Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 900: I will return


Various strange plants grow in a mess in the muddy swamp. Some of them look like ordinary trees. The canopy blocks the sunlight, but the roots are like human beings, with two legs wrapped in blood-colored vines, digging into the mud. I don't know where to stretch, there are many similar creatures, each of which adds countless mysterious and terrifying colors to the swamp.

Vicente hid behind a half-person-high stone. The silt under his feet was dry and firm, which is rare in this area, and his nose was filled with a stench that made people dizzy.

At this time, he slumped on the ground without daring to move, and looked forward tremblingly. On the black mud, a boa constrictor as thick as a bucket was swimming towards him. With an unusual green light, the terrifying aura made all the surrounding swamp creatures stay far away.

Vicente, who has dealt with corpses all the year round and started dissecting them recently, is not timid, but his reason can hardly resist the menacing aura emanating from this unusual boa constrictor. This is an instinctive reaction of the body. For ordinary people who are not even knight attendants or magic apprentices, it is impossible to get rid of it.

His legs were limp, his whole body trembled, his teeth creaked, and Vicente wanted to turn around and run away, but he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so he could only watch the python approaching him a little bit.

In the past, he had never stayed in the deep swamp for so long. He usually followed the familiar road, carefully looked for special plants nearby, and then returned immediately, but this time, he had lived here for five full days, picking plants along the way. The fruit is almost finished, so naturally, I also encountered one of the terrifying creatures in the depths of the swamp.

The black python approached Vicente leisurely, as if preparing to enjoy today's lunch, gradually. The distance was getting shorter and shorter, its strange skin covered with patterns and scales, and the stench in its mouth were deeply imprinted in Vicente's mind.

Just when Vicente was in despair, the front half of the giant black python suddenly stood upright, its crimson tongue stretched and contracted with a circle of green light, and its pair of giant eyes stared fixedly at the mud behind the stone.

A few minutes passed. The black python turned around and fled in a hurry!

Vicente looked at this scene in disbelief. This terrifying giant python escaped just like that? I haven't done anything yet!

After staying there for a long time, Vicente cast his eyes on the mud behind the stone, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind: "Could it be that the magic book I buried and that pale hand frightened the monster away? But they are still there In the mud!"

Gradually, he had a guess, maybe the black python's senses much stronger than his own touched the "breath of death".

Perhaps, in its eyes, the side of the stone has become the underworld or hell!

After Vicente recovered. Trying to resist the urge to dig out the magic book, he walked out of the swamp along the secret path he discovered.

After half a day, he quietly hid at the edge of the swamp, but there was no familiar mark on the trees.

"Could it be that the matter is so troublesome that the baron can't guarantee it?" Vicente thought dejectedly, after all, before the results were produced. To be caught desecrating a corpse is standard evil, even if you're not a magician. They will also be tied to the stake.

Sighing, he decided to wait another five days, and returned to the swamp, gathering food along the way.

"What? Shirley is dead?" Baron Brunzel looked at the night watchman in front of him, as if he was still in a dream.

This night watchman has two huge eyes, a broad forehead, and a mouth full of canine teeth. When he is not speaking, he gives the impression of being simple and honest, but when he speaks. If the canine teeth are exposed, it is extremely ferocious, so. Seeing this appearance, Baron Brunzel was like a nightmare.

"Mad Dog" drew a cross on his chest: "Yes, she died under the magic spell in order to keep the secret of the evil magician."

"You are crazy, crazy! You actually tortured her!" The baroness screamed first.

Baron Brunzel maintained his last sanity, stared at the night watchman and said, "In other words, Shirley didn't say anything, that is to say, she was a pure believer before she died, and you don't have any evidence! "

The anger in his chest was raging, even if he crashed to death in front of Kux’s gate, the Grand Duke and all the nobles had to prove this problem. The night watchmen of the church are crazy, and they must be contained and eradicated!

"Mad Dog" drew a cross again: "The Lord told us that only the power of the devil can make her survive the torture and confess nothing, and only the power of the devil can make her die before she is about to confess and keep her secret , Therefore, your daughter is undoubtedly lured by the devil to fall and have an affair with a magician."

"Crazy, really crazy..." Hearing these preposterous words, Baron Brunzel felt more and more unreal in this world, so that he didn't growl, refute, or attack.

"Mad Dog" chuckled: "Based on this, we have reason to suspect that you are in collusion with the magician. It is proof that you agreed that Shirley married Vicente, an evil magician. Please come back to the referee with us. This is the Lord's decision." The will of the bishops is the order of the bishops."

"What?" Baron Brunzel and his wife felt that the sky was falling and the earth was falling. Before they could digest the tragic news of their only daughter's tragic death, they encountered the crazy night watchman again.

The night watchmen rushed forward and arrested the Baron and Baroness.

"No, you let go, we are nobles!"

"We are nobles!"

In a villa in the city, Andrew and his two companions listened to the report dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? How could Shirley die?"

"They didn't have any evidence, so they arrested the baroness?"

"In the future, they can treat us like this..."

The faces of the three were extremely pale, and their bodies trembled involuntarily. The "false accusation" against Vicente by themselves and others seemed to lead to a monster more terrifying than the devil. It was the night watchman named Pure Faith!

"Hmph, their bones are not as hard as their daughter's." The interrogator walked out with a chilling smile.

"A good result?" "Mad Dog" asked urgently.

The interrogator nodded: "A few years ago, during the stalemate in the Battle of Alto, they secretly contacted a magician, but after the death lord was killed by the Pope, they severed this contact."

"Very good. This shows that our way of fighting against evil is very effective, and we have dug out the hidden degenerates of the Baroness couple." "Mad Dog" is very proud of his method of arresting people first and then interrogating them to find evidence. He believes that he will wait for the vigil People have the most pious beliefs, and can directly identify fallen people without external evidence, so this style of doing things is most suitable for themselves and others, and of course, it is also convenient for making credit.

The interrogator chuckled, "I've long since disliked those vacillating nobles."

"Hang their daughter's body on the stake for a week. See if you can lure Vicente." "Mad Dog" grinned. "As for them, I think the executioner's hands can't wait."

Andrew anxiously paced back and forth in the hall, waiting for news from Kux. His two companions were slumped on the sofa, completely unacceptable to such a situation.

"Master, there's news from Kukus, telling the nobles to exercise restraint." The butler walked in panting.

Andrew stopped and fell weakly on the sofa: "I knew it. I knew it..."

Maybe they couldn't see clearly before, but after the night watchman captured the baroness and his wife, when they were furious, they discovered in horror that even if all the nobles unite, they can't compete with the church's clergy and night watchman!

Dong dong dong, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who?" The butler asked in surprise.

"I'll get my pay." "Mad Dog" appeared at the door.

Andrew and the others jumped up in fright: "You?"

"What? Want to renege on your debt?" "Mad Dog" had a kind smile on his face.

"No. No, this is the final payment." Andrew took out a money bag full of quintale.

"Mad Dog" tossed the purse and weighed it up: "Not bad. Very sincere."

Then he said with a half-smile: "Thank you for this incident, Mr. Andrew, you let us understand our own strength."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Andrew standing in place as if petrified. The open door was blown by a breeze, which made Andrew feel cold physically and mentally.

A few days later, Vicente dived out of the swamp again, but still did not find the mark.

"Did something happen?" The more he thought about it, the more worried he became, and decided to go back quietly to have a look.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he sneaked back to the village where his family was. Just as he was about to "kidnap" a child to question carefully, he suddenly heard two peasant women talking.

"Hey, Miss Shirley is so pitiful. I don't believe that she was tempted to fall by the devil..." Under the propaganda of the church, even a peasant woman knows how to use such a literal word as temptation to fall.

"Yes, Miss Shirley is so gentle and kind, just like an angel, it was the damn Vicente who lied to her, otherwise she wouldn't have died in the tribunal and was tied to the stake..." Another A peasant woman agreed.

Dead, dead, Shirley dead

The news hit Vicente's brain like a sledgehammer, making him dizzy and almost falling out of his hiding place.

The following conversations with the peasant women made him understand what happened. His face became extremely pale, his eyes were expressionless, and he swayed back to the swamp without knowing what else was going on around him.

Perhaps it was the blessing of the goddess of luck that he walked back to the depths of the swamp alive.

"No!" After a long time, there was a heart-piercing scream in the swamp, more mournful than the lone wolf Xiaoyue.

Vicente's face was full of tears, and his eyes were full of extreme hatred. He lay on the ground, digging the soil vigorously with both hands, and the blood seeped from the nails, staining the area red.

A few minutes later, two mysterious books with black covers and a pale palm appeared in Vicente's hands.

The rest of the expression on his face had faded away, leaving only numbness, despair, and resentment.

"You didn't come?" "Mad Dog" secretly looked at the corpse on the stake.

"Beast Tamer" laughed: "Such a simple trap is easy to see through. Magicians are very cunning."

"Poor girl, she values feelings so much." "Mad Dog" spread his hands.

The stake was only used to "purify" the living, so no corpse was burned.

Many citizens around looked on, spurning this evil person who colluded with the devil and the magician. Only a very few people who knew Shirley sighed secretly, but they dared not defend her.

In the crowd, a man with a "dark face" looked at Xue Li's body with loving, pity and self-blame eyes, then gritted his teeth, turned around, and walked towards the gate of the city without looking back.

After leaving the city gate, he suddenly took off the cross he was wearing on his chest, and held it so tightly in his right hand that the tip pierced his palm, and the surface was stained red with blood.

He calmly inserted the cross on the wall beside the city gate, and then walked towards the gradually dim distance at a slow pace.

I will return!

I'll be back to bring you back to life!

I will return with death and destruction!