Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 902: rub shoulders


Oliver can also be regarded as a "warrior" who has experienced several life-and-death situations. At the critical moment, he was not so frightened that his hands and legs were numb, and he had no ability to resist.

However, his strength was much worse than that of the captain Grigera. Grigera effectively used the length of the long sword to perform a series of slashes, which prevented him from approaching, unable to take advantage of the short sword, and could only be passive. He raised his sword to resist.

Dangdang, after a few crisp sounds, the dagger fell to the ground with a bang, and the tiger's mouth in Oliver's right hand was split open, blood oozing out.

Grigora grinned grimly, stepped forward, and slashed across with his long sword, narrowing the range of Oliver's dodge step by step.

In just a few strokes, Oliver found himself forced into a corner, no matter whether he was going left, right or forward, he had to face the gleaming long sword.

Are you going to die

When the long sword fell, Oliver's scalp was numb, and something seemed to burst out of his body, which made his eyes bloodshot. He unconsciously clenched the only thing in his hands with both hands, and faced the long sword.

Pop, there was a muffled sound, and Oliver took another step back, leaning against the cold wall, more blood spilled from the tiger's mouth in his right hand, staining the crystal blue staff with blood.

"Hmph!" Grigera didn't care. Oliver couldn't even beat him with a short sword, let alone a nondescript short staff now.

The only thing that shook his spirit a little was that this crystal clear staff seemed to be quite precious, if it was chopped off, he would definitely feel heartbroken.

However, he changed his mind to the gems and possible magic items in the room, and the wavering quickly disappeared. Anyway, there are so many valuable things, so if you lose this short staff, you will lose it. You must hurry up and kill Oliver, and find the mechanism to save him. The entrance is closed to prevent others from snatching the treasure with yourself!

As soon as he made the decision in his heart, his long sword had already been cut, and his rough movements became more delicate. He opened the short stick and stabbed Oliver's chest straight.

Looking at the shining sword point, Oliver burst out of fear, and felt that the whole world became extremely slow, and the sword point stabbed towards his chest like a snail, but only his thinking was so fast, and his body and Gregor's length The sword is as "slow", and he can only watch the long sword stabbing towards him little by little, unable to react at all.

Are you going to die

I don't want to die!

For a short moment, Oliver fell into a strange ethereal state, and then he made a snapping sound as if a string had been broken in his mind, and then he felt something in his soul surging out, flowing to The azure scepter held tightly in both hands.

Click, there was a strange "cracking sound" on the short stick, Oliver only felt that he had rushed through a door, and his whole body was surrounded by a sea of tiny silver and white lightning.

Clap clap!

Silver arcs shot out from the sceptre, hitting Grigera's vital points without hindrance.

Grigella's face and chest were quickly scorched black, and the long sword stabbed Oliver's body but could only slide down powerlessly, only creating shallow wounds.

How could I die... He stared blankly at the short staff in front of him that was still emitting electric sparks, and his body fell limply to the ground.

He has long confirmed that Oliver is not a magic apprentice, even if the short staff is a supernatural item, he certainly cannot use it!

But how could this be? Grigella's eyes were wide open, and he died with regret.

Oliver held a short staff in both hands, his back was arched like a shrimp, panting heavily, his head throbbing in pain, wishing he could hit the wall to death.

It took him a while before he recovered, and slowly raised his head. There were faint bloodstains at the corners of his eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

"It was my breakthrough in meditation, the shock of mental power when I became an apprentice inspired the short staff?" He was thinking a little dazedly, "But shouldn't the short staff have a core imprint? Could it have been erased long ago..."

He shook his head, and looked at Grigera with his short stick tightly in both hands, and saw that the formidable captain who usually made him afraid was lying here lifeless, his face was black, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't die anymore up.

Oliver was not at ease. He squatted down and carefully inspected Grigera's body. After confirming that it was correct, he looked at the short staff in shock, confusion and joy: "Is this the power of magic?"

After that, he quickly calmed down, closed the entrance, found another secret exit, and then packed the books, items and gems in the storage bag left by the mage, and left here.

It's not that he doesn't want to settle here temporarily and improve his strength first. It's because there is no food here. In a few days, he will starve to death here, and more than 90% of the creatures on the wasteland are better than He is strong, but they prefer to kill each other.

Two days later, Fernando came to this wasteland, intending to find the "Dance of Confusion" organization that retreated here. As far as he knows, although "Eye of the Curse" Atlante cannot hide during this period, he is not reconciled , integrated many small organizations to make up for the loss of "Dance of Confusion" in the last incident.

If not, he would have no news at all, and he would not be able to come here.

Of course, he didn't know the specific location of the "Dance of Confusion", and he could only be brought in if he got nearby and passed the test of a magician who was spying on him.

"Hey, there are traces of the opening of the magic mechanism here." The madness of the night watchman recently made Fernando choose to proceed cautiously and dare not fly boldly. Therefore, within the range of mental induction, he suddenly found a relatively obvious trace. It seems that there is no trace of effective processing when the rookie left.

"Could it be that there are some magician's relics hidden here?" Fernando's mood suddenly changed. It wasn't that he was greedy for money, but that the "Continental United Council of Magicians", which was not known to many people, really lacked foundation, not only lacked materials, but also Lack of money - the most severely damaged by the Cux change was the Union of Magicians. The two surviving vice-chairmen divided up the organization's inheritance. They don't know where they are hiding now, leaving it to Douglas and Fernando. Only the "Sky City" Allinge was in ruins. If Hathaway hadn't sponsored a large sum of money, Fernando's communication with other organizations this time would have been shabby.

So he stopped moving forward, cast spells, created "secret magic eyes" and other things, carefully inspected the surroundings, and began to crack the magic mechanism after confirming safety.

About half an hour later, with a click, a gate collapsed on the hill.

After checking it, Fernando flew in like a fire, only to find that most of the gems, materials, and items had disappeared, leaving only a few corners.

"Hey, it's a bit late. If you meet the rookie from before, you can definitely trick him, er, introduce him to the council." Fernando sighed rather sadly.

From the magic books that were taken away, as well as the remaining traces of the battle, he preliminarily determined that the one who took the treasure was an apprentice-level rookie through prophecy spells.

The valleys were thick with vegetation and shrouded in a thin, ever-changing mist.

Erica was holding the thick book with black cover, reading the content on it fascinatedly, and calculating something from time to time.

"It turns out that we are on a planet..."

"Gravity is the essence of the forces of the earth?"

"Is the earth element the source of gravity?"

"The planet turns out to be like that..."

"No wonder we land when we jump..."

Thin exclamations and discussions echoed around Erica, and magicians discussed "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" either excitedly or frowning.

This book subverts their understanding of the world, giving them a sense of disillusionment and awakening that the world is like this.

If it weren't for this groundbreaking content without precedent, many of them would definitely perceive the world to be shaken, or collapsed or frozen. Even so, they still have the feeling that their three views have been refreshed.

This world is actually like this

This world turned out to be like this!

Looking up at the dots of stars peeking out from the mist, they seem to have seen the mysterious and mysterious trajectory of the stars. Everything is no longer so irregular, but "under control"!

Erica read it for a while, put the book down, rubbed her head, and looked exhausted. Reading this book is really painful, especially when reading this book with insufficient knowledge!

She was once taught calculus knowledge by Douglas, but at that time she only laid a foundation, and many of them were still hazy, so it was extremely difficult to learn "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy". She wanted to write to Douglas for advice, but found that she was temporarily unable to contact her It's his time.

Seeing Erica rubbing her head, the magicians around rushed over like rabbits one by one, their eyes focused on her face, and they begged, "Erica, it's time to teach us calculus!"

"What should I do with this score?"

"Spell model is handled in this way by calculus?"

One question after another was like flies flying around Erica's ears, making her brain more confused and her mood more irritable.

But looking at the helpless expression of men, women, and children, her heart softened again. Yes, I have a foundation in calculus, and I can learn by myself while watching, but they don't understand anything. They can only barely look at gravity. related description.

At the same time, she felt a strong sense of pride. There are many high-level mages and mid-level mages who are usually stronger than herself, but they all have to ask her for advice. Not long ago, His Excellency Atlante even asked Ask yourself the knowledge of calculus, calculus is indeed an epoch-making progress in the field of mathematics and science!

Erica looked around at everyone's expressions, and suddenly there was an uncontrollable joy in her heart. After the fall of Alto, all her companions were numb and desperate, like undead creatures, but the book "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" Books are like a lighthouse in the dark, illuminating the darkness, dispelling despair, and filling them with a little hope. It's not that the magic is not strong enough, it's just that we haven't done enough before! The understanding of this world is still too far away!

Hope is not extinguished, and the inheritance of magic will never be cut off!

The corners of Erica's mouth curled up quietly, and she began to worry about happiness, explaining calculus to her companions.

At this time, a magician flew in and asked the archmage who was in the crowd: "Mr. Vice President, there is a high-ranking magician named Fernando who is asking for an audience in the mountain hut. He has passed the inspection, can he come in?" ?”

Before the vice president could answer, Erica stood up suddenly: "Mr. Fernando? He is very good at calculus!"

That's what Mr. Douglas said!

—Most magicians don't know that Douglas has been promoted to legend.

"What? Very good at calculus?" Without saying a word, all the mages in the valley disappeared completely, and all rushed out, leaving only the mage who reported the message looking at Erica blankly.