Thriller Trainee

Chapter 76: first Middle school


Seeing the faceless man's smile, everyone couldn't help but a trace of creeps sprang up from the soles of their feet.

They have no faces, but they can clearly feel the ardent and distorted smiles intuitively.

The skin laughs but the flesh does not laugh.

At the same time, the teacher also announced to the parents that in the next 120 days they will eat and live with the students, advance and retreat together, and fight every upcoming exam battle.

"Parents are not allowed to enter. Please leave your children at the school gate. You will not be able to accompany them on this road in the future. They must face it by themselves."

After everyone signed, the teacher issued black and white cards in turn, and parents without facial features sent their children to the school gate.

One by one, they bowed their heads to tidy up their children's clothes, the flesh on their faces was twisted up high, and they urged the children to be useful to the society.

"Mum and Dad are all for your good will send you here. Do you know how difficult it is to grab a place here and how expensive is the tuition for a year? Study hard, don't live up to our expectations and get high scores in the exam. , To become a useful person to society, not to become a social scum."

"You are all the flesh on the backs of our palms and hands. This society cannot tolerate waste. You want me to lift my head in front of my relatives!"

"What's wrong with suffering now? We are all doing it for you!"

... ...

The parents hate that iron cannot be made of steel, and they keep talking about their love, never mentioning the appearance of signing the death contract with their own hands just now.

"Karma Chi Chi Chi—"

The high iron gates of the school were closed, iron chains with thick arms were locked to the iron fences, and cemented locks were put on them.

The students in blue and white school uniforms looked up at the parents who were vaguely waving at them, and were led into the school like puppets.

The surrounding scene changed from the gate of the school to a dark gray playground.

Surrounded by low and dilapidated teaching buildings, there is a flag-raising stand full of stains in front of it. The whole school is surrounded by high walls. The walls are wrapped with thorns and iron wire high-voltage nets, as if the sky is also imprisoned in the surrounding area. .

Unlike the empty playground in the previous plot, this small area is now full of square tables and chairs, like sections of broken wood, full of a sense of age.

Rows of teachers in white shirts and overalls stand not far from the front, with flat and terrifying faces, like sculptures poured out of the same mold.

The national flag flutters slowly in the air. It is not the style of the national flag that any trainee is familiar with. It also indicates that this is not reality, but a world full of distortions.

Finally, this scene freezes in the air.

[The pre-story is over, the main system link is complete]

[The third session of thriller trainees is open, currently in the collective copy of B-level trainees: No. 1 Middle School]

[The clearance mode of this game is survival mode, no need to take the main task]

Hearing that, the trainees on the playground were all dignified.

If the protection task is a task that all trainees are unwilling to receive, then the survival mode task is undoubtedly the most dangerous of many tasks. The purpose of the release of this mission implies that many people will stay here forever, let alone a collective copy.

After regaining consciousness, many people began to calmly look at the surrounding environment.

First, the tables and chairs lined up the entire playground, then to the grass growing in the cement floor of the playground, and the cracked seam on the flag-raising platform.

Of course, although the environment is important, most trainees are also concerned about the number of S-levels participating in this game.

But there are too many people on the playground, dazzling and dizzying.

There are nearly a thousand B-level trainees. Everyone is standing here in school uniforms. It is difficult to find the S-level wearing red badges from the crowd at a glance.

While the trainees were observing, the live broadcast room was also opened.

[All-round 360-degree panoramic camera with no dead ends has been turned on, and this round of competition is only open to live broadcasts for each class]

[The trainee has entered the live broadcast state]

Compared with the venue of the A-level collective copy, the audience of the B-level collective copy is obviously less.

But this time there are not thousands of venues like the solo show, nor is it like the second one. It is only divided according to the level, which greatly concentrates the audience gathering rate.

[The live broadcast room is open, brothers and sisters! 】

[Come in, come in, the venue for the B-class bosses... Is this a school? 】

[It looks like it is, and it's still that kind of shabby school. It’s too miserable, I don’t know if this is a ghostly alien copy, it looks like a great possibility from school]

[On the other side, all the A-level trainees have been thrown on the cruise ship, or a luxury cruise; the D-level seems to be on a deserted island, and I don’t know what to do with the deserted island. The C-level stayed in Olympus, the C-level is really miserable, it is estimated that it is the most difficult of these several levels]

The barrage chattered and discussed, and then the conversation changed.

[How many S grades are there in this venue? Sisters, hurry up and look at the camera together]

【what! I saw a no.8 black wizard, damn, no.2 Fanzhuo and no.10 Tuyumen are also]

[This game is worth seeing, that's right, since the live broadcast, the entire forum has never seen the adult in the copy, and I don’t know if he has participated in the collective copy]

Just as the barrage was refreshing, the last prompt of the main system came quietly.

[The copy of No.1 Middle School has been officially opened]

[The duration of this copy is 120 days. The copy will be closed at 12 noon on the 120th day and settlement will be opened]

With the disappearance of the mechanical sound of the main system, the frozen scene came alive in an instant.

The principal standing in the middle of the flag-raising platform took the microphone handed by the teacher.

"Teachers and classmates, welcome to the No. 1 Middle School in the next 120 days. Before enrolling, we will hold an entrance examination on the playground. Please take your seats in an orderly manner according to the serial number of each class. "

Serial number

The trainees bowed their heads one after another, and some people touched their pockets, and really found the little cards that had appeared in the front plot before. It clearly stated which person should be assigned to which class.

Zong Jiu also looked down.

He was placed in the ninth class.

The broadcast on the side guides all students to sit in the playground examination room in an orderly manner.

The huge playground is divided into ten areas, each class has exactly one hundred students, and all seats are filled with dense mahjong.

Everyone sat in silence, no old man would be as stupid as a reckless newcomer to try to resist the npc.

After they were seated, the teachers and teaching assistants standing in front of the flag-raising platform also walked down one after another. There was one person standing in the middle of each row and column, which was very oppressive.

Only then did the trainees see the things hanging on the waist of these invigilators, and gasped in their hearts.

All of them had a long barbed black leather whip pinned to their waists, which looked terrifying and terrifying.

[Fuck, it hurts if this thing falls on someone]

[Is this something for human use? Too cruel]

No one dared to speak up now.

The principal seemed to be very satisfied with their obedient feelings.

The dean received his order and announced in a loud voice, "Now, I invite all invigilators to distribute the test papers."

"The total time for the exam is four hours. If cheating is discovered during this period, it will be dealt with in accordance with school regulations."

"After the exam, each class will be ranked according to their scores, and the last person in each class will be sentenced. Please take it seriously."

Punishment? !

The trainees looked at each other calmly, and a terrible guess faintly emerged in their hearts.

Since it is a survival game, I am afraid that this sentence is the one they imagined.

Never fall to the bottom of the class in this exam!

The invigilator began to distribute test papers.

Sheets of snow-white test papers fell on the table, and the black pen was placed on the corner of the table.

All the questions on the test paper are densely packed. There are ten pages of paper covering all the nine subjects of the history and geography of language, mathematics, English, physics, and geography. The questions on the last page are directly raised to the difficulty of the Olympiad.


Not to mention the barrage now, the trainees also exploded.

They thought that this exam had another mystery, and who could think of it, it was really just an ordinary exam. Even the questions are difficult for ordinary college entrance examinations!

A B-level cursed directly, "What kind of underworld stuff? We have all graduated from tm for so many years. Who remembers what we went to in high school?"

There is nothing wrong with this statement.

They have been in an infinite loop for so long, and most of them are people from all walks of life. They have almost forgotten their careers. How could they still remember the content of high school. Besides, there are other trainees who have not participated in the college entrance examination in other countries. Even if they pass the language test under the blessing of the main system, looking at the test paper in front of them is still like reading a book.

It would be ridiculous to use such a paper to determine life and death.

Even the most difficult copy of the main system before, it has never been so caught off guard.

Just when the others were ready to speak in response, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came.

In the next second, the B-level trainee who was still there just now had a deep whip mark on his back, and his skin was open and fleshy.


With a scream, he immediately rolled from his seat to the ground, rolling on the ground in pain.

The invigilator put away his whip indifferently, "It is not allowed to whisper after the test starts. A penalty is recorded and executed after the test is over."

The entire playground fell silent.

With such an example of killing a chicken and a monkey, although everyone still had an angry expression on their faces, they were silent.

Although these invigilators don't have faces, every trainee can feel the eagle-like gaze that they occasionally shoot at him, causing goose bumps.

They couldn't discuss it anymore, but the barrage kept scrolling.

[Grass, I take back the worst words of C-level, now it seems that B-level is the worst! ! ! 】

[Congratulations on loading a large infinite stream copy of hell mode: college entrance examination]

[I am stupid, what is the situation now, let me go out and the ghosts are facing, I am reluctant to write this test paper, in those years I recalled the fear of being dominated by the college entrance examination. jpg]

[These big trainees are too miserable, my God, when is this? Who will remember the things I had in high school back then? Guess one, but dozens of people peck at each other.]

On the contrary, the three S-classes present were calmer, and Fan Zhuo and the black wizard had even calmly drawn up pens and began to answer.

They have higher authority than B-level. The B-level trainees only know that they want to enter the collective dungeon, but the S-level knows that this dungeon is not only related to the school, but also related to the college entrance examination, so they have made a lot of preparations in advance.

For example, Fan Zhuo, he has always done things safely and looks far away. After seeing the clues, he listed no less than ten possible plans, one of which was to pack a set of Wusan and Wang Houxiong and throw them into the storage props, and even read them in advance.

But Tu Yumen held his head and looked wilted.

He thought that the next dungeon was a supernatural event that happened in high school, so he was stupid to think that it was just a test paper. Now when I saw the paper at first glance, the classic non-chief expression of "this is too bad" appeared on the face again.

After the shock, the other trainees unscrewed the pen cap and looked at the paper.

Many people chose to skip the sciences and went straight to the liberal arts battlefield.

With so many nouns in science, even if he was the top student in the college entrance examination, he would have to forget everything in this environment for two years in the endless loop. The only one who can write is the liberal arts.

There is no good tool for making nonsense, and even if the main system removes the fuzzy memory, there are not many who can really write.

Zong Jiu unscrewed the pen cap, but he didn't rush to start the pen.

He pretended to turn the blank test paper over, opened the table top, and put the card in his hand into the storage space inside the table.

The sights of several invigilators immediately spurred over, like a light on their backs.

However, the white-haired magician had his back straight and sat upright. After putting the stuff, the paper was re-covered, without any intention of trying to cheat.

Those few sights circled for a while, then slowly retracted.

Only the bowed Zong Jiu's eyes were gloomy.

His hand calmly stroked the thin tabletop, feeling the deep, uneven writing from the back.

Just now, the moment the table was opened, he could clearly see the words engraved on the table.

The densely packed characters carved with a knife are distributed on the back of the old and decayed wooden table. Their content is generally the same, all of which are only three characters.

-help me.