Thriller Trainee

Chapter 83: first Middle school


At seven o'clock in the evening, everyone went to the classroom on time and began to prepare for evening self-study.

Unfortunately, one person was just two minutes late and was stopped by the teaching assistant at the top of the stairs.

The screams spread throughout the entire teaching building.

Now everyone knows that the punishment of No. 1 Middle School is whipping. I remembered that after a severe beating, people were stripped naked and thrown directly into a small dark room for seven days. During this period, they only stuffed pig food from the dog hole and ate and drank Lazarus. It's all inside.

No one has tried to remember a big demerit, and it will only be more terrifying than the previous two.

Anyone who violates school rules will be punished, including being caught in the dormitory.

What's more frightening is that the time period of this copy is too long.

One hundred and twenty days, which means that they will not be able to return to the trainee dormitory for four months.

In the past, if you were injured in the dungeon, as long as you still have a breath, you can spend five hundred points to restore the main system after returning to the infinite loop. I'm injured in school now, unless I'm lucky enough to have a special item for healing, I have to raise it myself.

There is not even an infirmary in the school, and it does not recover faster than ordinary people.

In this difficult situation, some of the B-level trainees who have the ability to heal must be given up just like the big baby.

In the evening, each class was organized to move books, and the teaching materials and tutorial books of the nine subjects were moved.

There are basically no classes today, but life and death are at stake. All the trainees pinch their noses and look at the questions in the tutorial book. Regardless of whether they can understand the self-study or not, first check the standard answers of the basic exam one by one.

The monitor suspended from the ceiling rotates like a head.

Occasionally there are patrol teachers or assistants who study late at night wandering the corridors. The dark shadows are elongated, and faceless faces are reflected outside the glass windows, making people look terrifying at first glance.

[Too bitter... When I think that I, an old social animal who has graduated for more than ten years, will go back to learn high school content, I am already lying peacefully in the rescue room]

[There is still a month left, and I don’t know what results will be obtained in the next monthly exam. Can anyone estimate it?]

[Learning emmmm in a whole high school in one month is actually not very likely, let alone the Olympiad questions. It’s not bad to pass every subject at most for the first graders.]

[I also think that being able to pass every subject in a month is already very good, wait and see]

Not to mention it's a barrage, even the trainees themselves didn't expect it.

No one has ever fished in school. Although learning is hard, it is hard to have fun.

Moreover, the high school period should be a holy place in the minds of many people. Anything that happens during this period of time is covered with a veil of beauty or pain, which is an unattainable dream during the sensitive period of adolescence.

Now, this copy breaks all the goodness of high school.

Studying is no longer to get admitted to your favorite college, but just to survive.

If you don't learn, you will die.

Among the trainees, there are many trainees who didn't study hard when they were students, or were not a piece of learning material like Tomimon, or even those who didn't directly participate in the college entrance examination. But no matter how rebellious they were, they are now forced to pick up books and read every topic with difficulty.

This is only the first day, and the fiery learning atmosphere is full of enthusiasm.

No one wants to be the last, and no one wants to die.

As the monitor of Zong Jiu, there will only be more things.

Harvested a biology lesson plan from the devil, and he chose to engage in biology first for his self-study tonight.

At first glance, the lesson plan is the npc props prepared by the main system, and the words on it are square and square. Although Zong Jiu hadn't seen the words written by the devil, he could tell at a glance that it was definitely not his own handwriting.

In addition, it is the situation inside the class.

Because of the sudden interruption before no.1, the effect of Zong Jiu's ruthless talk was greatly reduced.

The trainee No. 53 of Class 9 who raised the objection before did not seem to dare to have any more opinions on Zong Jiu.

Zong Jiu didn't ask everyone to listen to him, but only wanted to concentrate on studying in the days to come.

In such a complete learning atmosphere, the two evenings of self-study quickly passed.

"Ring Ling Ling—"

The harsh bell tore the deep night sky.

The trainees got up one after another, not forgetting to bring a few books back to the dormitory.

There is no concept of homework in No.1 Middle School, but no one dares to go back and do it without taking papers.

Zong Jiu also took the book and prepared to leave.

After seeing his movements, some trainees hesitated to stop him.

"what's up?"

The young man turned his head to the side, his tying white hair falling down his shoulders, his perfect profile looming under the incandescent lamp.

[Although I have said it many times, but I still want to scream again, the magician is beautiful! 】

[Uuuuuu me too, so good looking uuuu, the ceiling of beauty in my mind]

[I’ve already taken a screenshot, the old rules, and posted it to the forum. I need to set up a screensaver to pick it up.]

[Thanks to sister upstairs! 】

[Who would want to know that I had powdered him because of a face? Obviously you can rely on face, but it depends on strength]

The trainee also paused, then hesitated to say: "That...Didn't Teacher Nan ask you to go to the office to find him after school?"

The afternoon is not counted as the end of school, the evening study should always be called end of school, not to mention the third period of the evening study when it is free to arrange, how can I go there.

Zong Jiu put on a blank expression: "Oh, don't go."

To be honest, Zong Jiu never thought about going to the office obediently.

Does he have to go if the devil tells him to go? Isn't that Zong Jiu very shameless

Does he look like a picture that would listen to the teacher well

Even if you listen to the teacher, you will never listen to the teacher Nan.

After speaking, the white-haired young man did what he said, turned around lightly, followed the crowd downstairs and returned to the dormitory, leaving the trainee staring at him leaving in a daze.

After returning to the dormitory, even the three S-classes chose to study at night and fought until midnight.

This is what Fan Zhuo's racial talent is really enviable, and the later he gets more and more vigorous.

Zong Jiu put the book down at about two o'clock in the morning, jumped out of the bed and slapped a glass of water outside. He looked back and saw that the gray-haired man was still holding a pen, and was serious about solving a physics problem.

It's really easy to recreate high school knowledge back to the furnace to give people the feeling that the dimensional wall is broken.

Zong Jiu shook his head and was about to go to bed, but when he saw the man put down his pen, he whispered good night.

The white-haired young man put down the stainless steel cup and replied good night.

Except for the fictitious marriage contract, they are still serious distant relatives.

Zong Jiu felt that Fan Zhuo had a filter for the original owner, the bamboo horse. Although he was reticent and cruel, he really treated him as his younger brother.

Thinking like this, he stepped on the stairs and climbed onto the bed without seeing the dark wizard's faintly opened green eyes in the lower bunk.

... ...

There will be no biology classes in the next three days, which is quite worry-free.

In the end, what Zong Jiu didn't expect was that after releasing the no.1 pigeons in a fair manner, within a few days, he would like to mention the present report.

The schedule for these two days was full, with nine subjects in turn. The lectures in class are limited, and more rely on self-study.

In addition to these classes, there is an art class and a physical education class every week.

The physical education class this week has been replaced by the math class, and of course the art class cannot be spared. Sure enough, just before the class, they were notified by the teaching assistant that this class had been replaced by the biology teacher.

Zong Jiu: "..."

bad feeling.

When the black-haired man stepped on the bell and walked into the classroom, smiling and announcing that this lesson was learning human knowledge, Zong Jiu's bad premonition expanded.

Especially the devil smiled and said: "In order to let the students better understand the structure of the human body, I will choose a student to cooperate in this next class."

Sure enough, the next sentence is "One, you come to the podium to demonstrate."

Zong Jiu gritted his teeth and walked onto the podium with the unexpected gaze of the class.

The structure of the human body is different from the real model, and it is normal for students to teach models.

"Take off."

The man slowly drew out a pointer, his voice was low, and he couldn't hear the joy or anger.

The tip of the steel pointed to the zipper on the chest of the white-haired young man, and a little bit under the buckle of the zipper, the hint was self-evident.

Zong Jiu glared at him.

There is also a thin T-shirt in the blue and white school uniform.

The young man stood on the podium with his white hair tied up high, wearing only one piece of clothing, and outlined a slender and beautiful figure.

In contrast to it was Zong Jiu's cloudy face.

If he wants to be the devil and dare to let him off, he dares to openly beat the teacher in class.

[This... is obviously a normal teaching demonstration, why do I think something is wrong? 】

[How did the magician provoke no.1, it’s too miserable]

[This is not miserable, how do I feel the atmosphere between these two people is weird...? Think about it, if someone really provokes this adult on weekdays, it should be no bones left, how could he let the other person dangle in front of his eyes]

[I also think that it’s tit for tat, but it’s actually more like elementary school students deliberately unhappy]

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't mean this.

The devil's face didn't even have the usual joyful smile, on the contrary, like a real teacher, he took the lesson seriously.

Gradually, the trainees in the class became more focused. No one pays so much attention to life and death. In the silent classroom for a while, only the rustling of the pen tip on the page of the book can be heard.

Only Zong Jiu can deeply understand the other party's true intentions hidden under the surface of the gentle scum.

"This is the throat."

The ice-cold pointer slid down the young man's handsome jawbone, turned around his apple, and fell to the beautiful collarbone along the edge of the T-shirt.

"The bronchi goes down to the left and right lungs."

Even with a layer of clothing, the hard pointer poked Zong Jiu uncomfortably.

The next action almost made him jump up on the spot.

Because the pointer was impartial, it just fell on Zong Jiu's heart.

The heart is undoubtedly one of the most important dangerous areas of the human body.

Just such a small movement can make Zong Jiu's whole body stand upright, and his blood rushes directly to the top of his head.

"Here is the heart, the blood pump of the human body, weighing about 250 grams."

A low male voice rang beside him, with obvious banter.

"Oh? Student No. 1's heartbeat is speeding up, rushing and vigorously. From this, it can be seen that Classmate No. 1 is in good health."

The white-haired young man had sharp eyes and slammed his foot on the No.1 black leather shoes while the podium was blocked.

In the end, he crushed it desperately with the soles of his feet.