Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 897: The Dignity of Nobility


Late at night, in the luxurious bedroom of the main house of the manor.

Xue Li's father paced back and forth with a livid face, and complained to Xue Li's mother: "It's all your good idea! Say something about agreeing to the marriage contract, let that lowly boy start to contact the aristocratic circle, hurt his confidence, and make him He took the initiative to leave Shirley, but what happened? He grabbed it even tighter!"

"Who knew he was so shameless!" Xue Li's mother said with a gloomy face.

Shirley's father snorted: "You have seen too little of the world, and you don't understand human nature at all. This kind of poor boy only wants to become a nobleman through marriage. The more we show him, the more he is full of desire. How could he leave on his own initiative? ?”

"You know everything! You know everything! Then you still agree with my idea and agree to the marriage contract?" Shirley's mother yelled sharply, "Tell me, what can you do? Shirley is like being enchanted He controlled his mind and refused to listen to any persuasion! He even threatened me with his life!

Xue Li's father's expression became gloomy, and he said, "Of course I can do it."

Shirley's mother froze for a moment: "You have a solution? What solution? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

A series of questions exposed her panic, anxiety and resentment.

"I have someone observe this kid. He is very interested in herbalism and potion compounding. He often goes to the swamp to find exotic herbs." Shirley's father raised his right hand with a gloomy face, "After a while, Get a mercenary to follow him to the swamp, and, click..."

He made a gesture to pinch his throat.

"What? You want to kill him? Aren't you afraid that Shirley will hate us for the rest of your life? Are you afraid that she will commit suicide? She often threatens us with her life!" Shirley's mother asked in a voice.

Xue Li's father showed a sinister smile: "How could she doubt us? We are good parents who have been softened by her and agreed to the marriage contract. If you want to kill him, how can you agree to the marriage contract?"

"You..." Shirley's mother suddenly realized, "That's why you agreed to the marriage contract?"

"Well, otherwise, how could I give in?" Shirley's father nodded, "At today's banquet, those young people who liked Shirley seemed very dissatisfied with the poor boy, Shirley should regard them as suspicious Object, jealousy has always been one of the main factors in crime."

"Very well, I don't want to see that poor boy again!" Shirley's mother smiled with satisfaction, "Honey, you are so smart. When I plan to do something, I have to watch Shirley."

Shirley's father shook his head: "Don't worry, as I said, jealousy has always been one of the main factors of crime. Those boys are all from noble backgrounds. They have always been daring to common people. They can do anything, so observe first. For a while, maybe they can help us accomplish our goal? Then we don’t have to take the risk to find the adventurer ourselves. Hehe, I promised this banquet is for this purpose.”

"You're always right." Shirley's mother smiled and nodded.

In a room of the main house of the manor.

The three noble children who were the most provocative in the previous banquet quietly gathered together.

"Andrew, I can't contain my anger." One of the noble children with natural curly hair said angrily.

The tall, fat young nobleman named Andrew said with a gloomy face: "Me too! Yes, I like Shirley very much, but I haven't gone crazy if I don't get her, so if she marries another nobleman, I will only be sad and sad, and will not do any drastic actions, but, but, she actually wants to marry a commoner boy, a boy who has no hope of stimulating blood! This is an insult to my personality and an insult to the dignity of nobles. How am I going to face other people at a banquet? 'Yo, Andrew, you can't even compare to a commoner kid?'”

"Yes, I can't wait to kill him now!" Another young man with amber eyes shook his fist heavily.

The aristocrat who spoke at first nodded vigorously: "I am the same as you, but now that poor boy is Shirley's fiancé, if we want to do something, I am afraid that it will excite Baron Brunzel and his wife. Broad reach."

He looked very upset, Brunzel was Shirley's last name.

The room suddenly became quiet, falling into an unspeakable silence.

Suddenly, Andrew snorted coldly: "This kind of thing can completely be done without us."

"Huh?" The other two looked at him suspiciously.

Andrew smiled and said, "I know a night watchman, as long as he accuses the poor boy of being a magic apprentice."

"Is he a magic apprentice?" the amber-eyed young nobleman asked in astonishment.

"Whether it was in the past or not, it will definitely be in the future." Andrew said viciously.

oh! The other two nobles were no strangers to this trick, and they immediately understood what Andrew really meant.

"But what if Baron Brunzel went to rescue him?" The natural scroll nobleman asked a question.

Andrew laughed and said: "Since the church occupied Alto, those magicians have been hiding more secretly. Many night watchmen haven't killed evil people for a long time. It is said that the upper level of the referee is a little dissatisfied with this, and they are afraid that the bottom night watchmen will lose value, so , as long as there are clues from the magician, this part of the night watchman will definitely not let it go, as long as the 'evidence' is obtained before Baron Brunzel saves people, and the poor boy confesses by himself, how dare the baron fight against the tribunal and the church?"

"If there is no 'evidence', then the baron can't bear the torture and 'death' before saving someone. Anyway, he is just a commoner, and no one will really pursue it." The amber-eyed young nobleman supplemented and perfected the plan.

The nobleman with natural curly hair was a little worried: "But in this way, will the night watchmen get used to 'making magicians', and will they get on us?"

"Idiots, we are aristocrats!" Andrew cursed, "Okay, everyone gather some 'Gentaler', so that we can easily convince the night watchman I know."

While the three were actively discussing, there was a maid standing outside the door. She was holding a tea tray in her right hand, and her left hand was frozen in the air, maintaining the posture before knocking on the door.

Her face was pale, her ears shook slightly, and she could hear the voice inside clearly.

She is a human with a special bloodline. Although he didn't inspire his blood and became a knight, he was a bit peculiar since he was a child, and his hearing was outstanding, so he was sent by the Brunzels to serve as a guest room.

Holding her breath, the maid turned around quietly and left the door step by step. After passing the corner, she quickened her pace and headed for the master bedroom.

"Very good. You did a good job. I will take care of this matter. Don't tell Miss, lest she worry." Baron Brunzel said with an "indignant" expression.

Hey, this program is awesome. Just past tonight and tomorrow day. No matter what I do. Nothing could save Vicente's life, Shirley, don't blame me. There was nothing Dad could do... He rehearsed in his heart how to comfort Shirley, um, when Vicente was arrested, he would bury the maid in the garden.

Do things without leaving any loopholes.

Early the next morning, the maid who had a nightmare woke up early and brought breakfast to the guests, only to find that Andrew and other young nobles had already left at some point.

"They started to act?" The maid thought with a little worry in her heart. Miss Shirley was gentle and kind, and she had a good attitude towards her servants. She never beat, scolded or tortured her. If her fiancé died, she would definitely be very sad. Is it too late for adults to stop

Worried, she unknowingly walked to Shirley's bedroom, and heard a soft female voice humming a cheerful and happy melody.

"Miss is very happy..." She subconsciously thought, should I tell her about this, let her inform Mr. Victor to hide for a while, and come back only after the baron settles the matter

In her impression, Andrew's family was much more prominent than the baron, so she was a little worried that Baron Brunzel would not be able to stop it in time.

She lingered at the door, still unable to make up her mind, one side was the lady who was very kind to herself, and the other side was the baron's orders.

Suddenly, the door of the room opened, and Shirley looked at her in astonishment, not understanding why she appeared in front of her door.

After the atmosphere froze for a while, Shirley said softly: "Niss, what happened? Can I help you?" She thought that Niss came to ask for help.

Nisi shuddered all over, and made up her mind in the soft caring voice. She quickly looked around and said in a low voice, "Go into the room and tell."

The door was closed, and Shirley heard Nisi tell the whole story.

Her face suddenly turned pale, and her heart was flooded with worry. If it was just a false accusation, she believed that there should be no problem if she begged her father to come forward. However, there were several corpses hidden in Vicente's basement. A few corpses decomposed by him!

If the night watchman finds out, who will believe that he is not a magician except himself

However, his parents were not very satisfied with Vicente. Under normal circumstances, it is still possible to rescue him. Under such circumstances, they would never guarantee Vicente.

No, Vicente must be notified, asking him to destroy those corpses, or throw them back into the swamp! Shirley paced back and forth anxiously, and decided to rush to Vicente's house.

It's not that she doesn't want faster servants or guards to go instead, but how can she tell others about the corpse!

Inside the new cemetery.

Oliver and another burial man were left here by the bald man George, because the "gravekeeper" was just buried in the cemetery today, and the city hall and the church couldn't find a replacement for a while, so George was asked to guard it for two days , Once you find signs of undead creatures, immediately light the fireworks so that the night watchmen can come.

George would not stay in this eerie cemetery by himself, so he left Oliver behind: This damn kid dared to seduce my daughter, I have to let him understand that I am the manipulator of his fate!

If he wasn't worried about Oliver escaping, he wouldn't even arrange for another burial person.

During this period of time, Oliver was tortured conservatively and suffered unprecedented pain. His arrogance and complacency gradually disappeared from his young face, replaced by a numb and bearing expression, and his heart gradually became mature.

"Only love is the only candlelight in this miserable world..." He sighed with emotion in a low voice. Although George's daughter was not beautiful and not the type he liked, she warmed his desperate heart.

Looking at the companion next to him who seemed to want to fight with others at any time, Oliver decided to go out for a walk.

"If you dare to escape, I will catch you back and bury you alive!" Another buryer threatened him viciously.

Oliver was in a bad mood again, and he was beaten a lot during this time. After leaving the "Grave Keeper" hut, he paced slowly in the cemetery, and the strong corpse odor could no longer affect him in any way.

"The silver moon is so beautiful, but I am so miserable..." Oliver raised his head and looked at the bright silver moon. He suddenly became emotional and poetic, but when he was about to write a sonnet, his feet Suddenly the ground was empty, and a scream came out from the mouth, "Ah!"

Crack, clatter, a cemetery collapsed directly, exposing countless white bones and carrion, and the laziness of the burying people created pieces of unstable ground.