Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 113: piano solo


In an era when there were so few popular entertainment activities, the explosive and appealing performance just now had a huge impact on everyone. No matter the nobles or the common people, they seemed to be ignited by it and became a little crazy.

"I felt like I was out of breath just now, brother." Lilith said to Sara excitedly with lingering fear, "The "Fate" I heard before is really different from the "Fate" under the command of Mr. Evans. Too much."

Sarah replied very excitedly: "Yes, only Mr. Evans can fully demonstrate the spirit and will of never giving up and overcoming difficulties contained in this piece of music, and let my heart be baptized again."

"Because this is Mr. Evans' own work, and his command just now was so passionate, as if his whole body was integrated into the music." Lily made no secret of her admiration for Lucien.

"Mr. Evans' commanding method is really unique, and he can command like this! The previous conductors were too quiet." Sara said the conclusion that everyone around her kept repeating.

Compared with those gentlemen with high musical literacy, people like them who like music but don't know much are the most able to accept Lucien's changes in the conducting method, and soon fell in love with the passionate conducting style.


"Lucien acted like a lunatic just now, and this is an elegant palace of music!" After marveling at being able to conduct like this, Count Verdi was the first to criticize Lucien's conducting method.

This is the common thought of many old-fashioned musicians. It is difficult for them to accept Lucien's conducting style, which is completely contrary to the music education they have received in the past. He is too crazy!

It is foreseeable that there will be many critical articles on the next day's "Music Review" and "Symphony Guide".

Natasha shook her head slightly excitedly: "No, Cousin Verdi, I think this is the most suitable way to conduct the Symphony of Destiny, just now is the most perfect "Fate" I have ever heard, don't you Do you think so?"

In front of the Grand Duke and the Cardinal, Verdi couldn't talk nonsense regardless of his face. He frowned and said, "This is indeed the best performance of the Symphony of Destiny, but I think it's the orchestra's credit. Lucien and his conductor didn't Interfering with the performance of the band can only show that the band has a good chief."

"Your Excellency, I think it is Lucien's command that ignited the emotions of the band and made them resonate with the music, which is why they can play such a perfect effect. I have to admit that this command method is very suitable for the theme music. It must It will become popular with the development of the theme music." Christopher commented with the most authoritative identity.

Then he smiled and pointed out Lucien's problems: "However, Lucien's directing just now was indeed too hard, and he almost went from the front to the back. He needs to know how to control. It doesn't have to be like a lunatic. Of course, as a A musician who is on stage for the first time, and he is trying an unprecedented conducting method, these small flaws can be tolerated and accepted. For young people, we must know how to tolerate."

Except that Lucien has a lot more knowledge of music development and melody than other musicians in this world, he is not a true musical genius. Immature, there are still many problems, such as making the conductor look too crazy and losing the beauty, but as Christopher said, it is not easy to achieve this level for the first time, Lucien himself is relatively Satisfied, after all, this is something that belongs to me.

Christopher, the most authoritative master in the music industry, made a positive evaluation. Verdi didn't say much, and turned his face to avoid Natasha's smug smile, while Grand Duke Violet held the track list on the side. Looking at it, he said with a smile: "Actually, I really like Lucien's way of directing just now. He is like the epitome of all of us fighting evil and difficulties there, which is why he looks so crazy and ferocious. Hey, Lu Xien Piano solo all behind Sean?"

After he said this, the nobles took up the repertoire list one after another.

"Before I just glanced at it roughly, and knew what pieces were there. I didn't pay attention to the order. I thought that Mr. Evans would use the Symphony of Destiny as the last piece." Prince Syracuse and Duke Michelle of Tria doubted talking.

From the arrangement of a normal concert, the ending must be a symphony, and it is the most outstanding one, so everyone subconsciously thinks that Lucien will definitely put the Symphony of Destiny at the end, so that the concert will end in the best possible way. It ended in a splendid way, who knew that Lucien would play "Fate" in the second part.

Christopher came to his senses, and said with a little surprise: "There are piano solos in the back. This kind of concert arrangement is really a bit heavy on the front and light on the back."

Bishop Sard half-closed his eyes and said with a kind smile: "This young man is not an idiot. Since he dared to arrange this, it shows that he is very confident in piano solo. There may be changes similar to the previous command method. Let Let us wait patiently. The Lord tells us never to think other people are fools, or we will be fools ourselves."

"Sure, Lucien must have prepared something new." Natasha agreed very much.

The band on stage has been removed, and a piano has been moved up, but it is placed sideways, not facing the audience.

"Looks like there's been a real change..."

Just the adjustment of the placement of the piano gave the nobles and musicians in the chant hall a strong sense of anticipation.


A few minutes after the end of the Symphony of Destiny, Piola and others in the municipal square, like other audiences around, have been eagerly discussing every detail of the music and conducting just now, feeling excited and excited.

After the piano was placed, they became quiet, and while waiting for Lucien to appear, they were slightly puzzled: "Why is the piano facing us sideways?"

Before he had time to ask questions, the tall and handsome Lucien in a black tuxedo came out from the backstage calmly, first bowed deeply to the audience, and then sat down in front of the piano.

He pressed his hands on the keys, and a series of beautiful melodies came out.

"It's Canon in D major. Mr. Evans adapted it into a piano piece." Sharon recognized the piece of music as soon as she heard the familiar melody.

Although simple, this canon in D major can be called a classic among all pieces of music, and it is widely spread and has adaptations of different instruments.

The revolving melody is displayed in different voices, chasing each other, imitating each other, as beautiful as angels singing, smoothing the excitement, tension, impetuousness and deep exhaustion brought by fate to the audience one by one, making them soothed Come down and enjoy the beauty of music comfortably.

And Lucien's statue-like profile and hands briskly walking on the keys also left a deep impression on the audience, as if there was an indescribable sense of elegance.

The piano melody of more than seven minutes ended, and the applause sounded like a tide. Although it was not as warm and crazy as before, it was full of joy from the heart.

Piola reminisced about the piano piece just now: "Mr. Evans seems to have made slight changes to the melody, making this canon in D major more beautiful, and the feeling of playing the piano is completely different from that of the violin and harp."

"Well, although the Canon in D major played by the piano is not as melodious as the violin or harp, it is purer and fuller, and every beating note is like a round and flawless drop of water." Grace looked at the crystal wall obsessively, He thought to himself, "And the way Mr. Evans plays the piano is really charming."

In the box, Natasha looked at Lucien's fingers rhythmically, and smiled meaningfully and a little bit gritted her teeth: "It turns out that the appearance of playing the piano and the movements of his hands are so charming, no wonder Lucien wants to put the piano on its side , so that the audience can see it directly. If I did this when I played to Sylvia last time, the effect would definitely be better, and that bastard Lucien didn't tell me!"

"It's just the change of the placement that shows Lucien's intentions for this concert." Christopher sighed softly, "The piano piece adapted by Canon in D major is very good, simple and beautiful, and will definitely become popular. A wide range of classics."

After the canon in D major ended, Lucien did not stand up to pay tribute, but continued to sit on the piano bench, as if he was planning something.

In less than two minutes, amidst everyone's discussion, Lucien moved his hands lightly.

After a concise and smooth beginning, the movements of Lucien's hands began to speed up, and short, powerful, crisp and sweet notes sounded one after another, jumping like a dancer.

"It's the violin sonata, but Mr. Evans has made a lot of changes. He only uses the third movement of the rondo sonata. This is a very difficult piece. Is the piano suitable?" Sharon seemed a little excited by the music. and worry.

Piola and others reassured her: "Mr. Evans must have practiced, don't be nervous."

The melody became faster and louder, and Lucien's hands on the piano moved faster and faster.

Double tones, fast scales, large jumps with left and right hands, many very difficult skills were presented by Lucien with unbelievable possibilities.

"It's not like the movements that human hands can make! It's not like something that humans can play!"

Sharon and Grace looked at Lucien's hands, full of surprise and disbelief.

The dazzling, gorgeous fingerings and fierce and majestic melody fascinated them and all the audience, and gradually became crazy with Lucien's playing.

Natasha in the box almost whistled: "Wow, what a brilliant technique, with an aura that makes people crazy."

The melody became more and more passionate, the notes became more and more high-pitched, and all the audience was inspired to go crazy.

When Lucien ended the melody heavily with a very difficult fingering and intense notes, there was a tsunami of applause.

There has never been such a magnificent piano piece! There has never been such a passionate piano playing!

Sylvia and other musicians who are good at piano in the seats below were all shocked to listen and watch, and similar thoughts emerged in their hearts at the same time: "The piano unexpectedly shows such a wide range and such terrifying strength!"

"The piano can be played like this!"

Just like when Lucien finished directing Destiny just now, the virtuoso piano piece made everyone know the piano again!