Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 901: treasure


On the wasteland, weeds are overgrown, and bones can be seen everywhere.

Under the protection of a dozen mercenaries, a small business group shuttled through this dangerous area and headed towards the Kingdom of Briana.

This wasteland is the junction of the Kingdom of Holm and the Kingdom of Briana, surrounded by mountains, where magical creatures are rampant, and there are rumors that the "Great Holm Governor" hundreds of years ago, " The Territory of Viken, the Disaster King - he is not stationed in Rentat like the previous and subsequent governors, but is conducting his own experiments near the edge of the Arthur Empire. Therefore, on this wasteland , there are many strange creatures, it is said that they are all defective products of Viken's experiments back then.

Of course, after Viken disappeared, powerful magicians including several of his disciples failed to find his "half-plane entrance" here, so that no one knew why he disappeared, and no one got his inheritance and magic items.

Many magicians sighed at this. A magician who is said to be close to the pinnacle of legend, a master of bloodline research, must have unimaginable wealth and knowledge in his demiplane, but it was annihilated by time. in the long river.

"There are always a lot of similar stories. Even today, there are many adventurers wandering in the wilderness and deep mountains who want to get Viken's treasure." Hassan, the vice-captain of the mercenary team, said to his subordinates with contempt and yearning. , "They don't even have to think about it with their own butts. Even if the goddess of luck is blessed, they really found the entrance to Viken's demiplane. Do they have the strength to get the treasure from it?"

"Viken's title is 'King of Disaster', he is good at bloodline research and body modification, I dare to bet with this bag of wine, there are definitely mutant monsters close to legendary strength in his demiplane and magic tower, tsk. Maybe Viken The demiplane of people has been discovered long ago, but those people have become the food of monsters."

His subordinate was a well-mannered and handsome young man, his expression changed darkly and uncertainly, and then he forced a smile: "They were all blinded by the light of the treasure, and swallowed their wisdom."

"Oliver, your words are always so interesting, you are worthy of being a bard." Hassan patted the shoulder of the boy beside him.

After getting along for three or four months, he discovered that Oliver could speak. Able to do things, apart from the fact that he likes to hang out with women, he is a rare good subordinate, but then again, who doesn't like to hang out with women for a man who chooses to be a mercenary? Of course, except for the pervert who likes men.

At this time, the captain of the mercenary team, Grigella, said with a cold face: "Don't discuss this kind of thing near the caravan in the future, and be careful not to be heard by the night watchman."

"We're just telling legends." Hassan replied angrily. Is this about the night watchman

Gregera snorted: "I heard from the nobles of the caravan that the night watchman has been crazy for a while, and many mercenaries were burned to death as evil because of wantonly discussing the legend of the magician. "

"Really?" Hassan was taken aback, and Oliver, who was thinking about his own thoughts, couldn't believe it. It's true that the Night's Watch is crazy, but when did they get so crazy

"You'll know when you try it." Grigera casually answered the question Hassan didn't expect the answer to, and then gave Oliver a meaningful look. He is still full of guard against this new member who has only joined the team for a few months. He must be hiding something, maybe he is an important fugitive. If he is not sure that he has nothing to do with magicians, and he does not have the most basic apprentice-level mental power fluctuations, he This guy has been tied up and sent to the referee a long time ago, be careful to live longer!

The captain suspects me? Oliver shrank his neck, lowered his head, and secretly decided to leave the team before the end of the "journey".

Since Rentat's escape, he has fallen into a dangerous and tense life. Although he is just an ordinary murderer and has nothing to do with magicians, he cannot enjoy the treatment of being hunted down by the night watchman. But various mercenaries, adventurers, and sheriffs forced him to fight head-on several times.

Fortunately, he has gone through hardships and is no longer a rookie who doesn't know anything. He has taught himself a lot of fighting skills, coupled with being smart and carrying all kinds of strange powders on his body, he escaped from danger and fled to the Kingdom of Holm Bian Bian, began to "be a new man" - a petty murderer like him is not yet eligible to enjoy the treatment of being wanted by the entire region. After arriving in a remote place, he will naturally be safe.

The various dangers he experienced during this period told him that if he had no strength, he could only wait for death, so he had turned his back on the God of Truth and he really started to try meditation!

But as of today, he still hasn't entered the meditative environment described.

In this regard, he was not flustered or frustrated, because according to the records on the staff, it takes six months to two years for people with good talents to control their spirits and enter that blank and ethereal state, and he has just tried to meditate for four weeks. more than a month.

"But what are the four elements of earth, fire, feng shui? How do they make up so many things?" As a young man interested in drama, Oliver's thinking has always diverged, so while walking, he thought about what came out of learning meditation. All kinds of inexplicable problems.

After the caravan moved forward for a while, Captain Grigella looked at the surrounding environment, announced the camp, and arranged for Oliver and others to keep watch at the same time.

It was midsummer, but there was still a cold wind blowing over the wasteland, making people think that it was late autumn, and they felt chills all over.

Oliver sat by the fire, looking at the stars in the sky, while thinking about his own thoughts: According to the records on the staff, the location of the treasure is nearby!

He had already seen the obvious strange rock, the blood-red strange rock that looked like a creeping demon.

He fled all the way in this direction, definitely not without purpose!

What Hassan said before caused a storm in his heart. He almost thought that he was looking for the half-plane entrance of "Disaster King" Viken. Fortunately, he was still clear-headed and knew the gap between legend and reality, so he temporarily positioned his target on the Some magician who once lived here—a magician who settled here in search of Viken's treasure.

As the night deepened and the wind became cooler, the other two mercenaries on patrol came back and kicked Oliver's body: "Get up, it's your turn!"

They stretched out their hands towards the fire, showing a satisfied expression on their faces.

Oliver shook the dagger in his hand, smiled at his companion, and said, "Shall I patrol this side first?"

"What's the point of arguing..." the mercenary muttered and shook his head, then turned and walked to the other side.

After patrolling to a secluded place, the smile on Oliver's face disappeared, he held his dagger tightly, and left the camp directly, sneaking towards the strange rock.

"It takes ten minutes to exchange the patrol area, and you must enter the place where the treasure is before that..." Oliver's spirit was highly concentrated, and he had an unprecedented sobriety.

Three minutes later, he arrived at the strange rock without attracting the attention of the night watchman mercenaries, and reached out his hand to caress something in the gap between the stone and the ground.

One minute passed, but he didn't find it, and another minute passed, and he still didn't find it. Oliver's forehead gradually seeped dense cold sweat, but the more nervous he became, the clearer he became, and his movements were not stiff or flustered at all.

Suddenly, his face brightened, and the movements of his hands quickened, dug out a lot of soil in the crack, then took out the blue crystal staff, and stretched it in.

There was a crisp click, and the staff seemed to be embedded in something metal, and then, a faint blue light came out from the gap, dyeing the nearby weeds in an extremely strange way.

Silently, a hole was cracked in the wasteland behind the strange rock, which was paved with dark gray stone bricks.

Oliver took out the staff, entered the cave in two steps in three steps, and ran to the depths frantically, because according to the staff's records, there is a mechanism that closes the entrance inside, which also needs to be activated, and he must be in the mercenary Get it all done before you get here, so you can get through safely.

Da da da, the sound of footsteps echoed in the passage, and Oliver saw the rotunda ahead.

There are several stone rooms around the round hall. The doors of the rooms are wide open, and the inside is clear at a glance. Some are filled with strange plants that are about to break down, some are full of bookshelves, and some are stacked with dazzling gemstones. , too beautiful to behold, like a dream.

"Hailan Stone... Sun Stone... Cryolite..." As an ordinary person, Oliver's eyes were naturally attracted by the brilliant light immediately. The deep blue like sea water, the golden yellow like the sun, and the clarity like ice made the room "Inscribe" the word "vault".

"Get rich..." Oliver had seen similar gems at the lady's place, and naturally understood their preciousness.

"Haha, get rich!" A rough voice sounded behind Oliver.

Oliver turned around in astonishment, just in time to see the captain Gregoria walking towards him with a long sword in his hand, excited and greedy.

"Captain..." he yelled blankly.

Grigera laughed and said: "Yes, I know you have a problem, I have been thinking about the end of the mission and I will drive you out of the team, but I don't know that you are a good problem, thank you, let me get this treasure, haha, I am alive For more than thirty years, I have never seen so many gems!"

"Thank you for the blessing of the Lord, I have not forgotten to pay attention to you, thank you for leading the way, let me find the treasure, so, to express my gratitude, I allow you to die here." He drew a cross on his chest, intending to share the secret !

Holding the dagger and staff, Oliver backed away in horror. He had no confidence in defeating the captain who was only one step away from the rank of knight.

Gregoria counted the time, decided not to delay any longer, and rushed over with the long sword in hand.