidden in the dark.

In addition to the sudden gloomy light, the air dropped several degrees, making them tremble.

'Who's soul is out of the body yet? '

'Did the old lady go to the yin? '

'I don't know, why can't I see anything clearly, help! '

Everyone dared not speak, so they had to exchange their eyes one by one.

Soon, their gaze shot down round and round, and they found that one of the group of people really didn't open his eyes.

The white-haired young man sitting cross-legged, his brows tightened, his eyes closed, and his look was very bad.