Thriller Trainee

Chapter 62: The game of kings


After the grade rating in the studio hall is over, the trainees go to the restaurant to go to the restaurant, stay and talk.

Zong Jiu returned to his dormitory.

Thanks to the fact that the level has not changed, the dormitory does not need to be changed, which is very convenient.

This time it is not what it used to be, and no C-level trainees with long eyes come to trouble him anymore. The C-levels on the same floor watched the white-haired magician who got the dramatic evaluation of S and F in the two rounds of ratings slowly walked away, no one dared to bother.

After returning to the dormitory, Zong Jiu didn't do anything. After taking a hot bath, he lay down in bed and fell asleep.

No dream for a night.

After waking up, Zong Jiu was even a little stupefied, unable to tell where he was now.

He subconsciously folded his fingers, and then slowly returned to his senses after a noticeable sensation came from his hands.

By the way, this is a book.

If it were in reality, how could he have a pair of intact hands.

Zong Jiu lay his head up for a while, smiled silently, and then got up from the bed numbly.

After getting up and looking at the time, I realized that I had slept for almost ten hours.

Ten hours...

Zong Jiu frowned.

Even if he was sleepy, he would sleep for seven hours at most. Not to mention ensuring that when you need it, you can toured around the world and only need to squint for three hours of general sleep.

After a long silence, Zong Jiu reached out to touch his head subconsciously, for fear that a puppet thread would appear there.

Of course, it was empty and there was nothing.

It's really weird, how could I be so sleepy this time.

The white-haired youth shook his head and got out of bed, and picked up the pamphlet placed next to him.

The dark green cover has a few large characters: "The King's Game Rules and Precautions"

Zong Jiu was still a little interested in the king game that the main system said yesterday, so he turned to the first page.

Compared to the last cruel Las Vegas, the game of Kings is slightly less cruel.

But it was only "a little bit".

The rule of the king's game is that ten people play together, and the cards of the same suit are used to start the cards in order. The king who draws the ghost card is the king.

The king didn't know the cards in other people's hands, and he didn't know his own hidden cards. He could only randomly select two from the numbers of the playing cards to accomplish anything. Those who are ordered must obey the king's orders unconditionally, or they will be punished.

This was originally a game used by friends or classmates to promote emotional play. Now that it has been moved to the stage of thriller trainees, the main system will naturally change some of the rules.

In order to avoid cannibalism among trainees, or unreasonable demands for exploitation, orders can only be made by the main system, and the king's power is regulated so that only arbitrary orders can be compelled to obey orders.

But this is the case, this game is also a good one, at least it is really good for eradicating competitors.

The most important thing is that there is a one-tenth probability of drawing a king. As long as you become a king, you can directly get a thousand survival points as a reward, and even a blind box draw for props. In addition, there will be generous rewards after being ordered to complete the order, which is undoubtedly a huge temptation for newcomers.

The game will be held on the other top floor of the trainee dormitory.

In order to increase the atmosphere, the main system specially opened a special scene open-air bar on the top floor, which is said to have an observation deck and an infinity pool.

Like Las Vegas casinos, there is no mandatory requirement for trainees to participate in special events. Trainees can participate if they want to participate. If they don’t want to participate, they can sleep in the dormitory for seven days.

It is hereby mentioned that the bottom of the last page of the rule book is marked with thirteen characters in red.

-System licensing, cheating in any way is strictly prohibited.

After Zong Jiu saw this article, he threw the book decisively.

He suspects that this rule was specifically set for him, just like the fact that "magicians and dogs are not allowed inside" hanging outside the real-world Las Vegas casino.

Cheating is not good, boring, can't afford to play.

Zong Jiu is a magician with a million chips per minute. He is so appetite that he has no interest in this kind of forced execution game that is purely luck and cannot be manipulated, okay

Besides, he has no shortage of survival points for the time being, and the props have made a lot of money last time, so there is no need to be greedy anymore.

After thinking about it, Zong Jiu threw away the booklet and began to play with his own playing cards.

Although he squandered all his chips, he spent more than 10,000 points of survival in the famine mountain village, which just intensified a playing card that had a special attack on the existence of the psychic.

It is not a special item, but directly using existing items to enhance it, which is equivalent to giving yourself a special item out of thin air. The survival points required by this method are staggeringly expensive.

Rao has more than 10,000 survival points in Zong Jiu's palm, and he can barely strengthen one pair.

But it's enough to strengthen one pair.

The magician’s usual card is the American bicycle playing card. This brand of playing cards feels good and light, and is also the favorite brand used by magicians. The opening of the fan is simple and smooth, and there is no one. Even if he got special items related to playing cards in other dungeons, if it wasn't for this brand, Zong Jiu might not be able to use it smoothly.

Anyway, it's the consumption items, just enough.

So Zong Jiu was also able to stand his temper, let the main system strengthen the feel of the hand one by one, and toss it straight into the evening.

Although I don't need to eat, my biological clock hasn't changed. I feel panicked if I don't eat anything for a day.

Working until the evening, Zong Jiu collected the cards he had collected, and was about to change his clothes and take a stroll in the restaurant to see if there was anything delicious. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door panel.

Someone is knocking on the door at this time. Isn't he here to seek revenge

Zong Jiu grabbed his hair, grabbed a card in his hand, and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a B-level trainee with exceptionally pale skin, looking very eye-catching.

This feature, a discerning person knew it was a half-vampire at a glance, at least Zong Jiu could see it at first glance.

"Your Excellency, Magician."

The opponent bowed to him first, with a sincere expression.

With such a good attitude, it shouldn't be here to seek revenge.

Zong Jiu nodded lazily, "What's the matter?"

This scene was not evasive or carried out in private, and many C-level trainees who were going back and forth in the corridor had seen it.

They whispered quietly.

"Look at that, isn't that from the Night Clan? Why are you here to find a magician?"

"It is true that the image characteristics of the Ye Clan people are very obvious, with white skin and deep hair, which can be seen at a glance."

"When did the magician also have something to do with the Ye Clan... Isn't he the person that the adult is optimistic about? Is it possible that the Ye Clan still wants to rob the adult?"

C-level trainees are great in the eyes of newcomers, but they are the bottom of the old survivors, otherwise they won't be C-level.

The lowest-level Night Clan participating in the selection of trainees all have a B-level, and this organization is naturally a huge monster to them. So at this moment, they all cast their curious eyes.

B-level trainees bent down and handed out a lacquer-printed letter, with the double-headed eagle emblem shining brightly in the dim light of the corridor.

"His Royal Highness sincerely invites you to gather on the top floor of the dormitory for trainees tonight. Please be sure to come and show your face."

The trainees who were quietly looking in the corridor gasped.

"Invitation from the Night Clan!"

"It turned out to be an invitation letter from the Night Clan!"

Every large organization force has formal documents and invitation letters. In the infinite loop, the invitation letter from the Night Clan is a voucher for inviting others to their vampire castle, and gradually evolved into a similar meaning to solicitation, and the approximate meaning is not much different from the offer from the top universities.

Zong Jiu was still stunned when he heard the "His Royal Highness", and it took a while to realize that he was referring to No.2 Fan Zhuo.

He was still a little bit puzzled.

Thinking of the puppet silk from Anthony's head, Zong Jiu felt that he had to ask if the other party had any special feelings during the process of being controlled, or the side effects of extra drowsiness.

Reach out and don't hit smiley people, this sentence is common everywhere.

Thinking of this, Zong Jiu also accepted the letter.

He ignored the whispers in the corridor after the B-class half-blood left, and directly closed the door with a "bang".

Just kidding, even if you want to go out, you have to change your clothes. You can't go in a bathrobe.

... ...

At seven o'clock in the evening, the top floor of the trainee dormitory suddenly began to twist in space.

[Limited time scene: open-air bar, already opened]

[The panoramic camera has been turned on, and all game tables will be broadcast live at fixed points during the open-air bar period]

[The King's game is closed after seven days, but the scene will continue to be reserved for daily entertainment purposes]

Suddenly, a huge platform was expanded outside the dormitory of S-level trainees. The water in the infinity pool at the other end fell from the edge and fell into the bottomless waves of the trench below, hanging down as if it came from the sky. Bai Lian, beautiful.

If someone stands on the viewing platform with a glass of wine at sunset, they will be able to watch the beautiful scene of a fire on the horizon, and the waves on the ground are surging and magnificent.

Hanging over the bar are upside-down wine glasses, and in the wine cabinets are placed wines of different vintages produced in wine cellars from all over the world.

The bartenders stood behind the bar, with their hands folded, respectfully waiting for the guests' orders.

Dim lights of warm colors are projected from the ground, and artificial water is gurgling on the ground. The guitar plays the light and light folk tunes of Ireland, creating a very quiet atmosphere for this outdoor bar.

Originally, there were only elevators downstairs to the S-level trainee dormitory on the top floor. At this time, several elevators marked to the open-air bar were added out of thin air, and there were many people in front of each one.

The trainees who were waiting for the special scene to open one after another took the elevator to the top floor to discuss the form of the game of kings.

After the white-haired young man walked in with the invitation letter, the elevator suddenly became quiet, as if he had pressed a rest.

Many people secretly looked at the most popular newcomer, and sighed in their hearts about his outstanding appearance. Many people also noticed the double-headed eagle emblem on the young man's hand, and couldn't help but open their eyes.

Zong Jiu chose to ignore these sights.

He had just stepped out of the elevator, and the waiter who was waiting came quickly over.

"Mr. Magic, please here, Mr. Fan Zhuo, please."

The others watched dumbfounded as the white-haired youth was greeted to the other side of the open-air bar.

There is a large space on the top floor. In addition to the swimming pool and the area dedicated to the King’s game, there is also a tea room in the sky for trainees to gather, but only trainees above the A level can use it.

At this time, no one came over to drink tea with such interest, and most of the tearooms were all dark.

I don't know if it was an illusion. When Zong Jiu walked here, he seemed to see the cold light of puppet silk disappearing in the darkness.

The waiter led him to the door of a glass tea room in the sky.

Pushing the door open, the man in the black and gold military uniform was standing with his back facing him in front of the mural hanging in the tea room.

On the other side, Anthony was standing silently by the wall, seeing Zong Jiulai not daring to show half hostility.

The air was drenched with scented incense, piping hot tea boiled on the hot stove, and bursts of tea scented.

After hearing the sound of footsteps, Fan Zhuo slowly turned around.

After seeing the white-haired youth, the inherent coldness in his dark red eyes showed no signs of weakening.

"You came."

He said coldly, "My marriage contractor."