Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 102: Sylvia's father


Natasha was satisfied with the piano piece "To Alice", but she did not forbid Lucien to go to her study to read books. She is now very confident in Lucien's creative ability and hopes that Lucien can learn from those Inspired by religious classics, epics, folk hero poems, historical documents and chivalrous novels, classic works were written.

So every Tuesday and Thursday, Lucien went to Ratasha Palace to read books at nine o'clock, and discussed music with Natasha at eleven o'clock, performing his duties as a music consultant.

"Evans, what are you doing?" In the study, Baker, who had translated dozens of pages of books, walked back and forth to soothe his fatigue, and unexpectedly saw Lucien sorting and copying the books.

Lucien finished writing a row of beautiful words on the white paper in a fancy way, before raising his head and answering Baker: "I'm sorting out these historical documents and poems, so that I can find creative materials in the future."

Although they have known each other and got along with each other for nearly two months, Lucien and Baker have not become familiar with him because of Baker's old-fashioned and conservative attitude.

Hearing that Lucien was tidying up, Baker curiously took a stack of thick white papers next to him and flipped through them. After a while, he said with deep doubts: "Evans, the way you tidy up is very strange. , not only seems to be arranged according to the general history from the dark and ignorant age to the holy era, but also seems to be a biography of characters, incorporating all the stories of clergy, emperors, kings, dukes, earls and heroes, as well as culture, law, etc. changes."

"Because for my creation, the story of each epic character is more important, which is clearer and more inspiring to me." Lucien replied with a smile.

Some time ago, Baker suspected Lucien's memory and informed Natasha, which made Lucien a little vigilant. After becoming a knight and magician, it is normal for his memory to improve, but a large part of his powerful memory comes from the soul book Museum, this is too much beyond normal, and I have to do other things to cover it up, such as my talent for organizing and summarizing and unique ideas.

Therefore, Lucien simply sorted out the historical documents in Natasha's study according to the method of historical records, but there was no "Tai Shi Gong Day" historical commentary content.

Baker nodded and accepted Lucien's explanation. Highlighting heroes is a major method of creating operas, novels, and music. Arranging historical documents in this way only requires a little change of thinking.

He looked carefully again, and said very seriously: "I feel that organizing according to this idea already has a new direction of recording history. No wonder your memory of historical materials is so clear and fast, Evans. It turns out that There's a talent for that."

The current historical records are still in the chronicle style. With the separate biography books of the most famous big men and war epics, etc., the biographical style adopted by Lucien is very novel, but it is not shocking.

At this time, Natasha suddenly walked into the study room, heard Baker's words, asked the reason curiously, and then laughed and said: "Lucien, so you are really going to become a historian, but it is best to Clergy, emperors, dukes and other people of different status are separated, and the etiquette division among nobles is very strict and cannot be mixed together."

"Okay." Lucien never thought about actually producing a history book, and only used the innovation of sorting out and inductive forms to cover up his own problems, "Your Highness, it's not eleven o'clock yet, what do you have in the study?" Are you looking for me?"

After Natasha signaled Baker to continue translating the book, she dragged Lucien to the corner of the study room, smiling brightly, but with a "you know" expression, which was slightly wretched: "Yesterday was Sylvia's birthday, and there was no celebration. Banquet, just the two of us, she was very satisfied with the piano piece "For Sylvia", saying that it is the pure and beautiful music she has been trying to find. After I told her this morning that it was your work, she did not I am not angry, on the contrary, I am very grateful to you, and I want to invite you to her house tonight, just me, Aunt Camille, Sylvia and Sylvia's father's private banquet."

"I think Sylvia will be a little unhappy about this kind of thing." Lucien "normally" discussed this issue with Natasha, "The works created by my lover, and those created by others There is a big difference between your works, especially you didn't explain it at first, if she is not angry, it can only mean... "

Natasha interrupted Lucien and smiled happily: "It is because of such kindness, gentleness and consideration that I like Sylvia, she was really touched last night, and I did not violate the agreement. Tsk, Lucien, you look like a love expert, but apart from dancing, you haven't even held a girl's hand before."

"..." Lucien, "don't always bring up such things."

"Okay, my historian, will you attend the banquet tonight?" Natasha smiled and pulled back to the topic, inviting Lucien very seriously.

Lucien didn't refuse. Anyway, he was in Jisu District, very close to his home, so he wouldn't delay his evening study.


At seven o'clock in the evening, No. 78, Jisu District, a light yellow two-story villa.

Its architectural style is bright and soft, and in the garden there are several kinds of flowers that are not afraid of the severe cold.

"Welcome, Lucien." Sylvia and her father opened the door of the villa.

She was wearing an elegant and dignified white long dress, with hair that was as deep as night and smooth as silk draped over her shoulders, completely exuding that gentle and pure unique temperament, she was definitely the lover in most men's dreams.

And her father was wearing a black formal coat, with two bushy black beards, and looked a bit old and gloomy, but it could be seen that he must have been a handsome man when he was young, with deep facial features like sculptures.

Lucien handed the small gift he brought to Sylvia: "Happy birthday, Sylvia. Good evening, Mr. Deroni." At the same time, he was a little puzzled, why did Sylvia's father De Niro It will give yourself a slightly strange feeling.

"Good evening, Lucien. Although we all live in Jisu District, I saw you for the first time today. You are younger than I imagined. Hehe, I have often heard your big G at the banquets in the past two months. Serenade the first movement, very happy, everyone is guessing when you will be able to write the next few movements." Deroni smiled politely and implicitly.

Under the guidance of Sylvia, Lucien walked to the sofa in the living room, where Natasha and Camille were already sitting: "Actually, it's already completed, it's a string quartet."

"Then I hope to hear it at the New Year's Ball, and then you play "For Sylvia" during the break, then I can..." Natasha smiled and winked at Lucien Eye. There is no New Year's Concert in the Principality, but there is the "Aalto Festival".

Lucien understood what she meant tacitly, that is to find an excuse to give him a manor, but in fact Lucien prefers a reward like a "vigilance" long sword: ""For Sylvia" should be An intimate piece, there is no need to play it at the New Year's Ball."

"But this is your work, Lucien, it's best to find an opportunity to publish it. The New Year's Ball is a good occasion." It was Sylvia who spoke, her voice was slightly lower, but it further accentuated the slightly hoarse sex appeal, "and The name "For Sylvia" is not appropriate, others will think that you are pursuing me."

Natasha stopped with a smile: "Why not? Most of the unmarried musicians in the association are after you, hehe, many married ones are also there, but after Phyllis's birthday party, these annoying guys completely Disappeared. Alright, Lucien, we were discussing the poems and legends from all over the principality, you are an 'expert' in this area, I hope you can give me 'guidance'."

"Expert?" Derony looked at Lucien on the opposite sofa suspiciously.

At this time, Lucien had already sat on a single sofa, shook his head and said with a smile: "I just want to create, and I have been reading a lot of books on this topic recently. Her Royal Highness has always been very humorous."

"How come, even Mr. Baker thinks that you, Lucien, have the potential to become a historian, no, you are already a historian." Natasha was in a good mood, half-jokingly said, "Droni Uncle is a successful businessman and the director of the Alto Metal Jewelry Guild. He travels around the Principality all year round and knows a lot of poems and legends. You must have common topics in this regard and can communicate well."

Under her leadership, the four had a pleasant conversation about this topic before dinner, and Camille would occasionally say a few words, as if she had traveled around the Principality as an adventurer and mercenary when she was young .

Gradually, it was almost time for dinner, and Deroni smiled thoughtfully: "I thought Her Royal Highness was joking, but after the communication just now, I found out that Lucien, you are really a historian. Accurately judge the age and background of poems and legends. I happen to know a folk poem that is rarely circulated, and I have always been curious about when and where in the principality the things it describes happened.”

"Uncle Derony, come and listen to the story, and I'll judge it too." Natasha felt that she had also read a lot of historical books and documents, so she glanced at Lucien with a bit of enthusiasm.

It was just a normal exchange and chat, Lucien replied easily: "I will try my best."

Droni seemed to be remembering, and after a while he slowly recited: "When the sun enters Thanos' palace,

Huge balls of fire fell from the sky,

The earth shook violently,

Imposing cities and magnificent towers were reduced to ruins in an instant.

The sky and the earth are cloudy,

Green is covered by dim yellow,

In the darkness is like a demon hiding the abyss.

Quick, quick look, the bright red water submerged to the lips.


After reading it, Deroni said expectantly: "It's just a folk poem, it's not beautiful, but I'm very interested in the things it describes, Your Royal Highness, Lucien, you can tell what era and place it belongs to ?"

Natasha frowned slightly: "Thanos' palace should refer to a certain position in the sun's orbit."

However, in historical documents, Thanos also refers to a certain chief executive officer of the magic empire known as the "Sun King".