Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 84: confusion


Bathed in the brilliance of the silver moon through the dense leaves, Lucien turned into an afterimage, galloping cautiously in the slightly dark Melzer Forest, the route he chose was hidden by powerful dark creatures on the outskirts that ordinary adventurers often appear. At the junction of the depths, along the way, you can occasionally see weak goblin tribes around campfires and simple camps, as well as ferocious creatures such as wild wolves and black bears.

Felice's manor is opposite to "Larnaca Canyon" and "Masol River", and the distance is relatively far away. However, after Lucien activated the blood power, his speed was amazing and his endurance was not bad. After more than 20 minutes, he passed away. I have already seen a layer of moonlight fluctuating gently, dreamy and beautiful Marsol River from a distance.

So, Lucien stopped and became more cautious.


Outside the east entrance of the "Larnaca" canyon is the "Masol River", which flows eastward and finally merges into the "Belem River", so here is a river beach full of beautiful river pebbles.

In the black forest, a black figure came out. He was tall and his face was covered by a hood in a vague shadow. On his shoulder was a strange bird with bright red skin but no feathers.

"Fire Wolf" looked around vigilantly, and at the same time cast detection magic to check the surroundings, but there was nothing abnormal.

He walked slowly step by step, full of apprehension, but he didn't dare to look back, because the captain of the night watchman "Joker" was afraid that if he concentrated his ambush too early, the cunning "professor" would find out the problem and never appear again, so He hid far away, waiting for his own signal.

"I hope that after this success, I can get the 'Magic Gate' potion from the referee, become an official magician, and then join the night watchman team, and stop being such a dangerous, safe and insecure spy."

Even though Fire Wolf remained focused on casting spells, his heartbeat involuntarily accelerated. In the past, he had always been worried, fearing that his identity would be exposed and would be hunted down by the magicians to death. Now, he had to directly face a man with at least three rings. You are a powerful magician. Although the captain of the night watchman is very fast, he can come from his hiding place for up to 30 seconds, but in these 30 seconds, can he block the professor's attack

Thinking of this, Fire Wolf touched his bracelet. This is a third-level magic item "Fireweaver's Bracelet" rewarded by the church. He can only rely on it to hold the professor for 30 seconds and keep it. life.

It was already ten forty at this time, and the fire wolf walked to the entrance of the canyon. The "Professor" hadn't appeared yet, and the surrounding area was so quiet that only the roar of wild beasts could be heard in the distance.

After waiting anxiously for a while, seeing that the professor still hadn't arrived, Fire Wolf looked around, and suddenly saw a fluorescent light shining on a huge rock in the canyon.

Holding the casting material, Fire Wolf walked over cautiously, and saw a line of words written in green fluorescent powder on the boulder: "Change location, see you in the Black Forest in the south of the canyon..." followed by the corresponding zodiac sign.

Although the fire wolf is not good at astrology magic, it can barely calculate the location according to the clear constellation marks, and quickly calculated the specific location.

Fire Wolf was not surprised by the "professor"'s temporary change of approach. This was a common method to prevent being followed and monitored. When meeting with relatively unfamiliar magic apprentices, if the professor didn't do this, Fire Wolf would think that this time things were very problematic.

After notifying the captain of the night watchman of the change with the normal-sounding chirps of the magic pet "Fire Feather Bird", the fire wolf walked into the black forest.

The location given by the "professor" was far away this time, and it took more than ten minutes for the fire wolf to arrive at the designated location, surrounded by tall black cedar trees, completely blocking the moonlight, and it was completely dark.

And from the other direction of the black forest, there were several roars of beasts, which made people's hair stand on end.

However, these howls made the fire wolf a little relieved, because they were signals that the night watchman had tracked and hid.

Some of the night watchmen who were good at hiding dispersed and quietly checked the vicinity, worried that they would fall into the ambush of the "Professor".

Time passed bit by bit, but the professor still didn't show up. The fire wolf gradually became impatient, pacing back and forth in the same place: "Could the professor find a problem?"

At eleven thirty, half an hour had passed since the agreed time, and there was no movement in the dark forest.

And the night watchman ambushing in the distance gradually became impatient, thinking that the professor might have noticed something was wrong, so a captain of the night watchman wearing black leather armor, black gloves and a clown mask ordered his hidden companions in a unique way : "With the position of the fire wolf as the center, everyone searched within 500 meters of the nearby Black Forest. The professor either found the abnormality and left, or he was still hiding within this distance."

Captain "The Clown" of the Night's Watch makes one last effort.

The night watchmen Minsk and others in white dresses immediately took action, sneaking into the darkness and searching around.

After searching for a hundred meters in the Black Forest to the west of the "Fire Wolf", the light red-haired Minsk found an ordinary forest ranger's hut. There was no light shining inside, and it was dark and quiet.


In the forest on the other side of the ranger's hut, a night watchman has quietly fallen to the ground, his expression is full of astonishment and fear, blood mixed with white brains flows out from the hole on the top of his head, seeping into the black ground, Moisturize them and make them more fertile.

And beside the dead night watchman, stood a tall and thin man, wearing a black windbreaker painted with silver and white sharp corners, with a mysterious and terrifying feeling all over his body, he was sticking his brain-stained right index finger into his mouth .

After sucking for a few times, the tall and thin man said suspiciously to the crystal ball held in his left hand: "Your Excellency the High Priest, they are here to hunt down a magician, and they just happened to meet him."

"Such a coincidence? And if they continue to search like this, they will soon find the entrance to the ruins, so Dragan, in cooperation with other temple knights, will kill them all, and they can be pushed to the ambush of the magician anyway." Inside the crystal ball There was an old and decaying voice.

Since the Silver Horn is hiding here, it will definitely monitor the nearby area closely. Therefore, after the fire wolf came, it was quickly discovered by the priests, and then the night watchmen checked the ambush and searched for the "professor", and their traces were exposed. In the eyes of the heretics.

"Everything is as you wish, Your Excellency the High Priest. Hehe, killing is like dancing, I like this feeling." Dragan sucked his fingers again, the black windbreaker floated back, and the whole person directly merged into the darkness.

Under the cooperation of "Night Killer" Dragan and other dark knights, the night watchmen who hadn't figured out who the enemy was and the current situation were silently strangled one after another.


Because the "professor" suspected that there were spies in the magic circle, this time it was a trap he deliberately set up, so in order to capture the magician "professor" with at least three rings and his possible helpers alive, the court dispatched two full night watchmen The team has a total of 30 official priests and strong knights, and there are even four captains and vice-captains at the level of great knights!

Except that the high-level forces were held back by the news of the "huge conspiracy" from Camille, this was already nearly half of the strength of the Viorit Parish Inquisition, because there were only five such full-staffed night watchman teams!

According to the intelligence and judgment of the church, no matter what ambushes or traps the "Professor" has, with the strength of the night watchman team, they can be solved directly.

Each of these night watchmen is a strong man who has experienced many battles in the dark, so after the first seven or eight night watchmen died silently, the remaining night watchmen noticed something wrong. The smell of blood and death wafted!

In the dark, the captain of the night watchman "Joker" began to try to contact his team members, but just as he used his unique method, he immediately felt something was wrong, so he fell forward and rolled without hesitation and disregarding any image.

A cloud of darkness flew out of the forest and hit the place where the clown was originally hiding. The soil, stones, grass, and trees disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if they had evaporated out of thin air.

As for the rapidly rolling "clown", ten fingers began to flick quickly, as if playing a piano. Following his manipulation, a blurry figure was pulled out from the darkness of the forest, and his hands and feet moved uncoordinated.

The guy who was pulled out was the "Night Killer" Dragan. He didn't panic, and continued to darken deeply, trying to get rid of the invisible thin lines. At the same time, he looked at the "clown" and sneered: "It turns out It's you, a fellow of the 'puppet' blood, who escaped from the darkness and became a lackey of the referee."

"I am the 'manipulating bloodline' bestowed by the Lord, which is completely different from Dragan's 'dark bloodline'." The clown also recognized Dragan, but the funny clown smiling mask completely covered up all his expressions .

While continuing to manipulate the opponent's hands and feet, the clown activated the amulet, and a ray of light flew up into the air, about to explode into the shape of the holy emblem of truth, and notify the church's high-level rescuers.

But at this time, an obvious black ripple surged rapidly from the direction of the ranger's hut, hitting the light, causing it to completely disappear before it exploded.

The sixth-level magic (divine-like spell) "Magic Devour", this is a cardinal-level powerhouse!


In the underground ruins, five people wearing silver priest robes were looking at the two high priests in the center of the altar.

One of them, an old man with a bald head and many mysterious symbols painted on it, said in an old and decayed voice: "You are all priests who have been blessed by the true god, now is the time for you to show your piety to the true god, lead the priests out, cooperate The knights will wipe out all these lackeys of the evil god of truth."

Another high priest, whose whole body was covered by a silver robe, made a cold voice like winter: "Although I intercepted their call for help just now, except for the people in the nearby Black Forest, they can't see it at all. It seems that there will be no evil god reinforcements coming in a short time, but time is precious, in order to prevent accidents, you must solve it as soon as possible."

"Your will is the will of God, respected High Priest." The five priests replied at the same time, and then they left the temple, led the priest, and a small number of backup knights and knight attendants to the exit of the underground palace.

The two high priests stayed in the temple, on the one hand, to intercept the night watchman's request for help at any time, and on the other hand, to prevent other powerful enemies that might appear, so as to make timely decisions. After all, things are always coincidental and a little weird .

And those night watchmen, with their own strength advantage, are very sure to solve it. If they escape, the dark forest will be a paradise for dark knights to kill.


Although the clown's call for help was intercepted, it was enough for the other night watchmen and fire wolves in the surrounding black forest to confirm the abnormality, so the strangling of the dark knights began to be difficult, and the night watchmen slowly gathered in the direction of the clown, that is, the forest ranger's hut .

A night watchman wearing a white bishop's robe, holding a thick "sacred book" devoutly in his hand, strolled in the black forest. As the "sacred book" was flipped, a huge flame-like light descended from the sky, striking the Hit a dark knight, let him disappear directly.

The fourth-level divine art "flame strike".

What's even more frightening is that the night watchman had just cast the "flame strike" without any buffer. As the "Holy Code" flipped again, a flaming wall of fire appeared in front of him, helping the two night watchmen to resist the attack. Withstand the attack of the Dark Knight.

He is another captain of the night watchman "Code Bearer", a fifth-level bishop-level powerhouse, who willingly gave up the bright and upright life in the sun, and fought endlessly in the dark for the glory of the God of Truth.

In other places, the night watchman who had reacted also started to fight the dark knights. There were explosions and lights, allowing Lucien, who was sitting quietly on the treetop far away, to judge the situation.

Lucien swayed as the treetops swayed in the night wind, and had no intention of approaching the ranger's hut for the time being. Approaching at this time would only involve him in a chaotic battle, so he had to wait patiently for a while. So Lucien supported the branches with both hands, seemingly watching the "fireworks" leisurely.


Relying on the strong defensive ability of the "Red Dragon Scale", Minsk withstood the first wave of assassinations by the Dark Knight. After a difficult support, he finally waited until the "Joker", "Code Bearer" and others gathered.

Of the thirty night watchmen, there were only eighteen left, nearly half of them lost!