Thriller Trainee

Chapter 6: Mental hospital


The long corridor is dark, the old-fashioned light bulbs hanging on the two walls are dim, and the visibility is extremely low.

The trainees who took the medicine were grouped into two groups. The leaders of the two groups were all C-level seniors. The other team members worked hard, and three or two went to their rooms together and moved the quilt and sheets to the team leader's ward to make a floor.

The glasses were assigned to the second group.

He followed behind the team members and worked together to transfer the bedding to another ward.

Looking at the quilt on the ground, the glasses gave a wry smile, "It seems that I can barely squeeze to sleep tonight."

Originally, the single-person ward was narrow and cramped enough, even if the floor was covered with bedding, it was only the size of two or three beds. But there were nine people in their group, and they all slept in this small ward for one night, which was really choking.

"...In fact, this is more secure." Sheng Yu squatted aside to comfort him, "Everyone slept close to each other, and should take care of anything that happens, at least we are crowded."


These newcomers were all frightened. When I think of being in an environment where I might die at any time, let alone lying down, I would rather stand here overnight than go back to my ward to sleep.


The glasses didn't say much, curled up the quilt and shrank to the corner of the wall.

I don't know if it was because he drank an extra bowl of soup, he was a little urinary, and he curled up his legs as soon as he lay down.

In this group of nine people, only three are F grades like him, and the others are E and D grades.

The group leader obviously paid more attention to the few new trainees with higher ratings, and dragged them to chat on the sidelines. He should want to develop into his own party members.

The glasses community has been working for many years, and daily interpersonal communication is limited to the office and the boss. Holding a thigh is the result of tossing and turning for a long time, and now I don't have the courage to speak up, I can only silently communicate with Sheng Yu, who is also an F grade, in the corner.

Although everyone was wearing the same hospital gown, the latter was a full head taller than the glasses, and his face was still childish, like a newly grown bamboo, very green.

"You should be young, right?"

"Just a third year in high school this year."

Sheng Yu spread the quilt, "I was too sleepy yesterday morning. I took a nap in class and found myself here when I woke up."

The glasses said sympathetically: "It's okay, anyhow it can be considered as evading the college entrance examination."

Sheng Yu smiled reluctantly, and the two fell silent at the same time.

It's better to take the college entrance examination honestly when you come to this ghost place.

Under the action of the medicine, people will become fatigued, even too lazy to speak. But I don't know why, they were so sleepy when they first stood up, but when they lay down, their spirits began to tighten again and it was difficult to sleep.

Especially with glasses, he squinted his eyes to sleep, but he felt urinary more and more, which was extremely uncomfortable.

He stared at the crooked, illegible letter on the wall, trying to ignore the physical discomfort.

For insurance, they didn't even turn off the lights, so they waited for the nurse to turn off the lights at night.

In the crowded ward, the conversation not far away seemed particularly harsh.

"The high-level people have all gone upstairs, and I don't know what clues they can find out..."

"They don't think we are holding back and deliberately don't tell us the information, do they?"

"Don't worry, others may have any questions, but if the organizer is a holy son, you can rest assured."

The group leader suddenly changed the subject, "Who knows the details of that E-class white-haired enemy?"

The few newcomers looked at each other and no one answered.

The group leader stared at the ceiling on the iron bed, "What kind of shit luck, an E-class actually carried the thigh of the holy son."

In front of the newcomers, the group leader is a C-level boss. But only he knows that, compared with the S-level and A-level collecting information, the C-level is not even a fart at all. Even Shengzi said that there is a certain difficulty dungeon, whether he will survive or not is still unknown.

"Who knows, that white hair grows like that, it looks like someone with a way out."

Someone knew immediately, smash it, smash it, "Don't say it, it's really prettier than a woman, and I don't know how it feels..."

The fake Sheng Yu suddenly clenched his fists.

"Do you know?" The glasses were holding their urine with their eyes open, and I saw this scene accidentally.

"Yeah." The high school student whispered, "Brother Nine is my savior. Without his reminder, I would have long..."

F grade is the worst grade.

Evaluation is based on a comprehensive quality assessment, not only limited to physical fitness, but also combined with the level of brain development.

Even if you are a newcomer, if you have a better mind, or if you insist on going to the gym on weekdays, you can easily get an E-level evaluation.

Sheng Yu is still an underage high school student who has never been seen in society, and he is nothing but a poor social animal who has been on a blind date for so many years. Even if the environment is changed, it is the lowest level, and I dare not even refute it.

"Don't be impulsive." The glasses stretched out his hand silently, and patted Sheng Yu's back.

After a while, after seeing Sheng Yu calm down, the glasses hesitated and said, "I'm a little urinary, do you want to go together?"

The glasses can't hold back anymore. He didn't dare to let him go to the toilet alone, and would rather not dare to pee in the quilt.

Everyone huddled together, it was difficult for him to stretch his legs. He wanted to really pee under the quilt, and the others would surely kill him.

But now it is undoubtedly difficult to find someone to go to the bathroom with. Those high-level trainees looked at Grade F as if they were looking at rubbish. After thinking about it, they could only pay attention to Sheng Yu.

Sure enough, Sheng Yu got out of the quilt without saying a word, "Go."

The glasses breathed a sigh of relief, and got up in a hurry.

The people who were still telling vulgar jokes over there noticed this scene, Yin Yang laughed weirdly, "Look, two F grades."

They shouted towards the back of the two of them, "It's so dark outside, don't be scared to pee your pants!"


Sheng Yu slammed the door of the ward severely.

The loud noise of the iron door closing reverberated in the deep corridor, and rust and black oil stains rustled down from the old heights.

The glasses sighed silently, "Let's go, don't breathe with them."

The corridor was dark, and two people walked side by side quietly, always alert to the surrounding environment.

On the first floor, there is not only a ward, but also a shower room for the patients to wash and a utility room for stacking sheets and quilts. Like the toilets, they are all located at the left end of this deep corridor.

At the right end of the corridor is the famous confinement room, where the hapless guy not long ago was locked in. When the sleeping team went downstairs, they went to the confinement room and saw that the lock on the outside of the iron door showed no sign of opening.

After an old man used a special prop to detect the presence of a living person in the confinement room, they boldly broke the iron piece on the iron door of the confinement room. I just don't know if it was due to excessive shock. The newcomer may have passed out directly without responding.

However, he did not die anyway, it was a blessing in misfortune.

"This broken hospital doesn't even last for a minute. I don't know when the rounds will be held."

They have long observed the environment of the mental hospital. Not to mention that there are no windows in the ward, and even the corridors and stairwells outside have no windows. Only simple ventilation equipment is installed on the ceiling. This configuration is more like a prison than a hospital.

My glasses are holding my urine, making it difficult to even walk. "It should be early. Dinner time is seven o'clock. We left the restaurant at about half past eight. We moved our stuff and made a full budget. It should be almost ten o'clock."

"Speaking of... we haven't seen a patient who was admitted to the hospital for so long."

After calming down, Sheng Yu couldn’t help but feel anxious, “Have you noticed that the trainees in the studio were all male before, and it seems that the same is true in this mental hospital. We usually watch the auditions on TV, and it seems that they are also men’s and women’s groups. Separate selection, isn't this thriller trainee still a boy team draft?"

"Who knows," the glasses said with a wry smile, "what do men and women do, when you are in the mood to think about this, it would be nice to survive."

"Let's go faster."

I don't know why, he looked at the tiles covered with black dirt in front of him, feeling a little flustered for no reason, "It's so dark, it's weird."

The light bulb stretched out the shadows, and it was so quiet that only footsteps could be heard.

After walking for a while, they finally reached the toilet at the end of the corridor.

After arriving at the toilet, the glasses feel more at ease.

The toilet is a public toilet. Although there are only four compartments, it is much brighter than the gloomy corridor outside, and it looks much better.

Glasses: "Are you going to take it?"

Sheng Yu shook his head, "I'm waiting for you outside."

Since Sheng Yu doesn't go, the glasses are not reluctant.

He chose the outermost compartment and left it alone.

Few people come to the toilet at this time. After all, life is at stake, and there is no way to be trivial.

It may be that I have drunk too much water, which makes the urine extra long.

The cold wind poured in from the door frame behind the glasses, making half of his butt chill.

Pulling it, the glasses suddenly felt a little dizzy on the left side of his head.

There was a moment of dimness before his eyes, and suddenly there was an excitement, and his heart was not good.

He had no time to take care of other things because of holding back urine before. Now that the physical problem has been resolved, the sleepiness has regained its head, and the coming is menacing.

The Messiah said before that he would fall down while walking, which is not a joke. A large dose of medication, especially tranquilizers, can easily make people feel tired and sleepy, and they can fall asleep while standing.

His glasses were dizzy and he could hardly stand steady.

In a daze, a cold hand touched his shoulder lightly.

"Thanks, thank you."

With the strength of that hand, the glasses finally stabilized his figure.

He hurriedly lowered his head and zipped his trousers. "Brother Sheng, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would definitely have fallen."

The moment the flush button was pressed, the glasses suddenly felt something wrong.

Because the hand on his shoulder is gradually hardening.

The sharp nails with compelling strength, as if spiking from them, easily pierced the thin hospital gown, allowing the coldness like an ice cellar to penetrate into the skin.

"Sheng...Ahaha, Brother Sheng, don't scare me..."

The shoulders of the glasses were numb with cold, and the cold feeling ran from the sole of the foot to the Tianling cover, and the voice was trembling.

He was so scared that he didn't dare to look back, so he almost knelt down and pleaded, " say something, brother Sheng..."

"Say something..."


Sheng Yu was drowsy leaning against the toilet door.

The medicine looks small, but the effect is actually sufficient. Even standing still allows people to be in class, and the chickens peck rice.

"Why are you alone?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

The high school student who opened his eyelids just now woke up suddenly.

After seeing the familiar person in front of him, Sheng Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother Nine!"

The gray-haired youth who hurried down from the upper floor frowned, "Why are you standing alone at the door of the toilet?"

"I accompany Brother Glasses to the toilet and stand outside to help him watch the wind."

Zong Jiu raised his eyes and glanced at the bathroom behind him.

The incandescent lamp was hung upright to illuminate, a few compartment doors were hidden, and the dirty mop hung in the stained stinky sink, quietly unbelievable.

"How long has he been in?"

"Um...I don't remember this, I should have been in for a while, maybe it's a big one."

Sheng Yu scratched his head, turned his head and shouted inside, "Brother Glasses, are you all right?"

No one answered.

Now, even Sheng Yu could notice that something was obviously wrong. He shuddered, and said shiveringly: "No way... I have been guarding here, and I haven't heard any sound."

Zong Jiu didn't answer, but went into the toilet very simply and kicked the compartment door open.

There was nothing behind the door.

He followed the same pattern, kicking the remaining three compartments open in a row.

Unexpectedly, there was no one in the four compartments.

The whole toilet is so big, it is choking for a few people to stand, it is impossible to hide a big living person.

"What's the matter? People?!" Sheng Yu was startled, "I saw him walk in with my own eyes."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also trembling.

[Fuck, who of you was in the live broadcast room of the glasses just now, could it be an accident?]

[Let's see it, I have to place an order, and I said that I will get a blood if I place an order, but I just don't listen]

[Two newcomers, there are so many big guys here, who would go to their live broadcast room to watch it if it's okay. Sure enough, the newcomer to participate in the horror trainee is to give away food, and it is scattered]

[No one answered the name, I guess there is no answer]

"You describe the process in detail."

Zong Jiu's gaze swept across the dirty sink with the mop lightly, and a huge black spider was lying on the big net under the faucet.

"I went to the bathroom with Brother Spectacles, and he asked if I wanted to be together, and I said I would not go. Then I watched him walk into the bathroom and closed the door, and then took a nap against the wall."

Sheng Yu tried to recall every detail, "Although I was sleepy, I definitely did not fall asleep. If the glasses came out of the toilet, I would not be able to hear. And when the glasses brother went to the toilet, I heard his Boo!"

... I even heard the hushing sound, which seems to be quite serious.

The white-haired young man squinted his eyes, passed the description of this paragraph in the original text, and slowly tightened the Shunlai ballpoint pen in the long sleeves of the hospital gown.

"Boom boom boom boom—"

At this moment, the outermost pumping tank suddenly uttered a roar, and the sound spread far and wide, echoing in the empty corridor, it was creepy.

They turned their heads at the same time.

At the next moment, the two people standing at the door of the toilet clearly saw that the water flushed from the outlet above the squat pit turned into extremely sticky scarlet!

That is blood, a steady flow of blood.

"Let's go, go back and inform everyone."

Zong Jiu shrugged, "If I guessed correctly, there should be something wrong with the glasses."