Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 899: Just dogs


Shirley was so startled that she almost screamed, then, looking around in a panic, she stepped forward and grabbed Vicente's hand.

Vicente was bewildered by her unusual reaction and had no idea why she reacted in this way.

Shirley tried her best to keep her voice down, restraining her own fear and panic: "Vicente, run away, the night watchman found the body in the basement of your house."

"What?" The bad news hit Vicente like a meteor, and it happened so suddenly that he couldn't believe it, even though the news came from Shirley, who he loved and trusted the most, "Impossible, it's impossible , How did the night watchman know that there was a corpse in the basement, and why did he come to check on me?"

If the actions of the night watchmen could be so strict as to investigate the situation of every household, then there would have been no magicians in this world, and there would have been no night watchmen long ago, because they were all exhausted and exhausted.

Shirley saw that Vicente was in a state of confusion and was unable to take effective actions, so she had no choice but to tell the whole story, but she tried to condense it into one sentence: "Andrew and the others felt that their dignity was insulted, and they asked the night watchmen to investigate you and planned to kill you." Died in the interrogation room, my maid just heard their plot."

"It turns out to be like this, it turns out to be like this... I'm not a magician, I don't want to be a magician... Why did they force me..." Vicente was so angry and panicked that he almost collapsed.

Shirley didn't want to delay Vicente's hiding time, so she kept a long story short and said, "Don't worry, I'll let Dad come forward to guarantee you. As long as you accept the inspection, the Lord will understand that you are not a magician. However, these few days you first Go to the swamp and find a hidden place to hide, so that Dad has time to communicate with other nobles and the church."

Her orderly words and not very flustered performance made Vicente gradually stabilize his mood: "Okay, I'll listen to you, Shirley."

At this time, he can only pin his hopes on Baron Brunzel, and it is not that no nobles have sponsored suspects of magicians before. Of course, get checked at the end. It is necessary to confirm whether you are a magician.

"I don't have time to prepare clothes and food for you. You have to be more careful these few days. If Dad's actions go well, I will ask the guards to carve the marks on the trees at the edge of the swamp, which are the marks we agreed upon." The two of them The relationship between Baron Brunzel and his wife was strongly opposed by Baron Brunzel, and even letters could not be exchanged for a period of time, so some simple imprints were gradually agreed upon. Tell each other about your condition, and now, these imprints can come in handy again.

Suddenly, Vicente's expression became a little tense: "I seem to see a few black shadows swaying outside your manor?"

He has cat-like pupils. Their eyesight is much better than that of ordinary people, but at this time they are hiding in the garden, surrounded by many plants, it is difficult for outsiders to directly spot them.

"The night watchman is here..." Shirley whispered to herself, as Vicente's fiancée. She had no doubt that the night watchman would come to investigate, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

Vicente became very nervous. Although there are many plants in the garden, once you walk in, it is not difficult to see the two of you easily!

Hide in other houses in the manor? But the night watchman will definitely search one by one!

Go around in circles. Escape quietly

Just when he was flustered, Shirley raised her head suddenly: "Vicente, you hide here first, I will pretend to go to the west of the swamp to find you, and distract the night watchmen, and in five minutes, you will go to the east of the swamp through the side door of the manor. "

"This, but, you will be very dangerous..." In the minds of ordinary people, the image of the night watchman is as terrifying as magicians, demons, and devils.

Shirley shook her head resolutely: "It's okay, I'm a nobleman, at most I'll be interrogated a few times, Vicente, hide quickly!"

Outside the manor, the captain of the night watchman team "Mad Dog" ordered his team members: "Spread out and guard different directions of the manor to prevent the evil magician Vicente from escaping. The 'beast trainer' and I went in to check and search. "

Under such circumstances, the night watchman code-named "Beast Tamer" is much more useful than others, and the "magic creatures" he tamed can come in handy.

"Captain, all the information points to the swamp. We are here only to investigate the swamp area where Vicente is often active. Don't be so troublesome?" A member of the team thinks that this is too time-consuming, and the manor does not need to be searched and blocked for the time being. Interrogation is clear, and then going to the swamp is the correct way, lest someone secretly inform Vicente to hide in the depths of the swamp, and given the environment there, it means that unless all the night watchmen of the principality are dispatched, otherwise the captured Very little hope.

Although there is a "crazy" in the nickname of "Mad Dog", it is extremely serious and cautious at this time: "At any time, you must not abandon the rules of the night watchmen rounding up. You must block it before entering the manor. You can be sure that only Wei Is Sente a magician? Can you be sure that his fiancée has not been deceived and corrupted? Can you believe that Baron Brunzel did not secretly raise a magician?"

A series of questions made the team member too ashamed to lift his head, so he could only apologize continuously. If the captain really went crazy, he would suffer a lot.

No wonder the captain would take the whole team out to hunt down a young magician. It turned out that he was worried that the nobles would be involved in this matter.

"According to previous investigations, Vicente and Miss Brunzel have a very good relationship. As long as we keep an eye on her, maybe we don't need to go deep into the swamp." "Beast Tamer" added.

At this time, "Mad Dog"'s nose twitched, and suddenly gave an order: "Each hide!"

The team members obeyed his orders unconditionally and scattered into the fields, woods and creeks outside the manor to hide.

After half a minute, a figure came out quietly from the gate of the manor. She was wearing maid's clothes and a black gauze hat on her head. The hazy black gauze hung down, covering her face.

She looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no one there, she quickly but panickedly walked towards the swamp.

"It's Shirley, she can't hide from my nose." "Mad Dog" said to "Beast Trainer" with a smirk.

The "beast trainer" smiled miserably and said, "She should have gone to the swamp to inform Vicente. She would not dare to entrust such matters to maids and guards."

Ordinary people who have no relationship will only choose to stand on the side of the Church of Truth!

"Hey, you're right. It seems that this task can be easily completed." "Mad Dog" had an extremely cruel smile. It was a reward from the referee and a reward from Andrew. What a double harvest! If, if you can make things bigger and involve more people. That credit is even greater!

Seeing that Shirley's figure was about to disappear at the end of the road, he blew a strange bird-like whistle. Let the team members regroup.

"Let's follow her, and the 'beast trainer' stays to monitor the manor, in case Baron Brunzel has any emergencies here." "Mad Dog" ordered.

"Okay, Captain." "Beast Tamer" replied humbly. He had quite a few "babies". Although he couldn't monitor the entire manor, he could focus on observing the gate and Baron Brunzel.

In order to prevent Vicente, "mad dog" also has helpers such as teachers. He set off with the whole team except the "Beast Tamer", quietly following Shirley, and followed her through the green fields and sparse woods, and gradually resisted the swamp filled with black mist.

suddenly. "Mad Dog"'s eyes widened suddenly, because he saw Shirley turning back leisurely, not even reaching the edge of the swamp.

"What secret method did she use to contact Vicente?"

"No! I was cheated!"

The "mad dog" who was burning with anger realized that it was too late to rush back, so he jumped out from the hiding place with his team members and surrounded Shirley.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" Shirley snapped. Like a noble lady who met a commoner at a banquet.

"Mad Dog" touched his nose with a gloomy face, "Miss Shirley, where is Vicente?"

"I don't know, how do I know? He disappeared after arriving in the swamp today." Shirley tried to calm herself down.

"Then what are you doing here?" "Mad Dog" felt that he couldn't control his anger more and more.

Shirley said coldly: "Come to look for him, but after seeing the swamp. I understand that this is not a place for a noble lady like me to play, so I decided to go back, and let him die in it!"

"If you insist, I have no choice but to bring you back to the referee." The eyes of "Mad Dog" were blood red.

"How dare you! I am a nobleman!" Shirley shouted.

"Mad Dog" sneered: "What about nobles? As long as they are related to magicians, nobles will also be tied to the stake. Bind her to me, and I will let her know that the torture of the court is not so good!"

"You lunatics, my father will protest to the church, you wait to be punished!" Shirley screamed in disbelief.

"Let him protest!" "Mad Dog" did not back down.

"What? The night watchmen took Shirley to the tribunal?" Baron Brunzel asked in surprise, astonishment and annoyance.

After confirming the information, he was furious: "This group of lunatics will stop paying attention to nobles! Will they obey the laws of the principality? I'm going to church, I'm going to find Lord Viscount!"

He rushed out angrily.

Half a day later, he came back with an expression of disbelief. Facing Madam's repeated questions, he just said dejectedly: "How could this be? The church doesn't pay attention to our nobles' opinions at all, and even, even threatened me, saying If I have a problem, I will be arrested together."

"Are the people in the church crazy? Aren't you afraid that the nobles of the principality will rebel?" Baroness Brunzel couldn't believe it either.

Baron Brunzel shook his head, and said dumbly: "Resistance? Is resistance useful? Can it beat the church?"

In the interrogation room of the referee, the shrill screams of women have been echoing.

"Have you revealed Vicente's whereabouts yet?" "Mad Dog" asked the interrogator.

The interrogator said with a gloomy face: "No, she is tougher than everyone I have ever seen. Her body is completely broken, and she still refuses to confess."

"Then directly cooperate with magic." "Mad Dog" said ferociously.

The interrogator looked at him in amazement: "She will die, she is a nobleman."

"It's okay, it's just a nobleman." The attitude of the church today made "Mad Dog" more daring, and decided to concoct a great contribution. Anyway, their marriage with a magician is definitely not a good thing, and the Lord will approve of him doing so.

The interrogator froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's time for those nobles to recognize their identities, they are just our dogs."

As he strode into the interrogation room, the screams slowly turned into nightmarish screams, and by the end even the screams died away.

"Dead, what a pity, such a beautiful lady." He walked out with a look of excitement and enjoyment.

The interrogation room was quiet and silent, as if a girl named Shirley had never been sent in.