Thriller Trainee

Chapter 88: first Middle school


The named class was smiling and celebrating around the seats, which was in stark contrast with the other two classes.

After the eighth place is announced, the ninth place is about to be released.

The two classes that have not been named are the seventh class where Tomimon is located, and the other eighth class.

The backs of the trainees in these two classes are as tight as a bowstring, their palms are sweating, and they are closely watching the movements on the flag-raising platform.

The elimination of the whole class does not care how many students in the first grade in the class, even if the first in the class is the first in the grade, the punishment is still the same punishment.

At least the tenth class, which is not in the top ten in one grade, ranks seventh in overall score, and the overall strength is stronger than the trainees who have the top ten in the grade.

Both classes 7 and 8 have students with very good scores, but now they still have to be punished with the group. The psychological imbalance is normal. The top students in the eighth class even began to scold them, blaming the countdowns in the class.

Especially the ninety-nine Tuyumen sitting in the seventh class, anyone with a discerning eye could see the nervousness of this S-class boss.

He is not afraid of changing to other ghosts and monsters, and only test results will be so worried.

Not only was he afraid of hurting the whole class, but also afraid of the humiliating death close at hand.

[I'm so nervous, what should I do? If there is something wrong with Tuyumen, isn't it that the S-class will vacate a seat? 】

[This copy does not make sense at all, where is it divided according to academic performance...]

[Hey, don’t the main system have the final say? Could it be that the main system pulled you into an infinite loop to ask for your consent? 】

[You can't say that, right, isn't the survival copy like this? The test in this round is obviously the trainee’s ability to organize and cooperate, but unfortunately there were maggots in the last cooperation plan]

It seemed that in order to enjoy such an atmosphere of spreading anxiety and fear, the dean of instruction deliberately paused for a long time, even picked up the thermos on the side and took a sip without hesitation. This was slowly announced under the eyes of the public.

"The average score is ninth... Class 7."

Zong Jiu clearly saw that Tu Yumen breathed a sigh of relief, his tightly combined hands loosened without a trace, and the elbows were scarlet.

"Do it!"

"Don't sit and wait, it's time to do it!"

At the same time, all the trainees in the eighth class who were eliminated suddenly became restless.

They prepared all the special props early, and acted immediately after the dean of education said the ninth place.

No one would want to be eliminated in such a ridiculous way, and no one would be willing to succumb to fate. This is definitely the consensus of everyone.

Anyway, it's death anyway, if everyone's power is brought together to resist, there may be a way out.

At that moment, Zong Jiu suddenly had a hunch.

After all, it is S grade, it is impossible to have no life-saving means and hole cards.

Tu Yumen and his dormitory are always lit up to study late at night on weekdays, and when they are really sleepy, they draw onmyoji or put up signs on their faces. On several occasions, Zong Jiu got out of bed to fetch water and was even frightened by him. He thought it was a zombie popping out of the sinking pond of this school.

Although the Onmyoji Master doesn't talk about it on weekdays, he obviously wants to bald his head because of his academic grades that he can't mention. It is said that he silently made Yin and Yang talisman for the whole class just in case.

If the last one is really in Class 7, Domemon should be planning to lead the whole class to resist.

Just like the eighth class now.

"Unrelated people, please evacuate from the playground immediately. If there are other people in the playground within five minutes, they will all be executed."

Seeing that the eight trainees collectively chose to resist, the people in the teaching department were not surprised.

Every year there are such smart students who do not listen to their lessons.

The Faceless People immediately waved their whips, and the students from other classes evacuated in an orderly manner.

Just after all unrelated people left the playground, the situation on the playground changed again.

The trainees stick to their backs and shrink into prototypes, while the faceless man keeps shrinking the encirclement.

Several B-levels in Class 8 do have hole cards, and one of them can even stay invisible for a few minutes.

"Their special props are no longer available."

Zong Jiu stood in front of the railing on the third floor, frowning.

Several other monitors also stood near him, observing the situation on the playground.

The collective resistance of the eighth class was also the result of their previous discussions.

After failing to hand in the blank paper, the monitors decided to discuss other methods in private.

But in short, it is absolutely unreliable to pin all hopes on the body of the group, so this time the brainstorming is mainly from the worst perspective.

Although the hope is slim, you might as well give it a try. At least the results will be mutually beneficial.

The trainees who had not been sentenced also paid close attention to the resistance of the eighth class. Even if one person can break through the siege, it can provide everyone with valuable experience.

"The situation is not so good, it should be useless."

Looking at the current situation on the playground, the dark wizard said quietly, "It is a collective copy, and the goal is to survive the fittest. There is no dying struggle."

Just like the ten B-levels back then.

Dozens of people who took the test were executed before they were fully prepared, but this time it was a class of trainees who were all ready to take out special props.

The barrage is still inflating.

[Although it is a collective copy, will a miracle happen to the trainees in the same class? 】

[I'm also thinking about this issue, there are ninety-nine people in total, just in case it's okay]

[You have to die if you don’t go, and you have to die if you go, then it must be a choice! 】

[Give up to the eighth shift in the air, rush for it]

However, it is still useless.

The moment the dean announced the result, the special props of all the trainees in Class 8 had no effect.

This is still a unilateral massacre.

Even because of trying to resist, the scene became more tragic.

The distorted face, blood sticking to the ground, splashing up, the broken internal organs and bones are naked/exposed under the lead-grey sky. After most of his head was blown away, the eyeballs stained with blood and tissue fluid rolled down into the stinky water ditch to the side, and was swallowed by the thick black sewage in a flash.

The dark vulture did not know where it came from, squatting on the bare branches, ready to have a full meal at any time.

The sun finally lifted away the dark clouds,

The cold winter sun shining on this concrete playground made people chill to the bones.

In this way, the life of a class disappeared in everyone's eyes in a very impactful and tragic way.

There were already many trainees in the hallway who couldn't bear to look any longer and returned to the classroom one after another.

With this time, they might as well think more about how to improve their grades so as not to die in the next round of exams.

Finally, the last trainee who was still angry also had a different head.

The pungent smell of blood made Vandro's dark red eyes a little more obscure.

After all, half-bloods are not the most evolved vampires, and it is difficult to remain indifferent when faced with blood.

He muttered, "There are three more exams."

The monitors of each class were silent, and no one expressed their opinions.

The inability to completely unite is still the biggest problem that traverses between them.

The behavior of reporting each other the last time may still happen again.

There are even a few trainees who don't say anything, but in the bottom of their hearts, they feel that this is a good time to get rid of their competitors.

The trainees at the top of the grade class naturally sit back and relax.

The horror trainees will be hostile to the end of the game. Since they can solve their opponents without any effort now, why not do it

Even if they can come up with a mutually beneficial solution, these people will not be willing to cooperate.

Immediately afterwards, the assistant teacher brought a water pipe full of thigh thickness, turned on the faucet, and washed the broken limbs and corpses on the playground to the side of the drain.

Because there were too many corpses and blood stains, they couldn't be transported to the sinking pond one by one. The only way to do this was really a huge and difficult project.

The dean announced the schedule for the next examination.

"The mid-term exam is scheduled 30 days later. We compared the average scores of the candidates this year and felt that the gap was indeed too large compared to the excellent students of the previous year. So—"

"In the next examination, the average score of each class does not exceed 600, and the entire class will be punished."

Zong Jiu's eyes moved away from the blood-red playground.

He looked at the shade of a tree not far away.

The black-haired man still wore the gold glasses that looked like a concave shape on his face. This weakened the creepy and sharp aura around him, but on the contrary, it added a bit of precipitation and bookish aura.

The shadow of the leaves perfectly shielded him, and any light that reaches the whole body will be annihilated like a black hole.

Faced with this play, no.1 looked cold and indifferent.

However, just as Zong Jiu's sight shifted to him, the devil raised his eyes lazily, and his dark golden pupils accurately captured the white-haired young man standing on the railing on the second floor.

got windy.

The wind lifted the broken white hair on both sides of the youth that was not tied up.

Even if the distance is too far, the devil can guess what kind of look is hung in the other's light pink eyes.

It is exactly the same as him, but completely different indifference.

So similar, but running in the opposite direction.

In a sense, Guiguzi's predictions are really terrifying.

For example, from the first sight of Zong Jiu, the devil's blood was clamoring that this person was destined to be his enemy.

Zhuge secretly moved his hands and feet in another C-level instance, and he knows no.1 with the authority of some instructors.

Probably at the latest after the end of this copy, the turbulent undercurrent hidden under the calm surface will be completely broken, or, as the prophecy said, it will be the opposite of a complete and unchangeable one.

In fact, it is undoubtedly the most cost-effective and optimal solution to solve the enemy before he is still young.

But perhaps in that narrow space, the eyes like sparkling sparks are too dazzling, so dazzling that the cold blood that has not changed for years also boils, choosing to indulge.

Such an interesting existence is hard to find.

For so many years, the devil's pleasure from the infinite loop can't even compare to the existence of a white-haired young man alone.

He is like a huge gift box, which gives the devil a different surprise every time he opens it.

If it is ruined, it would be too boring.

Then I hope... before it breaks, let him have a good time.

The devil hooked his lips, suddenly gathered the little finger of his ring finger, bent his thumb and index finger to ninety degrees, and fired a shot at the young man on the railing.

Distantly, Zong Jiu could see the mouth shape of no.1 clearly.

The black-haired man laughed expectantly in the wind.
