Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 892: Darkness and dawn


In the sky, "Ice Witch", "Eye of the Curse" and "Lord of Death" Tananos stood far apart in a triangle. In the center of them was the "Heart of Time" Cthonia, who was no longer so vigorous. And Hoffenberg, a mature man with a pair of cold silver gray eyes.

Neither of these two epic knights held their own long swords, and they were floating there with empty hands.

"It's almost time, I'll go down and cheat the defense." Hofenberg looked up at the clear and clear stars, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"The Cursed Eye" Atlante closed his eyes and said with a smile, "Thank you for your cooperation, Your Majesty."

Unlike Ketonia, Hofenberg was not controlled by the curse of the "Death Lord", and his strength was close to the peak, so he belonged to a collaborator.

Hofenberg's body sank, turning into a silver-gray sword light and flying down, while the voice remained in the sky: "The action begins!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ketonia's body suddenly became hazy, dissipating into sparkling waves, and a silver-gray sword glow appeared from within, violently attacking the "Witch of the Ice Land"!

Hoffenberg's "Sword of Truth" is actually in his hands!

The "Ice Witch" was caught off guard, and only had time to arouse the trigger-type and passive-type defense and flash effects, but the silver-gray sword glow was like a tarsus maggot, lingering, cutting through layers of magic defenses, and smashing a Dao's space transfer effect was shattered, and he directly hit the "Ice Witch".

Slash everything, the sword of truth!

Ketonia completely ignored it, leaving no defense to protect itself, as if the "Death Lord" and "Cursed Eye" next to it didn't exist at all.

At this moment, he only had "Ice Land Witch" in his eyes.

The "Death Lord" watched this scene helplessly. But he didn't do anything, because he seemed to have been moved to another world!

The silver-gray sword light passed through the body, and the body of the "Ice Land Witch" sculpted from ice crystals was torn apart by countless illusory cracks, turning into countless flying fragments. Heavy snow fell leisurely.

The "Witch of the Ice Land" could not believe that "Heart of Time" Cthonia would attack her when she was dying, because he was captured before and was cursed by the "Lord of Death". Immediately, his blood boiled and died.

The source of this curse comes from the legendary peak essence of "Death Lord", and it belongs to the most mysterious kind in magic. Therefore, even gods such as "Lord of Hell" and "God of Silver Moon" are difficult to forcibly untie it without attracting the attention of "Lord of Death", unless there is a god-level magician who directly cracks it.

This is absolutely impossible!

Such a magician has not yet been born!

The snowflakes dissipated, and the "Ice Witch" died.

The silver-grey light transformed by Hofenberg flew halfway, folded leisurely, passed through many time and space, and flashed in front of the "Cursed Eye".

"Cursed Eye" Atlante had already reacted when the "Ice Witch" was attacked, but he didn't come to the rescue. Instead, he cast spells directly to escape. Therefore, when Hofenberg's own silver-gray light hit him, only a scream came through layers of time and space, which did not achieve the best effect.

"It's pretty fast..." Hofenberg said coldly, but he didn't immediately pursue him. Instead, he turned his attention to Tananos, the "Lord of Death", and said in his heart, "Don't blame me, it's only Altor's defeat, you have no hope..."

This is information from more than half an hour ago, which determines his choice. Although the legendary magicians maintain communication from time to time, they do not have the ability to establish voice transmission arrays all over the place. They can only exchange messages through the demiplane at a fixed time. In the fierce battle, Alto's legendary magicians have no time to give information here!

"Death Lord" Thananos seems to be abandoned and rejected by the world. Floating there alone, the sound could not penetrate at all, and this made him understand that he had encountered a god-like.

High in the sky of Kux, one wears a divine crown. A middle-aged man holding a platinum scepter emerged and said peacefully, "You should be honored. The Lord told me to give up chasing dark creatures and come here to execute you."

A magician at the peak of legend, a necromancer with thousands of years of experience at the peak of legend, that is an absolutely terrifying existence, even Dracula and Denissus dare not say that they must be stronger than the "Lord of Death" , even in terms of weird methods, mysterious and changeable methods, strong survivability, and many resurrection methods, the "Death Lord" can beat them by a few blocks.

"Lord of Death" Tananos looked at Pope Gregory in front of him, and suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

The curse planted on Cthonia's body was solved strangely, making him aware that something was wrong, and thus discovered the faint familiarity that the Pope gave him. It was what he had felt from a certain legendary magician many, many years ago. Similar feeling.

Within the scope of Gregory's power, his voice could not be leaked. He raised his head slightly and said a little arrogantly: "You don't deserve to know."

The platinum scepter was raised, and the projection of Heavenly Mountain emerged, and the voice of "You are one and ten thousand" echoed in the air.

The snowflakes that suddenly fell in mid-air made the old fox Arnold tense, and a bad premonition came to his heart through the projection of the "Destiny Lord".

"Run!" he yelled hoarsely.

Everywhere in the swamp, golden knights and sky knights rushed towards them in elemental and light-like attitudes. In the direction of Cooks, cardinals descended under the protection of the holy light. life.

Congus, Nelson, Priscilla, Fernando and other archmages and high-ranking magicians who came back to their senses did not understand what happened, but they still started desperately, all kinds of spells erupted, and also strangled the enemy. At the same time, They have no intention of entanglement. Once they see an opportunity, they immediately activate the life-saving magic. Even if they commit suicide, they must escape from here as soon as possible!

The fighting situation was very tragic for a while.

The old fox Arnold searched for the whereabouts of Priscilla and Fernando, and planned to help them before fleeing.

At this time, Ketonia in the sky saw him, squinted his eyes, swung his right hand vigorously, and the "Sword of Truth" turned into a streamer. It cut through layers of time and space, and hit Arnold in one fell swoop.

"How dare you meddle in this kind of thing with low strength? Wisdom equals nothing." He laughed lightly.

The magic effect on Arnold's body was cut through layer by layer before it could be activated, and the sword light flew through his body.

The cold and tingling sensation paralyzed Arnold's soul, making him subconsciously turn his head to look at Rentat. Confusedly thinking: "Am I finally going to die?"

"Old fox!"

Regardless of his injuries, he fought hard to reach the edge of the encirclement. Fernando, who was about to cast "Chaos Teleportation", watched in disbelief as the old fox was slashed by the silver-gray sword light.

In his mind, the old fox is an extremely cunning old man, no matter what he says, there may be a conspiracy hidden. Never in a hurry, everything is under control.

Shouldn't he have more means and more reinforcements to come back? How could he die like this

A dagger stabbed quietly out of the darkness and pierced Fernando's vest.

The plain near Rentat, deep underground.

Douglas sat in the middle of the square in a daze, thinking about that crucial question with all his heart.

After being busy for a while, he looked up tiredly and looked at the magicians who stayed here.

At this time, several children were running and playing, and accidentally dropped the apple in their hands and flew out.

The apple draws a parabola. Falling irresistibly to the ground of the square, this arc flashed across Douglas's mind like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the entire darkness, and the bits and pieces accumulated in the past instantly condensed an answer.

"I see!"

"The law of the movement of celestial bodies is so!"

Douglas frantically picked up the quill in his hand, and quickly wrote on the parchment beside him.

The magic flames in the entire Allinge were suddenly extinguished, and there was a muffled roar from the ground.

The left-behind magicians looked at each other, completely unaware of what had changed.

Near Rentat. It was night, and it should have been shrouded in darkness, but an incandescent sun hung high in the sky, emitting light and heat.

Behind it, a vast and hazy universe appeared, and the stars were arranged and operated according to obvious and mysterious laws.

"What happened?" The defending knights who hadn't fallen asleep were stunned.

Arnold, who was dying, suddenly saw a sun rising in the direction of Rentat, which was in stark contrast to the darkness here, so he struggled to pull a smile from the corner of his mouth: "Am I hallucinating?"

"Or did he really succeed?"

He was slightly relieved, and was torn into pieces by the sword light of the sword of truth.

Fernando also saw this scene, and tried his best not to be affected by the stun effect attached to the dagger. Then disappear in place through "chaotic teleportation".

"Dawn at Rentat? Douglas' cognitive world semi-solidified? 'Real world' feedback?"

It was his last thought before he woke up.

At the same time, Kux's epic knight "The Restless Wind" joined the fray, intercepting others who tried to escape.

The milky white sea of holy light engulfed the sky, and the body of "Lord of Death" Thananos was a little bit transparent and blurred, which was difficult to reverse.

He sensed a change in Rentat. Smiling slightly with emotion, he said, "The inheritance of magic will never end."

Pope Gregory seemed to be twenty years older, his hair turned gray. He looked at the "sun" of Rentat, coughed and said: "It's just that the cognitive world is half-solidified, at most it's a new legend .”

After the "God's Descent", he just needed to be quiet and didn't want to do anything, so he told Hoffenberg: "You deal with it."

Familiar people fell down one by one, the blood of the old fox splashed on his face, enemies were everywhere in the darkness, and there was no way to escape... Fernando woke up suddenly from the nightmare, feeling pain all over his body.

"Yeah." Someone beside me hummed softly.

Fernando looked around in astonishment, only to find that he was in a spacious carriage. The car was driving very smoothly without any bumps. In the carriage, a beautiful young girl was looking at him expressionlessly.

She has a pair of iconic silver-gray eyes, clear and cold.

"Hathaway?" Although he hadn't seen her for ten years, Fernando recognized her at a glance, and sighed in his heart, the little girl has grown into a great beauty.

Wearing an ordinary white court dress, Hathaway nodded lightly, indicating that it was herself. After thinking for a long time, she didn't think of how to comfort Fernando, so she said directly: "The obstacle of Douglas's legendary realm is gone."

Fernando came back to reality, and growled dejectedly, "What's the use of this? Lord 'Death Lord' is dead, the old fox is dead, Nelson is dead, everyone is dead!"

"What's the use of a new legend?"

Hathaway stared at him for a while, then picked up a book with a thick black cover from the side: "Douglas asked me to give it to you."

"What's the use of a book?" Fernando was in despair, he took the book casually, looked at the cover, his eyes were slightly dull: "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy"!