Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 9: tough start


Lucien looked at the strange scene in front of the tavern with a smile, and walked towards the door with doubts. The morning is the most deserted time in the tavern.

At the entrance of the tavern, a slender girl was peeking in, her long pale golden hair swaying slightly as her head turned left and right, but when she turned her head with a sigh, she was startled: "Lucien ?”

Another one who knows me and I don't? Lucien was already quite used to this situation, and said with a smile, "Are you at the tavern so early?"

The girl's wheat-colored skin immediately turned red: "I just heard that a new bard has come to the Copper Crown Tavern. I'm curious, and I want to come and have a look before I help my mother. Well, time is running out. I go first."

Seeing the girl rushing away, Lucien let out a soft groan. It seems that the bard's appearance or singing voice are extraordinary.

However, this had nothing to do with Lucien himself, so he gently pushed open the half-open door of the tavern and walked in.

The dark space, the strong smell of wine, the crackling wooden floor, and the messy tables and chairs, these are Lucien's first impressions of the Copper Crown Tavern, walking in from the outside in a refreshing and bright morning , like coming to another world.

It took Lucien a while to get used to it before he saw clearly where the bar was.

There were several hangover men in the tavern who were woken up by the sound of Lucien stomping on the floor. After cursing in a daze, they lay down on the table and continued to sleep soundly.

Only a man in his thirties with a hooked nose, wearing a long black tight coat, sat quietly on a chair by the bar, slowly drinking a glass of amber wine, giving Lucien a gloomy look. Feel.

Regarding Lucien's arrival, the gloomy man just glanced at it for a while, then continued to taste the wine in his glass.

Lucien looked around, and soon saw the dwarf behind the bar, who was sleeping soundly. He was sitting on a high stool with his head leaning against the bar. The long beard got wet a lot.

Seeing that there was no external force, the dwarf didn't seem to wake up for a long time, so Lucien could only bend his fingers and tap on the bar counter.

Amidst the mumbled curses of the drunken men behind, the old dwarf swayed, slowly raised his head, and said with blurred eyes: "Hey, Lucien, you finally grew up and finally understood Good wine is the meaning of life, come, have a toast, and toast to our new guests!"

"Uncle Coen, it's dawn." Lucien considered addressing him.

Cohen rubbed his eyes, looking at the dim light around him: "I'm not drunk, don't try to lie to me, it's obviously night, what a beautiful night."

After a meaningless conversation, Cohen finally woke up completely: "Lucien, there are not many things suitable for you to do, and there is no long-term job for the time being. Other things, one is at nine o'clock in the morning, the market The small Gucci store in the district needs a batch of goods from the warehouse to the city gate area. There is a shortage of manpower and three copper fils. They are left with the worst black bread."

"There is one more thing. The Musicians Association is doing a big cleaning today. There is a lot of garbage that needs to be sent to the Belen River outside the city. You can rent a four-wheeled cart and go there at 1:00 p.m. It's good to earn eight copper fils back and forth, of course, need to give three copper fils to the Aaron gang."

"After one o'clock in the afternoon, there were several similar things, but unless you are a knight, you can't rush back from outside the city."

Lucien nodded. The Musicians Association is the best job. At the same time, he speculated in his heart: "The seven coins on me should be copper fairs."

"Uncle Coen, is there anything else that pays better?" Lucien asked curiously.

Cohen laughed loudly: "Hahaha, of course there are, but none of them are suitable for you. It requires a real man to fight with his life and strength. Lucien, you are still a child who dare not drink ale."

Then he pointed to the open space in the middle of the tavern, and became a little serious: "The Dark Mountain is the biggest treasure, there are three, five, six, seven every year, forget it, I really can't count, anyway, there are many, many mercenaries and adventurers They entered the Dark Mountains, but only a very small part of them finally came out..." Cohen hiccupped, "Of course, they all got rich."

"Don't underestimate these mercenaries and adventurers. There are many real knights among them, even great knights." A soft and magnetic voice sounded behind Lucien, and the end of each sentence was very strange. Upward, presenting a unique rhythmic beauty, giving people a sense of temptation and elegance.

Lucien hurriedly turned his head, and saw a silver-haired man walking out from the side of the tavern that had been turned into a hotel. He wore thin-leg pants, a red jacket, and a high-necked black jacket. He was obviously very formal, but he seemed to be wearing a formal attire. Very lazy and casual, with deep and delicate facial features, silver pupils, a strong nose bridge, thin lips, coupled with a head of silver and soft hair, charming and handsome, seeing him, as if seeing the beauty of the silver moon at night .

Holding a harp similar to Joel's in his hand, the young man walked over slowly.

"He is the new bard?" Lucien guessed in his heart, and then asked suspiciously: "The knights are real nobles, why would they go to the dark mountains to take risks to find wealth?"

Cohen said hello: "Hey, Rhine, want a drink?"

"I only drink at night." Rhine smiled and sat down beside the bar, "In many countries in the east, there has been no war for two or three hundred years, and the need for knights is not so urgent. After all, it takes a lot to confer a knight. Manors and lands were bestowed, so even if the common people aroused their blood power, they could at most obtain the status of knights, but could not become real nobles. Some of them went to other countries and became knights of other countries, and some went to Waor The Principality of Ritter is the closest place to heretics, heretics, dark creatures, monsters, etc., come to make meritorious deeds, and come to find wealth."

"In addition, there are many poor knights who went bankrupt, knights who escaped from crimes, noble knights who obeyed family precepts and toured the mainland, and those who inspired blood power, but because of their dark nature, they were not recognized by the church, and even hunted down. dark Knight."

Cohen muttered a few words, a little unhappy that Rhine didn't accompany him to drink: "Lucien, this is the new bard Rhine, Rhine Calendia, he wanders around and is well-informed. , have just escaped the enthusiasm of the Trian ladies, and come from the Kingdom of Syracuse."

"The Kingdom of Syracuse?" Lucien smiled and nodded to Rhine. The Dark Mountains are so dangerous that even many real knights died inside. Therefore, Lucien temporarily gave up his idea of taking risks for wealth. , A clear understanding of one's own strength is very important.

Cohen laughed loudly, his long blond beard shook violently, and his wrinkled dwarf face said with a kind of ambiguity that men can understand: "Yes, it is the passionate, unrestrained, and love is above everything else. Old Kingdom."

When Rhine appeared, a drunk woke up, stumbled to the bar, hiccupped, and asked full of yearning and envy: "Rhein, ladies and gentlemen of Tria, is there such a thing as in the legend?" Beautiful, um, so warm?"

With a faint smile, Rhine said in her own unique, elegant, and rhythmic tone: "Well, they have bright eyes like morning stars, long hair as smooth as silk, lips as delicate as roses, and lips like milk." The skin is tender and smooth, and the body is covered with charming perfumes, and several countesses and viscounts even exhaled warm and moist fragrances in my ears, inviting me to visit their secret manors."

The drunk asked expectantly: "Then you went? What's it like?" His breathing became short of breath.

Lucien is no stranger to such scenes. When a group of men get together, it is always necessary to discuss women. While listening with great interest, he is thinking about how to ask Cohen about learning characters.

Rhine's expression did not change, and he replied with a faint smile: "I told them, I don't like dirty things that have been used by people. I only love beautiful, pure, and clean lives. Whether they are male or female, they are It's the tastiest thing in the world."

"Pfft, Rhine, you really know how to brag, ladies and ladies would accept such an insult?"

"Haha, if you really said that to the ladies of the court, I'm afraid you'd have been thrown into that famous prison in Tria, hiccup."

"Many of those noble ladies are knights. If you dare to answer that, Rhine, you will be torn to pieces."

Rhine didn't care about the laughter of Cohen and the drunk, and shrugged slightly: "So, I fled from the Kingdom of Syracuse to Alto."

Cohen kept laughing and pounding on the bar, waking up all the drunks. Amidst the scolding, he shouted loudly: "Thank you Rhine for making up a good story, so that we can welcome the new day happily, let's have a toast!"

These three or four drunks were very sensitive to "a toast", and they immediately came over giggling and stumbled over, took the ale from Cohn's hand, and held it up high: "To the braggart Rhine, a toast!"

After the commotion, Cohen saw that Lucien was still there, and asked in surprise, "Lucien, do you have anything else to do?"

Lucien organized his words and said carefully: "Uncle Coen, I have a new idea after the past few days. I want to learn characters."

"Hey, learning to write? Could it be that our little Lucien was also infected by the Rhine and started bragging?"

"Words, oh, that is a lofty and extraordinary ideal!"

"Lucien, leave them alone, men don't have dreams, hiccup, you might as well die!"

Cohen laughed for a while, then looked at Lucien: "Do you really want to learn characters? You don't have any foundation. It is said that it will take at least two years to learn characters initially. Do you have so much money and time?"

"No matter how many thorns lie ahead, if you don't take this step, you will never be able to move forward. Uncle Cohen, I have already thought about it." Lucien replied seriously, and for a person who has experienced many years of study and knows The method of learning, the most important thing is that adults who can speak this world language fluently may only need a month or two to learn the characters.

Cohen saw that Lucien was so serious, so he replied solemnly: "If you are young, you can go to the monastery to learn characters and knowledge through the selection of the church. Now, you have to become someone else's apprentice and sign a ten-year contract. , or spend your own money to study at a scholar's house. Of course, becoming someone else's apprentice does not necessarily mean you can learn characters. Five silver nars a month, more than ten scholars are willing to teach."

Lucien subconsciously ruled out the method of becoming someone else's apprentice. This is not a matter of a ten-year contract. Once he decides to learn magic, the contract does not need to be abided by at all. It is easy to become an apprentice and learn, eat and live with the master every day. It would be inconvenient to reveal his secrets and learn magic, so Lucien seemed to be talking to himself and asked, "Five silver gnars?"

Cohen nodded: "Well, five silver nars, unless you are busy from morning to night every day and only eat the worst black bread, it takes more than half a year to save enough, and how much can you learn in a month? Really? To learn words?"

"Yes." Lucien replied firmly. According to this calculation, one hundred copper fils is equivalent to one silver gnar.

It was a really tough start.