Thriller Trainee

Chapter 57: Famine Mountain Village


"I'm back, the lady is really back!"

This sound was like a shocking sound, and it stunned all the villagers.

The tragedy at the gate of the temple continued to be staged.

The peeled human skin hung crumpled on a shelf, and the blood mixed with mercury tickled and fell from above.

The bloody human flesh was washed and thrown into the boiled whitish broth, sprinkled with wild vegetables and spices. Not long after, the rich aroma rose from the surface of the pot and hovered under the dark night sky.

The extremely hungry villagers glowed green, and almost no water came out of their mouths.

I don't know when, the moonlight finally appeared from the black clouds.

There was no hint of warm light shining coldly, and all the shadows reflected on the ground turned into hideous ghosts with outstretched teeth and claws.

What they didn't know was that after eating immortal flesh, not only did they fail to become immortals, but they also didn't get full. Instead, they contracted the habit of eating human flesh.

Over the years, this tragic scene has repeated itself like a nightmare in the minds of all those who committed the monstrous evil. Let the villagers sleepless night and day, and restless day by day, for fear that they will turn into ghosts and kill their lives.


It coincided with a cold wind blowing, blowing the red and white human skin on the shelf three times, sobbing and howling like ghosts and wolves.

From afar, the horizon seemed to have a huge shadow forming, and the light of thunder was extinguished in the clouds.

Something is about to be born.

The villagers who had just gathered in the temple were so scared that they fled as if they burned their bottoms, and even their farm tools were scattered all over the place.

The barrage is silly.

[Wait, what's going on? Isn't this person what they ate? Why are they inexplicably scared now? 】

[I want to ask this too, Gan, just now I had a fierce fight with the trainees, and suddenly I ran away when I saw an illusion, I was stunned]

[Ah, have you all forgotten, although they have ugly hearts and depraved ghosts, they must be afraid that their mother-in-law will come back to look for them, otherwise, how could they set up spiritual positions for her mother-in-law like a cover up, greedy for life and fear of death in the face of hunger, and fearful of committing evil deeds? It’s really disgusting to kill a ghost]

[Damn, that's too disgusting, I'm vomiting]

In addition to the barrage discussing the background of the deserted village, many barrages were found to be wrong.

[Why these villagers are gone, I rely on, is that old woman really turned a ghost? 】

[It can scare these villagers away... Well, that old woman died so badly, most of them really turned into ghosts]

[Hey, there is no way to transform ghosts. Even if the mother-in-law eats the fairy grass, she will share her food with the villagers. Not only do they forget about the wolves, they also do such things and choke]

[Do you remember that when the trainees were exploring the copy before, everyone else was discrediting this old woman? Unexpectedly, the truth is that they ate the old woman, and this ability to reverse black and white is also inexhaustible. I thought that the woman died miserably, but now it really deserves it.]

[If I were this mother-in-law, I would never let these people go as a ghost, md, I will revenge, I hope this ghost will kill all these villagers for the first time, and be Jill’s main mission]

The trainees in the temple also showed vigilance and stepped back.

Zong Jiu was thoughtful.

He knew that the old woman did not fall into a ghost at all, and even became a Buddha, which happened to confirm that there was Buddha's spirit in the temple that Azan in black had said before. Even if something comes, it can never be the old woman.

But this is not his concern.

Zong Jiu has now taken advantage of the chaos and walked to the side of the coffin, wanting to wait for the opportunity to complete his main task.

As a result, he was very sad to find that even though he and Yin Po's corpse were separated by a thick layer of wood, the main system did not indicate that he had completed the inner ghost card mission.

Is it possible that the coffin really has to be opened again

When Zong Jiuwu was upset and was about to accept his fate to lift the lid of the coffin, a scream suddenly came from behind him.

These villagers ran away, and only Wang Shou was still thinking about his son and stayed in the temple. The others watched him vigilantly, but they didn't want him to suddenly sit on the ground, his eyes cracked and panic, running and crawling behind him with hands and feet.

In the dim night, the shattered spiritual card gave out a burst of light golden light.

Azan in black took the lead with a muffled snort, and the hoisting banner in his hand was forcibly retracted in an instant. Thousands of bred little ghosts howled and went back, shivering.

Not only him, but even Anthony showed an expression of pain. The semi-vampire ability was greatly suppressed, and it directly changed back to the appearance and appearance of a human.

In the entire temple, as long as the trainees holding the yin-cold props in their hands, they all felt weakened by coincidence.

Zhuge twisted his brows darkly, "coming."

Xu Su who was protecting the little boy was stunned, "What's coming?"

In the next second, there is no need for Zhuge to answer any more secretly.

Fragmented golden light floated from the ground of the temple, slowly gathering into the air.

In the distant void, the hazy phantom covered in colorful clouds gradually became clear.

A more holy atmosphere than the faint Buddha aura in the previous temple enveloped this area.

No one could see the faintly glowing face, only Wang Shou was still screaming.

"It's her... it's her-she really is..."

His eyes were full of fear, and the pale skin on his face was twisted together, as if he had seen the evil spirit coming to kill him with his own eyes.

In the end, the ghost is only told from the third perspective, which is not accurate.

Only the villagers of Tongbai Village knew what happened in this village.

As the first person who discovered that the old woman didn't need to eat, Wang Shou naturally remembered the process and details of what happened.

After he married the widow in the neighboring village, she became pregnant soon after.

As a result, it was not only a baby girl who was born, but also a dead, very unlucky.

During a famine, people can’t get enough to eat, and it’s even more difficult to have a baby. Many pregnant women are stillborn because of lack of nutrition. Many villages have special dry wells, which are used to throw away the corpses of girls and dead babies.

When Wang Shou came back from outside that day, he was surprised when he saw the confinement woman dodging.

Sure enough, after Wang Shou drove her off the kang, he searched from the bedding, and found a piece of cake that had just been bitten.

"Okay, you stinky lady even hid her food?"

Wang Shou viciously snatched the cake. Yaowu raised it in a majestic manner, as if to beat her.

The woman was still in confinement, where she could withstand his beating, Hua Rong was so frightened, she immediately recruited, "Yes... the old lady at the entrance of the village quietly stuffed me!"

The old lady

Wang Shou immediately became suspicious.

Later, he was the first to take the lead in sealing up the earthen house, setting up an iron pot, and drinking the broth.

Seeing this scene now, how can Wang Shou break his nerves? !

He watched the scene in horror, shaking his whole body into a sieve.

The rickety phantom that emerged from the shattered spiritual position pointed to it.

The golden light was like a sudden break through the sky, and the magnificence was a little brighter, coming through the dark sky, falling into the vast earth, and in a moment dispelled the terrible illusion that was turned into by resentment outside.

The trainees in the temple finally saw Jin Guang's appearance.

The old woman folded her hands, dressed in a colorful dress, and smiled at the corners of her lips.

Her face was old and kind, and if it weren't for the same face, no one would have thought that she was the one who was cruelly skinned and cooked by the villagers in the illusion just now.

"The predestined condition is over, the old man comes by the order of the Bodhisattva to take back the soil."

Sure enough, everyone looked back and found that the bodhisattva soil that had previously been located outside the temple disappeared so quietly.

The barrage sighed with emotion.

[My God, we all thought that the old woman became a ghost, but unexpectedly became a Buddha...]

[God, that's enlightenment... not playing house... This is no less than cutting meat and feeding eagles]

[Indeed, fallen ghosts are easy to become Buddhas. I have seen so many horror copy replays, this is the first one]

Even the low-level survivors like Barrage were sighed, and the other high-level trainees in the temple were even more surprised.

As long as those who died tragically, there are almost no instances of not turning into grieving ghosts in the horror copy.

That is the hatred of life and death. If it is so easy to let go, there won't be so many people in the world who are obsessed with regrets. What's more, it is still like an old woman, who is kind of a donkey liver and lungs, and kindness will take revenge.

The more kind and kind people are, the greater the resentment after being let down. This is common sense known to the survivors.

Some trainees couldn't help asking, "Don't you hate it? Don't you want revenge?"

After asking, he realized how ridiculous his words were.

Whether it is to become a Buddha or ascend to an immortal, the conditions required are as difficult as ascending to heaven.

If there is a little bit of hatred, it is impossible to become a Buddha right away. Putting down the butcher knife to become a Buddha is never just talking.

The mother-in-law in Jin Guangli smiled and disappeared into the air.

'Karma is karma, and the fetters created by karma are fate. '

'This is the way of preconditioning, the true goodness never changes due to evil. If you don't climb the fate, you will naturally let go. Why hate it? '

The others haven't recovered for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the victim in this dungeon put down his hatred and ranks among the immortal class.

On the contrary, the perpetrators are trapped in the quagmire of malicious intent, and they will never get out of the underworld.

The method of preconditioning is just a few sentences, but how difficult is it to do it

After a while, someone slapped their heads, "Wait, where is our main mission?"

Thinking of the main task of "protecting the villagers", everyone had an expression with the flies.

As a result, when they really looked back, they were all stunned.

Wang Shou, who had just been crying and howling, was already stiff, his eyes turned pale, and the crotch/underside was a fishy stench.

The old woman didn't come back to ask the villagers for her life, but he actually frightened himself to death.


The others were in a daze, but the white-haired young man didn't hold back and sneered.

Zong Jiu was really funny.

No one harmed Wang Shou. He took the blame and scared himself to death. It was really funny.

Those who harm others end up harming themselves.

Leave him to slander and spread rumors, and he will never get dirty.

Zong Jiu is now squatting in front of the scarlet coffin, holding the lid of the coffin with one hand, and raising it with the other hand.

However, this coffin is really not an ordinary sink. Zong Jiu strengthened his hand but didn't strengthen his strength. After raising it twice, he was still motionless, so he greeted Xu Su and Xu Sen behind him to come together.

"Come on, get a hand."

Only then did the others react.

Cao Hongtao yelled, "What are you still doing in a daze, come on!"

"Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, work harder."

Zong Jiu waved his hand indifferently, "Zhuge will not die without saving. Anyway, there is Anthony, one S-level and one A-level. They are not waste. What are you afraid of? Continue to carry it."

After all, it turned out to be instructing a few newcomers to ignore the situation over there and continue to move towards the coffin.

The half-vampire who heard this grinded his molars.

Damn, if it weren't for your majesty's order, he would have been-

Even though he thought so, he resigned himself to his fate and stopped Cao Hongtao.

Although Zong Jiu yelled so, his eyes were always on Anthony's body vigilantly.

He really suspected that Anthony had taken the wrong medicine.

Inexplicably, is it possible for Anthony to know that he helped pull the puppet line

This idea just came out and was killed by Zong Jiu.

It's so possible, this silly critic doesn't even know that he has been controlled, but can he still know that he has been saved

So... what is the reason that caused him to have a completely different attitude before and after

Zong Jiu thought while distracting, suddenly felt that the lid of his coffin moved.


He was overjoyed, and when he was about to work harder, he discovered something was wrong.

-This force is not exerted from the outside, but from the inside.

Zong Jiu felt that his fingers were suddenly entangled with silk threads, and then there was a huge force of restraint, which was inevitable.

He secretly said that it was not good.

In the next second, all the trainees watched the coffin lid, which was said to be heavy enough to be lifted by four or five people, suddenly lifted.

From the nameless and terrible darkness, as if opening bloody fangs, Shengsheng pulled the white-haired youth in.


Yin Feng whimpered, and the coffin lid was closed again.

other people:"... ... ???"