Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 57: strangle fate by the throat


At 11:20 in the morning, in the director's office on the third floor of the Musicians Association.

Othello looked at Victor in front of him with serious pale gray eyes: "Victor, it's time for you to make a decision. For twenty minutes, can't you choose the music you are satisfied with? They are the music you have spent the past twenty years. A crystallization of inspiration."

Victor's face was pale and his expression was dull. He was sitting on the chair opposite Othello. The table in front of him was filled with his music, but his eyes were confused and out of focus, as if he was looking at other people through the music. It may be the violin, the first musical instrument in his life, or it may be the gloomy and cold cemetery.

After hearing Othello's words, his lips trembled slightly, and he spoke with difficulty: "Can you let me think again? Director Othello."

Wolfe, who was sitting with him opposite Othello, smiled with strong sarcasm: "Think again, can you come up with a better piece of music? Victor, well, don't hold on anymore, maybe you Do you think there is good music in mediocre works? Don't waste the time of Director Othello, who is waiting to have lunch with Her Royal Highness."

Othello nodded, took out a pocket watch and looked at it: "His Royal Highness invited me to have lunch at one o'clock, and it took fifteen minutes for the carriage to travel from the association to the Ratasha Palace, but it rained last night until now. It hasn’t stopped yet. There are serious water accumulations in many places, and you need to take a detour. You should start at least ten minutes earlier. Before that, I will take a nap for an hour to prevent fatigue from making me lose my demeanor. Victor, you don’t have much time. , in the last ten minutes, if you are still not sure, let Wolfe replace you, he has just held a concert at the invitation of Count Rafaty, and there is no problem with the band."

Ratasha Palace is the palace of the Principality of Violet.

Wolfe's eyes showed extreme enthusiasm and desire. With the relationship he managed among the nobles, as long as he could hold a concert in the chant hall, as long as there were no major problems in the concert, he would be able to make further progress on the road of music. , He is likely to become a director of the association in the future. He took a deep breath and looked at Victor: "Victor, I don't want to take away your performance opportunity, but for the sake of the association, you have to make a decision."

Victor withdrew his gaze, stared at the score on the table for a full two minutes, then stretched out his right hand and pointed to a score: "Let's just take it."

Such a simple action and such a simple sentence seemed to take all the strength out of Victor, causing him to collapse on the chair. However, once he made a decision, although Victor was full of disappointment and unwillingness, he still felt a little relaxed in his heart. I feel that at least I don't have to think about a new piece of music with all my heart and soul, the piece that has tortured me for nine years and hasn't finished.

"Maybe it's a good thing, I won't be tortured to sleep every night." Victor thought numbly and desperately.

Othello clapped his hands with satisfaction: "Victor, I'm very happy that you can make a decision, but you have some mental problems, if you can't recover before the concert, I have some medicine here to help you, but it will only treat you My health has been affected a little. Well, you guys go out, I'm going to take a nap for an hour."

With deep disappointment, Wolf walked out of the office with Victor, who seemed to have difficulty even walking. When the wooden door closed, he gave Victor a look of hatred: "Enjoy your last chant." Hall concert, don't let your lady down in Paradise Hills."

"You..." Victor couldn't accept others using his wife to attack him, and looked at Wolfe angrily.

Wolfe spread his hands, snorted coldly, and said sharply, "Why are you looking at me? It is you, not me, who will disappoint your wife, Victor."

After finishing speaking, he sneered and left, while Victor seemed to have been hit to the point, and squatted on the ground covering his face, making Lot, Phyllis, and Herodotus who had been waiting beside him panicked, and quickly helped him up .

"Let me go to the lounge to calm down, and practice all the music in the afternoon." Victor said weakly.

Lot, Phyllis, and Herodotus looked at each other bitterly, and now it was time to start thinking about how to cheer Mr. Victor up.


Leaving Victor's house, Lucien held an umbrella and ran in the majestic heavy rain. The rain blew into the umbrella with the strong wind and wet Lucien's clothes again, making Lucien's unrecovered weakness obvious stand up.

There are very few pedestrians and carriages on the road filled with white mist caused by the heavy rain, allowing Lucien to run fast without worrying about obstacles, but the problem is that after running for a certain distance, Lucien has to He didn't stop to catch his breath because of his weakness, but because the strong wind was blowing the umbrella and blocking Lucien's progress.

"Maybe a few minutes earlier, we can stop the list before it reaches Princess Natasha." Lucien walked around the deep water, panting while walking slowly on the ankle-flooded street, After panting, he continued to run.

During the run, the umbrella in Lucien's hand was bent backward by the strong wind, which made him almost unable to hold the umbrella when he was weak.

"The clothes are all wet anyway." Without hesitation, Lucien put away the umbrella, clamped it inside his arm, let the heavy rain fall on his body, and ran quickly.

This time, without the hindrance of the umbrella, Lucien ran rampant in the heavy rain, and his speed became even faster.

Only by doing your best can you not regret it. Lucien's persistence, struggle, persistence and stubbornness all the time are fully displayed at this moment.

Bean-sized rainwater hit the face, and there was a slight pain.


Normally, it takes more than twenty minutes to get from Victor's house to the Musicians Association, but Lucien only took six minutes.

At 12:41, outside the gate of the Musicians Association, Lucien pressed his hands on his knees, his back was arched, and he was panting heavily. His wet hair was sticking to his face, and water droplets dripped down his face. On the patterned rock outside the gate, the clothes were completely drenched and looked very heavy.

After a little relief, Lucien pushed open the door and walked into the hall.

Elena was startled when she saw Lucien's appearance, and she came out from behind the wooden cabinet: "Lucien, is it raining so much outside? You got so wet while holding an umbrella?"

"It's nothing. Elena, where is Mr. Victor?" Lucien asked quickly.

Elena thought for a while: "It should be in his lounge. I saw Phyllis go upstairs with her lunch."

"Thank you." After Lucien handed the umbrella to Elena and thanked him, he hurriedly turned and ran up the stairs.

Elena looked at Lucien's back strangely: "Why are you in such a hurry?"


The weak Lucien climbed the stairs with difficulty and quickly, and arrived at Victor's lounge a minute later, knocking on the door.

It was Lot who came to open the door. He had a very bad expression on his face. When he saw Lucien, he just nodded and had no doubts about his coming.

Lucien walked into the lounge and saw Victor sitting behind the desk, buried his face in his hands as if he had lost all enthusiasm and hope, and did not respond to someone knocking on the door, like an oil painting that had lost its color.

And Phyllis, Herodotus, and Rhine who rushed over after hearing about this incident, all sat on the sofa next to them silently, and the simple lunch in front of them remained the same without any reduction.

"Mr. Victor confirmed the music list?" Lucien asked them.

Lotte, Phyllis, and Herodotus were not in the mood to answer, only Rhine nodded: "Yes, the original piece of music is used."

Lucien took a breath, suppressed the surging disappointment and frustration, walked up to Victor, put his hands on the desk, and said loudly: "Mr. Victor, I wrote a very good piece of music, I hope you can Listen, I think it will definitely inspire you and let you compose a perfect symphony. Can you change the certain track?"

There was still a little hope in the matter, Lucien was anxious, he didn't think too much about his tone and wording, he seemed very weak, and some words were too straightforward.

"Have you written the music?" Herodotus heard Lucien's words in a disappointed and sad mood, and asked angrily and amusedly. In this serious and sad atmosphere, this guy Still going crazy! No humanity at all!

Similarly, Phyllis's beautiful ruby-like pupils looked at Lucien angrily, clearly expressing her dissatisfaction and anger. This is not the time to mess around!

And Lott came over, ready to pull Lucien away so that he wouldn't irritate Mr. Victor.

Victor didn't seem to have heard what Lucien said before, and a weak and tired voice came out of his palm: "It's useless, ten minutes ago, Director Othello went to Ratasha Palace to have lunch with His Highness the Princess. Can't change track anymore, hopeless."

"Is it impossible to change things?"

When Lucien heard that Othello had gone to Lataxia Palace, he immediately felt a great sense of frustration, and was easily pulled away from the desk by Lott: "Lucien, stop playing with your cleverness, be quiet, you must Quiet!"

Although he had a serious sense of failure, Lucien always felt that there was still a little hope. As long as he worked harder, there should be hope, so while being pulled back by Lot, he said eagerly and earnestly: "Mr. Victor , Try harder, it should be possible to change the repertoire! The rain is so heavy, it is possible to catch up with Director Othello!"

"It's useless, it's useless." Victor murmured dreamily, without raising his head, as if he had no strength to support himself, only despair was entangled.

Even though he felt that Lucien was going crazy and messing around, his sincerity and hard work still made Lott, Phyllis, and Herodotus have the same feeling, but thinking that things were doomed and fate was already After the arrangement was made, they felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Like Victor, they reprimanded Lucien feebly: "Stop delusional, Lucien, although we really want to fight for it, it's useless. I can give up."

"At this point, Director Othello may have arrived at Ratasha Palace. It's useless, Lucien, just give up."

"Even if the director of Othello hasn't arrived yet, how long will it take for the new music to be written? If you play the current music well, you may be able to succeed."

In an atmosphere of disappointment and giving up, Lucien took a few steps back, only feeling very tired, disappointed and self-blaming: "Maybe it is really fate's arrangement that I get injured and ask for leave, if..."

"Anyway, it's not my business. If you fail, you will fail." Depressed by the infection, Lucien seemed to have become like other people in the lounge, without color, just a gloomy one.

But right away, Lucien remembered Victor's care and care for him in the past few months, his three weeks of piano practice full of expectations and unremitting efforts, and his persistence and perseverance in rushing through the storm. Giving up, and then seeing Victor's state as if he was dead, seeing the disappointed expressions of Lott, Phyllis and others but not changing their thoughts about the result, a stronger emotion emerged in Lucien's heart: that is a deep feeling. Not reconciled, I have made so much preparation and hard work, can I just accept this result with peace of mind

That is the idea that I still want to try it. Why complain about what has happened instead of fighting for the present and the future? !

That is, no matter how big the obstacles and troubles are, you have to face, overcome, and hold on to the faith of hope. How can you give up now? !

Lucien took a deep breath, looked around the lounge, and found the piano. It was a brand-new instrument that Victor and Rhine transformed into a piano, so it was donated by the association. It was just a piece of furniture in the lounge. Ornament, expressing the role played by Victor on this instrument.

Breaking free from Lot's pull, Lucien quickly ran over, sat on the piano stool, and opened the piano cover.

"What are you doing?! Lucien!" Lot and Herodotus roared angrily at the same time, and Phyllis even stood up and walked behind Lucien, because she was the closest to the piano.

Only Rhine looked at Lucien's actions curiously and amusedly. What kind of music can there be in three weeks

Lucien didn't speak, but pressed down heavily with both hands with strong emotions.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang.

A frightening, powerful note sounded in the lounge. Victor's hands trembled and he didn't support his head. He flicked the whole person, sat up straight, and looked in the direction of the piano blankly.

Phyllis, Lott, and Herodotus trembled for a moment, and they froze in place for a while before thinking of stopping Lucien.

But at this time, the follow-up melody like a storm began to appear with Lucien's playing, fast, intense and shocking. This kind of melody continues one after another, like merciless suffering, like crazy waves in the sea, like horns sounded on the battlefield, and tide-like enemies attack without giving anyone a chance to breathe.

Occasionally there will be a short piece of soothing melody, but it often brings about a more intense, desperate and difficult situation, which seems to be a short calm before death.

But in the face of such huge difficulties and deep setbacks, no one gave up. They were all struggling firmly and fighting bravely, which made people nervous and worrying. , all the sailors of a fishing boat are working together to control the sails and oars, fighting against the harsh environment, floating up and down without capsizing, as if on a battlefield full of blood splattered and corpses, one by one square formations face the overwhelming The arrows and flying spears remained unmoved, the people in front fell down, and the people behind replenished, and the orderly formation was still maintained.

Such a shocking melody made Phyllis, Lott, and Herodotus all stop suddenly, and looked at Lucien's profile full of doubts and blankly, looking at his face still dripping with water, while Rhine Then he stood up suddenly, seemingly unable to suppress the emotions in his heart.

Lucien gnashed his teeth and flicked:

Why give up? Why give up? !

You can still catch up with Baron Othello. Even if you can’t catch up, you can still ask Princess Natasha to change the track. Even if she refuses, you can still use the charm of music to impress her. Why give up? Why give up? !

As long as there is still a little hope, don't give up!

Emotions blended into the music, and the first movement of the Symphony of Destiny became more and more intense, making Lotter, Phyllis and others who stopped nearby couldn't help trembling.

Did fate make you give up, or did you give up yourself

Did fate defeat you, or did difficulties and setbacks defeat you

The bursts of intense and shocking melodies pierced Victor's heart like sharp arrows, making him straighten subconsciously, feeling that the Lord was torturing himself.

Lucien played fast with both hands, his emotions resonated with the music, and then he became more intensely infected by the music, remembering his ups and downs in the past few months: I want a peaceful life, a warm family, and love for myself My parents and relatives, but inexplicably came here, lost everything, full of pain, and saw witches burned to death, forced to take risks in the sewer; I wanted to learn words and a better life, but was blocked by gangsters, Beating; I want to learn magic quietly, but this is Alto, Alto who is very powerful in the church, I can only risk my life, and keep walking on the edge of darkness and light, time and time again The ground faces death.

Am I giving up? Am I giving up? !

I didn't give up!

As long as I have not died, I will fight, I will change my life and my destiny!

Lucien's emotions became more and more intense, his movements were frantic as if he was about to have a heart attack, and the stirring melody was full of unyielding meaning: Did fate make you lose hope, or did you choose to give up hope yourself

Did fate make you submit, or did you obey "fate" yourself

Is fate doomed your life, or did you choose fate

No, as long as I am still alive and I can still think, I will not choose to give up, I will hold the throat of fate, I will move forward in the face of setbacks, and I will overcome all sufferings!

Amidst the stirring notes one after another, Victor couldn't help standing up, clenching his fists.