Thriller Trainee

Chapter 89: first Middle school


The atmosphere in the entire No.1 Middle School is very sluggish.

After finally passing the first monthly exam, I didn't expect that there will be midterm exams, second monthly exams and final exams later.

The first monthly exam was to eliminate a class anyway, but if the average score in the mid-term exam did not reach the target, he would be sentenced directly.

What's more, compared with the obliteration of the main system, this execution is a big deal. At any rate, the main system was obliterated for only a moment, and the soul was obliterated without feeling the pain. But the execution of No. 1 Middle School was a real torture, and he was allowed to die after experiencing the extreme pain.

Many trainees will never forget that scene.

On the playground, many of the heads were separated, and even the half-headed heads that had just fallen off were still venting their nostrils.

The whole cement-paved playground was covered with sticky minced meat and blood, and the pungent bloody smell stayed there. It would be clearly audible as long as the bedroom window was opened in the next week.

Even more frightening is the requirement of the mid-term exam.

Six hundred points.

What is the concept of six hundred points? There are a total of 1150 points for the nine subjects and the math test. It sounds like six hundred points can be easily achieved by passing each subject.

But for trainees who have almost forgotten their knowledge of high school, it is definitely not a simple matter to pass their grades in just two months.

Even the class that defended first in the average score of this class is still far away from this average score.

The hard index means that there is no need for class-to-class competition. As long as the class does not reach this line, all classes will be brushed down.

The standard put together in this way is definitely higher than the average admission rate obtained from a class by class. There is competition to have a dark horse. I don’t know how many years the first middle school set has been used. Although some good seedlings will be eliminated in the middle, the average score of each student in the final classes is definitely better than before. Any top student who is eliminated.

At this moment, there is no need for the school to say anything more, and the trainees themselves have started a crazy problem hell.

In the next ten days, everyone will have a big dark circle on their face without exception, wishing to split the time into two for use.

The learning atmosphere in Class 9 is equally enthusiastic.

Under the revolutionary friendship, the trainees in the whole class are called mutual help and mutual help in hardship.

Anyone who is too sleepy in class will consciously stand at the end of the classroom to listen to the lecture. Every day, they organize and use the time between classes to brush their papers, and gather the answers together in the third night of the evening for self-study.

Thanks to this copy, the trainees in each class quickly became acquainted with each other. Even if they are assigned to a class with their own enemies or hostile organizations, they will not see their heads up, they will become a community of destiny, and they have to fight side by side together, and the relationship will be eased a lot.

Especially Zong Jiu.

Zong Jiu felt very tired.

He used to be a chic and comfortable magician who only cares about his own happiness and can be handsome, but now he is the monitor of a class who needs to drag his family. This is also thanks to Zong Jiu's good memory, and the endorsement can be done without missing a word. If this is another person, I am afraid I can't take care of both sides.

But they are very obedient, and the community of destiny cannot ignore it.

The last few in Class 9 saw him just like a mouse and a cat. They study seriously and never go to the west. Zong Jiu told them to go east and never go west. They are not at all like the B-levels in some classes. Senior shelf. It was this attitude that made Zong Jiu wonder what to do.

In such a stressful and enriching environment, with the fear of life and death as the first driving force, something finally happened one day, which can be considered as breaking the stagnant life.

Things are big or small, but they are not small.

The reason is that some of the class 9 students are cleaning, and found a dilapidated diary in the compartment on the board of the class platform.

The diary showed that this was left by the last few students, and there were also some transcripts in it. Just looking at the scores can tell, the owner seems to be a girl with excellent academic performance.

It's strange to say that after entering this collective copy, the trainees didn't want to look for clues or clues left by the npc. It is a pity that this school is very weird. Except for the fact that a large number of students have committed suicide, all traces of it seem to have been deliberately erased, and there is no trace.

This diary is still their biggest harvest after entering the copy. It must have been during the winter and summer vacations that the corners of the podium could not be searched to survive, otherwise it must be handled uniformly by the school just like other traces.

"Open it up and take a look, no other class has found such good things, in case there is a clue to the background of this copy!"

"Yes, if you can find some clues, there may be new progress."

Since it was found by Class Nine, it must be studied internally in Class Nine as soon as possible, and will be taken out after the research is completed.

So dozens of heads came together, eyes were piled up in the cracks, watching the white-haired magician slowly open this dusty diary for many years.

Not only the class 9 students, but the survivors who were watching the live broadcasts of other classes also moved after hearing the news and switched to Class 9 to watch the excitement.

[Fuck, this should be the first special item that appears in this collective copy so far, right? 】

[Hurry up and see what it is, what important clue should it be, according to the horror copy routine, the diary is simply the best carrier to record these things]

[Indeed, if there is any solution to the game, it will be considered a big profit]

Under the blazing eye of the public, the magician turned to the first page of the diary without changing his face.

Strangely, this diary does not have the owner's name, but the handwriting is familiar to Zong Jiu.

[March 3, even though I begged them hard, they still sent me here through their relationship]

[March 5, it’s terrible... this school is terrible, if you don’t study, you’ll really die]

[On March 6, they did not allow students to write diaries. If they were found, it would be dangerous. I have to hide this diary.]

There was not much special place in the front. Zong Jiu looked through it like this, only to see some trivial records, and the lines were filled with the blood and cruelty of No.1 Middle School.

These are all known to the trainees, even if they read them, they are not very useful, and there is not much value for reference.

Finally, after turning back a few pages, they finally saw something valuable.

The handwriting in the diary is messy as it goes back, which can clearly reflect the unstable mental state of the diary owner when writing these words.

The turning point began with another person who appeared in the diary.

[April 6th, this diary is the only time for me to relax a little in the busy study day. Only when I write these words, I am not like a person who was only born for learning]

[April 8th, the monitor was really a good person, even if he was too busy to take care of himself, he took time to provide psychological counseling for the whole class]

[On April 11th, for the first monthly exam, the girl in front secretly stuffed me with a candy, and I opened it under the quilt. Although it was melted, it was really sweet]

[April 12th, the classmates are all fine, I also want to become such a person who can warm others]

... ...

[On May 10th, the whole class made an appointment together, they want to live from here together, and get admitted to the favorite top3]

By the time I write here, the handwriting has become neat and smooth again, with strokes and strokes.


[May 14, how could this be? ]

It is a pity that when they turned back, they found that the next two or three pages of paper seemed to have been gnawed off by a mouse, stained with damp traces and pasted together, leaving only the last remaining yellowed paper.

At this point, the handwriting has recovered from scribbling, and even blackened colors are contaminated in it.

A trainee in the class was surprised: "So much blood?"

Before, they knew that it was unlikely that the owner of the diary would survive. Otherwise, how could they stuff their diary here instead of taking it away with graduation

[On July 4, I have found it, right next to the sinking pool... But there are only three people in the class. If no one among us makes a change, we will have to die in the next exam. ]

[On July 5th, I took a graduation photo today. The moment the shutter was pressed, I was alone in the photo...]

[July 6, save me, no matter who it is, please save me? I can't make it anymore... I can't make it]

[July 7, if nothing else, this is the last time I have written it, and I will put it in the podium tonight. If any latecomer sees it, please be sure to stop it before the tragedy happens. As mentioned earlier, this transformation process is [irreversible]. Even now, the students have become their original minds one by one. The most annoying look in the movie, but in order to survive, we can only do this, there is no other way]

[They saved the class with themselves, saved me]

[Now, it's my turn]

The diary stopped here abruptly.

After reading the diary, the class 9 students looked at each other.

The front is all daily life, and the last page is quite secretive. If you want to find more clues, undoubtedly in the pages torn off in the front.

Zong Jiu was the first to ask, "Did you find anything else when you cleaned it? There was nothing else in the cracks?"

On the 99th, shook his head like a rattle, "The podium we wiped together at that time, except for the diary, there were only a few transcripts close to full marks, nothing else."

Zong Jiu pondered for a moment, and pointed to the words "graduation photo" in the diary.

"This thing should be our key to solving the puzzle."

It's not just him, others think the same way.

"But we have been in No.1 Middle School for so long, and we haven't heard of any outstanding alumni exhibition area here."

As the trainees said, they suddenly realized something, “It stands to reason that key middle schools shouldn’t wait to see the graduation photos and honor rolls of their previous outstanding students?”

[There must be a demon if something goes wrong, there must be a problem]

[Yes, since the source of the matter has been found, just follow the investigation]

[That is, I am a little concerned about the irreversibility and tragedy in the diary. What does this mean? Is it possible that I became a classmate, and all the previous graduates committed suicide? 】

[That’s not right. If you commit suicide, you can still take a graduation photo together. Are you a corpse? 】

But soon, this question was completely revealed in the morning five days later.

One B-level trainee became a faceless man.