Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 903: I'm here to pick you up


A wooden house is located in the middle of the mountain, surrounded by strange trees, rocks and forests, beasts howling and birds singing incessantly.

With a sullen face, Fernando paced back and forth in the hut, thinking about how to organize his words when he meets the first-level president of the "Dance of Confusion" organization, how to avoid himself from being sarcastic and laughing at the other party, if possible, the last Well, let's meet "Eye of the Curse" Atlante again. Although he is not the leader of this organization in name, everyone knows that he is the real manipulator behind the scenes.

Suddenly, Fernando's heart moved, and tens of hundreds of magicians flew over under the induction of the mental force field.

This situation startled him, and a translucent force field wall suddenly appeared around him, and the spell to break the space blockade was ready to go.

What are they going to do? So many people besieging me? But why is it so vast and mighty, so that I have a chance to escape

Such doubts reverberated in Fernando's mind, until he saw a few acquaintances—senior magicians he had met before mixed in, with eagerness rather than hatred on their faces.

"Fernando, I heard that you are very good at calculus?"

"Can you tell me how to deal with this?"

"What do you think about gravity?"

Questions came out of the mouths of the magicians, weaving into noises that were even more exaggerated than the howling of birds and animals, making Fernando's ears buzzing and his heart indescribably irritated.

"Enough!" A thunderous roar erupted, completely suppressing all the noise.

Fernando is not as gentle and kind as Erica, caring for others, and snarling is one of his specialties.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and Fernando raised his face and said, "How can I explain calculus after such arguing? And how do I know your current progress?"

He didn't care that this was someone else's house, there were many high-ranking magicians on the opposite side, and even archmages who were stronger than him, forcibly put on the appearance of a stern teacher.

For him, above the arcane arts, there is only the difference between knowing and not knowing, without the aura of their respective identities and strengths!

After shocking these magicians. Fernando said solemnly: "I'm here to discuss some issues with you, Mr. President of 'Dancing in Confusion'. When the matter is over, I will stay for a few days depending on the situation, and sort out and explain the basics of calculus from the beginning. As for gravity Regarding things, let’s wait until you have digested the previous ones.”

As a senior magician, he is qualified to prove how valuable "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" is, how profound the description of the world is, and how shocking it is to magicians, so he expected similar reactions.

only. What he didn't expect was. will reach this level!

It seems that my prediction is not bold enough!

His words brought the magicians of "Dance of Confusion" back to their senses. Everyone was very surprised. It was one thing for him to ask for advice boldly, but it was another thing for him to prepare to explain it so frankly. Shouldn't knowledge of calculus and gravity be their top secret? Just teach us nothing

In doubt, a certain magician reminded Fernando: "Your Excellency the Cursed Eye changed the 'Dance of Confusion' into 'House of Wizards', which means the union of many organizations."

"Who is the president?" Fernando asked directly.

As soon as the words fell, another magician flew in from a distance, and he said loudly: "Mr. Fernando, Your Excellency 'Cursed Eye' invites you to see him."

Fernando froze for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

That's good too, so as not to convince the president, you have to go through Atlante again.

The meeting place is not in Atlante's demiplane. It is a garden full of flowers of various colors in the valley.

"Frankly speaking, I thought of detaining you before, and getting the complete knowledge of calculus and the detailed interpretation of gravity directly from you." Atlante said with his eyes closed, smiling like a spring breeze.

Fernando curled his lips, not at all jerky when he saw His Excellency Legend: "They are indeed worth doing. However, this is knowledge that will be shared with all magicians."

"All magicians?" Atlante asked with a smile, as if everything was under control.

Fernando snorted: "Yes, Douglas believes that the understanding of the world, the grasp of laws, and the dialysis of principles require the participation of more people and more exchanges in order to achieve better development. Therefore, he will This part of knowledge is defined as arcane, that is, something that can be shared with other magicians, while detailed magical knowledge about spell models is a personal secret, and it is only shared according to personal wishes."

"Arcane?" Atlante didn't smile for the first time, showing a thoughtful expression, "It sounds like Douglas wants to establish a purely arcane communication organization? Is this his definition and classification?"

"For the time being, it is not that deep, such as how to motivate researchers, but this is indeed the wish of Douglas and us, and we hope to build a solid 'magic building' on top of this organization of arcane communication. They are collectively called 'All Continental United Council of Magicians' to jointly resist the church." Fernando did not hide his purpose, nor did he skillfully draw out the topic, but directly expounded.

Atlante nodded lightly: "I'm very interested in purely arcane communication-type organizations. I need to look at the 'magic building' behind it."

With "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy", one of the most important books in the history of magic, which magician would not be interested in a purely arcane communication organization? Of course, at that time, they will definitely weigh the knowledge they share according to the situation.

"I'm not surprised by your answer, really." Fernando said sarcastically, he was only willing to take the benefits, and he was unwilling to take responsibility. This was one of the important reasons for the collapse of the Magic Empire in the early days. Blurred Dance', uh, 'Wizard's House' is pulled into this exchange organization, as for the future, I believe you will choose the right direction." We will show the only hopeful path leading to the light!

Besides, after arcane communication has been going on for a long time, this academic organization will naturally have a cohesive force. Naturally, some people are willing to consciously maintain it, and it will be much easier to integrate it later. This is Douglas' conspiracy. Fernando knows it, and Atlante knows it too, but Can't resist the temptation.

Atlante suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils were as deep as a starry sky: "I'll wait."

"Douglas should have been promoted to legend?"

"Yes, 'Magic Chosen'." Fernando tried hard to resist Atlante's eyes.

The communication between the two was simple and quick, and they reached an agreement very quickly. When Fernando left the garden, he suddenly felt a little disappointed. Back then, the old fox had worked so hard to win Legendary cooperation, but his own persuasion was so easy, except In addition to the huge impact of "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy", it also lies in the changes in the situation, and it also lies in the fact that he has a legendary magician behind him as a solid backing, while the old fox does not.

A year later, Fernando, who had made a big circle around Storm Strait, returned to the "Hull" manor that Hathaway had provided, and met Douglas again.

"What's the attitude over there in 'Hell'?" Fernando didn't say hello and went straight to the point.

Perhaps because of too much work, Douglas's hair became a few more gray, and he said solemnly: "I stayed in the 'Burning City' for half a year, and then I was invited out of hell. Not only did I not see the 'Lord of Hell' Mal Deimos, even a few Dukes of Hell failed to visit."

"Martimus is showing his unwillingness to interfere in the affairs of the main world?" Fernando frowned, "With his character of plotting plots and causing disturbances for no reason, how could he let go of this big change and completely ignore the main world?" Is the matter of the world being taught secretly by the Pope? Or is he covering up something?"

"If Martimus needs to cover up something, with his intelligence, he will definitely perfuse me and promise something casually to dismiss me, but he didn't do anything, directly making people suspect that he is covering up something, This is definitely not His behavior style, so perhaps this attitude contains the information He really wants to tell us. For example, through this attitude, He told me that He is planning a big event that cannot be leaked or described. Conspiracy, and it is not far from success, let us be ready to respond to him when the time comes."

Douglas pondered for a while, and told Fernando his analysis.

Fernando thought about it carefully: "This may best suit Martimus' style of action."

"So, we can't relax. Things may change a lot in a short period of ten or twenty years, or a long period of a hundred years." Douglas reminded Fernando.

More than twenty years later, in the year 398 of the sacred calendar, in the largest swamp in the Duchy of Calais.

A man wearing a dark black magic robe was walking on the mud. His cloak was not pulled up, revealing his skinny cheeks. He was terribly thin and pale, and his age could not be seen.

His left hand lost all the color of life, it was pale and gloomy, filled with a faint breath of death, a swamp earthworm with seven heads was gently pressed by it, and its flesh and blood rotted and pus flowed out, becoming an undead creature.

The man raised his head, which was only slightly better than a skeleton, and looked at the sky, and said to himself in a hoarse voice, "Xue Li, I'm here to pick you up."

"sorry I'm late."

After speaking, he stepped forward, and the dark black mud in the swamp suddenly bubbled up like boiling water, gurgling.

Then, the silt was lifted and flew into the air, flying all over the sky, and monsters with heads or bones that would rot stood up!