Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 36: Pierre


In the hall of the Musicians Association, Elena looked anxiously at the door from time to time. It seemed that the time was about to come. Why hasn’t Lucien come yet? Today is his first day in charge of the library, and he has to be taken to see the head of the association. Mr. Hanke, who is involved in daily affairs, even if he is late and has Mr. Victor’s relationship, he will not lose the job, but he will always leave a bad impression on Mr. Hanke, and he will inevitably be criticized and made things difficult for him in the future. If Mr. Wolfe knew about it, he would probably use this matter to embarrass and insult him.

Standing with Elena, Casey, the blond girl who was also in charge of the reception, looked at Elena with green eyes like lake water, and asked curiously and amusedly: "Elena, who are you waiting for? Such a performance, Not like usual you."

The Musicians Association is responsible for the reception of two groups, but when Lucien came for the first time, Elena asked the other companions to have lunch because of George's relationship, and for the second time, Kay Xi just took another guest to the third floor to visit a director.

"Wait for a friend, he's going to work in the association. Lucien, you're finally here." Wearing a light white dress, Elena, who was as pure and beautiful as an angel, breathed a sigh of relief, and came out from behind the wooden cabinet. Walking towards Lucien, "Hey, why do you look so bad? Are you sick?"

Although Lucien couldn't see his own face, he could imagine how pale and weak he would be. After going back and forth to Sir Wayne's Manor, the throbbing pain and dizziness in his head became more severe, and his forehead was still hot: "I think I am indeed sick, my head is a little hot, but it is not serious, Elena, please take me to see Mr. Hanke, um, thank you for your concern." This kind of external manifestation from the trauma of the soul is not Shantang general practitioners can treat.

"Well, anyway, the work in the library is very leisurely, especially today is the time of worship." Elena gestured to Casey with her eyes, and then led Lucien to the third floor.

Mr. Hank was a tall, thin, serious and formally dressed middle-aged man, but he didn't make things difficult for Lucien. After simply asking about his name, age and physical condition, he asked Elena to take Lucien to the library.

"The person who is in charge of the morning work of the library with you is Piero Sandor. He is a person who likes music very much but has a strange personality." On the way to the music library on the second floor, Elena introduced his music to Lucien. Companion, but she is not a girl who is good at talking bad about others. After thinking about it for a while, she just described Pierre as "weird personality", "Anyway, he is the kind of person who often makes people unable to understand his thoughts when he speaks. Fortunately, he is still normal in other respects." , not withdrawn, Lucien, you just need to get along with him normally."

People who can come to do this kind of job with low salary and high salary must have something to do with the Musicians Association, and Lucien doesn't want to meet people who are too troublesome. After listening to Elena's introduction, he finally felt relieved: " Thank you, Elena."

Soon, the two arrived at the music library, which was very large and quiet, occupying half of the entire second floor. It is said that thousands of books on music theory and other aspects were collected, as well as most of the officially recorded scores, and "Music Review", "Symphony Guide" and other past issues of newspapers and other materials, as well as a small number of religious books and travel notes for musicians to refer to.

Just at 8:30, the musicians and musicians have not come yet, and there is almost no sound in the library. A thin and handsome boy with black hair and brown eyes is sitting quietly on the chair behind the wooden cabinet. Looking at the music score in his hand, he was as focused as a stone statue.

Seeing this scene, Lucien had his first impression of Pieru: "He really is a weak young man who likes music to the point of obsession."

Elena yelled softly: "Pieru, Pieru... Well, this is your companion Lucien, who will manage the library with you in the future."

Amidst the continuous shouting, Pieru finally woke up from the music, raised his head, and said with a little confusion in his brown pupils: "Good morning, Elena, today is Sunday?"

"Hi, Pierre, I'm Lucien Evans." Lucien introduced himself with a smile while resisting the pain in his head.

Only then did Pieru fully react, and walked to Lucien from behind the wooden cabinet: "Hello, Lucien, I'm Pierre Sandor..."

Just after the introduction, he fixed his eyes on Lucien's face. Just when Lucien thought he was going to ask "Are you sick?", Pierre suddenly said: "Lucien Well, take care of yourself."

This sentence itself is nothing, even very appropriate, but the meaningful smile on Pierre's face at the same time seems to say "I understand, men understand", so the whole sentence becomes very strange, as if referring to something wrong tell people.

"This guy, what was in his mind just now, how could he come to such a conclusion without going through a long and rough change of thinking." Lucien probably guessed what he meant, and had a deep understanding of the leap of his thinking. , No wonder Elena said that he often said things that others could not understand.

Elena on the side smiled secretly at Lucien, as if saying, "Look, it's exactly what I said."

"Okay, I have to go down. Lucien, work hard, this is the treasure of the entire association, you have to know how to use it." Elena pointed to the books, music scores, newspapers, etc. on the bookshelf.

After sending Elena away, Piero took Lucien to the back of the wooden cabinet and explained briefly: "Lucien, my thoughts are like inspiration, I always jump from various places. Come out, sometimes you may not understand, don't care."

"Well, I understand." Lucien already had a deep understanding of his thinking jumps, and then couldn't help asking: "What thoughts did you go through before you told me to take care of my body?"

Piero let out a "huh": "I saw that your face is pale and your walking is unsteady. Well, Lucien, take care of yourself."

There was that kind of smile on his face that men could understand, but as for the specific thought process, he didn't have it at all.

Lucien had a feeling of being defeated by him, and the impression he had just had of Pierre as a "weak boy who likes music to the point of obsession" unknowingly changed to "a guy who likes music but is very obscene".

After briefly introducing what the librarian needs to do to Lucien, Pierre said not too concerned: "Only people from the association can enter this library, so there are not many people who visit and borrow books every day. , especially in the morning, Lucien, as long as you are polite when the musicians and musicians come, there will be no other problems. Okay, go around and familiarize yourself. I will continue to read "The Collection of Twelve Well-Tempered Piano Songs , this is the Holy Book of piano music!"

When it comes to music, the wretched Pieru has a completely different brilliance.

The "Holy Code" is a religious classic of the God of Truth. Using it as a metaphor shows the status of the "Twelve Well-Tempered Piano Pieces". Even on earth, Bach's 48 "Well-tempered Piano Pieces" are also known The "Old Testament" is piano music, and the "New Testament" is Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas, including "Moonlight", "Tempest" and "Pathetique".

Lucien just had this idea, and nodded in agreement without any hesitation—seeing so many books in front of him, Lucien always had the idea of including them all in his soul library, like a bird that always likes to collect books. Squirrel With Pine Cone.

Walking to a bookshelf, Lucien took out a book, flipped through it clattering, and finished it in a few minutes. The corresponding book appeared in the soul library, and then took out the next one.

Pieru, who had not yet indulged in the world of music, quickly noticed Lucien's strange behavior, and walked to his side curiously and suspiciously: "Lucien, what are you doing?"

Lucien smiled and fooled Pierre: "I heard that there are talented musicians who like to write melodies inspired by accident in the gaps between the books and music scores they read, so I want to try to find them. If I publish it, wouldn’t I be able to become a musician soon.”

"Really?" Pieru looked at Lucien dubiously. Just now he seemed to be looking for the score and melody in the book, "But Lucien, the most important thing about music is the foundation, otherwise you can use those The melody is famous, what should I do in the future?"

"Hehe, Pierre, I'm just kidding. I'm just checking whether the books are damaged or not, and making a record so that there won't be any problems in the future." Only then did Lucien utter the real excuse he had prepared, which was actually his own. One of the purposes, after all, Wolf seems to be a stingy person. Although it is unlikely that he will specifically embarrass himself, a small person, he should be more cautious.

Only then did Piero nodded suddenly, "You really look like a woman."

"Where did his thinking jump?" Lucien couldn't guess Piero's thinking process at all this time, so he didn't bother to think about it, and continued to move the materials in the music library to his soul library. matter.

Since it was Sunday, most of the musicians and musicians went to church. Only one or two poor guys who were struggling to find inspiration came to the library once and borrowed some music scores, so Lucien was free and spent four After hours, with sore arms, more than one hundred books and hundreds of music scores were collected.

The book contains a lot of books on religion and travel, because Lucien intends to use these books to gain a general and basic understanding of the world as soon as possible.


At 12:30, after handing over the work, Pieru continued to stay in the library to read the music score after eating a piece of bread, while Lucien returned to Aunt Alisa's house.

On the way back, everything was normal, and there was no nervous or weird atmosphere, but Lucien's pale face made Aunt Alisa's heart ache for a while.

After a short nap, Lucien felt that his body and soul had recovered a little, so he rushed to Mr. Victor's house to learn basic music knowledge such as scales and musical notes.

After two days of such calm, John returned home in the evening, pulled Lucien aside, and talked about the specific encounter that day.