Thriller Trainee

Chapter 93: first Middle school


Zong Jiu was very satisfied with the positive attitude of the entire class nine.

Satisfied, he took advantage of these people's enthusiasm to throw more papers, hoping that they would turn their passion into motivation and make up for the missing 15 points of Class 9 as soon as possible.

"Good! We will definitely win honor for Class 9 and live up to the expectations of the class leader!"

The other ninety-eight trainees were like chicken blood. They took the white cloth strips to their heads, and immediately began a new round of test papers.

The barrage was also howling wildly.

【Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong, rush for me in Class 9! 】

[Duck! Seeing my blood boil! I also want to take out a paper and follow the 9th class, and today we are all from the 9th class]

[Fuck, the sisters upstairs don’t need to be, that’s nine subjects, the scumbag just looks dead. jpg]

The white-haired young man stood on the podium and touched his chin indifferently.

He didn't really feel what he said just now. After all, the magician is definitely a good hand when mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene, and he can easily get the results he wants through extraordinary words.

However, it can arouse everyone's enthusiasm and atmosphere, and achieve amazing results. It's not bad to use this method several times.

Anyway, no matter what, Zong Jiu would never admit that he had a little bit of arrogance in his heart just now.

Absolutely not.

He glanced at the nine classmates who pulled the table and started to study, and helped each other with each other. He was very pleased, "Then you do it first, and I will check it when I come back."

"Yes! Squad leader!"

So all the trainees watched Zong Jiu, who was about to send homework, went out, lowered their heads, and discussed and studied enthusiastically.

After stopping in the corridor for a while, the white-haired young man sighed quietly, holding a stack of homework, and stepped forward.

To be honest, Zong Jiu felt that he was really not a good person.

Long, long ago, before he became a magician, he left a file to be seen.

Because he lacks emotions, has poor empathy, and ignores rules; he likes to pretend to be fraudulent, playing with humans in his palms, lacks necessary social activities, and disdains to make friends with people.

This kind of characteristic display is undoubtedly a kind of personality disorder, to be precise, it is a kind of antisocial personality disorder.

Such a person is undoubtedly like a bomb/bomb from time to time in society. As long as there are enough incentives, no one knows when they will detonate/explode. So after the psychiatrist gave the whole school’s students psychological counseling and testing, the news was fed back by the head teacher to the old nun who adopted Zong Jiu. The head teacher said that the school would not accept this kind of marginal existence, and euphemistically persuaded the old nun to take the eleven-year-old Zong Jiu home.

From then on, Zong Jiu knew that he was different from everyone else.

He is more stimulating than life and death. Compared with the rules that ordinary people should follow, he prefers to ignore or break it, not to follow the rules step by step. He prefers a person to establishing an intimate relationship or engaging in unnecessary communication.

Having said that, Zong Jiu has to thank Magic.

If there is no magic, he might not be able to become like this.

Just like now, even after first discovering clues on his own, Zong Jiu didn't even plan to tell anyone because of lack of basic trust in people.

And now... remember the ninety-eight smiling faces in the class just now.

I don't know why, Zong Jiu, who has been watching like an outsider, also seemed to be pulled in.

The white-haired magician sighed slightly in his heart.

He already vaguely understood Zhuge An's intention to let him come to this collective copy.

I have to say that no.3 is terrible to see people. Even if Zong Jiu didn't say anything, he had already seen clues.

In a daze, those rough hands fell on top of his head again.

"If you can't find a target that can be used as a chain, then respond to the expectations of others."

Turning the corner of the shadow cut by the sun, Zong Jiu drew a tarot card from his pocket.

The Tarot card representing no.2 Vandro is the fourth major Arcana, and the emperor is in the right position.

After eliminating the possibility of demon manipulation, the magician took it back into the system backpack.

A white background with red letters hung on the wall not far away, indicating that this is a class.

It is time between classes, and there is no one in the hallway of a class.

Only the trainees in the second class were outside in the sun, holding a textbook in their hands and reading attentively.

As soon as the white-haired young man walked over, he immediately attracted the attention of other class trainees.

Not to mention that a class with the highest average score of the whole year is still studying desperately, and other classes that do not meet the standard will only study harder. There is no difference between the time between classes and the time of class. They are all crazy learning, and there are very few other classes of trainees wandering around.

What's more, the newcomer trainee who came to the class is still the newcomer trainee who has been in the limelight recently, and is in the third grade.

"Why did the magician go to class one suddenly?"

The trainees in other classes whispered in the corridor, "Who doesn't know that the class rules are the strictest. Normally, you are only allowed to fetch water or let the wind go after class, and you are not allowed to take a step out of the classroom."

They watched the white-haired magician knock in front of the first glass window, looking like they wanted to find someone.

"Yeah, even if another class goes to the first class to find someone, you have to wait until the time of free activity. If the magician is really looking for someone, it might be a waste of time."

However, a minute later, the trainees standing in the corridor were shocked.

The door of Class One opened.

Not only was it turned on, the man who came out was also tall, with gray hair and red eyes, and an extremely fierce temperament all over his body.

He nodded to the magician, and the two turned a corner and walked side by side toward the stairwell.

When the two people's blue and white school uniforms disappeared at the corner of the stairs, someone trembled.

"That... Isn't that no. 2?"


The atmosphere between the two was silent, but it did not appear embarrassing.

They walked up the stairs until they reached the roof top of the teaching building.

The rooftop of the No. 1 Middle School is on the sixth floor. It is covered with thick cement. It is surrounded by rusty iron railings. There are still vacancies in the corners, as if they were torn away by life. .

The school did not plan to bother to repair the roof, after all, no matter whether it is surrounded or not, it can't stop the students who really want to jump from here.

Today's weather is still gloomy, with no sunlight.

Fan Zhuo spoke first, "Is there anything you are coming to see me?"

Zong Jiu nodded.

He pulled out the tattered diary from the homework he was holding.

After Class 9 got the clues from the diary, Zong Jiu did not stop the class from telling it.

So this week, many people have already heard about the news that Ban Jiu found a diary.

Strangely, 101 did not intend to hold another squad leader meeting for this purpose.

Every time the person holding a meeting is no.2, the always cold and indifferent no.8 black wizard is obviously too lazy to take care of things, no.10 Tu Yumen doesn’t have enough time to study on his own, and he's going to be bald, let alone in the mood. These.

So no. 2 is not held, 101 is like nothing happened.

In addition, in the past few days, there have been some rumors in other classes, and several classes seem to have found clues.

Zong Jiuyi thinks too, it is impossible to have nine classes for the whole year, and only one of the nine classes. According to the routine of the dungeon of terror, each class has a clue, which is the most reasonable.

After these days of observation, Zong Jiu can basically divide Fan Zhuo into the lawful camp.

People shouldn't be in appearance. Who could have imagined that a half-vampire, the boss of the Night Clan, at first glance, the commander who came out of the Battlefield of the Sea of Blood in Shishan would turn out to be a lawful camp.

Originally, Zong Jiu could explore slowly by himself, but now, perhaps because he wanted to make those second fools of Class Nine laugh more stupidly, Zong Jiu decided to take the initiative and look for a few allies.

Others have to study hard, these things can only be played by the third grade.

Among so many allies, No. 2 with high power and prestige is undoubtedly the optimal solution.

Sure enough, Fan Zhuo's expression was not surprised after listening to him.

This time, the leader of the Ye Clan divided the conversation into an official position, and his expression became serious.

Zong Jiu admired the attitude of no.2 in business affairs.

After all, he separates himself from the original owner, and doesn't want the other party to see him wearing unnecessary filters.

"The reason why I don't hold a monitor meeting... I think you know it well."

Yes, there are too many variables in the 101 dormitory now, such as Class 5, and Class 10, which is gradually showing its tendency.

In this case, sharing information can easily cause incidents before the first monthly exam.

"It's not important, the important thing is cooperation."

The white-haired young man took his hand out of his pocket, "You and I know that this copy is far from being as simple as it seems. If you don't share information, you will definitely miss a lot of information."

As expected, Fan Zhuo readily agreed to the request for information sharing.

The two exchanged information items directly on the rooftop. No. 2 gave him an old letter found in the cracks of the class door. Zong Jiu gave him a diary and a graduation photo.

"If you didn't find me, I plan to find you soon."

After the exchange was completed, Vandro paused, "Until now, after seeing that you are still the same as before, I am completely relieved."

He added: "If the aunt of the spirit of the sky knows that you are here but still maintain the goodness of the past, she will definitely be relieved."

Zong Jiu: "..."

He looked at the back of No.2 leaving the rooftop, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

It can be seen that the original owner really left this indelible beauty filter to the master Fanzhuo when he was a child. Even after so many years, the kindness of Zhuma Zhuma still remains in his heart.

Of course, Zong Jiu didn't want to say anything anymore.

Because just when he lowered his head to open this new clue, an unscrupulous and unbridled gaze climbed onto his back again.

Zong Jiu paused while holding the envelope, his eyes looked like a knife, and he looked up sharply.

Sure enough, in the shadow next to the roof wall, a dark and slender figure was leaning lazily there.

There is a puppet silk flying and jumping in the man's hand, his fingers are full, as if he is preparing the next unlucky fate.

The moment Zong Jiu looked over, the black-haired demon immediately reduced his boring look, and his dark golden pupils instantly brought a strong interest.

He turned his head to the side with a smile, and said hello to the white-haired magician who was standing not far away.
