Thriller Trainee

Chapter 8: Mental hospital


In view of the remarks made by the head nurse just now, the gloomy atmosphere in the restaurant has become more and more intense.

After experiencing the horror trainee dormitory and the horror incident last night, a newcomer was obviously on the verge of collapse.

After the nurse announced the schedule, he suddenly dashed forward and yelled at them.

"You died last night! Do you guys have any damn conscience as a medical staff!"

Undisguised anger flashed in his eyes, "I have a shit mental illness, I think you have something wrong with your head!"

"This is a hospital. Birth, old age, sickness and death are all normal things."

There was a sarcasm on the head nurse's pale face, "Then tell me, how can you prove that you are not mentally ill?"

Mental illness is a terrible gray area.

People who cannot escape capital crimes can rely on it for exoneration, but innocent people can be sent to prison by it.

No reason is needed, just "he is mentally ill" is enough.

As for how to prove that you are mentally ill-

Mental patients never come and do not admit that they are mentally ill.

There is no way to prove it. In other words, this is simply a false proposition.

The newcomer was cold all over, his lips moaned, and he couldn't say a word.

Just when everyone thought they wouldn't be able to say anything, he suddenly screamed and rushed out of the dining room like crazy, and sank into the stairwell without looking back.

"Bring him back."

The head nurse waved to the nurses and gave orders without looking back.

After they left the restaurant, the others recovered from the depressive atmosphere just now.

Not to mention the people in the restaurant, the barrage in the live broadcast room is also full of discussions.

After a period of time, Zong Jiu's live broadcast room also stabilized at around 1,000 people. Although it can't be compared with the millions of viewers who are not moving at all, it is enough for newcomers to attract attention.

[Look at this sign, it looks like something will definitely happen tonight]

[Indeed, survive for three days. The first day was just porridge and side dishes, the second day and the third day was the highlight]

[The passerby who just slipped over from the live broadcast room next door said that the main task of the solo show next door also survived for three days. Although there are no inner ghosts and random tasks over there, the trainees have already died nearly half... There is a holy child here, and the survival rate should be greatly improved]

[The main system is really poisonous. This is just the first game for the horror trainees. With the difficulty setting so high, you are not afraid of the psychological shadows of the newcomers? 】

[Back upstairs, you think about how many people stood in the studio during the initial selection... With so many people, the main system shouldn’t be too lazy to wait for the newcomers to grow up. It’s better to put a difficult copy directly, which is equivalent to a knockout. Filter out the remaining people]

Panic spread silently.

Under such circumstances, as a leader elected by the collective, it is particularly necessary to play a leading role and inject a booster into everyone.

Obviously, this is not the first time Messiah has experienced this situation.

The blond son put down the cutlery and got up from the dining table, "Everyone, stay calm."

The eyes of the people in the restaurant followed him, and the commotion gradually subsided.

"The focus of today is the collection of clues and intelligence. Later, I will tell you all the details of the intelligence I got last night."

"It should not be too late. After watching the on-site treatment, everyone can collect information in groups. We have discussed the results. Since the wards have been grouped, we will follow the groups of the wards."

Messiah gave a reassuring smile, "Please rest assured, I will do my best to protect everyone's safety."

If this sentence is spoken by other people, it really doesn't necessarily have this effect. But if it is said by the Son, the meaning is completely different.

After the old people’s popular science last night, the new people also got a preliminary understanding of this no.7.

The Saint Son can have almost one-hundred-response prestige and support in an infinite loop, not only because of his compassionate and charitable character, but also because of his strength.

Messiah is not his full name, his full name should be called "Messiah Mubei".

In the Western religious sense, Messiah means "a person chosen by God" and is a religious title.

Anyone who has experienced the anointing ceremony and was appointed as a monarch or a sacrificial priest can add the name of Messiah before his name, such as the famous Messiah Joshua, Messiah Judas, etc.

Messiah once received an identity card as the high priest of ancient Israel in an S-level horror copy created based on the Bible. After accepting the anointing ceremony, he became the substitute for God in the human world in that copy. , Crowned with the prefix of Messiah.

Successfully survived the almost incomprehensible copy and received an amazing A-level evaluation. What remains is not only the hair color of Messiah, but also that he, as the high priest of Israel, entered on the 10th day of the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. The most holy place, a staff obtained after accurately reading the true name of God.

It is recorded in the Book of Exodus that the prophet Moses and the prophet Aaron each had a walking stick.

The staff of Moses was used to judge and drive the will of God, and it was also used in the famous "Moses Participating in the Red Sea". The cane of Moses brother Aaron was stored in the Jewish holy ark of the covenant.

And what Messiah got from this copy was a copy of Aaron's rod.

Although the replica does not have the same bug-like resurrection ability as the original Aaron's rod, it also has an excellent ability in healing. At the same time, due to the light and vitality attached to the rod, it has a miraculous effect in the ghost copy. .

In other words, the Messiah is equivalent to a walking therapy.

In this world, no one can provoke treatment if you provoke it! The most lacking in the infinite loop is the treatment, not to mention a treatment with its own dispelling effect.

In the entire infinite loop of high-level teams, the temple team led by Messiah has the lowest casualty rate, receiving tens of thousands of applications every year when recruiting new recruits.

So, after a boost of morale, the newcomers who finally knew that the Messiah was great settled down again, and the eyes looking at the Blond Son became more and more enthusiastic.

For such a scene, let alone the Messiah, even He Jianlan and the others are not surprised.

[Sure enough, there is a holy son in the copy, which makes people feel more at ease! ! 】

[It’s good to bring therapy with you. It is worthy of the ability of a panda more than a psychic]

The barrage sighed with emotion, [The newcomer in this dungeon is so lucky]

"It's seven and fifty, and there are ten minutes left, let's go quickly."

Even though the restaurant clock shows that it is early morning, the corridors of the mental hospital are still as dark as ever.

The crowd filed out, with a tense atmosphere, heading towards the locked iron gate on the south side of the first floor.

The journey is not long, but everyone is worried.

Sheng Yu walked at the end, next to He Jianlan, who was responsible for inquiring in detail what happened to him last night.

It may be that he was frightened by the miserable spectacles last night. The high school student's complexion was obviously not good, and dark circles hung on his cheeks.

After seeing the white-haired young man turning his head, Sheng Yu's lingering face showed a little refreshing smile.

He Jianlan immediately narrowed his eyes vigilantly, "Do you know him?"

Sheng Yu replied unsuspectingly: "Yes, that's my elder brother."

Zong Jiu hit a string of "..." in his heart, and didn't pay attention to the situation behind.

Now in the entire command hierarchy elected by Messiah, the only one who is isolated is him.

The elders in the command level looked down upon him as an E-class, and felt that he was not worthy to sit on an equal footing with them.

The old man who failed to join the small group at the command level was even more malicious towards him, feeling that he was better than an E-level, and wanted to immediately replace him in the command level.

As for the remaining newcomers, it is even more obvious. Everyone is the same level, so why can Zong Jiu be able to get into a small group? Not only mixed in, but also successfully hugged the thigh of the Son. At this life-threatening time, no newcomer is not jealous.

Being in this dangerous situation now, it is very likely that you will be reduced to unthankful cannon fodder from the three parties. Not to mention there is another He Jianlan who is eyeing and guarding him everywhere.

For example, after washing up this morning, when Zong Jiu went to other wards to look for clues, he sneaked behind him, trying to find evidence of the inner ghost.

Zong Jiu felt that he was innocent. He obviously did not do anything, so he received a B-level hostility. What's even more hateful is that this guy He Jianlan still has a good reputation in the small group. Even with a few other trainees, his eyes were full of contempt, and one of them almost wrote his coveting on his face.

However, to a certain extent, this conformed to Zong Jiu's intention.

Group action has the advantages of group action, and naturally also has its drawbacks. Zong Jiu followed the team and almost got the clues he wanted. There is nothing to do next, and it is a good idea to go around.

No, as soon as he had this idea, the head nurse handed the pillow over.

In the eyes of other people, Zhuge is more wise than demon, both righteous and evil, and disobedience to organizational arrangements is an unprecedented possibility for inner ghosts.

But for Zong Jiu, Zhuge secretly was the first person in this entire mental hospital to be able to rule out the existence of suspected ghosts.

I have to thank the original text here.

The original text is a description of group portraits. When the author wrote about the identity card setting, he just turned his perspective to Zhuge An.

So Zong Jiu knew that what Zhuge secretly got was just an ordinary ID card, and he was not deceived.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge An, who looks most like an inner ghost, turned out to be innocent!

Thinking of this, the Messiah at the front finally came to the iron door.

The door was still locked, and there was no sound inside.

The blond son gave a look to the B-class psychic on the left, who immediately closed his eyes intentionally. After a while, he opened it again, nodded, and gave an affirmative answer.

Messiah stretched his brows, "Go knock on the door, it's safe."

Qin also took a step forward, and was about to knock on the door, but the door suddenly squeaked.

The heavy iron door opened automatically from the inside.

Qin Ye's reaction speed was very fast. Almost immediately after the iron gate changed, he took a step back and assumed a defensive posture.

It's not just him, the old people standing in the first row are almost the same.

There was no one behind the door, and there was no horror scene they had imagined.

This is an operating room that looks very old, some years old.

As for why it can be easily judged that this is an operating room, it is because it contains an old wooden operating table. The bright oil lamp above is the only light source in the room. Tweezers, hemostatic forceps, scalpels, and some dirty cotton balls are placed on the tray of the armrest.

Although there is no horror, this operating room can easily chill your back.

Because the simple surgical utensils on the operating table clearly show signs of being used, and they are covered with mottled black blood stains. In the trash can, some unidentified mixture was thrown into the trash can, a piece of scarlet.

In addition to the operating table, there is also an old electric chair tied with straps on the corner of the wall, and the side is full of wires.

The old bronze iron cabinet stood against the wall, and the dirty brown glass was filled with unknown objects. A newcomer took a closer look and found that it was a shriveled head, and almost didn't scream.

"It looks like an embalmed corpse."

Said the Messiah.

Zong Jiu stared at the head with interest and took one more look, and found a suspicious point.

This head had obviously been left for a long time, and the whole was pale yellow-brown.

But those eyes are not only very vivid, but also can see the blue-gray bloodshot eyes when they get closer.

This is a pair of eyes that have just been dug out, and even the most fragile parts of the tissue are intact, and the technique is not imperfect.

How can anyone put a living eye into the socket of a dead person

Zong Jiu squinted his eyes and glanced at the newcomer who was already shaking his legs behind him. He thoughtfully did not tell the truth.

His natural emotions are not very fluctuating, but he accepts it well, and he is even in the mood to look at the other specimens placed on the display cabinet.

The things on the display cabinets are without exception, they are all similar things, either all kinds of weird human organs, or human heads of different shapes.

Isn't Dr. Chu in this mental hospital a personal collector

Just as Zong Jiu was thinking, the newcomer suddenly screamed.

"Ah, it moved, it just moved!"

"It's there, that specimen, its eyes moved!"

The old people who were observing the operating room frowned without taking it seriously.

The psychic has just confirmed that there is nothing unclean in the iron gate. Even if there was something, the psychic wouldn't be able to feel the slightest strangeness in such a close position.

On the contrary, another newcomer said impatiently, "Wherever it moved, everyone was panicked. You are still alarmist here—"

The words were only halfway through and stopped abruptly.

The black pupil of the head was absent, only a bleak white of his eyes was exposed, staring straight at him.

The newcomer was so scared that he sat on the ground.

Obviously it was quite a frightening scene, but the old people had no time to take care of it.

All their fanatical eyes followed another place.

On the other side of the operating table, a sudden halo appeared in the pupils of all the trainees, and a small "S" was quietly emerging.

An extremely precious S-level special item!