Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 68: Celebration and windfall


Unprecedented warm response and unprecedented success. Except for Rhine who stood silently at the side, this is the most direct evaluation of this concert by other musicians. The crazy and continuous applause is incomparable to every concert they have participated in before , and the masters of these applause still rule Alto, the aristocrats who sponsor musicians, and the authorities of the music world.

And these musicians are all people with high musical literacy, and several of them can be called performers. They have a basic judgment on the quality of the Symphony of Destiny, and they also have their own expectations for the final result, so Infected by the music and the warm atmosphere, they were more excited than ever.

Because of the success and the fulfillment of his wish, Victor was very excited and hugged Rhine: "Thank you, Mr. Rhine, without you transforming the piano, without your superb playing skills, this concert would not be so perfect."

"But the most important thing in the concert is the music. This is the glory of you and Lucien, Mr. Victor." Rhine, who had always been silent, smiled and hugged Victor, celebrating the success of the concert in the chant hall.

Lucien was warmly embraced by the cellist, a strong man with a big beard, Thomas: "Mr. Evans, you will definitely become the most famous musician in Artaud and even in the entire continent."

Respect and politeness, this is completely treating Lucien as a musician, which makes Lucien, who is used to being called by his name, a little uncomfortable.

At the beginning of the rehearsal of the Symphony of Destiny, Thomas and other musicians were very optimistic about Lucien's future, and they were more polite to him, but Lucien, who had not made any achievements, was not enough for them to be called Mr. , Lucien was unanimously appreciated by the three most powerful figures in Alto, especially Grand Duke Violet and Princess Natasha who are also very authoritative in the music industry. , one even called Lucien a changer in music.

It is conceivable that in the next year, with the release of "Music Review" and "Symphony Guide", Lucien will become a rising star in the music circle of the entire continent, and he can be called a musician, even if he I haven't played the piano well yet.

And as long as he has another work above the standard in the next two years, his position will be completely stable. Even if the trend of this kind of theme music starts to prevail, then Lucien will become an authority on this kind of symphony in the music industry. Therefore, the attitude of Thomas and other musicians towards Lucien has changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

Victor hugged the musicians one by one, thanking them for their cooperation. Although the status and income of the musicians are much higher than that of the musicians, a successful concert cannot be separated from the cooperation of the musicians.

Rhine walked up to Lucien and gave him a hug with a smile: "I can imagine that in the next few years, there will be more and more such theme music that expresses certain emotions, and it can even be combined with religious themes." Become the mainstream of the music industry, Lucien, hehe, or I should call you Mr. Evans, you will be the pioneer of this trend."

Even though Lucien didn't like this way of celebrating the success of the concert, he didn't reject it, and hugged Rhine instead, "A pioneer who can't even master the piano? Hehe, Mr. Rhine, your violin just now Great playing, just a little less exciting."

Lucien tested Rhine with words, and at the same time felt that although Rhine looked thin, his arms were very strong and powerful, and his body seemed to contain a lot of strength.

"Maybe I'm a quieter person without too much emotion." Rhine let go of his arms and explained casually, but it wasn't what Lucien wanted to hear.

After embracing the musicians, Victor hugged his students one by one, and Lucien did everything he did.

"The complete Symphony of Destiny is great." During the hug, Phyllis blushed excitedly and praised Lucien. At the same time, her classmates were praised by the three big figures, and Phyllis could already imagine the scene where she was surrounded by other noble ladies and wives for questioning.

Lott also gave Lucien a strong hug: "It's crazy applause, Lucien, it's very proud to know you."

And when Herodotus hugged Lucien, he just said after silence: "You are outstanding."

Finally, Victor walked up to Lucien with a smile and gave him the warmest and strongest hug: "I don't know how to thank you, Lucien. My greatest luck, and the gift of the Lord to me, is that I don't have I refuse you to learn characters with me."

"I am also very lucky to know you." Lucien said sincerely.

Victor let go of his arm: "By the way, there is one more thing. You will get half of the proceeds of this concert. Lucien, don't refuse, this is what you deserve. With this money, you don't have to continue Living in Aderjan. Although poverty and suffering can inspire you, it is everyone's nature to seek a better life, and it can also inspire. Aderjan is too dangerous."

As far as Lucien knows, the chant hall has a total of 365 seats for high-class people except for the small stand on the west side and a few boxes.

Although it seems that there are many seats, Alto is the capital of the Principality of Viorit, the city of chant of the church, the city closest to the Dark Mountains, the first line against dark creatures, heretics, heresies, and the mainland There are countless bustling cities in the world, so there are many nobles and priests, and there are more wives, sons, and daughters of them. With the same number of musicians, the supply of tickets is often in short supply, and basically every time it is full.

Of course, for a large part of the aristocratic offshoots, such a full house is very good, otherwise, spending a quintal every week to go to a concert will be the main reason for their bankruptcy, and they only need to socialize or meet their favorite musicians Only then will they come to the chant hall early to make reservations.

So for a concert in the chant hall, the ticket income is 365 quintals, which is a very huge number. This is Victor's income for the past four years, and the annual income of a normal knight lord is only Between three hundred and five hundred quintales.

According to the regulations of the Musicians Association, 40% of the ticket revenue is donated to the church, 30% is used for the operation of the Musicians Association and the maintenance of the chant hall, and the remaining 30%, about 110%. Ten gentalers will go to the musicians, and the band's fees will be paid out of this 30%, so Victor's final gentalers will be between sixty and seventy gentalers, equivalent to His income for more than half a year can be seen from the huge profits from the concerts in the chant hall.

Victor said to give Lucien half, that is to say, Lucien will get thirty to thirty-five quintals. This is the wealth that ordinary civilians can save for decades, or even a lifetime, which is equivalent to the civilian area of Viola District. A beautiful three-story building is equivalent to an ordinary, relatively old two-story villa with a small garden in Jisu District, a neighborhood of musicians.

This can also be seen in the cost of magic experiments.

"I can't refuse. Thank you, Mr. Victor." Lucien replied frankly. It seemed that the lovely shining yellow coin appeared in front of him. More than 30 coins meant that he could buy 30 coins. You can't buy Moonlight Rose powder, and you can rent a vacant villa in Jisu District for two or three years. The only problem is that Moonlight Rose is not something you can buy if you want it.

It's not that Lucien wants to leave the slums so quickly, but that his current identity and status no longer allow him to stay in Aderjan, which will make people suspect that he is hiding something, and his professor status has always been Appearing in the Aderjan area, leaving as soon as possible can ensure safety. Besides, the villa can build a good magic laboratory without being discovered, such as the quiet room under the music creation room.

Of course, Lucien is also a normal person looking for a better and more comfortable life.

After celebrating the success of the concert, just as Phyllis was about to invite everyone to her manor to enjoy the idyllic scenery of the "Harvest Moon", a middle-aged woman in a long black dress walked in. It was Princess Natasha The powerful sky knight around.

"Ms. Camille." Phyllis, Lotte, Herodotus and other noble children who had seen her from afar and heard about her deeds hurriedly saluted solemnly.

Seeing this, Victor, Lucien and the others also greeted them with gentlemanly etiquette.

Camille's seriousness destroyed her beauty and dignity, and said without expression: "Mr. Evans, Her Royal Highness would like to invite you to be her music consultant, and I will go to Ratasha Palace twice a week to discuss music issues with her for about an hour. .You will be paid handsomely."

This sentence made the musicians, Phyllis, Lot, Herodotus, and even Victor couldn't help showing envious expressions, although it is not difficult for Alto's musicians to become earls, grand dukes, or even kings in other countries. Advisers, chief court musicians, etc., but here it is Aalto.

Only Rhine's eyes suddenly became dark.

Lucien didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to him because it was just a work, so he subconsciously refused: "I have only studied music for three months, and this work is just an explosion of accumulated inspiration, so I am afraid I cannot be the music consultant of Her Royal Highness. .”

Going to Lataxia Palace, which is protected by various magic circles, although there will not be too strict inspections, but Natasha herself is a fifth-level great knight, and this Ms. Camille, who rarely leaves her, is even a sky knight. If I was negligent when getting along with them, I might be discovered as a magician.

However, Her Royal Highness's role as a music consultant is also very attractive, it is a perfect cover-up, and twice a week, each time is only one hour, if the focus is on music, it is not difficult to spend.

Lucien's refusal made Lott and the others look disappointed and surprised.

Camille's expression didn't change: "Her Royal Highness doesn't mind, what she likes is the skills you use in the music that are not influenced by past music trends and your experience in composing theme music, hoping to inspire her , Mr. Evans, would you like to?"

Seeing the eyes of other people, Lucien understood that it would be very strange for him to refuse without a proper excuse, so he nodded, "It's an honor to serve Her Highness the Princess."

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Evans, you will be paid two gentalers every month." Camille said goodbye.

This is really a generous reward. Lucien has increased from ten silver gnars a month to twenty-five silver gnars an hour. At least before becoming an official magician, Lucien doesn't have to worry about the loss of most of the materials. fee.

And in this way, Lucien has truly become a high-class person with status and status.

"It's really enviable, Lucien." Phyllis and Lott congratulated with complicated expressions but honestly.

Victor also cast a gratified and satisfied look.