Thriller Trainee

Chapter 85: first Middle school


This is an ordeal.

Not to mention that today's weather is rare and good, with blue sky and white clouds.

When it was seven o'clock in the morning, the rising red sun rose from the east where the clouds were gradually removed, and sprinkled the golden sunlight all over the earth.

This can be said to be the best weather in a month. In the old days, when the autumn and winter meet, the sky will always be dark or unchanging lead-grey, which makes people feel boring and at the same time extremely uncertain.

But today the sun is really killing people.

Originally standing in the military posture was tired enough, but standing in the military posture under the scorching sun could only curse terribly.

An hour of military posture doesn't sound like long. It's like doing a plank to stand up. The time is like freezing every minute.

For the first hour, when the teaching assistant called out "time is up", everyone moved their sore joints in place.

Physical punishment is a great advantage for trainees who have strengthened their physical/physical strength. They stand in a military posture for an hour without changing their colors and heartbeats, and they may even feel lazy in the same place. Among them, it refers to the half-vampires of the night race. They are the typical type of body strengthening, and there will be no problems for a day or a half.

The ensuing time became more and more difficult.

When they were standing in the military posture, the dean was still on the flag-raising platform trying to obliterate their fighting spirit.

"You all know your privately planned school. If someone dares to hand in a blank paper during the exam tomorrow, no matter how many, please follow the school rules. Don't be lucky."

"If there are too many people, we will consider asking parents to pick you up directly. If you don't study well, you know you have a crooked mind, so it's better not to read."

At the same time, a warm reminder came from the main system.

[If the end of the copy of "returned by the parent" is reached, it will be directly obliterated]

other people:"... ... "


The S-level and many well-informed B-levels sighed.

Such things as collective resistance are not uncommon in collective dungeons. Since the main system has launched the thriller trainee competition and developed the collective dungeon process, it must have anticipated the future development.

This ending is not surprising even if there are no NPCs. At least for S-levels like Fan Zhuo, they were even prepared to meet these NPCs in the middle of the exam site. Now they are just verifying it.

They sighed that the others were also silent, especially referring to the countdown in each class.

Collective resistance will not work anymore, and no one can think of a better way for a while, and most of the exams tomorrow can only be conducted as usual. It is destined that a class of trainees will die here, on the gray concrete floor they are stepping on now.

This is only the first monthly exam.

I am afraid that after this collective copy is over, it is difficult to say whether half of them can be left.

Soon, in such an anxious and difficult atmosphere, a whole morning passed quietly.

So far, the trainees have only stood for a long time, and there is still half a day.

The sun on the horizon is getting higher and higher, the heat is getting stronger and stronger, and the red sun is hanging high.

Obviously it is the winter sun, but under their standing method, the heat is so hot that drops of sweat drip from the top of the head.

Standing abruptly for all morning, even trainees can have trouble.

Many trainees with poor physical fitness have begun to feel dizzy. There were even a few people with anemia who fell into a coma without saying a word. They were dragged aside like a dead dog by the teaching assistant, and they were awakened by a bucket of cold water.

Some were untenable, could not help moving, and stretched out their hands to tickle, all with a whip.

These whips are very powerful, and they focus on areas with a lot of flesh. Although there is no blood when they come down, they are really distressed and have to rest for several days to heal.

At noon, the dean touched the microphone again and continued to threaten and lure.

"If you are willing to confess the mastermind and identify who came up with this collective rebellion plan, you don't have to suffer such crimes, and you can go back and rest for a day."

Who figured it out

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Everyone knows in their hearts that this method was worked out by the monitors of each class. It happened that the monitors of the two classes were not only S-class, but also the immediate superiors of many of them, and no one dared to offend them.

Originally, it was not broadcast live outside the teacher, but because it was a school-wide sex act, the main system temporarily added a general live broadcast room to broadcast live broadcasts to other survivors who failed to join the thriller trainee program in an infinite loop.

As soon as the dean's remarks came out, the barrage was overwhelming.

[Oh, this trick is really disgusting, cruel villain]

[If you don’t confess the mastermind, they all sit together. It’s really killing without seeing blood. I hate this method the most, none of them]

[It's really vicious, there is nothing to wish for, just wish this school will close down soon]

[Hey, since they play so many psychological tactics in this set, there are more than a thousand people on the playground now, as long as there is one drop... Wonder, because the human heart is really hard to stand the test]

Seeing that they were silent, the faculty members didn't mean to ask them immediately.

These people know very well that students will obey only when they can't bear it and are on the verge of collapse.

This is not the case with torture. Using people's psychological weaknesses to defeat the psychological line of defense, they will be able to recruit anything.

It's only been a long time now, and there is still a long time.

It may not be difficult to stand in a military posture, but it is as difficult as going to heaven to be motionless all day long.

Trainees are also human, and those who have not strengthened their bodies are not much better than ordinary people.

Many people have several red marks on their arms. I believe that if you continue to stand like this, it is not difficult to see blood.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Finally, it lasted until the afternoon, but the dean announced that the exams that were originally scheduled for tomorrow were postponed.

As long as they didn't confess the mastermind, they would have to stand until midnight. Not just today, tomorrow, later... until the mastermind is confessed.

At this point, some trainees became dissatisfied.

"What the hell... This bad idea is not what we thought, so why should we follow suit."

"Yes, if I knew this was the result, who would agree."

"We didn't do anything wrong. It's not all that dormitory, which hurts everyone."

When a person encounters such an innocent disaster like sitting in a row, the first thing he thinks about is himself.

It's just that because the core leadership circle is full of big people who are not easy to mess with, everyone still chooses to forbearance when they are not in the first place. B-level trainees have persisted for so long, and they have scruples in their hearts. If they are replaced by newcomers, it is estimated that they will all be said when the instructor asks.

However, in just ten minutes, this precarious situation was completely broken.

Towards four o'clock in the afternoon, the dean suddenly announced a piece of news.

"The top three in each class go out to rest, and then don't have to stand. The others continue."

After staying in this middle school for almost a month, everyone knew its urinary properties.

Faculty and staff will blatantly favor students with good academic performance, and sometimes even order the teaching assistant to cancel the punishment.

So far, the entire 101 dormitory has never received a penalty. Even when they turned on the lights in the middle of the night to study, the auntie Guan also closed one eye, and Quandang didn't see it.

Compared with other trainees with poor academic performance, they can only study under the covers with a flashlight at night. If they are caught, they have to wear their pants and stand outside for one night, shaking their teeth in the cold.

But this time, the dean's announcement aroused anger.

The people standing on the playground got out of control, "Why? It's obviously the rubbish method that these squad leaders thought of, and we still have to bear it all our lives."

Once there is one person, there will naturally be others, and one stone will stir up waves.

"That is, everyone is a trainee, who is more noble than anyone, so many loopholes have to be implemented, and now all students are punished."

"They are human, aren't we ordinary trainees human?"

These trainees who shouted loudest were all unorganized free men, and they were also variables in the mouths of Fan Zhuo and the black wizard.

Originally, these people could be controlled, but a whole day of corporal punishment and unfair treatment destroyed all of the remaining sanity at once.

[Sure enough, I knew that the human heart cannot stand the test]

[Unsurprising result, tried and tested on groups]

[Every time this happens, it’s a good time to throw the pot, the squad leader’s starting point is for everyone’s sake, after this time, I’m afraid it’s also a chill]

[This school wants this kind of result, as long as it can destroy the alliance among the trainees and cause them to be hostile, then it is victory]

The white-haired young man stood still on the spot.

He was quiet, didn't speak, and didn't have any unexpected expressions.

The atmosphere on the playground has become erratic and uncertain since the trainees confessed to the monitors of each class.

The instructor called for all class leaders to stand under the flag-raising platform.

Zong Jiu, like the first place in the other classes, went out in silence and stood over.

Fan Zhuo stood beside him.

As soon as Zong Jiu stood there, he heard the Ye Clan’s ruler lower his voice and said, "If there are uncertainties in the future, just give me out, don't worry."

The white-haired young man raised his head and glanced unexpectedly.

The gray-haired man has a cold face and looks forward.

He was not only talking to Zong Jiu, but also to all the monitors of other classes.

"Since this matter was decided by me, I should bear the responsibility. There is nothing wrong with it, and there is no need to feel guilty."

The black wizard twisted his eyebrows in disapproval, "Since the whole dormitory is voted through, it is better to recognize them together. It is better to share among ten people than one person."

"It doesn't matter."

Fan Zhuo said solemnly, "Anyone who wants to get away can choose to confess to me. I will not be held accountable."

The dean is still talking about it: "I don't believe that so many good students have chosen this path of no return. I will give you another opportunity to confess a mastermind, and everyone else will be free from punishment."

That being said, none of the ten squad leaders on the flag-raising platform was the first to be a traitor.

Being able to have a dormitory with these S-level bosses, close contact, is already an unexpected high climb, of course not guilty of not being guilty, and being familiar with it will be of great help in the future, no one will not think about it at this time .

"I didn't expect that the school worked hard to cultivate you, but you did something that disappointed us."

After waiting for a while, the instructor who still couldn't wait for the result shook his head, "If that's the case, then all of you should take the blame and interrogate separately."

"Let me see... the torture starts with the squad leader of Class Nine."

Many trainees began to feel trembling.

Remembering it is already shutting people in a small black house to feed pigs for seven days. No one dares to think about how terrible it is to remember.

Just the word "torture" is scary enough.

Zong Jiu's eyes darkened, and he began to think about countermeasures in his heart.

He has decided to punish the copy if it doesn't work. Today, there must be NPC blood splattered on the spot.

When the teaching assistants were about to take the white-haired youth away from the original, a lazy voice suddenly sounded.

"Hold on."

Everyone turned around and saw no.1 slowly walking down the stairs.

It's the lord!

Many trainees on the playground showed excitement.

Although no.1 is both good and evil on weekdays, now that he has entered the collective dungeon, everyone subconsciously classified him as an NPC into the camp of trainees.

The demon slowly raised his gloves, and passed by with Zong Jiu, lowering his voice.

"Remember, you owe me once."