Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 893: The three meet


""Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy"... This is really Douglas' taste..." Fernando and Douglas have known each other for many years. They often exchange magic knowledge with each other, and have a deep understanding of his naming style.

For some reason, when Fernando read this magic book, Fernando's restless mind suddenly calmed down. Just like every time he studied magic, he forgot the dark and heavy reality and the hopeless and lightless situation, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to it. In this magnificent and colorful world.

It's a pity that it's hard to even have a place to quietly read magic books now, unless you get away from all of this, but how long can you just escape

Fernando's heart was rippling again, but his hand had subconsciously opened the book, and the familiar handwriting jumped into his eyes.

The beginning is the definition of various symbols and scalars. Fernando has participated in the discussion of this part and is no stranger to it. He quickly understood and accepted it. In the following official first article, Douglas directly wrote three laws, and made mathematical preparations.

"Three laws of motion..." Fernando's breathing became a little short, and he couldn't control his emotions. What should have been read silently in his heart flowed out of his mouth.

The three laws that Douglas summed up from things are simple and direct, and people can immediately realize their correctness after a sudden surprise, and suddenly feel "Isn't this nonsense?" Feeling more things, the whole world he knew broke down into countless independent things at once, and they operated and combined according to these three laws!

The mysteries of the world lie in the phenomena that people take for granted. Hidden in the truth that they thought was nonsense!

After reading these three laws, Fernando felt that he looked at the world from a different perspective!

He completely forgot the heavy setbacks before and the despair and mourning brought by the church, and completely immersed himself in the world of this book.

In the second and third chapters, based on the three laws, Douglass discussed and proved the movement of objects in an ideal environment and in the obstructed situation with strict mathematical methods. Fernando's familiar calculus was used as the main tool throughout the whole process.

Fernando didn't find it difficult to read this part of the content. It has accumulated quite a lot. Just wait for the feeling that it will come to fruition after the point is broken.

The more he looked at it, the more he admired and sighed, Douglas's three laws are so perfect! This is definitely the most profound exposition of movement in the history of magic!

But his admiration and emotion didn't last long, and his pupils were completely occupied by the title of the third article: "On the laws of celestial bodies and the system of the universe".

The content of the previous three articles is like the accumulated tide and the foreshadowing of the article, rushing out in this article. Converge a thing called "universal gravitation". Rock-shattering!

and. Starting from this, Douglas discussed the shape of his own planet, the movement of the silver moon, the trajectory of comets, and the tides of the ocean, and then analyzed and constructed a huge cosmic system, including stars, planets, comets, ocean tides and other natural phenomena. system!

"At that moment. The whole world was in front of me..." Fernando forgot everything, and only described his feelings in this sentence in his later notes.

His eyes seemed to be out of focus, a storm was brewing, and countless electric lights were shining.

Hathaway didn't seem to notice the change in Fernando's breath, and she was still quietly holding a pen and paper, checking something. The formulas and content on it were almost the same as the third chapter of "Mathematical Principles of the Philosophy of Magic".

After reading this part of the content, Fernan couldn't regain his senses for a long time. He clenched the book tightly with both hands, with bulging veins, as if he was afraid of losing it.

It is so precious!

It is too precious for a magician!

After a while, he roared: "Gravity! Is this the mysterious force that pulls the stars?"

His expression became anxious, and he took out paper, pen and ink from the storage bag, and began to calculate and deduce by himself.

The result was very clear, consistent with a large amount of astrological observation data. Fernando asked Hathaway excitedly, excitedly and at a loss: "Is this the mystery of our world?"

"Yes." Hathaway nodded in agreement. Although her silver-gray eyes were indifferent, there was a layer of water mist, which was hazy, dreamy, and beautiful. Impressed by the display.

Fernando clenched his fist with his right hand, and suddenly hit himself on the head: "It's not a hallucination, it's not a hallucination!"

His eyes stabilized the spell, and looked at the sky through the curtains that were not thick.

It was late at night, and the stars were densely covered and twinkling brightly, but in Fernando's eyes, there were lines between them, silver-white lines that bound and drove them.

"There is no magic circle with a more beautiful and magnificent pattern..." Fernando praised sincerely and without hesitation.

Hathaway stopped the quill in her hand, and looked at Fernando with her cold silver-grey eyes: "Aren't you desperate?"

Fernando's expression distorted, and his voice became low: "After reading Douglas's "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy", I have a feeling that everything in the universe is under the control of our magicians... Although there is no hope, I want to do it for this The pride, the pride, and the deeper mystery, shed to the last drop of blood."

"Moreover, if we are given time to allow more magicians to understand the laws of the movement of celestial bodies, understand the mysteries of the universe, and master calculus, there will be a blowout of high-level magicians, archmages, and even legendary magicians."

"For example, after reading this book, although I have only been promoted to the eighth ring, I am already sure that I will become a great mage within ten years."

Under the agitation of emotions, Fernando seldom confided his heart.

Hathaway nodded lightly: "It takes time."

Her consistent principle is that things that can be explained clearly in two words never use three words!

"Time, maybe there is no time..." Fernando muttered to himself, his thoughts turning. Analyze the current situation and look for places that can be exploited.

At this time, the carriage stopped slowly.

"Here we are." Hathaway stood up, opened the car door, and flew out.

Fly, fly out? Fernando's eyes widened. When did this little girl become a magician? And there are at least five rings!

The driver who drove the car was Fernando's acquaintance - "Dark Blue Bounty" Sharp. He curled his lips and said, "It was you who led Hathaway into trouble. She sneaked into His Majesty's study and found the information on 'Elemental Will'."

"Elemental Will", a legendary organization in the period of the Magic Empire, died at the hands of "Sword of Truth" Hofenberg. The materials, books and other rumors in it have not been completely destroyed. Instead, it was secretly collected by Hofenberg.

The corner of Fernando's mouth twitched. I only teach math and science, never magic! Don't accuse me!

The place where the carriage stopped was a corner of a secluded manor, and Fernando had just got off the carriage. Suddenly there was a movement in my heart. His eyes turned to the darkness on the left.

In the dark. The tall Douglas stepped out, his appearance seemed to be a little more mature, like a charming gentleman in his forties.

He looked at Fernando and smiled. He said bluntly: "Four things, one, I have become a legend, and it is a brand new profession that I got during the feedback from the real world. I named it 'Magic Chosen'."

"Second, there are still many archmages and high-level magicians who have survived. I have rubbed many copies of "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" and secretly gave them to them."

"Third, in the battle of Alto, the legendary magicians did not die. At least seven legends survived, including the 'Lord of the Deep Cold', the 'Lord of the Abyss', the 'King of the Dark Side', and the 'Soul Conqueror'. Some hid in the dark mountains, some returned to the north, and some disappeared. I am asking someone to send "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" to the "Lord of Deep Cold", and Prince Dracula, Longda of the Ancient Time Legendary pinnacles such as Nissos and Mother Earth have not been compromised."

He paused, and continued: "Fourth, the empire has completely disintegrated, and the power of the church has reached its peak, but this also means that the conflict between the church and the nobles will become more and more intense in the coming time."

The current situation, future hope, and personal efforts are vividly reflected in these four things, which are enough for most desperate magicians to see the dawn of hope!

Even though Fernando had already made up his mind just now, listening to Douglas's eloquence and seeing his confident smile, he still felt the light suddenly appearing in the darkness.

But what surprised him was: "Have you copied "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" to all magicians?"

Although he has been saying before that if more magicians read "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy", their strength will improve by leaps and bounds, but he is very clear that this kind of magic book that contains the mysteries of the world was created during the period of the three magic empires. , is the most precious and most important secret of every magician, the source of their strength over others, the guarantee of their status, wealth and rights, no one will easily share it with others, unless the empire or other magicians Can come up with equivalent, or even more than many times the exchange of things.

For them, this level of magical knowledge is equivalent to life!

But Douglas copied "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" to all magicians so calmly and so carelessly

This simply violates common sense and human nature!

Douglas nodded: "At this time, we must break the rules."

He solemnly said: "Actually, I have never liked the magic communication method of the empire. You should be very clear that the exchange of magical knowledge and the stirring of thinking will help us get inspiration and research more things, and I have a hunch, In the future, magic research will get deeper and deeper into the essence of the world, and it will become more and more difficult, and all magicians must work together, discuss and communicate frankly and selflessly, in order to proceed.”

"I think it is necessary to separate the magic knowledge that can be communicated from the magic knowledge that can be privately hidden. Well, the former should focus on the principles of magic, the essence of the world, etc. Maybe we can give it a new name, well, it The mysteries that come from the world are called 'arcanes'."

"Arcane?" Fernando repeated, feeling something old and decayed being blown away by the fresh, cool breeze.

Just do it! Anyway, there are not so many old guys pointing fingers!

"Arcane." Hathaway lowered her head slightly, pondering the meaning of the term.

"Arcane..." Sharp whispered a little puzzled, wondering why Douglas was obsessed with creating a new term that was useless under such a dangerous and difficult situation.
