Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 3: late at night


Even time travel has already happened, and it is not too strange to accept another library in my mind, but a large part of the books in my mind cannot be opened, and the contents cannot be seen , Lucien was very puzzled.

Trying to keep calm, so that the library in his mind would not be difficult to "touch" due to too much emotional ups and downs, Lucien flipped through the books one by one, and recorded which books could be opened and which books could not be opened.

"History books can be opened."

"Economics books, no problem."

"Art books can also be opened."

"Some books on mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. are acceptable, while others are not."

"Is it because of the different rules of the world that it cannot be opened, but when I recall the similar knowledge I have learned, at least at the university level, I can still remember it without being blocked."

The books that can be opened are mainly at the junior high school level, but the university comprehensive library will definitely not collect middle school and high school textbooks, just some scattered teaching research and medieval paper materials of the corresponding level for students' reference.

There are a lot of books in the library, and Lucien discovered these problems after only reading a small part, but he was not sure, nor could he understand the reason.

A serious illness just happened, Lucien's body is very weak now, and his mental state is also not good. After reading a lot of books in a row, his mind has become confused, and he can no longer feel the library.

Back on the bed with force, Lucien fell into a deep sleep, nourished his energy and regained his health before he could face tomorrow well. Lucien would never forget that he only had a loaf of black bread left, and survival always came first. bits.

Sleeping drowsily, bursts of creaking sounds and the sharp piercing sounds of gnawing wood came to Lucien's ears, waking him up who had just dreamed of many delicacies and a warm and soft bed.


The drowsy Lucien turned over in a daze, ready to continue to sleep soundly, but the sound of mice grinding their teeth on wood and stones became louder and harsher, which made Lu Xien, who had a keen sense in the dead of night Sean tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep again.

After waiting for a long time, the gnawing sound still didn't stop, so Lucien had to pull up the blanket to cover his ears, but the sound seemed to be penetrating, coming from all directions, and he couldn't fall asleep in a quiet environment.

"What kind of life is this damn living!" Lucien, who became irritable, couldn't help but swear, feeling that he was already a little mentally weak, and he ate the most unpalatable black rice fermented with sawdust. Bread, dressed in the worst linen clothes with polished skin, covered with blankets that are not very warm and can't see the original material, as a result, even the sleep that can temporarily forget all troubles can't get peace, creaking , squeak, squeak, like thousands of mice.

Lucien gritted his teeth resentfully, and listened carefully to the direction of the rat's sound. Since he couldn't fall asleep, why not get up and find these rats, kill one or two, scare the others away, and secretly cursed and swore: " We must get rid of this life as soon as possible!"

Listening attentively, Lucien tried his best to distinguish the direction from the gnawing sound.

Squeak, squeak... woo woo, woo woo...

It was only after Lucien concentrated that he realized that what he heard was the sound of a mouse, which was obviously a burst of gloomy and empty crying.

Ohh Ohh ohh…

In the quiet night, there were no more rats screaming or gnawing, only sad and plaintive crying.

Lucien's heart was beating violently, his brain was congested, and his senses became extraordinarily sharp. He seemed to be able to hear the sound of the cold night wind blowing through the crack of the door, and the crying sound seemed to be singing an ethereal song. real.

Turning over and standing up from the bed, Lucien subconsciously opened the crate and took the remaining loaf of black bread in his hand as a self-defense weapon. In any case, in terms of hardness, it was enough to stun the thief.

Boom, boom, boom... boom boom, boom...

Lucien wondered what the thumping sound was, but immediately realized that it was his own heartbeat, which was so intense in his ears.

The gloomy wind blew, and Lucien held the black bread tightly in his hands, and couldn't help but feel fear in his heart: "This is a world with magic and divine arts. Could it be that it is a real ghost?"

Luckily, after experiencing time travel, together with the shocking and frightening experience of witnessing divine magic and being burned to death during the day, Lucien did not feel weak in this terrifying atmosphere, his mind was blank, and his spirit was tense. Breathing slowly, he forcibly calmed down.

Moving towards the door step by step, Lucien recognized the direction of the crying sound.

The crying was full of desolation, and it was so obvious in the very quiet late night, but the neighbors around seemed to be lost in their dreams, and no one made the slightest movement.

"This cry seems to be coming from under the wall on the right." The closer Lucien got to the door, the clearer the cry became. "Wait, isn't the right side of my house the residence of the burned witch?"

Lucien was stunned: "Didn't her residence be burned by the church? Could there be a hidden cellar or secret room where her wraith and other things are hidden."

Thinking of the hidden secret room, words such as "adventure", "treasure", and "magic note" flashed through Lucien's mind after reading many novels, and a little bit of greed couldn't help appearing in his heart.

Ohh Ohh ohh…

The crying sound seemed to be a little shrill, which made Lucien shiver involuntarily, and his mind cleared up, "Even if there are treasures and magic notes, they are still under the protection of this weeping spirit."

"I'm just an ordinary person who just recovered from a serious illness, and I don't know how powerful the wraiths are in this world, what are their shortcomings, and what can I use to deal with them?"

"Maybe you will be confused, killed, or possessed by the wraith!"

After waking up, Lucien analyzed his own situation, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. If he was blinded by greed, dazzled by adventures, and rushed to look for it, there is a high probability that he would be buried below.

"But we can't wait like this, who knows if the wraith will come up." Lucien's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, Lucien had a flash of inspiration and thought of the power he could use, so he leaned cautiously towards the door, for fear that a wraith would suddenly appear from behind or in front of him, and the black bread would be soaked in the sweat of Lucien's palm .

Opening the wooden door little by little, Lucien's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The wooden door was ajar, the night outside was dark, and the cold wind was blowing.

Lucien stepped out of the door step by step and saw a light in the distance.

There were no grudges in the front, back, left, right, up, down, and after coming out of the house, the cries of the ghosts had become very small and indistinct. Lucien relaxed a little, took a deep breath, took another breath, and then yelled Get up: "There are ghosts! There are ghosts who are harmful!"

The voice was so loud that even Lucien himself was startled. He didn't expect that the effect of shouting with all his strength would be like this.

"Wow, woof," the wild dogs barked wildly in fright.

While listening to this, Lucien hurriedly ran to the church of Adejan. Of course, the matter of purifying the resentful spirits must be done professionally!

Moreover, as a neighbor of a witch, I may still be stared at by the church. If it was the original Lucien, then of course it would be fine, but I hide the secret of time travel, and if I relax a little, I will show my feet. Going to the church to ask for help, and it was about witches, just washed away the suspicion, won the trust of the church, and no longer had to worry about being noticed by the church.

Lucien also thought of the possibility that the church people were greedy for the witches' treasures to kill themselves and frame them, so he yelled that there were ghosts to wake everyone up.

In a hurry, Lucien only thought of these few aspects, and he couldn't do anything without missing anything.

Adrian Church was not far away, and soon Lucien saw the building shining with yellowish candlelight.

There were two guards in silver chain mail standing at the door of the church. Seeing Lucien running towards him, one stretched out his hand to tell him to stop, while the other half-drawn his long sword, ready to go. In the middle of the night, people always feel dangerous.

"What are you doing at the church?" asked the guard who held out his hand.

Lucien spoke nervously without pretending: "There are ghosts. I heard the cries of ghosts. It came from the house where the witch who was burned to death today lived!"

After the guard heard it, he also seemed a little panicked. He didn't doubt Lucien's words. This kind of thing was beyond the judgment of a trainee knight attendant like him, so he let De Sean stay where he was while another guard watched. Then he turned around and walked into the church to inform the vigilant priest that the sound of armor clashing gradually became smaller from near to far.

A few minutes later, a young pastor in a white robe came out of the church together with the guards.

He has blond hair and a thin face, and he maintains a unique rhythm when walking, looking very elegant: "I am Pastor Benjamin, please tell me about the ghost again."

In front of Reverend Benjamin. The two guards stood quietly, not daring to make any movements, for fear that the sound from the armor would disturb Lord Benjamin's questioning.

Lucien recounted how he found the ghost crying, how he thought of the church, and how he dealt with it, with a sincere and respectful attitude.

Benjamin listened well, and a gentle smile appeared on his face: "Very good, you are doing well, being able to overcome your fear and report to the church just shows your devotion to the Lord."

He praised Lucien a few words, then turned to the guard and said, "Thomson, call Gary and Paul out. The witch is just a magic apprentice, so there is no need to alarm the bishop."

"Yes, Lord Benjamin." Thomson didn't say much. Lord Benjamin is an official priest. Although he only has the first level, he has no problem dealing with magic traps and informal magic left by magic apprentices. The gap between the two is higher than that of knights. It's bigger than a high-level knight attendant, just like the gap between an official priest and a high-level apprentice priest, no matter in terms of status or strength.

Benjamin asked Lucien a few more words, and learned his name, until four guards who also wore silver chain mail, but whose sense of power and oppression far surpassed Thomson's, rushed over.

Outside the burned hut of the witch, people gathered far away. The candlelight was like starlight, accompanied by the silver moon in the sky bit by bit.

At this time, Lucien discovered that the moon in this world is silver.

The chattering and anxious noise disappeared immediately after seeing Benjamin approaching, revealing a feeling of peace of mind, and gradually surrounded them, discussing quietly.

"I didn't hear the sound of a ghost."

"Whether there is or not, it's good for the priest to come and do a purification."

Lucien listened carefully, and found that he could still hear the faint cry, but why couldn't the others hear it

Benjamin didn't feel strange at all, and said to Lucien indifferently, "There are indeed vengeful spirits."

Apparently he heard crying.

The four guards nodded, indicating that they had heard the same.