Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 62: Remove suspicion


"What happened last night caused such a big disturbance? The church actually used this kind of carpet investigation? No, it should be that I had contact with witches before, so I was listed on the suspicion list, but it was not the top priority." Otherwise, why didn’t someone come to you until the afternoon.” Lucien didn’t panic, he thought calmly, and calmly said an excuse: “I stayed up late last night in order to finish the last part of the music, and I seemed to be overdrawn.” Energy, so I was very tired in the morning and thought I was sick, but by noon I had fully recovered, so I should just be over-exhausted."

How could Lucien let the church members check his physical condition.

Correa continued to ask: "Can anyone prove what the disease is? If not, please go back to the church with me for an examination."

"As I said just now, it's just the fatigue caused by composing music, not illness." Lucien still replied calmly.

At this time, Victor stepped forward and said: "Mr. Guard, I can prove that my student Lucien was composing the score last night, which caused his exhaustion in the morning, because he wrote an excellent and great work." Works. Whenever I can complete a satisfactory work, there is often a kind of exhaustion from the bottom of my heart.”

Correa glanced at Victor: "Who are you?"

"He is Mr. Victor, the musician, and Lucien's teacher." Elena introduced somewhat frightenedly, while looking at Lucien very strangely, "He? Compose music?"

"And he got such a high evaluation from Mr. Victor! Did Mr. Victor say that in order to deal with the church guards?"

Correa took out a quill and recorded something in a black book: "Mr. Victor, you are Lucien's teacher, so your proof will not be fully accepted. Are there any other witnesses? If not, Lucien, please go back to the church with me, not to be interrogated by the court, but to check your physical condition."

Lucien looked calm on the outside, but he was thinking of how to evade in his mind, so the scene became quiet.

"I can prove that he has really completed an excellent work, and it is an excellent piece of music that fights against evil and difficulties. I think he must have burned his soul and all his enthusiasm when he wrote the piece."

"I am Baron Othello, director of the Musicians' Association."

Othello heard the movement in the office, came out, and testified for Lucien. On the one hand, although he hated that kind of music, he was sure of Lucien's musical talent and possible efforts. What he said just now would not It's a lie. Othello would doubt Lucien if he didn't even feel exhausted after finishing the work. On the other hand, Othello didn't want to disrupt the Victor concert he was already looking forward to, and he also wanted to maintain the musicians association. decent.

Correa nodded slightly, and recorded a line of words on the booklet again: "Master Baron, with your testimony, I think I can leave."

In fact, Correa himself would never believe that Lucien was the "professor" who was wanted. According to the information given by the referee, Lucien was an ordinary person when he was interrogated three months ago, and the mysterious "professor" But he is a powerful magician with at least three rings. It is absolutely impossible for him to grow to this level in only three months, even if he sells his soul to the devil!

The referee and the bishop judged in this way, so in the first round of review in the morning, Lucien was not included in the list, and in the afternoon, after Correa saw that Lucien had very small suspicions Only then did he come up with the idea of taking him back and making him suffer a little bit, this is to cut off the knight's hope for Gary.

Now that there is a baron to prove it, Correa will not force it. Offending the nobles will be very troublesome for a person like him who has not yet become a member of the Knights such as the Temple.

Watching Correa turn and leave, Lucien finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as his body was checked, he would immediately be found to be injured instead of sick and tired. Fortunately, he had the certificates of Baron Othello and Mr. Victor. This time the symphony of fate, my biggest harvest is this aspect.

"Hurry up and prepare the music and practice, my requirements are very strict." Othello nodded, turned back to the office, and the door was closed behind him.

Elena opened her beautiful emerald green eyes, and looked at Lucien as if looking at a stranger: "Did I hear you right, the director of Othello also said that Lucien wrote an excellent work?!"

Due to the presence of Victor, she didn't dare to ask Lucien directly, but curiosity was like a live rabbit, jumping wildly in her heart, making her reluctant to leave her place and go back to the lobby on the first floor.

Because of Correa's arrival, the entire third floor was alarmed. Wolf saw Victor at the door of Othello's director from a distance, and walked over suspiciously: "What happened just now? Victor, why are you here?"

"I don't know, it's all right anyway." Victor shook his head, "I came here to ask Director Othello to change the repertoire."

After that, I will practice here every day. Even if others are not allowed to listen, the band members will not keep it secret, so Victor said it directly.

Wolfe's face turned ugly all of a sudden: "Have you connected your melody and inspiration to write a new piece of music?" It is impossible for a musician like him to believe that Victor would suddenly have an inspiration, and then a few There is a new piece of music when you are young. This kind of thing requires at least one or two months of preparation. Therefore, I think Victor suddenly had an inspiration and connected the previous accumulation and preparation. "Did Director Othello agree? Hasn't he already Have you told Her Royal Highness the song?"

A series of questions fully exposed Wolfe's eagerness and unwillingness.

"The director of Othello has promised that as long as the band's performance meets the requirements, he will be responsible for telling Her Royal Highness about the change of the repertoire." Victor was not kind enough to tolerate Wolfe, who was full of malice towards him, and told Wolfe with a smile The last thing he wanted was to hear the truth.

Wolfe shook his head, his voice became slightly sharp: "This is impossible, how could Director Othello agree to such a ridiculous request, just relying on the music you improvised?"

Victor said seriously: "Wolf, unfortunately, Director Othello has agreed, you can protest to him, although I don't know what position and reason you want to use. Well, also, this new work is not mine, it is My student Lucien is a poor man who you think will never become a musician. On the contrary, his miserable poor life gave him the inspiration and motivation to create, which is why he can write such touching music.”

Wolf laughed out loud, pointing to Lucien next to him: "He? Victor, you told me that a poor man who has not studied music for less than three months has written an excellent piece of music that can be played in the chant hall? Is it you? Crazy, or think I'm a fool? Hahaha, if he can write it in such a short time, then I will keep my promise and only write music reviews from now on and not create music. If not, then Victor you will tell me for your lies Apologize."

"Wolf, before you talk big, it's best to make sure that you can hear it at the concert, and Mr. Joseph will also put the score in the library for you to read." Music pieces for formal performances will not enter the library immediately after registration.

Seeing Victor's serious and serious expression, Wolf stopped laughing suddenly, and then glanced at Lucien next to him: "I think you are really crazy, and you will take music written by a beginner to play in the chant hall, Just wait to lose all your fame and status, Victor!"

He stubbornly refused to admit defeat, his head was dizzy with anger, and before he turned and left, he said to Lucien: "As long as you are recognized as an outstanding musician, as long as your music gets unanimous evaluation, I will fulfill my oath." of."

Watching Wolf's back disappear around the corner, Victor couldn't help laughing: "Arrogance breeds prejudice, prejudice makes people stupid, and stupidity often makes people bitter. As long as Wolfe is a little smarter, find Osay first." Director Luo confirms with Joseph, and we won’t say such things. We have no obligation to prevent him from being punished. Well, Lucien, if you are exhausted, go back and rest for a day, and come to help from tomorrow until before the concert I arrange the music and help the band practice. I will go to Mr. Hanke to discuss the matter of the library."

Lucien's injury is still not healed, and he really needs to rest and recover, so he didn't act pretentiously. He went back to the lounge to get an umbrella, and walked to the lobby on the first floor with Elena.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Lucien was a little uncomfortable by Elena's curious, surprised, and puzzled eyes.

Elena looked at Lucien as if she was seeing Lucien for the first time, and said when she was almost on the first floor: "I don't even think you are the Lucien I know, although when you taught me about music, I would Knowing that you are progressing very fast musically, but to be able to compose a piece of music, a work that has been praised by Mr. Victor and the director of Othello, is really something I can't imagine. Before I heard it just now, I didn't even dream Been there before."

Lucien spread his hands: "I don't know what happened, but I was able to write so quickly after I got inspiration, maybe it's because the inspiration came from my inner emotions, from my experience of the past ten years or so. "

Elena was still very ignorant about the cycle of music creation. After listening to Lucien's words, she smiled and said, "Maybe you are a real musical genius, Lucien. Hehe, I believed in you from the very beginning, and you became an excellent musician." Don't forget about my friend when you get home."

"Of course not." Lucien walked to the first floor, bid farewell to Elena, and walked out the door.

Elena stood there, watched Lucien's back disappear, and walked towards Casey after a long time, and said to herself: "What kind of person is he..."


Returning to the Aderjan area in a neat suit, after being teased by Joel, "Little Evans has become a gentleman", Lucien casually ate a piece of black bread, fell on the bed and fell asleep completely relaxed. It wasn't until nine o'clock in the night that he woke up contentedly, his mental exhaustion was completely recovered, and his injuries were almost healed under the action of the storm potion.

Looking at the entrance of the basement, Lucien suppressed the idea of using the blood of evil creatures to summon undead creatures to obtain wraith dust. He was going to wait until the impact of this matter calmed down before proceeding. Then Lucien took out another He drank a tube of storm potion to heal the remaining injuries.

Feeling the spiciness of every drop of liquid, the potential of Lucien's body was overdrawn again, and his spirit became better. Coupled with the previous gains from casting spells and fighting, Lucien began to meditate, tempering his spiritual power with star power , intending to use this to enter the stage of formal magic apprenticeship.

At this stage, not only is there an additional apprentice-level magic that can be cast continuously, but also the recovery speed of mental power will be faster, and the resistance to spiritual magic will be stronger.