Thriller Trainee

Chapter 82: first Middle school


"Oh, every year, there are some students who have poor psychological acceptance. But it's not just the rope. Some dormitories have the tip of the iron bed, and they just hit it directly. Guess what, they pierced their temples with a bang; public. The toilet cleaner in the toilet was filled with a bottle, and the belly was turned out and rotten; I ran into the Houshan water tank and found it after a few days of soaking. No wonder the drinking water smelled strange during those few days... Weird disgusting of."

Regardless of their feelings, the dormitory said, instead, count the students who committed suicide in the dormitory over the years.

"I can't bear this bit of hardship. I still want to take a good university entrance exam? It's a pity that their parents took so much effort to send it to the town. Before, a student from the countryside said it was the hope of the whole village to raise money to send him, so he just took an exam. I didn’t do well in the exam, and finally turned over a few hills and dragged it back with a cart. Let me say, these children are raised in the palms of their hands, and it is better to die now than to enter society in the future to harm others. NS."

These words, coupled with the rope that swayed and swayed automatically without wind, caused many trainees to chill for no reason.

If it is really the flowers of the motherland, you will definitely not believe that there is no haunting.

The problem lies here.

I have been in the infinite loop for so long, and I have been able to get into a B-level trainee. I have never seen anything. Naturally, I understand that if you want to come out of this kind of school, you must also come out of a very dark ghost.

If you fail the exam, you have to die, and there are people who don’t know how many deaths in the school, in such an extremely oppressive environment. Naturally, you can imagine what life will be in the next one hundred and twenty days.

After having said enough, the dormitory now remembered the business, "Okay, I won't talk to you, let's split the dormitory."

At first, the trainees thought that the dormitory was also allocated by class, but what they didn't expect was that the dormitory turned out to be a free combination.

This school will be so kind

All the trainees were a little surprised. But at this time, no one questioned, but silently began to look for a small partner.

The dormitory is for ten people. As long as ten people are gathered together, you can go to the dormitory to get a sign.

The other trainees are all elderly, and basically have friends who have fun or know well, and no matter how bad they are, they can find colleagues in the same organization.

Only the white-haired young man stood alone with his hands in his pockets.

No one dared to invite him rashly, and the latter didn't seem to be actively looking for a roommate.

Until another gray-haired man cut through the crowd and brought his subordinates from a distance.

The man's jaw line is sharp and hard. He looked at Zong Jiu and nodded politely, "Together?"

The trainees who saw this scene in the lobby were all surprised. If it weren't for the live broadcast room to only broadcast live in the classroom, I am afraid that the barrage would have to be brushed up now.

The people began to whisper to each other, "Are those rumors true before? The magician rejected the kindness of the adult and joined the Night Clan instead?"

"It's probably true. When have you seen the no.2 boss take the initiative to invite?"

"The magician is what the picture is. After so many years, that adult has only expressed his appreciation for him..."

The whispering sounds were clear in the ears of the half-vampire.

Fan Zhuo twisted his eyebrows deeply and waved his hand.

The third grade of Class One and the subordinate of the Night Clan immediately understood and announced loudly.

"His Royal Highness intends to convene the monitors of the whole grade to study together. If you are in a dormitory, it will be more convenient to communicate."

"Just now, the black wizard of the Witch Club agreed to join it."

After such an explanation, the gossip stopped.

Talking about studying seriously, no one knew that it was to facilitate communication between the classes, so he silenced.

Even if he knew that Fan Zhuo was the original owner of the marriage contract, Zong Jiu did not intend to give him much face.

After hearing these words, he thought a little, and chose to nod his head in agreement.

The school clearly wants them to compete with each other. If the trainees can unite within this situation, it would be a good idea. Just managing a class is enough to be a master, and he doesn't want to be a bird. Now that Fan Zhuo looks like he wants to brainstorm and intervene, Zong Jiu is happy to cooperate.

Among the B-level trainees, there are quite a few members of the Night Clan and the Witch Demon Society, and when the leaders of the two major forces have expressed their cooperation, no one dared to jump out and find it unhappy.

Soon, the monitors of the ten classes gathered together and stood in the center.

Fan Zhuo swept around, his gaze fell on the monitor of one of the squads.

The squad leader of Class 7 was also a half-vampire of the Ye Clan. After he leaned toward Fan Zhuo to show respect, he consciously withdrew from the leadership circle.

Some doommen with a bewildered look were joined in.

Master Onmyoji looked at the circle of school tyrants, and scratched the hair that was about to fall out of study in the future, "This... I'm not the class leader?"

Fan Zhuo waved his hand, "The squad leader of Class 7 is my subordinate and absolutely obeys my deployment. There is no big difference between joining and not joining."

Although everyone is a little surprised by the ranking result of this no.10, this is just an unprepared test, and mistakes are normal.

As one of the four S-ranks randomly assigned to this dungeon, Domemon is a free man, but he also has a lot of popularity among the trainees. Regardless of whether it is from the respect of the same S-level or other aspects, they should join the core leadership circle.

Domemon: "..."

He really wants to say that S-level does not mean that he is a high school student. The kinsman, the times have changed, and the concept should be changed!

Next time, if you don't give this big brother the first to last exam in the class, you may not know how good he is as a scumbag.

After the number was fixed, the group went to get the sign.

Aunt Suguan raised her head and glanced at them, "It's all the squad leader? Then go to 101."

Everyone was puzzled, and a group of people filed to the door of 101 and opened the door.

The dormitory is very simple. Ten iron rail beds are covered with wooden boards. The quilt is just a roll of moldy quilt and pillows. At least two pillowcases and quilt covers must be put on to isolate the decayed smell.

There is only one big shower room in the whole dormitory building, and there is no blockage inside. There are only iron pipes installed on the mottled and dirty walls. When taking a shower, you can only see a piece of white flesh.

There are 990 trainees in the light level B. They live in a dormitory on the fifth floor. As a result, all the public facilities are not mentioned on the first floor. The hardware facilities such as shower room, boiling water room and toilet are far from enough.

In the toilet, it can be said that as long as the trainees don’t eat, they don’t need to excrete. However, hot water can only be supplied for a fixed period of time. According to this configuration, I am afraid that just taking a bath every day will be a big battle.

101 is different from other dormitories in that there is a narrow private bathroom inside.

"It looks pretty good, we don't have to fight for the big shower room with other trainees."

Domemon glanced inside. Although this shower room is not big, it has all the internal organs and is completely sufficient for bathing.

He smacked his lips, "The top students have preferential treatment. This school is real enough."

The black wizard walking beside Zong Jiu suddenly said, "Let's start."

This sentence seemed to open a signal.

A light black mist condensed from the hands of the black wizard, and the dark red in Van Zhuo's eyes seemed to be lit.

There was silence in the dormitory until the black mist that appeared on the hands of the black wizard blocked the few imperceptible corners pointed by the vampire, everyone looked at each other.


Fan Zhuo's red eyes darkened.

He rubbed his temples a little tiredly, "I will trouble you for the next 100 days."

The black wizard retracted his hand indifferently, "Small things."

Zong Jiu squinted his eyes, and understood the dumb riddle they were playing. "A bug?"

When he was in the classroom before, he noticed that surveillance was installed on the front and back of the classroom.

Not only dormitories, but also in the corridors and stairwells.

Including the lobby and aisle of the dormitory, there are even the dormitory.

"Yes, surveillance and eavesdropping are everywhere in this school."

Fan Zhuo's face is low, "After the dormitory is allocated, the monitors of each class should inform the trainees in their class, call out the people, and communicate them one by one."

"In these days, if there is something important, don't speak directly in public."

With so many monitoring equipment, all the students' movements are well known to the school.

I can think of it, NPCs should not want the trainees to unite. They are eager to kill chickens and curse monkeys again.

"Let's not talk about it for now, let's sort it out and discuss it later."

Zong Jiu looked around and chose a location for the upper bunk.

The white-haired young man jumped up on the handrail beside him, rolled up his sleeves, and started to make the bed very skillfully.

When he had just made the bed and was about to go down to get the pillowcase, a pale arm just came out from the black robe and handed the pillowcase up.

Zong Jiu lowered his head and saw that the man in a black robe was standing next to his bed. From his angle, he could only see the thin lips under his hood.

"Thanks a lot." He thanked him.

The dark wizard seemed to nod his head indifferently.

His slender fingertips lightly tapped in the air, and the quilt and pillow core were wrapped in the black mist, and he flew into the pillowcase and quilt cover.

This hand really surprised Zong Jiu.

Unexpectedly, the wizard's ability is quite convenient.

... ...

After finishing the dormitory, ten people sat down to discuss ideas and countermeasures.

The other B-Class did not dare to speak, and looked very restrained. Only Zong Jiu was sitting on his bed, with his legs down, with a leisurely expression.

Fan Zhuo knuckles, slowly tapping on the table.

"Since we must eliminate one of the ten classes in the next monthly exam, we can only work on the score."

"You mean to stop the exam?"

The black wizard shook his head in disapproval, "It is impossible for the main system to fail to expect all students to fail the exam. By then, it is likely to push us into a worse situation."

"Do not."

Fan Zhuo said indifferently, "If everyone does not answer, deliberately answers the wrong question, and turns in a blank paper, how should they define the last one?"

The people in the dormitory were lost in thought.

This idea is not infeasible.

Even if there is a penalty, so many trainees should not be too heavy after being evenly distributed to everyone.

The dark wizard frowned: "But this idea is difficult to implement."

indeed so.

Even if there are two major power leaders here, the appeal is not as terrifying as the devil in the end.

As long as a traitor who has written a pen appears in ten classes, the blow to other classes will be fatal.

"There is still a month left, so you don't need to worry about it."

Really unable to think of a way, Fan Zhuo said again: "There may not be other changes in the middle. Let's watch the changes first and then make a decision."

After the monthly examination questions were exposed, new questions appeared.

They are also concerned about another issue.

Is this a pure survival copy, or a survival spirit alien copy

To this question, Tomimon gave a very affirmative answer.

"This dormitory, no, many people have died in this school."

"A lot, much more, far more than we thought."

Although onmyojis are not as sensitive to spirits as psychics, they are also insiders since they deal with ghosts and monsters.

Since entering this school, the deep coldness has made Tu Yumen very uncomfortable.

The school was originally built in the shade, coupled with the lingering grievances, autumn is as cool as winter.

But unexpectedly, even though there was such a cold and residual resentment, the Onmyoji did not find any traces of the formation of a resentful spirit.

Tu Yumen sighed, "Maybe I was too disappointed in this place before I was alive... So even if I die, I don't want to become an earthbound spirit."

"But it's not a copy of the psychic alien, it's a blessing in misfortune for us."