Thriller Trainee

Chapter 84: first Middle school


Zong Jiu admits that he is weak in emotions, and few people can make him produce such violent mood swings.

Except for no.1, he can step on his thunder spot accurately every time.

Zong Jiu didn't show any mercy on this foot, and he riveted enough.

With the shadow of the podium, no one really noticed this little movement, and even the barrage would not be boring to look closer.

The No. 1 Middle School matched the students with ordinary canvas shoes. This kind of shoe has no other advantage, that is, the sole is very hard.

It should be cool to step on it hard.

The black-haired man didn't change his face and his heart beat, and even the tone of the lecture did not fluctuate at all.

Only the slightly tightened white gloves can catch a glimpse of his mood.

"The heart is inside the mediastinum, with the ribs on the outside and the diaphragm below."

The force at the end of the pointer suddenly increased, slowly freeing the heart.

Such an area closely linked to life needs to come again several times, and Zong Jiu can really fight No.1 on the spot.

However, the white-haired youth had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the opponent's next action almost made his waist collapse.

The cold, hard tip went under the heart, and maliciously began to poke left and right.

The problem is that while fooling around, no.1 is still talking about human biological knowledge, and the sound is like a cello sonon, slowly scraping the bass strings along the bow.

The utter coldness reminded Zong Jiu of the eternal cold body temperature of the devil.

But this did not prevent him from continuing to exert force on his feet.

The two of them secretly competed on the sacred podium.

Even the barrage also followed along to study hard.

[Learned, learned, teacher Nan's lecture is really good]

[I feel that as long as I read this copy after reading it, I can go back and retake the college entrance examination (error)]

[Some knowledge is very accurate, no.1 has studied human anatomy]

[I’m the only one who thinks the magician’s face is terrible? 】

[Who would be in a good mood to be so targeted, but I still look forward to what the magician can do in this instance, I hope he will reach a higher level soon]

[Yes, the magician career fan likes it! 】

... ...

One lesson is long and difficult.

Finally, when Zong Jiu's feet were almost exhausted, the get out of class bell finally rang.

What I didn't expect was that no.1 was not only unmoved, but also started to drag the hall openly.

When there were a few minutes left in the class, the demon ended the human body demonstration class with regret, took the pointer back and chuckled.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Zong Jiu closed the zipper of his school uniform, snorted coldly, returned to his seat without looking back, and gave everyone an indifferent white back of his head.

After winning a round, the devil returned to the office in a good mood.

The offices of all the teachers of No.1 Middle School are in the same room, but because no.1 played a special NPC this time, a small office was added to the office to enjoy the same treatment as the grade director.

There happened to be a faceless teacher who turned around from the drinking fountain with a glass of water, and looked surprised when he saw him.

"Teacher Nan, why is your shoe surface so dirty? Is it raining outside?"

"Oh, this one."

no.1 bends the corners of his mouth, "I was stepped on by a cat, it's not in the way."

"There are still cats in our school?" The Faceless Man doubted.

"Of course, a silver gradient."

The devil smiled deeper, "fierce, but still cute."


The following days passed extremely fast.

With a knife hanging on the necks of all trainees, learning efficiency has become unprecedentedly high. Even if I repeat study and study every day, no one raises objections.

In addition to the monthly exams, there are also weekly weekly quizzes.

The monitors all live in a dormitory and share their results in private.

There is no doubt that the class with the highest average score for the whole year is still the first class.

Two generals were gathered in one class. But unexpectedly, the last place was not the tenth class, which was not in the top ten, but the eighth class.

The ranking of Zong Jiu's ninth class is not optimistic, just hovering in the eighth and ninth positions.

This time we eliminated the last class. Who knows if it is possible that the ninth class will be eliminated in the monthly exam

For this purpose, Zong Jiu also specially brought out a report card so that the top-ranked trainees in the class could coach the bottom-ranked trainees in groups.

Team tutoring for top students and poor students is arranged for the third night of self-study. After the second night of self-study every day, the nine classes will consciously stay in the classroom and pull the table to help each other.

"We are now grasshoppers on the same line. As long as one person is dragged down in the next monthly exam, it is very likely that the whole class will be affected. Everyone is an adult. There is no need for me to say more. You are all B-level exercises. Sheng, I don’t even understand this little truth."

This time, the whole class of trainees looked at the weekly test report, and no one said any rebuttals. They unanimously chose to be obedient.

Speaking of it, it is really bad luck for Class Nine.

There are a few foreign trainees at the bottom of their class, some who take the ACT and SAT, and some who take the A-LEVEL. Let’s not talk about the difficulty, the things they test are different. Although other trainees have forgotten, they still have some memory foundation, but they have to start all over again, and naturally they are much behind other trainees in mastery and absorption.

There is also a trainee No. 99, Zong Jiu has never seen a more weird existence than him, and he can't teach it no matter what.

Finally, after another question was wrong, the white-haired young man put down the book and rubbed his temples, "If you really can't establish a logical understanding, you'd better focus on liberal arts first and go and endorse."

Although the liberal arts can't be tested well without endorsement, Zong Jiu is really unable to complain with the number ninety-nine paper.

He, like the Tuyumen of the seventh class, possesses a peculiar learning circuit that is absolutely incomprehensible to others.

On the ninety-ninth, it seemed that she was about to cry, "Sorry, devil... Sir, sorry, I'm really sorry."

In these thirty days, everyone's spirits are extremely tense.

The original evaluation criteria have all been disrupted, and only the "score" is the uniform and rigid indicator.

Although everyone does not say it on the surface, the practice birthdays of other classes with poor academic performance are not very good.

Especially the low-ranking classes tried their best to improve the average score. This is the case. Not only do students with a lower student number in each class are not valued by the school, but occasionally they are embarrassed by the teacher npc.

For example, on the 99th, he was often called and punished for failing to answer questions.

He was just an unorganized free man before, and he didn't expect that the magician, the defending top student in the class, would actually give him tutoring in person. Not only was he grateful, but also anxious for his dullness.

"It's okay, it's not your fault to learn, everyone has their own strengths."

Zong Jiu feels that his temper has improved in this dungeon. "It's not a little bit of a change in this dungeon. "The Tuyumen of Class 7 is still an S grade. The grades are worse than you. Don't be underestimated."

On the 99th, tears filled his eyes, "Yes! I will continue to cheer!"

[Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the S-rank boss will become a disgusted existence]

[Before I thought the Tuyumen boss did not review, now I know, he is really a scumbag]

[A multiple-choice question with four answers, if you can’t do it, there is a one-fourth chance that you will be right, but the tycoon can guess every three-quarters, and just click on wax. jpg]

[Who can guess this, non-Chief and scumbag, what kind of terrible combination is this]

After returning to the dormitory in the evening, 101 held a group meeting again.

"It's the first monthly exam in three days. Do you have any better suggestions?"

In the past twenty days, they have also thought of many ways in the middle. Including the method proposed by Fan Zhuo for everyone to hand in a blank paper and so on.

But these methods have obvious flaws, and once something goes wrong, the consequences are hard to predict.

The intention of the main system is obvious, and the collective copy is a process of elimination. In addition, the ten classes are competitors with each other. Even if they live in a dormitory, it is difficult to put down their guard and unite.

"It's better to try the method of handing in a blank paper first."

Fan Zhuo rapped on the table without hesitation, his dark red eyes were thoughtful.

"Methods are always tried out, and it would be a good thing if you can get to the bottom line of the main system by this."

No one raised objections this time.

The dark wizard even added a plan B.

It is easy to see when you hand in a blank paper. As long as all students in the examination room supervise each other, no one student can write.

If someone writes, the plan will not exist, and the normal exam will be taken instead. After all, everyone's fate is fate, and if such an unpredictable rat generation destroys it, this non-binding agreement can only be invalidated.

Although the possibility is unlikely, everyone decided to give it a try.

Now that the method is finalized, the next step is to notify the students in each class.

There are cameras and monitors all over the No.1 Middle School, and messages that want to be delivered can only be delivered one by one.

So the monitors of each class chose to call out one of the people in the different dormitories, and then let these people communicate on their behalf, remember to keep everyone vigilant.

"On the day of the test, everyone should not write, sleep or be silent. As long as everyone is like this, group behavior will not affect individuals too much."

As a result, the big news that the trainee planned to resist collectively began to circulate in private. But in just one day, everyone knew about this plan, like an undercurrent.

If it can be executed perfectly, this is indeed a better way.

However, when there was only one day before the first monthly exam, something happened finally.

A thousand trainees, there are always times when they can't take care of them.

A few words in a dormitory were unintentionally heard by surveillance. So the teaching assistants arrested all the ten trainees in that dormitory overnight and beat them up in the corridor.

The doors of the other dormitories were closed, no one dared to open the door and go out, but no one fell asleep.

The screams rang all night, echoing in the empty corridor, the sound was deep.

After pulling the whip more than a dozen times, the B-level trainee confessed the truth like pouring beans.

One person said that the other nine naturally followed suit.

In the dormitory separated by a wall, Zong Jiu put aside his pen, "This plan has failed."


It wasn't even a failure. Because of the leak, all the trainees were rushed to the playground before dawn the next day. The dean told them that they must maintain their military posture and stand under the scorching sun for a whole day.

You can take a break every hour, and take a break for five minutes. However, if the teaching assistant finds movement during the period, it is directly a whip.

Naked corporal punishment.