Thriller Trainee

Chapter 90: first Middle school


It happened in the seventh class.

The seventh class is the class of Tuyumen, which happened to be ranked ninth in the last grade ranking.

Although the whole year is full of rookies, there is still a gap between the average score of the last-ranked class and the first-ranked class.

If you want an average score of 600, it is definitely much less difficult for the first class than for the seventh class.

In this case, the atmosphere of Class 7 is even more depressing.

By the way, the last one in Class 7 is still an S-class boss. This has to be replaced by another class, since cold violence has already begun. The big hat of the S-class was buckled there, and no one could say anything to the Tuyumen, they could only respond indifferently one by one.

The life of poor students throughout the year is not easy. Not only do they have to study hard, but they also have to accept the cold eyes of their classmates, except for the first class of Fanzhuo, the third class of the black wizard and the nineth class of Zongjiu. After all, these classes have clear leaders. Even if other classes are elected as class monitors, many trainees feel that they are both at the B-level and do not have the power to give orders. Even if they can study together, discrimination in the class is as serious.

Of course, the saddest thing was that before the first monthly exam, all the trainees’ 404 dormitories were sold out.

They were really unable to recruit under the whip of the assistant coach, revealed the unified plan for the whole year, and were regarded as traitors.

Coincidentally, there is a second-to-last of Class 7 in the 404 dormitory.

That is, the penultimate, was found to be a faceless man.

It happened this morning.

At 6:50, the dormitory played the radio on time, and all the trainees climbed out of the bed and folded the quilt to wash.

The B-level trainees all looked up and saw their heads down. After the 404 dormitory reported the secret, other trainees were unwilling to interact with them, so only the people in the 404 dormitory played with the people in the dormitory.

Liang Mingde, a 404 trainee, went to the bathroom to get hot water with his mouthwashing cup. He turned around and saw the people in their dormitory standing in front of the faucet.

So Liang Mingde stepped forward and patted the other person on the shoulder: "So early? I went to review all night last night?"

The other party did not answer, but continued to brush his teeth, and only the rustle of bristles scraping on the teeth could be heard in the bathroom.

Liang Mingde didn't care either. He also bowed his head and took a glass of water, squeezed toothpaste and started brushing his teeth.

As he lowered his head and brushed, he spoke vaguely, "If you want me to say, you and Tu Yumen are really wronged. He is still the last one, but the people in the class are afraid to bully, so they only target it. You, what is this called?"

"Who doesn't want to live, it's really going to provoke us. The next exam will be a blank paper. If you die, you will have to drag a class."

Having said that, Liang Mingde still kept his voice down very low so that the other people who were washing together could not hear him.

Fortunately, it was still early, and the bell just rang, and there were only two or three people scattered in the bathroom, and they were still far apart.

The other party never answered.

Brushing, Liang Mingde suddenly felt something was wrong.

In the past, the second-to-last in Class 7 was the most outrageous, and it would definitely be a big curse to talk about such a topic.

How could it be so strange and silent like today

Liang Mingde grabbed the toothbrush and looked up from the water in the wash basin.

With just one glance, the trainee was so scared that the water glass in his hand fell to the ground, and Gu Lulu turned to the sewer.

"Where is your face?"

Liang Mingde trembled repeatedly, stepped back, and took out his special props.

But embarrassingly, his special props are only useful for the existence of psychic aliens, and they don't react at all to living things.

The penultimate who had always turned his back to him turned his head.

The face was flat and smooth, and all the areas that should have facial features were blurred into a flesh-colored background.

The Faceless Man didn't answer, didn't even look at Liang Mingde more, like a robot walking according to the procedure, even every step it took, it seemed to be able to measure the distance, holding the cup straight away.

... ...

There is no doubt that this matter caused an uproar among the trainees.

"How can a living person suddenly become a faceless man?"

In the 101 dormitory, a new round of monitor meeting is underway.

All the monitors gathered together.

"There must be some catalyst, or some kind of pollution source, that will make the trainees like this."

During the break this morning, they went to Class 7 to observe the trainee who had become a faceless man.

The scary thing is that no matter how they chatted with the trainee, or even called his name, the other party still didn't react at all, just sitting quietly in the seat and doing the questions.

No matter how noisy the outside sound is, even if someone snatches his pen, the Faceless Man sits on the spot blankly, with a creepy blank on his face.

It's like... the soul is taken away for life.

On this point, Tomimon gave more clues.

"No, he still has a reaction. For example, when the teacher clicked on him to answer a question, he would get up to answer; and today, he also wrote the test paper very full. It can be seen that... Becoming a faceless person does not affect a person's thinking."

That's even more terrifying.

In this dungeon, only the faculty and Npc are the faceless people. Now even the trainees have undergone such a change. Does that mean that in the coming time, more and more trainees will become so

The monitor of Class 4 shuddered, "Wait, it's not just the teachers of this school, but the parents of the students we saw in the pre-plot are also faceless?"

"Indeed, there must be something in common."

"Then you say, after becoming a Faceless Man, can he change back again?"

Only Zong Jiu did not speak.

He pondered for a while, but still didn't reveal what the Jiuban found in the diary.

It is not that he is unwilling to share information, but even in the 101 dormitory, there are people with different opinions.

For example, the squad leader of Class 5, he seems to want to achieve the purpose of the collective copy more than all the members survive, and he doesn't care about the life and death of other people.

There are too many variables like this, and a little carelessness may usher in a situation where news leaks during the first monthly exam. Naturally, it is better to be cautious.

The dark wizard sitting across from him glanced at him without a trace from under his hood.

It's a pity that Zong Jiu happened to be immersed in his thoughts and didn't look at each other with those green eyes.


Soon, when the fear of the Faceless Man spread among the trainees, at the flag-raising ceremony the next day, the officials gave them an answer.

The principal, who only appeared before the first collective speech test, appeared again in front of the flag-raising stand, with obvious joy on his face without facial features and an impassioned tone.

"I never expected that before the mid-term exam came, our school received such a heartening good news! If it were in the past, such excellent students would at least appear in large numbers after the mid-term exam. By It can be seen that this year is really talented, and the future is limitless!"

He waved to the bottom of the flag-raising platform, "Come on, good boy, come here."

The trainee who was the first to become a faceless man strode to the rostrum like a puppet.

The principal patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, "This is the outstanding student cultivated by this school, and it is also the high-level talent that is delivered to the society every year. As long as you can have this awareness in middle school, you will not only choose randomly from colleges and universities in the country after graduation, and enjoy the most High-quality educational resources will surely become the mainstay of human society in the future and win glory for the alma mater!"


The principal kindly greeted the teachers standing by the podium, especially the head teacher of Class 7, "Come up and take a photo with the first outstanding student who made a decision this year!"

Soon, the flag-raising platform was full of people.

The faceless head teacher in the work clothes showed an eagerly expectant smile, and the faceless trainees in the blue and white school uniforms also showed the same smile, even the angle of the skin on the face is exactly the same, like a perfect production line produced by mass production. Taste.

These are what teachers and parents call "people who can contribute to society in the future."

There was dead silence on the playground.

Group activities do not allow students to speak small things in private, but there is no doubt that the expressions on the faces of all trainees are not much better.

Just this morning, the results of this week's weekly test were released.

The faceless trainee who was originally ranked second to last in Class 7 jumped to the first place in the class, and his total score even surpassed that of Van Zhuo, who was the first in grade.

What kind of concept is this? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a miracle.

Let alone trainees, even the barrage is chilling.

[It was like this in middle school, so talented? My God, is the purpose of this school to train them to become faceless people who are obedient and obedient? Just like the parents and teachers in the pre-story? 】

[Fuck me, this copy is too scary, no wonder there are not many clues left by previous students in the school, no wonder the admission rate is 100%. According to this method, all the people who did not become faceless were killed under the cruel competition. In order not to be eliminated, the people who survived studied hard, and finally became faceless in competitiveness? 】

[I suspect that this is the ultimate goal of this school, haha, only cultivate people who are useful to society]

After the photo was taken, the principal watched the outstanding student step off the podium and turned to look at the whole school.

"Parents and teachers are good for you. Now you may not understand and hate us. When you grow up, you will know when you enter society."

"I hope that in the next three exams, there will be more such excellent students who are able to abandon distractions and study with all their heart."

... ...

Zong Jiu followed the silent team back to the classroom.

He pondered for two days, and finally figured out why he felt familiar with the handwriting on the diary.

Before the teacher started the class, the white-haired magician lifted the thin board of the table.

Behind the table, it was exactly what he found during the test, and he used a knife to carve the entire side of "Help me".

Zong Jiu groped carefully behind the wooden table, and as expected, he found a mezzanine that was the same as the podium.

He pulled out the yellowed paper from the interlayer.

This is a graduation photo.

The person in the photo is wearing a blue and white school uniform and looking directly into the camera.

The entire class had no faces, only the girl standing in the back row.

Her expression was sad.

Because she also had only half of her face left intact.