Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 898: Rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry


In the dead of night, the new cemetery became colder and colder. The breeze blowing by was enough to make people shudder. Therefore, the loud collapse sound was carried far away with the wind. The burial man ran over quickly.

Then, his growl woke up Oliver, who was stunned from the fall: "Damn bastard, look at what you did! If you don't fill this place tonight, I'll fill you in! x!"

He swears, stares viciously at the confused Oliver, then spits on Oliver, turns and returns to the hut.

The sticky saliva hit Oliver's forehead. He was so disgusted that he almost vomited, but soon, it almost became real. He opened his mouth and vomited heartily to the side. All the food of the day gushed out, even Bile welled up.

Because he found that his body was covered with corpse fluid and sticky rotten meat, holding a half-rotten stomach with his left hand, and a solid leg bone with his right hand.

Such a scene is simply more irresistible than any nightmare, and it makes people sick to the stomach!

Oliver hastily threw the intestines, stomach bag, leg bones, etc. aside, held his breath, resisting the smell of corpses and decay that were many times stronger than usual.

Suddenly, a light blue light flashed away, attracting his gaze.

"Huh..." Oliver is a person with keen senses. He looked at the angle of sight just now, and was surprised to find that the leg bone had cracked many small gaps, and a faint blue light shone inside the gaps.

Curiosity and anticipation made him forget the filth and stench, his own situation, and even his movements became slow.

He moved carefully to the leg bone, and slowly picked it up.

There is really blue light overflowing inside!

Oliver has gone through hardships and matured a lot. At this time, he didn't directly check what it was, but followed several corpses, climbed to the edge of the grave, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one, he opened the surface of the leg bones along the small gap.

Pieces of broken bones fell to the ground. The azure lake-like light dyed the surrounding area hazy, dreamy and blurred. Slowly, a light blue scepter with crystal clear body appeared in Oliver's hand.

"This, what is this?" Oliver opened his mouth halfway, not knowing where he was.

Then his first thought was to hide this scepter, which seemed to be of great value at first glance, so as not to be discovered by George and the other buryers.

All property recovered from the body was to be handed over to George, who would distribute it uniformly and in honor of the town hall officials and priests in charge of the new cemetery. Therefore, the valuable things that Oliver found from the hiding place of the corpse were snatched by George several times. Even his salary was not paid by George on the grounds of deducting the money to buy him. Dayton was barely hungry.

Oliver just wanted to bury the scepter nearby. When there is hope of escaping in the future, I will dig it out in exchange for money, but suddenly find that the light blue crystal is like a short stick made of sea water, with densely packed words engraved on it.

As a teenager aspiring to a career in theater. Oliver studied various languages and learned the customs and cultures of different countries since he was a child. Therefore, he recognized at a glance that this is the Sylvanus language, one of the three common languages of the ancient magic empire!

"If it weren't for the information given by Mrs. Audrey, I would know a few words in this area at most..." Oliver was having inexplicable thoughts in his mind at this time. After reading a few sentences, he found the correct reading order and found that this It turned out to be a "Meditation Method", and at the end it recorded the place where the owner of the staff hid his treasures!

"The 'Earth Fire Feng Shui' elemental meditation method. The magician's meditation method?" Oliver has also heard many stories about bards, and in the dramas he watched, there are many evil magicians persecuting nobles and commoners. The contents of joint down. Therefore, there is some speculation about the source of "Meditation", "Could it be that a magician engraved the location of his treasure on the staff before he died, and then hid it in his corpse, or in the thigh of someone else's corpse... Maybe, maybe He's been burned by the Night's Watch... maybe he wanted to leave it with someone in particular, but that person never came back..."

Oliver has a romantic spirit since he was a child, and he has an unknown yearning for the mysterious and weird magician who is hunted down and oppressed. Do any depraved and evil deeds.

But everything he encountered in Rentat made him doubt the Lord from the bottom of his heart: Why didn’t the Lord protect me when I was suffering like this? Why would the Lord's shepherds conspire with villains like George? Why can priests, nobles, and rich people be buried in cemeteries with separate tombs and coffins, while poor people can only be thrown into such graves no matter how pious their beliefs are

Is this the justice of the Lord

That being the case, why can't I get out of the current predicament with the help of a magician

As long as no one knows, as long as I become rich in the future, am I the most devout believer of the Lord

Emotions such as longing and resistance struggled violently in Oliver's heart, but the church-style education he received since childhood made him choose to hide the staff in the end, and use it in exchange for help when he meets priests and night watchmen in the future, so as to escape from the miserable world. In the future, magicians will either fall into the endless pursuit of the church, or worry and fear all day long, and don't know the joy of life.

After hiding the short staff next to the tombstone and leaving a special mark, Oliver limped towards the collapsed grave. It had to be filled up tonight, otherwise he would definitely be beaten.

"Oh, I can't sleep tonight..." Oliver just thought of it, and suddenly there was a huge force behind him, which made him fly into the air and fell heavily into the mud. His whole body hurt, especially his back.

"You fucking slacker, you haven't worked yet! Do you want me to beat you to death? X!" The buryer Goodson cursed while punching and kicking Oliver, feeling like he was going to die.

Oliver could only follow his previous experience of being beaten, tightly protecting his head with his hands, shrinking his body like a shrimp, letting his fists and toes rain down.

After a while, the buryer Goodson seemed to be tired from the beating, he gasped a few times and said, "Get up and work! Otherwise, I'll throw you down!"

finished. Without waiting for Oliver's answer, he staggered towards the gravekeeper's hut, completely ignoring Oliver's ferocious expression, staring at the front with bloodshot eyes, staring at the tombstone with the special logo.

If this goes on like this, sooner or later he will die, anyway. I will drag you with me even to the death!

He slowly got up, walked to the tombstone, dug out the short staff, hid in the grave, read it carefully, memorized the content, and then hid it in his chest.

Then he climbed out of the grave, picked up the shovel Goodson had left behind, and sprinkled earth into the grave.

After doing this for half an hour. He carried the shovel and walked towards the "gravekeeper" hut with a faint flush on his face. His steps were very light, as if he was afraid of waking up the "buryer" Goodson.

After entering the hut, Goodson asked vaguely, "Have you finished your work?"

Is it too fast

"This shovel is a bit blunt, I'll change it." Oliver's voice was intermittent. Appears cringe.

Goodson scolded the bastard and said, "Remember to sharpen both shovels after work."

They can't afford ironware, which is issued by the city hall.

"Hmm." While speaking, Oliver had already walked behind Goodson. The light of the silver moon shines on Oliver through the empty window without glass or window paper, staining him with a layer of silvery white, and making the opposite wall stand out with a black figure holding a shovel high!

The shovel fell heavily.


Goodson's screams were only half a sound, and then stopped abruptly. He never thought that that rich kid who cherishes life, that weak and stupid boy, that cowardly guy who only knows how to lie to girls, would actually Dare to kill yourself directly!

Although he was not asleep. But I did not expect such a situation at all!

His face was frozen with horror, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't close them no matter what.

Oliver braced himself with a bloody shovel. He spat a mouthful of thick phlegm into Goodson's head.

"Are you fierce? Very fierce? Stand up? Aren't you going to bury me? Come on, come on and bury me!" Oliver asked frantically.

After a few minutes, he gradually calmed down, bent over and searched for dozens of copper fils on Goodson's body, and then replaced his dirty body with his clothes.

Afterwards, Oliver held the shovel, pressed the short staff hidden in his clothes with his left hand, walked out of the gravekeeper's hut with a gloomy expression, and slowly merged into the darkness outside.

The sound of the wind was sudden and the night was darker. There was no one in the new cemetery, only the bones on the ground.

Shirley rushed to the village in a panic, but before she could go to Vicente's house, she was stopped by a peasant woman in the territory.

"Miss Shirley, don't, don't go there, Vicente, Vicente is actually a magician! It's a good thing you are not married yet!" the peasant woman said in a flustered but relieved voice.

Boom, Shirley seemed to be hit by a thunderbolt, and held the peasant woman dizzily, "Vicente, why is Vicente a magician?"

Has the Night's Watch arrived yet

"Miss Shirley, you don't know how horrible it was just now. There are many corpses hidden in Vicente's basement. He is really, really a terrible evil magician! Thanks to the masters of the church for noticing it..." The peasant woman was quite eloquent. , the description was quite clear, but Shirley could be heard to be on the verge of collapse.

"Where's Vicente? Has he been caught?" Shirley tried hard not to faint.

The peasant woman looked terrified: "No, I heard that I went to the swamp early in the morning!"

Huh, Shirley breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Vicente is alive, he still has a chance!

It seems that because of the excitement of last night, he went to the swamp early in the morning to find special herbs, fortunately, fortunately!

Shirley finally got rid of the peasant woman and hurried back to the manor. She really wanted to go to the swamp and tell Vicente to hide for a while, and come back after her father settled the matter. Anyway, he is not a magician, so he will hand over his magic Books are enough, but she is very self-aware. She knows that as a noble lady, she is completely unfamiliar with the area near the swamp. If she goes there by herself, not only will she not be able to inform Vicente, but she will probably get stuck there.

Therefore, she was going to ask her own guard to notify him. Before the guard knew the news of Vicente's investigation, she asked him to notify Vicente to avoid it. The excuse was to avoid the revenge of several nobles.

As soon as she walked into her garden, Xue Li suddenly saw a figure jumping out.

"Shirley, do you think this flower is beautiful? I found it in the swamp!" Vicente looked forward to the praise with a happy expression, holding a bunch of scarlet flowers in his hand.