Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 24: Magic Apprentice


After reading the article recorded by the witch in a state of excitement and trembling, Lucien also felt an unspeakable shock. In fact, after traveling through and discovering that this is a world with divine arts and magic, he also had the same experience. Some of these questions were quickly forgotten because of too little knowledge and too little understanding of magic.

Now, this majestic question directly points to the origin and rules of the world, making Lucien believe that if he can figure out these questions, he should be able to penetrate the reality of the world, understand why he can travel through, and find out how to go back. .

"This great arcanist named Douglas, even if he hasn't fully figured out any of these ten questions, as long as he makes some progress in his research on these questions, then his strength must be extremely strong enough to Comparable to the ancient legendary magicians mentioned at the beginning of his article."

"There are "Arcane" journals, and there are strange magicians encountered by witches. It seems that there is indeed a place in this world where you can learn magic relatively safely, but it seems a little strange that even journals have appeared."

"In the world of magicians, what strength and status does the Grand Arcanist represent?"

Lucien thought of a lot from the witch's diary and this article. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He wished he could meet that strange magician right away, go to a place where he could learn magic safely, and return to Alto, secretly helping John's family.

And here, the two questions Lucien is most excited about, looking forward to, and puzzled are: "Are earth, fire, wind, and water the basic elements? If so, in what form and by what rules do they form such a wonderful world?" ? If not, what are they? What are the elements of magic supposed to be?"

"Why does this world have the sun and the silver moon, why do they rise and set every day, and what force keeps them running like this? If we ask more questions about the seemingly normal things in the material world, we will find that We still don't understand the truth, whether these principles, laws and knowledge are related to magic, can they be combined with magic, and can they help us explore the essence of the magical world?"

In Lucien's view, if the first question is that earth, fire, feng shui are not the basic elements, and the answer to the second question is to be able to apply and combine the laws of the material world into magic, it means that he has been able to use magic for the past ten years. The main knowledge learned in the past few years and a large part of the knowledge in the library can come in handy when learning and using magic.

If it can be used, how useful is this knowledge? Lucien has not yet been in touch with the magician's world at this time, so he can only speculate secretly: "At least I have seen things similar to silver, copper, It is very likely that there are 'elements' in iron things, and apart from magic and divine arts, there has not been anything that violates the laws of physics so far in every move in daily life."

"But once you add spiritual power, soul, strange and powerful magical creatures, etc., this world gives me a paradoxical feeling from the earth."

A thought suddenly flashed in Lucien's mind: "From this point of view, the reason why those books in the library cannot be opened may not be what I guessed before, and it is very doubtful."

He was extremely excited, and after a long time of various thoughts kept popping up, Lucien gradually calmed down. He had matured a lot, and understood that the most important thing now was to learn magic in a down-to-earth manner, and he must not dream unrealistically or chase magic. Things that can't be proven yet.

No matter which world you are in, being down-to-earth is a quality worth having.

Restraining all kinds of thoughts, Lucien turned to the last page of the witch's notebook: "After doing meditation and experiments, I often think of him. A man with profound knowledge and elegant speech, he is always very charming."

"He told me that he came to Alto to carry out a certain important and secret mission, and if everything goes well, he might be able to take me away in a few months and go to the headquarters of the 'Continental Magic Council', a magician's paradise. "

"Tonight, he asked me to meet at the cemetery in Aderjan."

Arriving here, the witch's magic notes ended suddenly, and the back was full of blank parchment. It seemed that she and her magician friend were ambushed by the night watchmen of the church.

"I don't know if that magician escaped?" Lucien was thinking a bit annoyed. He was the only clue to find the "Continental Magic Council". Know where to start.

After taking a few long breaths, Lucien got rid of all the starry thoughts in his mind, restored his mind to a clear and peaceful state, and prepared to try meditation to see if he could learn magic.

According to the records in the magic notes, Lucien maintained a soft and long breathing rhythm, allowing his spirit to diverge, then slowly retracted, diverged again, and then slowly retracted, until he entered an almost ethereal and blank state.

According to the witch's own experience, she was identified as having magical talent and good mental power since she was a child. She tried meditation for the first time, but it took a full two years to enter this ethereal and blank state, and her mental power increased. Another year has passed to the point of being a "apprentice magic apprentice" who can sense the surrounding magic elements in this ethereal state.

However, after becoming a novice magic apprentice, there is basically no obstacle to spiritual cultivation before becoming an official magician. You can follow the idea of meditation to temper your spiritual power and soul step by step to the strength enough to build a spell imprint model. Difficulty It's just a matter of how long it takes.

The witch began to learn meditation at the age of ten, and became a trainee magic apprentice at the age of thirteen. At the age of fourteen, she crossed the threshold of a formal magic apprentice and became a high-level magic apprentice. She was very satisfied with her spiritual talent.

But later, because she was not good at analyzing magic structures and constructing imprint models, she had no choice but to try to increase her spiritual power to the level of a formal magician, so as to forcefully build it. Unfortunately, at this stage, the effect of the apprentice-level meditation method has been very poor. However, the witch was unable to achieve her goal for a long time, so she put her mind on a rare magic potion "Magic Gate", and wanted to use this magic potion with mental power stronger than most high-level magic apprentices to directly promote.

After reading the records of the witches, Lucien was a little disappointed. He felt that he would not be able to rely on magic to deal with the possible revenge of the gangsters in a short period of time. However, Victor was famous as Alto, and he was often invited by the nobles, wandering in the upper class. He is an elegant person, after he became his official student, most of the gang members should not harass him anymore, except for those desperate guys.

Of course, Lucien also had vague expectations in his heart, because Lucien had already noticed that after the incident in the sewer, his mental power had a great breakthrough, and he could even vaguely sense that someone was following him. For myself, this may shorten the time to become a trainee magic apprentice to a few months, or a few weeks.

But the actual situation was completely beyond Lucien's expectations.

Because after Lucien radiated and retracted the mental power that spread like water waves a few times, he found that he had smoothly entered that blank and ethereal state, and the first meditation took less than three days. Success in ten seconds!

Maintaining this meditative state, Lucien tried to extend his spiritual power.

Everything around is completely different from what the eyes see, full of calm and heavy power, manic power, light and loose power, soft and continuous power.

"These are the four basic elements of earth, fire, wind, and water? My mental power has actually reached the level of an apprentice magic apprentice!" Lucien was very surprised and almost couldn't maintain the state of meditation. Success, but that is the harvest that can only be obtained on the front line of life and death. Am I considered a magic apprentice now?"

Knowing the reason, Lucien calmed down joyfully. Maybe it won't be long before he can learn the first informal magic!

"It's just that the four basic elements of earth, fire, wind, and water feel closer to the state of force." Lucien is going to follow the apprentice-level element meditation method in "Book of Astrology and Elements", and use earth, fire, feng shui to Before tempering his soul and mental strength, this question arose in his mind, and then thinking of Douglas' question, Lucien began to doubt, "Perhaps, these are the four fundamental forces of the universe, gravitation, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force Force? But aren’t the latter three different manifestations of a force?”

Although he is not a student of the Department of Physics, Lucien once vaguely heard people popularize science. The weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and strong nuclear force seem to have been unified by a certain theory, and they are different manifestations of the same force.

As soon as Lucien had this idea in his mind, he immediately discovered that the surrounding world he sensed with his spiritual power had changed again. There was a starry sky above his head, which was dark and bright, and each star was like a small spot of light, twinkling non-stop. , and they all have an invisible force hanging down to the ground, and the earth also exudes a thick and steady attraction force. Other than that, fire, wind, and water don't seem to have changed much, but the relationship between them is clear and indistinguishable. The distance that was crossed seems to have become a little blurred.

Lucien, who was in a state of meditation, was not too emotional, but such a change still made him unable to help thinking: "Could it be that the magical 'element' world I sensed with my spiritual power is changing according to my cognition, or Gradually perfected and clear?"

However, such a change does not seem to have any direct impact on Lucien's current mental training or magic learning.

"Wait, Xing Kong, isn't that the meditation method that can only be used after becoming a high-level magic apprentice?" Lucien suddenly thought of another apprentice-level meditation method recorded in the witch's notebook.

"The Book of Astrology and Elements" only listens to the name, and I know it focuses on the astrology and element systems. Of course, there are these two schools of meditation methods, but the apprentice-level meditation methods of the astrology system can increase spiritual power and soul. It is not stronger than the elemental system, and has little effect on witches.

However, as an entry-level meditation method of the astrology system, it has an important ability, that is, during the first meditation, one can choose one's own "fate master star" from the sensed starry sky, and try to connect with it, Then slowly stabilize it, so that in the future, when learning various magics of astrology, it will be of great help. More importantly, without this "fate master star", prophecy magic such as astrology in the astrology system will not be able to learned and used.

According to the point of view of the astrological system, each soul corresponds to a star in the vast starry sky, and their fate is reflected in the changes of the astrology. If you don't connect with your own destiny master star, you can't observe the fate line in the starry sky, and you can't use astrology, etc.

It is precisely because of this that the introductory meditation method of the astrology system requires the mental power to reach the level of a high-level magic apprentice or enough knowledge to learn, use, and sense the starry sky. Before that, they will use other, non-contradictory The meditation method of the faction to practice until you become a high-level magic apprentice.

Lucien murmured in his heart: "Since when has gravity been connected with fate? It seems that many things may not necessarily conform to previous knowledge or concepts. Of course, it may also be the reason why I cannot understand."