Thriller Trainee

Chapter 60: Trainee dormitory


After seeing the white-haired young man standing upright, the audience in the live broadcast room was strangely silent for a few seconds, and then a very lively discussion broke out.

[Is it all right? Why so many people said he was dead just now]

... ...

[Mom, that's a magician! ! He was fine-Wuhu took off! 】

[It’s fine if it’s okay, it’s okay, my mother’s heartbeat has to stop 55555 and can’t stand the stimulus]

[Magic, always drop God! It’s fine, I’m still waiting for my brother to take me out of this horrible place]

The previous barrage of yin and yang was gone, and was submerged in a sea of carnival.

It has to be said that after the big show in Las Vegas and the appearance of goodness caused by the mistaken collision of the last copy, the popularity of the magician Zongjiu is now close to that of the S-class players, and the popularity of passersby is very good.

Xu Su, who was still in mourning just now, was slapped on the shoulder, "Brother Nine is okay!"

"Huh? What?"

He reacted and jumped on the spot. When he turned around, he just saw the white-haired young man waving his hand.

Zong Jiu saw the smiling faces of the newcomers showing him from a distance, and felt once again in his heart that these guys are easy to believe in others' silly and sweetness, and then lowered his head again.

The young man’s wrists are slender and slender. Under his pale skin, blue blood vessels can be seen. Underneath, there are thick and bloody blood flowing, playing the symbol of life.

Not long ago, Zong Jiu almost thought he was going to die.

Yes, it was in the coffin wrapped in the raging fire.

The white-haired young man bent his knees and pressed against No.1's chest. The devil let go of the hand that had been pinching his neck, and instead slammed his head against his chest.

They blocked all the ways that each other could escape, as if they were entangled in falling into hell.

For Zong Jiu, this is probably a good or bad development.

He dared to ignite the coffin with a fire, and then arrogantly said that he would drag No.1 to die together. Naturally, he would not have imagined that he was also in prison now.

How could he take the initiative to send himself to a dead end.

That's right, Zong Jiu had left behind long ago.

A-level props stand-in dolls, the most popular props in Las Vegas. It can withstand a fatal injury and is now second to none in passive items.

After Zong Jiu bought this item, he immediately equipped himself with it. Although he feels that the possibility of his death is very small, the last insurance is nothing, so as not to capsize the ship in the gutter in the future.

Sure enough, isn't this used

Although there was a loss, I felt it was worth it.

Not only worth it, but also very excited.

From beginning to end, the white-haired youth was laughing, just like a demon.

Their blood is boiling for each other.

Just when Zong Jiu felt the tongue of fire lick his ankle, the main system suddenly sent a cold reminder.

[The main mission item has been searched and submitted successfully]

[A-level dungeon: Famine Mountain Village, the inner ghost card task has been completed]

[Please wait, the clearance rewards are being settled... The post-match grading will start soon... ... Location: Studio Hall]

At the moment when the surroundings were still solidified into color blocks, Zong Jiu suddenly raised his head.

Against the backdrop of the burning fire, the demon squinted his eyes.

Those long and narrow eyes were stained with a palpitating dark light, and even the self in the pupils twisted and fell, dragging into the bottomless vortex.

Zong Jiu had an illusion that he was not looking at a person. Instead, he held the key to unlock the evil beast in the cage, and released some of the most terrifying and distorted existence in the world.

In the next second, the sense of imprisonment disappeared.

The scene that burned like hell around was transformed into a brilliantly lit studio hall.

In the dim light, Zong Jiu stared at his hand.

His stand-in doll is still lying in the system backpack, and it is useless at all.

Just as the coffin was about to be consumed by fire, the main task was completed abruptly. If there is no devil's handwriting in it, who would believe it.

Undoubtedly, there must have been some kind of variable that Zong Jiu could not grasp during this period.

After all, before he took out the torch from the black box, the devil's hand was still pinched on his neck. Zong Jiu still clearly remembered the uncomfortable feeling of being suffocated by the cold fingers that gradually gathered.

The devil really wanted to kill him, and was still aloof, giving him death like playing with prey.

In that short moment, no.1 changed your mind, right

Thinking of this, the white-haired young man raised his head.

At the top of the golden red dome, ten supreme thrones stand majestically.

Except for the vacancy in the middle, there are no empty seats.

At the moment when Zong Jiu lost his mind, the studio also entered the topic.

The gorgeous and weird chandeliers on the dome went out uniformly.

When the lights came on again, the whole hall was plunged into deep darkness except for the bottom step and the ten thrones.

[E-level trainees' rating starts... System scores are being issued...]

E-level trainees have an uneasy mood on their faces, and those with poor mental endurance even fainted on the spot.

This scene is much better than when the F-level trainees were selected last time. At least there were no trainees who tried to rush out of the stairs. Maybe they knew that there was no other way than turning into a pool of fleshy mud.

Zong Jiu took a look at the ratings of the group of newcomers before.

They completed the main task and experienced several dangerous challenges in the middle. Even if it was a stroke, he survived anyway. The main system is not so harsh yet. So those newcomers all landed successfully and got the D grade evaluation, and Xu Su jumped three feet tall happily.

After the jump, these newcomers were also very serious, and were happy that they did not forget to salute Zong Jiu who was on the C-step high in the air, which attracted a lot of people to look at onlookers.

Zong Jiu: "..."

Since this scene was so awkward, he hadn't seen it.

[Grading of D-level trainees has started... System scores are being issued...]

Unlike the previous grade evaluation, this time there was no upset in the low-level trainees.

Basically, what level was originally obtained, and the evaluation obtained is about one level up and down. It can be said that it is even more difficult to achieve class leaping.

This time, there were a few newcomers with good quality in the D level, and they were promoted to the C level in one fell swoop, and joined the upper three-level club.

Of course, those who have been promoted, of course, have dropped.

Several D-levels were relegated to E-levels because of their poor performance in this instance.

Each of these people was ashen-faced, with a dejected expression. There was even a mentally unstable one who wanted to commit suicide in situ when he took out a knife, and his blood blew the face of the person next to him.

Zong Jiu glanced lightly, and withdrew his gaze uninterestedly.

It's about to get to the C grade evaluation.

At this time, everyone's interest was only slightly raised.

In the last rating, the magician Zong Jiu, who caused a sensation in the entire hall, was at this level. He was one of the few who was able to reach the upper third level in one fell swoop in the first instance. He is also the most popular newcomer at the moment. .

The old people are whispering.

On the B-stairs, Cao Hongtao "pooh" said: "Damn, it really made him come back alive."

They still have a grudge about the blackmailed survival point in the deserted village dungeon.

The other old people also had the same attitude, either waiting and watching, or embracing malice because of the adult.

The barrage is rather worried.

[You said, can this dungeon magician still get a high evaluation? 】

【good review? Are you thinking about fart? The identity of the inner ghost in this copy of him has been exposed, and the system evaluation will definitely not be high]

[Indeed, if the inner ghost is exposed, the system evaluation will definitely drop, but that should not drop too much. After all, the main task is finished.]

[It’s true that it’s true, A-level is choking, it’s not bad to get a B-level]

[Oh, is that so? Before, I bet that he will be promoted to S rank after this dungeon. What a pity]

The white-haired young man stood there, no matter what other people's eyes or scrutiny, his expression was lazy.

After being roasted by the fire before, Zong Jiu felt that he might have suffered minor burns. He was planning to go back to the main system for a thorough inspection, spend five hundred survival points to recover, and get a good night's sleep.

Zong Jiu didn't care much about his rating.

After all, this time he was seen through the identity of the inner ghost is secondary, the most important thing is that he directly killed the nymph NPC played by the demon.

At the beginning, the abnormal doctor in the first dungeon, anyway, Zong Jiu was just a hammer down and stunned people. Moreover, the plot line of the psychiatric hospital dungeon had come to an end at that time, and it had little impact on the overall situation. And if the dungeon of the deserted village walks according to normal, the big boss Yin Po can continue to do things in the follow-up. The trainees will not find the lies of the villagers so easily, but will continue to be deceived by the Yin Po.

In short, Zong Jiu knew in his heart that his rating would definitely not go as high, and he was ready to punish the dungeon and feel it. He didn't regret killing the npc played by the devil anyway, not to mention that he was already very curious about the single-player punishment instance.

[The grade evaluation of C-level trainees has begun... ... the system score is being issued...】

Sure enough, the moment the system review was issued, a big purple "F" floated on Zong Jiu's head.

There was an uproar in the hall again.


Unless it violates the iron law established by the main system, or is really bad in the dungeon, is greedy for life and fear of death, and walks around when you see ghosts, otherwise you won't get an F.

The people on the top throne also bet their sights down.

"The last copy took S, but this time only F? This is too ridiculous."

The exorcist turned his head and said, "Old ghost, was your last copy with this kid?"

Azan in black nodded silently.

"How is he behaving?"

The people on the other thrones all looked over.

"It's impossible to have this evaluation alone."

Azan in black didn't make too many comments, obviously he didn't want to say more.

But he has revealed enough information in one sentence.

Even no.4 said that it is impossible to have only this evaluation, then the negative copy situation can be ruled out.

Messiah frowned worriedly. "Strange, which iron law did he violate?"

After the review of the system was released, the barrage was declining.

[Go back to wash and sleep, level F, the instructor reviews generally follow the system reviews, after playing]

[F grade... This is too ridiculous, is he killing a trainee? 】

[It’s not impossible. I chased the dungeon of the deserted village all the way, and there happened to be a C-level dead inside. It seems that I had some grudges with the magician in Las Vegas before. The barbarian also said that the C-level followed the magician, but the person disappeared as soon as I turned back]

[Ah, it’s not weird to have grievances, but it’s really an exaggeration to start killing people, isn’t this going to find yourself dead?]

[That's it]

[Forget it, everyone is gone. Everyone knows how difficult it is to punish a copy, don’t hold on to unnecessary hopes]

Just as people sighed, gloated or sighed, suddenly there was an exclamation.

The hall, which had been talking about it just now, fell silent.

There was a dead silence.

This scene is exactly the same as in the second round of rating evaluation, which can be called a repeat of history.

Zong Jiu also realized something.

He didn't look up this time, because the blood-red light had been reflected on his wrist.

Next to the purple F evaluation of the main system, a letter gleaming with unknown light quietly appeared.

S grade.

The instructor gave him an S-level copy evaluation.

Zong Jiu: